The In televised wllh nlflurcs ha Papa Ihowlnu on ha screen exprmed lymfm my and round or All Men In hll olce nderrinz la Canudn an Immense and mnxnllicnn country lho Papa anld he would mm mm hll VIII hm recordc mum by Pope Paul VI wnl broaden Sunday night by llu CBCI French ele vlllon neiwark la mark Broad uLI Tcdmlquu Sunday The message wal moxlly In French but ended wllh pum xniph In English Tho demonstrallon had no no llceahle effect on proceedlngr Inslde the hall where 3000 um nllhterl mas Ihem In lormll evenlnl dress llslenud lo concert by the Monlrcll Symphony orchestra and relaxed In mom decorated wlih contemporary Canndlnn Ir Many of ihem pnld $100 or their lull other luau were lulu from down In us In an ah ol exclummt un dnmpened by the pruenu of 150 poUcumn pnlrollln ont fldo In hall hem llllnz an hour bum concert mm 50 mm provincial polch guard 01 ml dnwn up IIDHI flu Nineteen persons were ar rested nIler rocks were thrown levcrnl mounch policeman and pollen unit may will he charmed tndny wlth disturbing Ihe peace MONTREAL CPlPlaca dc Arts an elegant 0000000 cone cor hall opcntd Saturday nlxht with his mlety pre mlcre accompanied by reel domnnstrallon ever Quo bec Icpcrallam CBCs French TV Network Broadcasts Message By Pope Opening Night Attracts 3000 gtm BARBIE EXAMINEBJIONDAY SEPTEMBER mt Aclur Rlchnrd Boone above In In Santa Monlca Calm hospital wllh minul injuries Iuflcred Friday when ah omnm cm jum Ianlo lunch Frlur Mm Finance your car in advance Pu youml In mom bunlulu millonl litnu vunmpImnnwlthIhukaylllorflmuhywnml Royal flunk lum lanlonn on low mu rm unite 36 mm my No aim or hlddcn chum Lilolan loo Senm Iny Rnyll brIMll flu lbw ltnnplnn loan lot an Ippljnm In om moonlit need with lowcost tcrmplan loan ACTOR SERIOUSLY HURT ROYAL BAN lurlo Shopping Hu SHIPLIV Mun Pope Paul vlsllcd Canada 1951 whan he WBI Gluvunnl nat um Monllnl and mommnor in lha anlcnnl male Iccrelm nl 0n the occasion lhls dy dedicated Duo modem means cammunlcauon whlch um mm well preclaux Instru ment for the mummy of God klngdam and at lncreasnd un derstanding And charlly hnlwecn ptoplu we mud cordlnl pnlcr Ml KIMUHKI lo our beloved Enllhh monkan ion and daughlm In Canada The program or pcrtnrmnnce Each havent Ninth ha chm sym phony whlch along with In In augural eltlval theatre upon and ballet wu cnncclled hncauu al dlspule between the Unlon dc Arlislu and Act or Eqully pbout Jurlsdlcllun In llle apcnlng carcmnny Mr Lapolnle laid Manlreal 1m lake ll place nmnnz cultural capllals ol Ihe warld Amld lhe splendor of lhll hall we we have nat walled ln valn Alter brch opening address bi President Louis Lapalnle Paco dos Am Wlllrld Pel leller Quebecl dlrecm oI mu slc educallnn and founder he Mantras Symphony InIBM ltd he orchestra In Ihe re mler or ernlrl concert ecu by Canadian composer Jean Piplnpau quture QuéliaE Prim Jean Lungs and Mn Luau wera guests hnflor lhe openlngcqncgrl Meanwhile In the hall there wan music and lashlan promenade conneclhlu lha hill with St Calhnrlnu Street chm ports car arked auto near his Paclllc allu de huma HI head the windshield and 11 chest broke the steeran wheel He concluded In English Dcspltu 119 Inc 11 chest wax punctured and ho hld last good deal of blood MchnnXd walked In Ind policeman alter awnklng Dacmrs Iqund small but deep wound In hl chest bellevcd In have been Inlllclcd by an lnslrumanl nimllnr to an wick ViicDmmid Inid pnilce ho had been drinking and remember nothing HAMILTON CP Wllllam Harvey McDmIald 41 Tim mlm was stabbed Saturday nlghl hut he didnt knhw It unlll Suqdny mnrnlng HONEY Ont CDRobert Brldfe 87 of Toronto retired ceprrsldcnl ol manulaclurlnz or Ford Ma lor Company 01 Canada died Saturday at hls rummer home In his hlnskoka area resort nalivo 01 Detroit Mn Bridge was araduaia Iha University oi Michigan He had worked wiih he mnnuiaciuring dlvixlon oi Chrysler Curporniinn ni Canada in Windsor Onii bu ioro Jalning Ford in N47 Vdiitdn Reforms DiislurliiCurid Thu panlllla speech Saturday undemood Ko havo shaken thy more canscrvaï¬ve member of the x2 canmzaï¬om hero who untll ndw have had real mponslblllly under the Pope or ecclesiastical dllclmlne nubile wonhlp and tho normnan pmlecllon ol llllh and morals mluionary nflnln Ind other pects Roman Catholic policy memslvu among marl Hun 2000 bishop 1mm all over the world crluclzed overcen trallzallon In church Verne mm at Ihe ecumenlcnl cuun 211 um Iesslon 1m Inlnmn nley pointed an not even the most minur chums In public wouhlp could he made without permlulnn 1mm Rome Tun reforms will Ilmpllfy and decenuallze Hm administration VATICAN CITY Reuters Papa Paull decltlonlo carry out rndlcal reform the Re man Curl warp bdnx studied Sunday by the curlnftha curd nnlu prelnlcn andclcrzy who oncenlurlou havo controlled the Roman Catholic Churchs cen ml lovamment EsticePresident Ford Co Dies Man Stabbed Didnt Know For Tnmpovlallon To Poll CALL PA 6449 64497 ART EVANS Speaking to dalegalc me Innua cnnlmnce lha 0n larla Prohnlion Olllcm Assa clnllon he said school drop out polenflal juvenile de linquent II murkekubla skllla lo olfcr or flu nlllludc In en mi keep lab It would cost taxpayers more or cdumiun lhu school leav ing ago was ralscd to 13 mm 16 In Mr Tough but It far cheaper than paying later keep them In rclorm lnxlllu Inns VINELAND OnL CPLDir vld Tough ruperlntendcnl of secondary schools or Toronto Suburban North York Solurdoy suggested study the Man of paying iludents lo Itoy In school until they are In The pres ordinance Impnm number of rules on newspa per here Including une that ail KARACHI AP Pakistans ubllshm edllorl Ind wnrklnl foulnulls have demanded Im medllla repeal pm remit Hon Imposed by the gavnm mun Sept They describe the curb unworkable and hu millullon of tha proleulon Executives at amnlzauunn represenllnl the thm groups Ilsued Ihe call Saturday after join meetlnl here They aim Ippnlnledn cummluee to con sider means by which hecurh could be repealed Popu Paul made It clear lbs 11 Intended tn rccrull tho Rm man Curlaon more Interna tlanal basismany bishop my now too much dnmlnnled by Italiansand mm It mem ber better qunllfled In handla Christian unity problems and reduce lame fol Ia prle lugs They wefa nnnounced Saturday by the Pope In an Id dres lothe cardlnnls prelake and clergy ol the complete Ra man Curlathe congregations tribunals 0mm and thopapal nowat spcglal nudlence the ponllllsald Ihnt undu the reform lhu anan Curla wlll not he mlsurly luncllnnl that bishop can loday exerclso butler Ihcmselvu locally Pakistani Press Demandsï¬nd HumiliatingBestrictiOns Suggests Pay For Students PORTABLE PENSIONS ONTARIO TRADE CRUSADE NEW MINIMUM WAGE lAW mu om lOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT RATE OF ANY OF THE 10 PEOVINCES 28 BEST HIGHWAY SYSTEM IN NORTH AMERICA SEPTEMBER 25th VOTE T0 BEEEEET The 87 year old chancellor told reporters hllalkl wllh lhe French leader look placa ln very heartlcll and open almos phcr ll resolution adopted alter lha healing uld In order violate elementary prlnclplcl Jour nalism and kill all lnlllallve and enterprise It also de scrlbed he cum as lmpracIL caL Tho ordinance is under run penslon or one month allowing meeting between President Ayud Khan and Pakistani rd ilnrl Sepi 10 Publisher and Journailsis are min lha period of grace to ind ailernnllve sug gestions which could lead to the ordinancea repeal Adenauer due to erre ncxr month spent lwo day In France on what was dcscrlbcd as personal vial to do Gaulle But It 11 bellcvad the two dis cussed VHF current European and world ISSHEL BONN MunroChancellor Adanaucr returned here by plane from Paris Sunday alm hour Iauwell VIII wlth French Presldcnt do Gaulle Mon Fampdmn speech dealt with the governmenta now aallvlnlllunn program whichflln aald ll being realaled In many qulrlera BEAULIEU SER MEIV France APlPremler Gearm Pompldou declared Sunday spot external and lmcrnal conspiracy ll bul dlng up against the French flh Repub llcand he defended President do Gaullag nuclcag pollcx Bdenauer Returns From French Visit French Premier Defends Policy WORKING TOGETHER FOR ONTARIO PHONE 85983 Dont Miss All IhoGrcut TRANSCANADA SALE VALUES Advance Mail and Phone Orders New Taken PAY FOR FAIR DAYS WORK Puhllulmi by Simon Cunm NoamIn Conmullv Alloclnllon IEVANS WATCH THIS NEWSPAPER WED SEPT 25 FOR EATONS TRANSCANADA SALE This Thursday Friday Saturday OUTSTANDING SAVINGS xppliances Furniture Housewares China Etc In EATONS Circular dolivued at your door JOHN ROSARTS The EATON Co Limited ARTHUR Dunlap SI Em