Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1963, p. 9

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ammo Mnnar all Hull homl mm MIA lennnn whlh lmlu Inur an and my me nrwcnmm mm Tnxn in mi up runnlnl me Mn lllph Snxlo wouldnl he Nnnfd dam on pm nprcnro llnwn Ulnnm lnr MI nlhrln TlxvrCnll hul how lrlendllrr cannnrl EM Slmllum ulll pm ho um VA Aprulnrd nunIds wlll Imp flnnhr Sonny Humor an lho Um Mun um Skrlen Iu mmInlm Jerry Jnnu ml illlmr Tm rm squad uppun In And umly In Shim uld Frldny nlnhl allrr lhn Unnl llnhl unrhoul mm rgvlc sumum mu nxpedrd In um quart Ark Jon Kama ml with Duv Skrlen holdlnl Mel Mrlln In mrm ll Ap pem Hull KIN may unrnvm an Injury In um mm on hll pman Ind The only lhlnx cerlnln Abnul lonluhll lnlrrlncklnn Cunndlnn Foolbnll Lenxuc ma In Im lIlun ha uncertnlnly ahnul lho hILHIeIdA Mulch Hnmlllnn and nrlllh Columbll wlll und an In lb mm MHZ ror me remainder of the series Lutzmwon 10 atral ht am or Lakcvtew before losing to Con sumers second am or this series These rumors were elng tossed around earlier In the season but Lutz showed up lo ttl dlllicult to be lieve any story at thls pgtflth wl Rennerd suffered concussion Wilson had to un dergo surgery and the complete re art on his injury wasnt available However it la beleved he received lractured jaw Its unfortunate that auch an acci dent had in Occur so close to the end 01 the season Lakevlew is presently down in bestofseven final series against pennantwinning Consumers Gas Theyll clash again Monday nl ht at seven oclock and rumors are flylng that Lach ew wont have pitcher Ed Lutz for the remainder of the series Lutz won 10 atralght games or Lakavlew helnu In um pregame warmup this week Grrlcme Wilson Ron Rennard are reported to be recovering Tho palr collided chasing fly bu and were m1 lately taker tonhospjul Theres an allOntarlo Jtmior sottball final set for tonight at Queens Park at ntne oclock Clovering and Westwood are the two clubs The besMIthrea Inal series is tied 11 and the third game wax order ed tor neutraldlamond THE TWO LAKEVIEW DAIRYpIayerslriifired lri Then again Im not familiar with either iivepina or ins as played here Down east the popular game Candlepins Ten pins are used the same size It the top and bottom and larger in the centre fivepln ball is used and if youre averaging 100I youre tournament bowler THE CANADIAN Im25 P1 In oullculnr Bowling results are starting to pour in it will take cougie of weeks to get organized on this but we shoui have pretty fair system for coveraga within that time course once again it will be up to the leagues to provide us with the results DONT KNOW how 40game schedule will work out but do feel that ll theres slxteam league tour clubs should be in tho playoffs The fans are belng taken for ride ll all six clubs are ln lts nothing own thnn exhlbitlon hockey wlth Ill clubs in the play om Judging from the last gathering of the clubs Bar rie ls interested in 40game schedule and four at the six clubs in the playoffs Theres league meeting set tori next week and this should settle the slluntlon of what team will be ln how lon tho schedule will ha And how many clubs will be in playoffs Smiths ho to have Butch Boyd oi Stewml Gan eye to do the pitching or them The game is set for two oclock at Queens Park On the local hoclrey scene club president Bill Bennett said yesterday he hopes to have some good news to release the first of the week He didnt hint at what the news might be but theres rumors thet local lirm is interested in sponsoring team here DUNLOP StlAH SINCE ARRIVINO HERE last May couldnt count the number of times Ive heard this fellow name mentioned Those who have seen him claim he on gidthe greatest souball pitchers thay have ever The bespectacled fighthander Ipparentli has speed to spare and he has racked up flntnstc strikeout record In exhlbmon games this season Several clubs talked about brlnging him here this yen but Smith flnnlly landed him the asppearance of MetroSzeryk Ind hf Sudbury Sil yu Ix here tomorrowrgnggnoon against Smiths Mun Dari1h vexfiIbluor 3oflbnll garlic ly RICK FRASER Exumlnar Spam Edna This is one of those mornings when theres just noihing spediic to wriie about They come lion every once in while and esgzedluy in In oftImon such now So Ill just liar and well see whli hap pens at the end of couple pages Onavevent Im looking forward to this weekend Szgryk Ind his Sugibllrynfll my Mum sum mm sshfarm LEASE 1964 CARS Ind TRUCKS SPORT AT GLANCE Herc There 0n Local Sport lurn lnmn muld In mnkmrhrruk weehml or um Elklmm 1m Inrmrr pownhouu nnw nmmy In In Wuan nnlerlncu aim luo wlnl In 11 Arm plum allnulvc urd GUI PomIn on when Frldly night In mnko room on ulho mm lnr Lury Illckmnn In pnnmllnn lnr Sm dnyl nme llkkmln hd bun numeral lrum lpu In Jury ln Wm Exlmonlnn Eukl mm mm Inln Nellnn lmlly In lull flu llrd suhlcmwnn llnulhrldar m1 hm In Win nlnea Moody lo Ike on In roy Cup champlon Hut numb Tonllhll III in ono ll rlu 01 tour In Ihl mt In lhn nut luur dlya Cullry Slim pcdm vlnll Tarnnlo Anonluh Sundly lhrn uk on Monlrul Alnuellu It Mnnlml nxudly Tho Llonl la mm llnmlllnn In mum to mul lhl flnuah lud Monday nllhl cut mm Naiv lh Nulloml Fanlhnll Luzum wu well ernd In the Gln ulfhlrk uumberlnl mum Ind onle plllenll which are ducrlbed Ilmllnr Hlmlllanl Men II I39 xicovering well Playersliifired Ir RENTACAT PA um lmmed and Aunz mi Idlnn ml Th Dalton And may no Alnlcd Io ml ll In the min orenl Sumrlln uni lnrlmlu III lum with And prellmlnm ll win Gentleman Ilm My mm rnn do jun lhnl In Ind he promlml In do ll man And It hurrlc Arenl ll Muld be Ihh Monday on myer hlmwll wont Imwrr lheu mullam MM ldtnllly ll lllll mymry Had hm no chum mmth we lq unlrock hlm Whatl behlnd he Husk lhll wrullu BArrlI Arenl Mon d1 only yer In exreonnllly uxly mm mm In hldlnz Would ha be md Ily manned hy Amlr In Bolton ruln no exhlbl llun ncllnn and New York Ringer wen gelllnl ready or lhalr um lnln mm mm Murray Ballnnr collected Own an or Chicago whh llnglu gain Bill Hay ken WM rnm and rookie John Mcxm Ind Murray Mall Allnn Caron Dani nohlnwn Ind Len Lundo neared or he Emu Lunde and nnblnsnn hive been worklnx with UN Hawks but were placed In lhu Bhnn llncup Inrhn game Chic mull Delroll In St Cathay OVnL orllhl other ncllnn law Chicgo Black Hnwk down Bumln Bl IDM their American Hockey Leazue lann club W21 Ilnd On In Monlrul Cnnl dlenl dawn ht AHL Bulllmora unanimous TWO Claude ansl counlcd hm gull and mm Gruflrion Ind Bill Hch 1th tank In tho Montrealen exhlblllon debut Dav Kean mud thl only Toronto marker In the thlrd period Ixamsl Ipm uoIHe Ro er Crozm Hady Hopes To Unmask Destroyer Thu Red Winn opened In Icorlnz In the mnnd plrlod Berlvd with three ml by Alu alveochln Floyd Smith Ind Alex Faulkner thopl hill Nfld unlnst nullr Lu net mlnder Johnny Bower They Iddea thm In In third lgalnst Swedish tryout Kjell Svensson Barrie Spam mind Hm mm Delrolt Rod wfnu downed Toronto Magle Luh In In exhlblllon ntkcy um Pelerbumuzh on Friday night Thu Lulu defeated Iho fling In last wont NHL clu nu nlNlllllH ml In Mum in mm llmlu mum7 Am STRIKEOUT mnsmzmommmow THE CANADIAN PRES wu In cry ram flu 19963 81351 flnlh HUNT ARAMA Plttured above Metro Me In Jet Smyk who will mm It Queens Plrk lo morrow nflemnon with In bury sllyeg slx In an ex Red Wings Whip Maple Leafs 61 hlbnlou so Ill mumum OCT THE Mary Jnhnuonl mm Ilnlle while erkrn Iddlo Hedskya had hip or lay honor In lhll depmmcnt Budlord Strlkm clllnl lhe mm In lh nrndlord Plnu Mlxni Dawllnl hum wlth 11 pnlnls Blowm on mlnl of flu In lhl 13th League Inbred ll lhn umlc nowllng Academy Underdau blanked SIEWMII 70 HaalANannlzx lapped Mlnml and nun downed Skin ner Slandlnult Greerl Mn noblnxanl Grocery I4 Lemn Exclvnllnl Hubbenl Gr try 10 Queen Hotel The John Lang TIIIHIIHI Imurmm Lakes Cahlnl Jnchonl Grill Derer nmlhm Kelp Grocery HI Mimic Phil Taylor Gm Am 300 leh lrlpla Phyllis Murrow Gmrl Mel 676 Burlt Bowllnl Acndrmy GNHI Ace and Robinsons Grocery each plckcd up ha possible maven palnlr In remain in deadlock for Hm place In Ihu Barri Ladies Leann at he Barrlc Bowling Academy um week Here an the mum Lakeside Cabin Tnumallx lnsunnu The 50 Lani Jackm Rnhlnrnnr Grocery Lemayl Excuvallnz Kcllyr Grocery Queen 0ch Grcerr Am llubberLl Grocery Berlrnm Brothers chk Mccualr rllckfd up 00 non far best mml llnglu honor and Florencu Sloddml the lydlesu Doug Wilson checked In with 669 ulple Io set be pace In lhl department fur the men while Mar Bell had high for ladlu with 73 Marlonellu posted the best pln lull 1765 lollowd by Float wllh 2566 Guthrie Marlonattu Final and Jean Cammna team each picked up llve mlnll In maichu owns Ihwlm Georielles Ind Jack Masons um respec tively 1n ucllnn In tho Gulhrla Mixed Bowllnz League this week 42 or might in Brandon Man Coach Georg 1M Sul lIVIn Inld Friday he Iralnlng am has Imprlsud him In In Nzw hm on the and In cludn goalie Jacques Planle Phll Goyelle Val Fonleycn and Don MarshaLL II Dually PA um NOW ONLY Tm mum rm pnulul mnw 1mm Ilnn Ila mllu m4 II Irvd wlln unm and Mndlu Smiths Dairy Suryk tulka IrlLiL 1m enjnyed national mm In exhib uon lame and lam mm outLs gxpzcled lo Acclaim 1n aclloi tomorrow LAWN MOWEHS Of 18 In Power REG PRICE 7995 HARDWARE 59 BECOME PASS WINNIPEG CHThe Manl lobn molar VthchI hunch pom molorcyclu and Icoolm an hecamlnu mm In lhe prov lncl An emu1 of he drum menl nyl then wen moru Hun 1000 Itiislefld In the mld 501 and mm In ma So In MI yelr there nvo tween hwer dun Boo rulnlmd Acuan this week saw Cemne post the high Angle or men 51L and Rocky Calanulo hnve hlgh lbrge with 860 John VannI 1w lnfle In Inns nmnnx the mm and PIN fillwn hld tha high due with Peggy McAnhur took th Mih Alum Ind hlgh Iripln han on or the Indie wllh Ilnzlo Ind thnutrinl all Clan on iha imis oi the ind are iiiukl E550 ond Clifton Biowerl wiih 19 poinis each iheral an elxhiapoint spread between second Ind lhird Ipot Weilinzionl luv lint position with 11 points one oilcad oi Davey Dippeil Slmcoe Drill no in tho collar with xix polnu Kemnmw BM Community House with in palm hold down lop wot the City League Kempvlew liowl allowing 1m nightl ton FearlrfiavlsVlook iha polllghl among the India win 253 19 and lrlpIo rm qu unKE mum vanrw Hot Shot Ind Salnls have nine ench Tom Call Inflow wilh elm Ind TlCau Ind Rocket are tied with xeven polnl each Baby Doll have followed ry Optlmbu with three and Ailey CaLs and Pin Ups each with two LA DOdgerS Reduce =rMagi1c TofThree Rage lhrgerleams Comm Maug Wllll opened the nod ger wlth mule oak am on hunt nola third and then need home on wild thrnw by her amok Fairsv Willie McCovay hll his am and wu human or San Fun dscn Iudinz Iha Ihlrd 1211 Clint to triumph over Ihe Slflil lad lo both run at Dodge with Tommy Davis who took overihu bailing 134 32 with Mar4 perfum Ince Ilidinz imme on the iron end oi trip steel or the Dodgers iim run in the lecnnd inning Elnhlhplm Klnm City In the American Leniue Iplj doubleheader with he league champlon New York Yankees lazing In the opener in 13 innings then coman hack for 51 Victory Bulllmon but Washington 76 and Chicago White Sax look Detrnlt Mln nasal Boston Ind Lo An elel at Cleveland wen rained mu Out Imam Alth ll ONALD mm PA 66005 Thu vlcwry coupled with Cin clnnull 10 triumph avenue undplm St Louis Incmud the Dndxm lend to Iva nmu Any comblnnllon 01 La Angel victor or Cndinal dalenu lo ailing hree will live the Dodl an their Hm Nullonnl Lune nepnlnlullnn Leanna umu Houllon Com delutzd Phlladdphln Fhllllu and Chicano Cuba edged Mllwnuku anu yMu Ill Im III The L0 Angela Dodxen nah uvml Ilepx clnm to Nl Hana League pennant cllnchlnl by deleallng Pllllbuml 20 Fr day night hehlnd lhe lell¢ plmhlnl of Dan Dryldlll and flezl lupporunz cut um swim llvs hues THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ll WI Dunlay nmh anvnlo mu nunhim whod won WIDK 11Ava lnvxcl Mn flu M11 nmm lme JOIIMON Co mum ANDERSON Tel lA um um um um nrvu Radun hit Denny Lemu ier pitch in in eighth or iha gamen only run Ellswoth pitched rerhmer to win him 21 am beam the int Cub lDthPIW to win 11 Hull nu ngpo won Tdtourll Illawed the Curdi nuls only Ilnxln by chk Gmk In the first Julin Jnvlar in th llrkd and Sun Mulm In tho enth leier wn tho only Cm ruch Iecond hm on flu known lot out thin hII my jam by utdn Gm to pop out TIHOIIHI not luucl WEI land Itguqk ogl rivet Shorluop Andu Rodun mm homer the xenon powered Ihe Cuba and Dick Ellxworlh In mallvlczom mg the gum ma numbu in ms New York Mm orlafido Ce pedn and Ed Halley Ilm hum ugdlug Glnnu John TanninII llchedm hm hluer and Ken in the only nm mind Drum FRED ATKINS BOB LElPlER WRESTLING AI ITSEXCITING human Mum ulna unwind mm mum Mullin MONDAY NIGHT 845 WRESTLING 49 £551 ROAD 429 ILAKE STREET 48 ANNE STREET WHO can beat The Destroyer Hady Says CAN JIM HADY DESTROYER 0X ANDERSON and DR JERRY GRAHAM ALLANDALE LUMBEIiFUEL AND CONSTRUCTION co lTD ws CARRY FULL LINE or SELKIRK Pnopucrs BALL PLANING MILL CO LTD SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS AVAILABLE AT BUY SELKIRK INSULATED CHIMNEY AT BERTRAM BROS llMITED VS THE MASKED TAG TEAM MMCH PARENT PARISI BUILDING MATERIALS Kanm Clly no hm llmu oll Boulon In tho ucond mm the second me on walk two Ilnxlu Ken Emel lonl double and Iqueeze bun by winning pitcher 0mm Penn Chuley Lau homered all new on in um um for tho winning run Penn allowed uven hm Includlnl Tony Kubekl homur In the dumb cuanrwlckl lfim nun humer In lha mm min ur ma ha Com heir win over Phlladelph Winnlnl pitcher Ken Johnson mned lhe Colu winnlnl rally with llnlll Erma Fula wnlked Ind than WIrwlck com mind of Dennil Bennett who hld nllowed only on hfl in the £51m walnut Kunm Ciiy upped mums winner Jim Bouton in hen the Ynnkeu In lha nizhiup The Ymiu In ihcir winning run in owner on bunloaded mlk £99115 IN£ECOND VS Rookie Sam Bawens tworun triple lnthe levunlh Inning nvu lhn Orlolu their win over Wuh lnlton uu Bowen laxought up recently from Rochesler also llnzled homo run In lhu ourfll Ind Ifored run lflel IInllinl In In sm Miller mnklnl relief nppunnce wn tho win net Raliaver John Wyatt wllked in the winnlnz Naw York run In Ina open The Ynnkeel lhut out from In lhlrd Inning to med 1n lhemh on new llnule hyPhH Llnx Vna PepL tuna Ilnxled with two oul Ihen Wh Ford xnln or 24m victnry len Iflcr flvt hm lngl With ha Yankee holdlnl Indusun Willim at thl Vlgkory Baal Pawelln homer in ha lourlh mmd Bnlflmore on the wmehlck lrall Alter Wuhlnl ton mmi flvo run In tho um PA M254 PA M496 PA 855

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