Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1963, p. 8

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Mn Sum of mm Park 0111 hcmmu chultmln ol mlulonnry pmanncl and Mn Taylor Punnlrhy Silk II mar nu Lvln Mfllnfl VINNIPHG CPITwo MW omrcu Wm clrclad Thuudly lho annual mulan cl lha Do mlnion heard ma anunn Auxiliary lha nllun Church unndu All nHIN Him wm rt mew lruhlml Mrl Jahn Ilohtrllon cl Kitchnnrr prcunllllan was made In Mhl llullcr by lha nan em Elnyees my all when Iho rlda II cmplnyed rohwml pnny Wu held ll lha home ol the brldcmaml artnu Mr and Mrl ll amllmon Vlnctnl 51 Jan evcnlnn Mr Ind Mn Harald Formr Ind heu saMHlnw and dauflh or Mr and Mn Ronald Kall han enlcrulnm Al dlnncr pmy lnr Um brido Ind brida groom Roger Tomllnwn Iha Farlml mldenu on Shlnly Bay Road Mn Charm Read and Mn Art Webster wen mhuslcuu mlacellaneous Ahoch Mn Headl Shanly Bay Rand mldcnca An Informal evenlnz wnn hdd at the name Mr and Mn Roy Toppan or agent at tho Ban1a Branch of men Lite Insurance Company and their wives Guest Included Mr and Mn Graham Tnlleranll Mn and Mn Ray Heap Mr and Mn John ough Mr and Mn Henry Veralrnllen Mr and Mn Hen derson Lamb Mr and Mn alr ne Brlnkmun Mumford Dewar Jim Mulrheud agency Iupervlsor Toronto Ml Bar bnn Penman Dan ancry Mlu Wendy Cram Tony Trnub Engalums cum the erlura Club of Barrie wcra enlcrlnlned It mclnl meeting at he homo of Mn Allen Thump Ion sum Wednede Ivenlnk ENGAGEMENT Paul Pom mun hava Announced the en auzcmenz at their daunhlcr Gall Sondra to Dr John Hnsalnger son John Hnmn cr Toronto and Mn Mary Hualnzer Fhllndclflxlu Penn The couplu will wed October 511 ENTEIITMNMENVI Min Anna Butler ha been unannde at many cvmll prior to her munIan at Trlnlly An ullcnn Church Hill alternaon Mrl Harry Monen held neluh borth flower with whnllul Mn Lundlnk Mn George vmu Mu Stephens Mm In Adams and Mn IL am back Tho brlda received kip then Ind pmlry the mm Mr and Mrs 11 Clark and Ann Robin Allred SL attendA ed tho weddlng of Mr Clnrkl niece Mlss Amy Sllgnnt to George Huncnr The pm wcd din ceremony was held at Tlm my Eaton Memorial Toronto Elect Officers At WA Annual Thu enlnflmcnl has been an noxmccd Miss Marian Chm 101m Davis to John Malonny The brideelect ha lwln daugh lcr 01 Mrs Wilbur Dobson Ind the late Wilbert Davis formerly of Minealnx nlo brldrzraam elect In tho son Mr and Mn James Mnluney ol Barrie Thu murnlnx ceremony wlll Inks glaca at St Mnryn Church on INFORMAL EVENING ENGAGEMENT TORONTO WEDDING lTIIE BARmE EXAMINER SATURDAY SEPT pm Nam mum to mm In Kenml Inclnl III ll clly Ind dlllrlfl Vcddlnl hlvvmrlu hlrlhdul hrldn puma 10min 01 pm In mllon Ind Invellul In all mm menu to women mch III page Your lulp In Iupplylnl Ill unw wlll he mm min clulefl lluu whom Tho nnrm Examlnu PA Mm Ind Mk III Eileen Dlxnn or Audrey Column 10an enl Dapnrlment IOCIAL NOTES lmwul II mm mch lulp In wlll he ITS THE BEST WAY to glve Ono United Appeal ls bellcr than nlna acpnrnlo campaigns ll avaldl dupllclllon work for canvmm nnd olher volunteer workm Wllh one campalgn Instead of nan ll l5 possIble to hnva convcn lcnl payroll dcducllon plum ndcqunle publlclly and much better covorngo ol polentlnl donors IT COSTS LESS TOO Between Me and 07 out of every doiier donated to the Barrie United Appeal goes to the agencies Your git goes further provides more and inst longer when you give the United Way 15 MINUTES PAY PER WEEK In nil lhnt ll needed lrom musl donors lo 511ch nll nlnu agencies Ulo moncy they need or their 1004 progrnml CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Assistance of mnny klnds to the blind MARCH 0F DIMES Rehabllltnllon of polio victims CANADIAN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN PERIOD Is SEPT 24th TO OCT19H1 1963 Free blood service Assistanco to disaster vlctlms Walcr safety program Homemaker service 1963 OBJECTIVE s1965000 4A GIFT IN TIMEri ISERVES NINE UNITED 1963 UNITED APPEAL AGENCIES VICTORIAN onnm oi NURSES ST JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN mausooo 750 MM 10000 ll00 HMO Ind up For mu umlnx mt 03000 Annually 1m lallnwlnx mum mmlallom In baud on ulna Mull In wccmlul Unmad Apmll In 00m communllm For tho perm wnh mrm lnmlly obxlgmlam mnlnu up In 000 annullly 15 mlnum pay per week In Iufluld The hmdy lab below make It my or you mm your weekly MI quallon um In mryontl mind And mulling um with donor must fiddo Ior Mmull bucd on III IthKy to llvl Wham Whal my hlr nhm of In lalal amount needed In nupporl 1h work ol Uu nlno muchI WM BARRIE Your Incoma ndoru Tuu ptvr hour wuk Tom Mme Mom Tum non mm 300 140 Nursing mvlce In the home first aid service at pubLlc gatherings Training courses Operation of school or retaidcd children and workshop for retarded adults GUIDE TO GIVING $4000 4800 9600 1on Fnlr Mm fllfl mo II Imam am mo am ol Immo um 7500 mm 1W5 nl Inmm um 10000 mm IV of hme Mr 500 pvr month 7300 209130 17700 600 £00 Your film ptl mk 60a 40c 50 2h IOI Glfla can lino be made In nah or by cheque postdated you wlahl at he tlmu Hm campaign Thu cnlnpnlgn however In or funds or operatan expenses he agen cies durlng 10M and the money ll nul requlrcd unlll lhon HOW GIFTS CAN BE MADE More than 40 companlu and other professional orgnnlznllons ln narrlu have con venlcnl payroll deductan plans whlch spread am over tho year in my payments DONORS CAN GIVE TO AGENCIES THEY CHOOSE Each person making in in the campaign will have on oppon tunlty indicating how the gift is to be spilt among thI agencies All donation can be allocated to one agency or certain of tho nlno ngcntlcs cnn in given more than their normnl nhnre Glits not specially allocated will bo divided up tn ratio to the budgets of the ngcnnlu CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION YMCAYWCA BOY Character bulldlng health and recreauonnl programs Improve scouting and campsites To help unden prlvllegcd children in scout movement SCOUTS KEMPEN FELT DISTRICT Mental health educational ncumm ONEGIFT PROVIDES FUNDS FOR NINE AGENCIES filfi

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