Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1963, p. 3

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flu Thu muvle mnny yum no gun bash player Mums slmlmn dld much or my mur Ie oungslen Simian believe shed ln lhe major league esplle wooden In In more modern dayl SUI 111 Mon crack spam cur driver wu given up or dud ar but or want menu nolhlnx Bu Mon ulled lhruulh and nnw coach and llevo Judllnz major nch Defence Iells Jury azDeath Unfortunate Delence caumel John Hmll han yumday llktd In allmm Supnme Cour Jury lo hrlnz In vudlc ol mlnxlanuhm in he chum of mm murder lulu Lgangfd Blymong lpemglly Burr Oll Coml Hoan Nlcholl uld mulhbaund cu nn ha Concmlan Vupn driven by hum wmlm Blyflrld 5L collided with nonhhound clr on hllhny 4W driven by In Gm Film nigh ll 5L OrIIHI my mu bL mum Pollu nld than no DUI dlnn unlmt wmme ucond vcllm mm For Iylht la 7D anlu Avm dlad yummy allltlnll ll 1le Vlgarlll md In what pollcu dumbed he won lwoclr cnuh thin yur Frrdcrkk Jnmu my berhon Owen 5L dlcd Ihah Ily Illtr nlno oclock Thundly nllh Eavgrg held Igljurlu ucond 1qu youth In dud mull or Iwoclr crllh Thurldly Illernoan Ray Camplnelln real Brooklyn Dodger catcher ll pn nlyzed from the WIN down Campy III consldcred an nhle Idvlscr In he back Ilopplnl He null llvu hllrlifl wllh qulck mile and quip Ilmmy Plcnnll Illll Innlher ukulele overcame anl In an nslllullnn um hld peopln cnIl lnl hIm cm Pirrull mud Crash Takes Second Life Sturch ol peopll trying lo live normal lives duplts xerlou haudlclpl Ilwnyl rain my own Iplrltl In any use there should ha rusonnble doubt In lhe jury menl mind whether lhu accul zd wu able to plan and deliber ate upon the actions um led to flu denh or Sgt Wilson Mr Hoollhan noted If It found that tho deceased dled In an nuampl by the Ac cused to emaxculnle him or that the the to Ihe accused decen eds abdomen whlch was lho Immedlalo mum of death had been dlscharncd ncddcnlally Ihould bring In verdict mgnslnuzhlcr Defence hi lhn Jury found In Its recall and reeximlnallon the evidence that here was reasonabl doub shout whether hers was truth In unyol the submission the accused they should re duce lhe charge lrom capital murder 107 MANSLAUGHTEII LIMITED Dill llnlo He noted thnt tho defence had Introduced evidence that the death sntn Wilson in tho sen lunh Men of the Royal Con odlnn School Infantry on the nlnht or May Wu neither pllnned nor dellbtrntg He asked them to find that the that which led dirtcdy to the dull 01 WHIon wu llged accidental Mr Hoolfllun naked tho Jury to find that In the coum of Iltemptlnz to emuculate Sal Herbert Wilson Luncaszl Demllla unfortunater killed him INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAl PERSONAL In His course the elmday trial so witnesses wera called by Crown Minxneg human and 23 the as am Thr defence ruled cage at so in tho luggoon ACCIDENTALLY GOOD EVENING Flndlnx um lhl was me fiEfiKS VERDICT OPMBNSLHUGHTER SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY INSURANCE SURVEYS FOR By STEVE JONESCU 11an oo ten IIIan hip pm In the vlllnze bul odny hm were two pollumen dlr Mllna traffic Llllln lhlnu menu loi PLEASE you arc Able xl ood an Monday But dficrlpflur any cvum munlly camcl mm the copll have do wllh Bumpinillaflpmon IEhnl ltd wllh lhe day lha Em 511331 Fnlr Thornton hm pmple any on It makes you Incl like kltk In yaursol or nut contributing more in your own Ille and Ihnsa ol vlhm around you Theyn rue Insplrallonl HIP POI THORNTON Mr Jacobs who hlred tn canitrucl the edlllca at lha cor net Gas drive and Lulu Ilml IBM Mr Webb made ID plum Ind hls wlrl put them down on panel4 Sald Mr Jacobs Mr Webb Ilwnyl one step Ihead of us plum are excepunnnl Not only lhal ha conlrlbutcs qulle bl In Actual cumlruclion laid My Jacobs Yesterday heard nary about Bnrrie man Harold Webb who amazing people with ml hllnd man Mr Webb ll piano tuner Nat only um he currcnlly helping to bujld hll awn hams back In baseball and went rlgl to lhe an Fnr the first time there will be Junior Fnlr calm1n Ml Club work with xhlhll on dis fiay in one of the Alt build an lheInlr grounds In the arenl womenl depart ment exhibits such as haklng win And the flower shuw wll be on dlsplny So will ha school department Includan en lriu rum Beaten and the tow Allerwudl livestock judging will take place In Ihe show rlngI Chic amonl these the Holstein Black and White Show billed as the best In kind lnr Skgcoa Coup Openlnl ccremanlu Ihnuld belln Around mo pm said Mra Darla Gould asshlnnt lo the xemtuylmsurer Harry Cross F5 Our pumlumu ll COLLIER 3T IUITI 301 BEETON 15mm Han Earl Rowe LleulenanlGovcmar ol Ontulu will open Breton Fall Falr Sept 25 Mr olllclnln an nounced Friday The openlnl cuemanlcs lho Ialr ground will be preceded by parade cl school chlldren beginnan 100 pm mm llle counly bulldlng down Mnln 51ml to the park In ha cum Mr Hon han whom remarks the Jury Demllla all In the prison ers dock holdln hls deeply flust no In his hands cmm munimn Summing up or the Crown Defence counsel nId that lhesa Interpretation ha lnw were luhjec to animation on the mining or the law which would be Idvnnced by Mr Jun an Richardaon In final addml helma the Jury ullnd they would he requiredvdo due hr chum lo nancapllll murder he continugd LOWEST AUTO INSURANCE RATES SEE Hon Earl Rowe Io Officiate Ht Opening Beeton Fair Our IMd PROTECTION lid BENTLEY MINI IWZINEY BENTLEY and C0 ForThe Those who mclved certifica lu were Mlu Damn Donu wlcll Mu Mann Drndlcy Ter rnnco Brorhy Herman Charle boll Pluck Durachcs Mn Bernadette Desjardkna Mn Marnrcl DHPUII nun Dupull Mu Flnmm Lllmll Danny Ladauceur nymond Lllnur Vlclor Ltfllnnc Pnlrlck Lupcr znce Mu Ceclla Lalhbrlduo Dr Binklcy Dr lnnd Lnuzon Ind Dr Murc hlldon gave the examination and cverynna nklng the exam rcglvtd rqnu My 79 pt nl Ta Idd tn the rcnllsm ha Iuppoml dlmler casually alm ulullnn was pm lho exercise Ind In aid In this our mcm ben SlmcocBarrla EMO were all hand to nslsl CERTIFICATES Chuck Lawrcnre lhls wvck prcsonlcd Hm aid mun calu at Pcnclang lo pcnplo who completed Simcoennnlo EMO count SimcoeBnrrla EMO also Iup Pllcd rescue lrnller mist Yolk ngnjy An lheexurclsc 1mm Barrie EMO look It communications trailer in York Coumy where It was usud baso Ilann lo ruceve mu nm from lh suppomi 111ch en arm Eight communicallnns personnel nmmpnnlcd lhu lral For lho purpose of he exorci se was supposed um tornado has slrickcn Hva areas of York County wiping out com munlcauons causing casualiflu and considerabla damage 0p crallons began um and con tinnedlo 11 noon alsfilay n17 cqulpmcnt at York Counly EMO headquarters followed Simona Barrie Emergency Measures organizallon has been Invlted panlclpnle In train lnx exarcisa In Newmarkcl lo day The uerclse was held by Yggk guumy EMO Tuesday reparation day at the fair wlh lho rounds first opening the pub pm Then will bu cuchr at Iha lair Tuesday cvenln begin ning at eight cllmaxcd by In ney dxjagz Exhibit mun be In place by lzlgoan on Tuesday Mm Gould ll Mu Gauld menuancd the Wo mens Insllmte display from South Slmcoc branches the uraln and field crop exhibits and product display by adver llam ahher llama of Interest to Inok or In the arena Ihlp public schools Ind Banilnl Memorlll High School Your duty In clear he said Your verdict should be one of caplul munden Two Ihntx were filed close range Intoa mans body and he died Thera nothing hypoth allgalflugn qm upledk He told he jury that the Whole caunq of tha veflfllbla evident polnled lu ha conclusion that WA plnnned and deliber nlefimnrd Mr Thompson uid that dclenca caumel had Advanced num ber or theories about the stale nl he accuudl mind on MW Ind the mannar In which 5n Wlkon may have met hlI death EMO Is Active In York Exercise our llulllnl SERVICE PA 665 Noll find ram Gravehhurst Mrs St John DnConkey Warden ol Simroe County will omclally npcn lhu Exhlml at pm 0d 111 Guts Speaken In rl McCarthy cl Tornnlo hm rhoscn us her Ionic Art Ar uund The Warld 5hr wlll speak nnd nhaw IIIch on hnr recent wnrld Iour The maellng wm nltcndcd by representatives mm throughout the Cnunly Those lrom Drill were Mrs 11 Church chalr man lb committee Mrs Cull Mr Torrance Miss Grace Crooks and Mlss Olga andley From nanla were Mu Treadwell and Mn Wharton 1mm Colllng wood Mrs MchHrcy from Amman Mr and Mn 1mm Slaynnr Mrs Mra Eve Lorna Mrs Cecile Mailloux Eugen Mallluux Mra Eleanor flohlllnrd Lorraine billard Mrar Dureenfradd Mrs Alburla Vallae Mrs Mary Way Lorne Wood and Edward Light mecllnz the Counly Art Exhibit Commmcu was held In Ihn Orillla Pnbllc Library to make flnnl plan or he Exhi hluug to be held more on Oct 19 and 20 The Man boy was awlm mlng with snorkel when th accidcnl occurred Sharon Park 14 witness from Scarborough lcsllflzd that the boy was sutr Make Finalplans For Art Exhibit Sldncy Broaka alher the accused said lhnl he had never seen anyonn swimming all this end the dock and lhat In his opinion anyone doing an would have In do 50 his own risk Although It Is public duck it designed nr boats not swim mm lAdA 15h Brouks The exception wan Cunsl Thompson of the Innlslil Police Farce who said that he had used water In hat area up to our year ago FQR nous The boy drowned alter hem truck on tha headby Brooks bnaL He wn Inundabauk 75 feet mm the and he govern ment dock with laceratlons an Ian arm and gun on his lellnr and head just above flu left ear Many witnesses who claimed to know the are agreedlhat th wgtur of the end or the duck not place where people nalmnlly awlm Magisunie Foster yer iarday remanded case for jud gement after sharpdivergence in icslimnny about iii swlm min habit in publilnl gnvpinmenl dock at Bigflay Palm ln lnnisfll Townshlp Gerald Brohkn 16 434 Ave nuoRd Toronto pleaded not guilty to charge at operating boat in manner dnnfleroua to iiie and limb resulting from an accident Au In which he struck swimmer Lea McMul kin laoi Willowdnie QpinionsaDiflérOIi The Area jIWhéte SwimmérHif BYBdat ILEATURDAY SEPT ll 1m This is one many Prov lnclal Parka run by lho Onlnrlo Department Lil and larcsll Arl knnwx lho noml for Parka nml mmrvnllun mm and ha been nucrmml In Imv In the IrnvlncInl Govern mnnl buy many arm of land In SImcuo County for Park and Consorvallnn lur pom EVANS An 0N SEPT 25 V0 An Evan While in Barrio dlsiricl Gcarge will work wilh Dan Fergusoui district field mmmy of the field oiilce Ills work Include vlsllinz About 300 bllnd person through oul Slmcoe Cnunly Mmkoka and Parry Sound dlslrlds After George complelu hls tralnlnl ln lhl dlstrld he will have Islmllnr pcrlod uln lnz ln Olkawn with llvemnntll trnlnlnz course In um head ollv lce All ml wlll rcsull In new llcld secretary for CNIE had lo how horn oth er sludcrlls In readlng ha says and Ike only trouble wu In chemistry Following this George Illend ed lha Onlario School ior the Blind in Branllord lia gradu nled with junior malricuialian and ihen attended regular high school Ind took hi Grlde Xlil at linxmvillm He used Bralllellor nalés and dictated his exnms He look part In an adjustmenl rainan course CNIB in To min The course lulcd Ohm monlhx uycanold blind man starting an In the Barrie d1 rlc to work on part the ralnhuz that will eventually make hlm Hold secretary or the Canadian Insllluto or the Blind Georga Mayan totally blind lost his 5th on Aprll 1837 In an automobile accident 50 Brooks had been gullly dangerous mention hls boat He also counlcnded that 75 Ice was too class to duck when swimmers might be or he up amllon 11 boat full throttle Mr Marlin uald lhnLBrookx cnuld not unliclpalu that awlm mcr would be In such nnun usual placennd that ltwas no his responslbllny take pre caution against totally unexpec ted slluallana Crown counsel John Murphy said that was necessary or heater to prepare or the un and tha In nolgiolng He lIld he lhe defendants testimony char McMnlkm xud denly bobbed In ml at the boat when the wee almost an lop ol him was confluent with other evidence liven Blind Man Is Training Rs Fieldman balance counsel Arthur Mar Un aald that monks was not operating hla boa negligently he was drlvlnu opted no faster than most boala an open ated Counsel aald ha hndgona out way in any atleast 75 Ice from he clock which all wllneaaea described aa ram aonablsdlslance and Wawatch Inaln mm of the boat ha drove EVIDENCE ctmsisrhm merged as he iwlm out from the dock and that anly the top part he black morkel tuba was visible Im sure that aven xomeom landing on the duck couldnt see him If they didnt know the buy ms out lhereaha mild YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE The Man Working for All The People in Simcoe Centre v01 IO mun ART EVANS Mum clm unu In Royal vmam mu auxm on him sapnmbu 10 mu 1mm cmuu mom Adlml ml sum In 6m mr mm or Mm mm Jan Ind Mn wm ul Monclnn NII Mn Mum Sleevn at sclthornu lunu Colpuu ol Winnlvfl ma Wllmn Colpflu rle Rullnl IN Blvd mu mu an my ugu mA wonky Slml Mummy Sememhnr Inlrnmnt flmmlnn km TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Hm SPRINGWATER PARK GYM CLASSES Ind nhyxl ml Icllvmu run by Barrio YMYWCA begun acrou Bar morning Here flu building on Owen St Oak Icy Park My arm human mu my began the yhyslcal actlvllles lemon the 1961M YM YWCA program IL morning In thu varlnus schooh Herc tha 1r form the Mann BARRLIE DEATHS 13st arm AND wmmn PROGRAMS 0N SEPTEMBER 25 finnm Cunt llasllngs Shanty Buy nllcmpled ln mnko urn across lllxh way 11 am Lllllo Lake Road and pullfld In Iron vchlclo drlvcn by Douglas Pack llCllF Camp Bordcnl Drlvm ol two can escaped Injury and minus pmperly da ms at an accldnnl on My way and Lllllc Laka Road nboul 170 loday Little Damage In Collision pyramld almust with he lop buy mlsslng Bauom raw mm the lull Paul Cormler George Rnllason Rodney rear and Jimmy Greer and pemxm callslhemu From me centre girl It Cindy Davey Nancy McGow an Karen Davey Cathy Grll flu Anne Ware Debbie Mo lalt June Duncan Debth Damage lo Ilamnu car appraxlmnlely $75 Ind to Pack c3 nbaut $5 COM Robert Nldmll ol lhI Barrie dolachmcnl the 0n larln valnclnl Police inm Uznunx TOOTHACHE om wmruony mm III MD Inn lllh DMJIL In Dfllwh put Mldlnflnm walk Inflaan 09than palm mm by mm unnu Hallid lop Mllxhn dodm commnu uwuall ummunu Int mmu ORAIEL ecnnd mw mm the Ian Dnuz Sllk Mlchael Krlslull and Mlchael Chunberl top raw Don Bell la and Larry Krleoll Exlmlner Photo Usszlmancarol Anne Han Heather Coulson Mary Brant Diane Usselman Sylvla Mom Roberta Ware Marilyn Mnro xlson thy Provan and He lher Mount

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