Mr and Mrs Thomas Exell on Sunday to spend week sl collngo near North Bay Sunday visitors ware Mr and Mrs Dan McFadden Barrlr with Mr and Mrs John Elllu Mr and Mrs Nel Dumpster Barrie with Mrs John Mnsmu Mr and Mrs Jlm McFadden Barrie with Mr and Mrs George EHls Johnston Carley II hodsqugsl FRIDAY IEPTIMIII Am scum mu human 11m WIb of Tombunnc ImMary In Wulhll Spot ldm Dlanne and Wllllam Gran re turned homa Sunday from Pou By MRS ALLEN MILLER Mr and Mn Heclnr mmbufl Ind Mr and Mn Victor Prld ham allundad funeral service of an uncle Robert Davidson Inï¬lliamlllon Sunday vlsilon with Mr Ind Mn Amall Mulr and Bonnle were Mr and Mn William Orr and Miss Heather Muir Emil Ind Blake Shaw Sarnla Mr Ind Mu Mulr and lhalr vallon called on Mend it Mahmud durlnl tho afternoon Tho combined HarvcskThnnkl glvlug and anniversary servch 01 SI Guam5 church on Sept 15 was well allcndcd The Hut weaker was Ihe Rev Thom of Rosamon mlxlcd by lay readerY Arnold Banunn of Ivy Mr and Mrl Ken Eush vlsllad Mr and Mrs Haron Plrker Cgakspwn Idly gyenjrlx Mn Andrew Mlller and Mn Willard McDonald of Harris vlaltcd Mend lnuw commun ltynn Tummy er Vern Vellnn Ind family Annu spent Friday armnoon with Mn William Gallop and lapglly ARdUNDaSIMCOEWCOUNTY Mulln land Pollllc NDP Po By MR8 KEN VBUSH umic TELEVISION Pnbmms MACDONALD UTOPIA CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PROVINCIAL lEADER Inw Aln Chlnn In Julmun In Inn Tnln urdly Nlnu Mam rm um menu Mary MI Around Tm World In Tum mu II Far Tmm Tmplu mqu mm Illa Damn Arllll Ina Trill TM llnullllu CTV we nu ID no in MI NDHI ill on no Blonly flulh Anlhulflll 10M TM lrlllln Pnln um crv Nlllonl 111 Mull flnll 11 M1 Wllllu Miller on IHIJIDAY HIIll 11 1000 META 1MB Amun rural 11m Elnuanl 1200 Ullnnnnnn 112 My Izrlumu la Hldnwly InTim Mlcku Mom Cluh Kiddo Eu Ilunl Calth COMMI Nawl Bpnru 1qu mm 11 Damn Ind Blonly flulh SD Anlhulflll 0M TM lrlllln Pnln Loo crv Nlllonl Mull flnll Ir Wllllu Miller 930 940 pm Clndll CI Your nllnm Dnllu dun Wlll Tm Innuqu Indium CBC TV SE Mumfr 310nm IUNDAY IBHIMIII 21 Ten Plllrll Dlvoy Ind Gollh outdoor Show Conn Cllmdlr NIL Huh 68 Canxnlulallunl to Verdun Reid who pamd In MI yur or ha chartereq tycounjaml coum Mr and Mr Rolnnd Cnrner mm the weekend at their col Inn on unhelln Lake Mrs Ken Euler Mrl Daug lu Held and Mn Roland Cor ner motored lo Caledanla and mum lhu lnrmerl mm and later Attended the chlpter meet lsnx the Order 01 ha Eastern lar Mn Borllo of Panama vh Iled her amen Mn Dnnlld Fer rler or two weeks Mr ml Mu Harry Stowm hive been way or law dlyl tourlnl Iha Nlngm dlslrlcl Mr und Mn Waller Brlll and son Edwlrd Hawthorne New Jersey 1pm few day wlth Mr and Mrs Jlm Raid Ind lngnlly Mr Ind Mn Maurlca Held Wm weekend guests Mr and Mn In Flemlnz Clear Lake efï¬nuyh Miss Kny Allin In on two wggka vchljun dam USA whm they went lgqlldny wllh Mr and Mn Corby Fina weaerh mendan up lho cnmpletlan huveulnl and pom dining Fm du lroycd mu remainder lho 1a haccu crop Mr Ind Mrs Fred Glbnnn Ind 11mm Becton Ipcnt Sun dny with Mr and Mn Maurice Miller Em md lupcrvhor Lnu lruax Ind Mn1ruax And Mr and Mn Gibson Angul an holiday week with relative In Geneva USA By MRS MAURICE REID llnn luau TE vunm mm Duel Cramwan nmr um um mm nuhbuk Eumun amm nu nmovuy For Thu lml Tlnpul CH DONALD LEFROY III the present cm but to lump lo two lpldll to up prize North of lhe man pal elbillly of lame deeplte he pw vloue pass mponee and made would be In ardzr ll erl ncr opened fourth hend wlh dlemondwhlch wnuld dlmlnlsh lhe ere value ol me hind hut with Ihe eclullflcuinl bid at heart Ghe he rim In velue and North Ihnuld he qulckly Idvlud no ema zuhu potenueuuu Three beam The lumn Three hum Thu Jump In allu pull orinlmlly mu 9m woo um um 90 Km mm am new 0105 oxen 41mm 0mm own an No pades Thu 2mm of player who passed origin11y ll not bound by the princlplu um lovern most blddlng quonccs Thus Snulh ruponds one Iplde nfler having pauod previouxly North not required lo hid slain Ilnce ha known um 50th dld not have lha vnluel or In openlnl bld He might be In million In know that name ll lmpoulbla Ind no can lhcrelnra pm when hll judgment lndlcolu flu thll 1119 bgsl thing lo do nIuL llonllko mnmmun la AIL amouu1u amenm no gmikor in pod flngklflll muck 01qu final mugmu DAILY CROSSWOBD You In South holh Ildu vul nergblg Thalglddlnl has be What Would you now hld with each the allowlnl flvn handfl El 10 funnier log 11 93 901 Ihower was held In tho hail last Saturday waning far Mlu Mavll Evin Ind Plul Marlin Many helullful were re volved by In couple when wcd dlng takes place Saturduy Sept In SI Thomal Church Mrl Evnns mother at lhe bridetn mm 105mm ammo would LIX Mr and Mrs McCrnck en Ind hmlly hm mnved lnln their new hnme acrnu rum the public school DOWN tinkerlily 1W9 Mr and Mn Cccl Sultan ll rived homa altar Mp to Woul ern Canndn In Mr In Grand Pnlrlm They Also spent lama time it Like Louise and Ban ouruhool program with the limes In lane lha old nnnroom Ichuo and one touch er we now hm ilx mom and slx teachers with approximnlely lag puplls Congratulltlcn lo Kan2n Braokl ghlo won the mailing Ht Um 376 Nil By MRS WOBTLEY Recent vlanon with Mn Ham on wereMr Ind Mu Moore or Mn Geary Mu Faxrim All of Toronto Rev And Mrs Donn Tomlnwn Nnkhla and neiv and Mn Farrier Tim ns Visiting minllim at St Thom Church during in Hummer were Rev Clmina da Cliln urn Ph Evmaion Ill and Canon Christian Emmanuel Par Louis Mauritius who wnl delegate to the Anglican Con mu Toronto Conlrnlulntlonl lo Shanty any baseball team on winning lhelr huehall lulu KEMPVIEW BBWL 911410 SHANTY BAY CHILDREN TEENAGER CONTRACT BHIDGTE BOWLING lEAGUES Réglmr Sn Momlng AS0pl 10 olok Mir Avuht club labs mm By JAY numb 00 P1 ink Imamnun aintM ionmu pm In 2193pm willan Hula 11 MM llaur hearts Even mm there are only huhcard point In lhlx hand Illa channel making am Are good Ind no rllk cl rlylnz pan lCflrl conlmcl Ihould ha mn The ex cellent lmmp Ill Ind the Illne llva dlllrlhullon lndlcm ll ll unllkcly that tour lrlckl will In last Thcre ls no need lo men llan he dlnmondkpnrlncr will learn about them AI man dummy come down The lm puma hm II In mka gun telling la game nbï¬iy Guild One spade Even maulh lha hand L1 only am than qn openlnz bld It Inï¬ll but to remand wllh only on IpAdI The llnllalan hear Unblllty no In um INC partner bid mm Ind Jump rexponu would harden no bl In order undar um clrcumlunc Nn nolrump Ordlnnlly lhll mponu show 015 polnu but when hld 11 made by paucd playerth hlihurd pointnnxe In only 11 In pnlnts Tho bid 11 not 1min Ind may be paucd BECKER don not pramlxe lhe vul uel that would upzmd ram player who had not passed prcvlnuxly nle kid not forclng It would bu Wronl to suppreu 1hr hem IUD an by responding two clubs lch North would he liberty to gins with minimum onan Tomorron mi mm Twa tumlllu hava let the village Mr and Mn Tad Szy mkl and Emily to halt new hum on Page 5L lamla and Mr and Mn Tommy Taylor and lnmlly tn lhclr new home In Thornton when Mn Taylor hn bought lhc lama ll parly wu Ivan them In 01 Cum munlly Hall by their nellhhorl and blends and each was we unled wlth gm for thclr now homes The couple thanked Ill lhelr lrlendn Ior ha tumhe pnrly and mm and Mr Ind Mn Szymkl uh how much they enhyed their my In Shanty my flnce comln to thin new coun Hnrvullhlnmlvlnl Iervléo wnl held In Zion United Church Sunday Rev Baker Enn rle in chum The church was beaullfully decanted wllh displn of chmm butch mil vezelab ec which we later danuled In lho Odd Fellowl Home In AllnndaIe Mr Cooper Mldhunt led urvlca In St Thomnl Church Sunday Rav Flynn wu at Hawkellone or the Harm fmapklnlvlnx urvlce ha mlvid from Engllnd 1m Tueadl Thu Sepumher mental the ham Guild wan held Monday cvenlnl lhahome Mn Worthy ll wn decided to hnve In In lha hnll In Octohar Harlem were Mrl Harvey Silk and Mn Gordon Simpson Mr MIMI II indent In lhu Royal Victoria Hospital Banlo Mr ind Mn Alex Bowman Sr spendinl cw duyl with Mend In Toronto 132160 Di nu nu met PA 89761 36 imuin 86 In uu IEMM mm mum sunman notll