Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 9

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Chrrm Ila lnln mm mm lurnl In may nppdllrr main dish In to vrurmlvlo Inuco Him or dwell An emmnu hmnklnx be plnnnul lor 0d nl TnnllnmA Al with rluh mnmhcu 1mm rrpori wm men on In Iludcnl Innn Fund by ummlllm thnl Ml livrlyn Kfihllry umlur ummnnu Inln wrll lm lunhl rm 5va In Two Inc llnll Illulh Slfrfl III Hyln mm by lvn mrml the dub Mu Illnnrho Ilnnrn wnl nmolnlcd clmlrmnn llnalnm Women wuk ln ho uld lhll year OIL 20 la 15 Mu Durolhy Aycmro and Mn Grnre Murphy wcrc omn lnlly inslnlled by Mn Ellen my um um Iccond Vlcoprv nld rcspccllvely Mn Lllllnn June pmidcd ha dlnner mail the nu Inns and lrofrsslonnl Wamcnl Cllnh ol Dnrrlc nn Tutsflny evo nfl Thu engagement luu btcn an nounced Mln Eva Denise Darnell daughter Mr and Mn Nevllla Harnclt at Don Lila Sudhury Iormnrly Bar And PW VicePresidents Installed At all Meeting Helen Winiermeycr was caught between jauan mm her Kitchener home to Toronio where she was seliilng five oi her six childrenMary Eilm is James 15 John 12 Gret chen 10 Sarah Bin private boarding schools And since she has been preparing her iiiyear oid daughter Judilh or her first year at the University of Wesl ern Ontario READY 197 BROADCAST SliaieilncDOnald had just am Ihrce lecnvlgersSnndm 15 Jay 16 and Brian 1401 dons While Ontarios ihree party lenders have been battling or recleciian heir wives have been dividing heir limo he lwecn campaigning and keeping normni iwrne nimosphcre ior weir children By mnucm nusax Cnnndlnn rm stall wmu Wives Of Party Leaders Play Dual Role In Election MRS JOHN nonlmrs ms PEOPLI DO EAD SMALL ADS Inu PLAN OCTOBER ARE Incikcr Raglan brln lnvlttd Mn Wuhan wlll ho nutll He Ram DeGebr Inn of Mr nnd Mrs Decou Mincsinz ConnAl Unlled Church will ho the 01an or lhn Ocl 51h wedding Pholna by Eric Camera Cram IBM teclt £31m Mrs ileum noted or soft pednning he role she has played In her husbands succu Wu have made mmlhcr special purchase and Arc nhlu lo offer you hlx no no of DINNERWARE from Johnme Ilrollmra of Englnnd at tho mnnrk nh low prko M59ng 43 nourma The lalI charming unpas scsscd woman strong ba llever In family unlty and any family functions hes when All 1ve together in normal ash anf hirsi Wlntormeyer social worker in her home awn Cambridge Mum before her marriage In the Liberal pnrly leader in 1944 also spoke of womans heavy responsibilities when Mr husband embarks on pallllcul career mother am doubly cauliuua and do lwlco he worrying normally would And when John comes home on weekends an as though great weight has been lifted mm my shoulders and can reln But my harbor no resent menl because their father away so mIIchnnd have been like regular trooper working far this elecilon she said pullu takes its toll or lamlly me xald Mrs MacDonald farmer chlld psy chologist who has round Hm he causu or her husbands pm longed absences much her job as mother has been to In erprel Ihelr lather lo the chil BARRIE PLAZA or hair first day back high gchg pfepqung undo political 150236 or the My Demgcrgtlc Party yguus C0ifiURE WEDDING JOHN W1N1ERMEYEB MRS DONALD MAEDONALD ROI1 may T0 mum MODERN 151er4 ALL REGULAR PERMS 10 OFF DINNERWARE SETS SEPTEMBER TO OCTOBER Toenagors SPECIAL 500 Our Wm Wlndow 50 PIECE PERM SPECIAL SOUND HEM9 President Kennedy hnd hls hack lrealcd by ullrnmnic rndl allnn when he annered strain In 195 Although lllrsi Wintermeyer does no public spanking on her husbands hchnli 5th has been Joining him on his tour wherever possible and attending pnlillcnl lcul luncheon and ulher social iunclion connecmd with the cnmpnlgn And Mn Rnbnm who do lillle ncllve campaigning cnlmly awnils elccllon day when she and her husbnnd and family will nll be iogclhcr ln Londoml wm only week before elec tion day Montrealbarn Mm MacDannld who accompanied her husband and gave campaign spud In Frmch across Nar Ihem Ontario has been canvass ing doorlodaar 1n lhclr Hdlnz quk South Confemce 0n the status women and atlends In many meallnu of local party wom ens committee she can it In yea Mrs MacDonald lhe past president oi her local home and school association in wcslcen ml Toronio and iormer board member oi the Elizabeth Fry society also finds participation in activities outside oi tho Now Democratic Party dliilcuit Last spnngvgile represented we pgrly at the Unlled Nation Running home with six chil dren hns not lei Mr winter meyu time or anything but paying membership in many Kilchener orgnnilulions But she says shell have time par ticipate when her youngest child gm at In university inlo years Because of the demands lhdr growing mills and Ihdr husbands careers all lhrea women have Hula Mme Im hob bies or clubwork It dueshl szém to attach them particularlyand Ihls ls thg way she wolxld like to be with the Conservative party says her youngster have ac cepted their Iathcrs being away myllnehlng Stmud SECOND HAND CENTRE Repair Remodel ST PAUlS Refinixh 00 PA MHZ Burl PA Hlll lller mm fnmploh When youu roasting be dug Over an open fire you can give your hand some prolec Non mm the heat by ushg long stick and making hand guard at the end apposite Ihe point by spearlng couple of paper plates THE BMW Wfl THE IJYEAflHODDIIMILE PDWEIINIAIN WMIIMNIV HOUSEHOLD HINTS Vnwumvpacked come will keep resher If stored in lightly closed container in the refrigeratar Mr Lymbumer urged that women sell Canadlnn goods When dress or coat woman In wearing ls admired she should be sure to tell the ddmlr Ir lhnllhe article clnlhlnx made In Canada The luncheon wasiuranged by Mrs Nancy Kcale wife of the General Manager at the GBDA The speaker stated anen spend 65 per cent of every duh lnr spent In Cnnadnt therdore they have grant Influence on our ecunomy only when women de cide that they are going to do somethlng about the problem that exist In our economy will these problem be solved Only women have the ammunition Mrs LII Lymhurner presle den of the Ontario Conlermca 01 Women was speaker Her sub Jen was the Ontario Trade Cru lade WASAGA BEACH Speciuii Md Charles Griiiin oi Huignia 5L and Miss Connie James stu dent at Barrie North Collegiate were among the 50 women who were uncheon Ruesia oi he 0n iario Conference oi Womendur in tho Georgian Bay Develop ment Association conicgence at Honey Harbour on Tundny Baxrie Guesfzs AttendLuncheoh AtVGBDA COnclave at your Ghryslgl Ganada Ltd dagWE Val f5 Sharp modern llylinn glamorous In mlon blllflyIpllink nllcmnlor pcpplcfl Ilnndnrd cnslnc In thus lhuo Ire Jun few of he alum Included 11 lbs 64 Vlllnnl And Ihml ncw opllonnl 4Speed noon mm mnnunl lmmmlnlonl Again In 64 Nubody beau Vallnnl for value Mr and Mrs Gary Perry are shown allowing their wedding at St Pauls Church Slroud on Sept ll Rrv Mr Tran officiated at the alter noon ceremony The bride is the farmer Nora Jensen dnuxhler of Mr and Mrs Jensnn 01 ML Barrie The bridegroom the of in TO RESIDE IN BARBIE 75 moronrmm Eggucn MOTORS in Hull Doolu for Dodgu Chm 01 Valiant bakery Odeuse Den mark produces 50000 pieces deepfmzen pastry an hour or export Mr and MrL Perry of North St Barrie Photo by Eric of Camera Cram qxvom HST Badge badge for I964 with its bold ncw cantilcm rooflinu the yen most bcauliful way to go places And it fldc handlcs perform jusl the way it looks Ncw Dodge mum IncIuJe wide dup buckct mm centre consul with cilth 44pm Manual IUckIhlfl lspeed TorqueFlue Automauc gm ulcctor Mrs Ray Lougheed annaun cedlhe Anniversary Tea would be held Oct ram lo pm In the Sunday Schanl Roam Pm The roll call bible vans cantalnInK the word Labuur wt Answered by In members Mrl Elnm Dyer conducted Bible study from Thessalon Inns The Seplemher meellng Holly United Church Women was held In the home Mrs Carroll Mn Bah Prydia conducted the dgfiouonfl pallog One of ma hlzhlllhtl nu vmeeklnl waaylhe presentationol $50 bursary to Mary Anne Stone uradualevof St 11 mm High School Mm Bond Education Convener made the presentation BEAR REPORTS Report were heard from all commllteea Mrl McCann prexldenl announced plans or Ihe Chrlslma tea and Bake sale In be held In St Josephs Audllurlum on November ram to 10 pm Mn Sr ley will be tha convener Mrs McCleer reported um wermembeuhtp stands 193 St Marys Catholh Wemenl Lealue held In first meeflnx ol Ihe all season In SL Joseph auditorium THEBAREIE EXAMINER THURSfiAY SEPT Holly UCW Plan Fall Tea St Marys CWL Plan Annual Sale MIME ONTARIO until pm Mrs Wan cluscd the meeting with prayer Mu Carroll served refresh ments Assisted by Mrs M6005 rlslon Mqu Kell and Mrs Cach rane Limes of the congregation were Invited to open house at Mn 3er home Oct from um ey convener oi Citizenship and Social action reported some interesting iieml an Citizenship in Canada geo graphy history Kevenimam heailh and religion as ymen ted lo new citizens coming to nur cnunilY as ed to brlnl clean nylon and while shins lo the October meeting Thus be used It We announced by Mn Me Cann that the Regional Meeting will lake place October 17 In Drillin Mrs Coleman hnl re cenily been unpainted Soclal Action convener or Northern Deanery Rev Annette who was the guest speaker zavc an in ipiring inlk an his view pain what lhe Catholic Womenl League isln mail ceedsjlafa or he guqday thqol with law um yet to came in Mrs Brennan fluted thll total 242 vhllx tn the Ron Vinnrla Hospital were man during ha summer manlhl REGIONAL MEETING Tie meetlnz was cloud with prayer by Rev Annette Refreshments were served by 11le Donovan and her 1125 51f 75 it A813

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