has been decided that pm aecuiions under the iire bylaw should be entirely pnlice duly and hat Ihe member oi the lire department are nni rcspnn aibie or making complaints Previously it had been um un dcrsianding that ii person rns ponsibia or starting ilrc made payman oi the mix oi Ihe equipment answering he in call this was acccpicd as sui iicicni miiiuiioni One manih Film chnirman the flu cam mince reported ha of the mini iim attended during flint monih 16 had been aimed by persons who aiiownd lhem la no out control in an case person It Si Paull who had ablainrzd permit ior his ï¬re was Running it under mniroi when ihe pollen passed and cniicd he iire dcparlmeni The fire did not need nuenilnn Rom Supthum annn III in ml the tllhrll Ilmuld II Iran 20 Ire Inn mul plum on xrnvrl hrd Iml me Ilw prmnl Ilnlchlm nhnmlnnrd With lluy lumh nflrml by the owl pmany omlm lhlu wnuhl Ill rrquln and drltnnlian lhnl cnmu uhr wnnled ndlon dnlnynl un Ill loan nruumtnu could he mod wow that ha canal hnd bun wnlcrwny nml rnuld not ho clowl In ban Two delegation 1mm nansb mun Bunch were nu hand about Ihn tunnl hrldnc whlrh has hem out use nll Iummcr while properly awnm nnd subdivi ulnn owner nruuo uhoul who thouhl replntc lhu Iruclum moved nllcr In truth hrokn ll down The link pmpaxnl WM la accml the of to lower ha prestnl slrucluro uhlth ha been ruined allow the use the cunnl hy honll bclwrcn lhc lnko and lhc buck loll Imolhrr wax or flu rulepnycn lo put up lunrh mullan nl lens 0150 which ll nhoul hull tho ml mm culvm mulclenl Ilze la nllnw lhe tnnnl he crnsml but not high enough In permh bonln In Another man had hlx ï¬re hr hlnd lire break pushed up by bulldozer Banlg Con Ilnhle ml III call for lire lxhlm They put out the lite had been lrylnz all mumlnz 91m nolnx the mall Iold Cnun Cl THAT anGE AGAIN Mr Garrick was present the council meeting with sum mon lo court He said the line will have to be paid lrom his pension if he ls found guilty He asked Councll lo luvs lIlm glven second chance as al the ume of the lire he was unaware of rules about surï¬ng lire Reeve Cochrane suggeslcd that Mr Ganlck should take his sum mon to the Pollen Chlcl as he Council could do nnlhlng or him The bylaw has been In the sol lcilors hands or some llme hence the delay ln having chap laid In April when he was burning trash in an Incinerator his home In Palnswick Mr Gar rick pensioner endeavoring to live econnmlcally had an un lorwnnie experience Wlnd whipped burning rctuse out of the dmm while he had gone Into the house or drink When he returned fire had IgniIed lung weeds and was beyand his wn ml neighbor summuned the ï¬re department Asxs CONSIDERATION motion was passed lnstnlc ting the dark lo advise In School Board that no action would be taken an the request will committee Iram the Board had come to cnuncil to outline the pmpnsal and shaw the necessity of additional commodation By III8 Correspondence from lnnls llls North Area school board was read to meeting of Coun cil Wednesday nlght It stated that tcntellve appmval had been received mm the Department of Education or the construc tion ol sixroamed school to be built at Palnswlck at cast 3120000 plus $3000 for land Members 01 Council were on animous in the opinion that the cart had been out below the horse They that the board should have come lo Coun cil llrst and got an opinion on the necessity of additional bulld ngs We have to raise the fund and should have been consulted before any ieniailve request was made to the provincial depart ment Reeve Cochrana said He lsuggeslcd that decision be defer red until the board had given council he wlmle sinry so Ionouro 51 BARRIEi Mnmlm School In TI Dullmn am Mum EXAMINER mum uh1h ansa MEMEEUSINESS CDLLEHE INNISFILNOTES All uublocll Much by proloulonnl hullnm pooplv Eumlmllonl will In huld lor cullllum DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER ANY MONDAY REGISTRATION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 pm Clum wIII lu hold an Mendy and Thundayu Ior an Inlamlvo le mnnlln mum Inglnnlnq Mo nduy Sam 30 Shorllund Typlwrlllnu Bookkuplnu All Countil Seéks Data 0n ProposedSchool NIGHT SCHOOL lmar nun nhuwn Cnmnln mlxlu plvotnl Aura nlxlmlc mutiny 1rd by Flrlrllrr WLdlnn Million llrnmtul In MrlrovGoldwyw Mnyrrl Mullny nn lho Hounlx 1110 plrlurr lllm nl In nnmllon Mmm and mm In new alvuwing nl he may Thom The cunlcrcncc agreed that the full impllcalluns Ihe pm slon plan have ycl to be made known the Canadian public and Ihal neat deal more in Ianallnn required The request or he pension Inquiry lhc lirsl rrsnlullon to tom tom lho unlquo confer once The prepared statement nald some delegate col hlghcr pm duclinn cusls and slower tale ol capital lormallon could result ll Ihe government lmplumenln its plan for conlrlbulnry unl vcrsal pulslonl In lln present lorm press release lrom Ihe class conference laid jnlnl purl mcnlnry commlllce could be an expedillous vway ul carrylng out he lnqulry BANFF Alla CW Top business leaders aucnding special conference on Canadian econnmic nu rv 51 Tuesday called unanlmounly tnr public invcsugnuun of he cdernl gnv ernments proposed pe slon plnn Meet Calls For Pension Probe Hesnid It was unusual or plmtnils to stray no at mm Alberta Ednil and All Ingram were Council to ask authori zation of 20 fluorescent sired llghis ni Mincls Point which has been favored by major iiy oi the residents Council in structed the Clerk in arrange the work ina cost will be paid by ourvyear levy an properly nwnm with homes In the Point the Albcrla wildlife branch said the ducks probably reached their Pa cific anyway alter being handed look wrong turn and followed the Alaskan coast in ï¬nd themselves win ering In Sihnria instead 91 sunny California Fred Sharpe lender oi lira banding team said Wednes day he has received word from Russian authorities that the two ducks were shot along the Siberian was near the Aleuiian islands men irom public funds The question of line public land by in raised by the municipality by increasing assessment on properties was broached by one delegate llie proposal was den ied by Council members MINETS POINT LIGHTING The duck were hnndnd by combined crew of Alberta government nlflcials and Ducks Unlimited members in 1951 and 1955 near Tilloy 130 miles southeast of here CALGARY CWTwo can used Alberta phitail duck broke through Ihc Iron Cur tain in he mldlssfls and ware shot by Russlnn hunters It was learned Wednesqay DUCKS TAKE FATAL TURN RT ROXY PHONE FA I47 Edualon Anodulon Canada floyl Whulhmnw um Flkw Km Slmdwkk $5 51 llrmdl Gordon Ellinll um llrhn MrKIIXl oil 10 75yn duh uIrII and II yuu Lind Wulnvcr SS 10 Dnlm Murrhy 55 Linn Dub 55 71yard duh bay Io uni ll yrnn nithnrd Kruuwo 58 lo Tom Lunzcr 58 ll 54m Mnan 51 IL loo ynrd huh um 11 and ovrr Dim Bell 51 to Shawn Thnmpxon $5 Shell Chene mnn It looynrdVHmh bay and ovrr Ilrlnn McKilllcnn Vlclor llolh SS 10 Jim Selle pm Luke mum SS 10 Km Rm ll Tcrry Mnnclnc SS 10 5mm dmh Ir year Katharina Arnold Vh Gaels ggn Ind Debbie Arnold all muuu no award duh boys ycnn Dun nnrburn SS I1 Brock SS John Houghlm SS 50 yard dash xlrln year Rm Donnelly SS Durban Giman 55 ll Jnnn Spun SS uh 39y your soyud duh boy yem 35 yard duh girl and yin Dullln SS 11 Shcrll Bnkcly SS Mar Done 55 asyard dash boy and yuan David Schandlcn $5 Malcolm Ruby 55 Allan El lloll SS and dash glrl yum Ellnbeflu Gadsden SS Louise Ednoy SS San dra Marlel 53 IL Thu mu on In the prablcms unemployment II he respon nlbllily business no he guv ernment Mr Coanz Idded lhe meeting wax sponsored by ï¬le West Tomnleansea cum mlllee of Mmmpolllan Tnmnlos snï¬al 1131ij canny aw in he wax speakan or the government when he said lhal any ablebud led man Ihauid wnrk or his wel fare assistant it was wrung or men lo uh money or doing nothing he added All Cowllng party whip In the last legislature and seeklng re electlon In Toronto ngh Park In next Wednesdays elecllnn alsn told symposium on work torrcllel 11w unemployment he mspnnslblllly buslness noLol the government TORONTO CPDA Pream slve Conxervallve candidate who laid he wax speaking or the governmenl anld Wedncs day Ihat men applying tor relic Ishuuld be required tn work lol lhls llkely wlll be the maln theme 01 the talk Friday and Saturday in the John USCnn ada commlllee on trade and economlc allalrs eslabllshed In 1953 and now meeting or Ill 1111 tlme it nearly lwg yum Thu Canadian delegation Ex ternal Minirs Minister Marlin Finance Mininier Garden Trade Minister Sharp Industry Minis tar Drury and Agricuiiure MinA ms Hnyn By DON HANRIGHT OTTAWA CPiA Canadian ministerial lenm will make renewed bid in Wnshingwn this weekend to convince the United States that It cant solve its bal ance ai pnymenls difï¬culties by measure adversely aiiccling Canada it was learned Wednes day Unemployed Should Work For Relief Mrs Harold Caldwell led Illa chlldre the worahlp perlad Davld McArthur presided and Cathy Caldwell read the mlnu =5 Elzhleen chlldren pald 1h membershlp lee ol ten can and recclved Messenger Button and all box The new boxes were an display with picture of the In IndlA Since ihe study this all and wiuier will be about india the leadcr had on display picture may oi indla and mural peggie going if well in india Gunman Spéciali rna opening meeting or the Guthrie Messenger mun wm held Sept 14 the Sunde Scimqigoa US Canada Trade Committee To Discuss Payment PrOblems The American learn Stale Messengsr9rwp Meets At Guthrié gsn TOWNSHIP rm RESULTS 0pm yard Flldcy Darlcnu Der mo 55 Grace Ellluu Mn rlo Fisher 58 Sheila Lay cock McMoe SS ll Hoyl Thrulkfltd Ice 50 Yards Jnmn Mccunn Don Mchlnskr SS Don Sudden Murphy SS 11 ll Mchxue McKllIlcnn SS Elxh lcnms lnlcrcd lhe lux aIwnr cunlcsL The our win nlng tum wmlrom SS 10 SSHSS7nndSD Banana3 Since th spcclnl concesslan has resulted In considerable ex panslon of Cnnndlan auloparls cxparLs lt ls not likely to bu dropped at he end 01 next mnnth sburccs any Industry pcculallon ls lhnl lho princlple wlll be extended In major body lamplngs 50an hnwcvcr lherc has been no slalcmcm govcrm men policy an the question Last gavcmmeni put into iorce special oneyear lariil incenlive to boost export of automatic Lransmisslans and englncs The dual pravidos or rebaia oi import duly an trans mission and aniline ii an equivalent vaiua of Canadian pails is gxporynd SHHNTY BAY This the quesllon of Can dian export null park Cnn nda now import abuut 540 000000 man In null part than It exports Mr Gordon In hl June 11 budget laid down the ohfcclive of reducing the Im ports least one nlhcr speclflc sue will be ralsed by the Cana dian delegation The guvcmmenl already has expressed he view publlcly that wauld he unreallsllc to try to correct lllls Imbalance by add ing to axlsling surpluses wllh overseas markets and hare lara has In slrlve or lmprove mem lnlha CanadnJLS posl lion Although Canada reduced It current account deficit to around $880000000 last year the deï¬cit with the United Slam ran to 01100000000 made up $500000000 In commodity trade and $000000000 In nonmerchan dlse transactions GENIUS MUNIGOMN GILIIEnT MILAN An Informant anld chnax day that the Canadlan govern men stlll ls not convinced that the Unllcd Stale appreclales the Incl slated hero that Canada not la blame for Illa us paymenls paslllan mm HIE HUNT mam COLOR VISTASCOPE IInnznIn III In unmmmn The next mcellng wlll ha Oct 12 at pm In the Sunday School Thls wlll be Thank xlvlng nnd Thanknllering meet lngwlll Davld and Ivan ML Arlllur leadln the worship and Nancy Caldwul presiding Secrelary Rusk Treasury Sec retary Dangle Dlllm Corn merca Sacra nry Luther Hedges Undersecretary George Bell Agricullure Undersecre my Churn5 Murphy and As sistant Interior Secretary John MKcly Through Mra Sandersnn and Mn Caldwell sandwiches and cold drink were served the children The remnlnlng llme was spent making IBell Booklet whlch will be expanded at such mgflng The sloryv Mrs Caldwell read showed how he wardA mile can use muan and thus Increase he giving in mls Ilan boxea which wilI be brought ngx rqgellng NOW SHOWING Glrll Thrtcvlefltd Rlce 50 TONIGHT FRIDAY and SATURDAAY III II DI Sulhlla 14 mm at nm WNWMam Mnnm MUST H88 IE PM 1E mm EXPIIIIIKE 0f Bettébiaviéï¬375wrm WHM MR HAW T0 mum mm 2nd BIO Hll In Vancouver Mr chnln Inld Wednesday Ihnl ovum manll plan pulling murlllmn unlnn under rumo nhlp II unlnlr He snld Ihu only nthdlnx un lun In Ihu Grenl Lnlm uruulo In tho Senlnrm Inlcrnnllonll Unlon bu rtmnvnl ml Hnnlu lho SIU hand Alan 1111 the 1mm The lummll mccllng ll be llcvtd la have been Inlplrld by Wnshlnmnn Mr eru hnl been conferran Ihem wllh key labor leaders the mnrlne lllunlian In the mm avnldlnx lhe pm ï¬ascd Cnnndlnn znvcrnmcnl ac DH c4ng rr UNFMR An ininrmani said the men Ai lcnding he mecling wnnid be Minister MacEachcn US Labor Secretary Willard Wim President Claude Jadnln oi Iho Canadian lenr Con gress Ami AFLCio President Mgnny lho Canndlan lovem menl knuwn lo favor pri vnw settlement Mr MncEI chen uld Saturday he ml op llrglsllc that possible If tho meeting unsuccess ful than the Canadian govern ment intends to go ahead wllh plan to lmpcso mulceshlp over the llvyCanndian math um union OTTAWA CBA lustminute attempt lo hran about pri vate settlement labor vo lenea on the Great LIch ex pected lo he made at meetan either In Washington qr Nw York next week NEW YORK CmThe New York Times says 01 $500000 000 CanudlmSavlct when deal refleclx serious internal dim cullles or the Soviet Unlan al ready beset by It lqtenu ideol ogical strum wllh China Unions Govt Make Last Try To Settle Dispute lies pets In the Essa Town ship School Fnlr dog show were these six prlzuwlnnerl From left in rith are Tlppy who placed and his ownzr Say Grain Sale Shows Russias Difficulties DanaIi VIIIAYII sums AT Lul Cumulu Shaw FIRST SHOW lllnlll PA 5339 Thu Orl Inll Drlwln BARRIE Soulh Wlm flu 0ch In Plclum Lmlo Road In lh CH1 Inlwun Hwy 400 Ind Admlulon 75c Chlldnn ll yn or um MEI III Vflh chem Europa mm of rain the Unflcd State now is In posman to dispose major pm our own lurplux we now have Iho bnrgalnlnx pawn to persuade lho European Economlc Communlly lo aban don mm to Achieve loll Iufllclcncyln Agriculture by Il cruslnn Ila pmlccllunm poll clu But In mnkinx xuch an attempt ha Unllcd Suzie wlll have In Abandon H1 nnillclnlly hlzh prlto suppom 11 Times drglnm mm York HernidTrlhune Iho emphnslm he lnlcrnnl pmblum lho Sovld Union US WILL BENEFIT The Times lay the Unlch Slates wlll dlnclly henclil lmm lhe wheat azmcmcnl lhrough lhc lalesvn nusxlnn gold It make necessary and will mean less ymmre on US old slacks The paper emphnslm he lndlrecl benellla nmulnz la lhn Unllnd sum whlch ll ncnlculnbl PRIZEWINNING PETS AT ESSA FAIR The Time cites the eiioru made by Soviet Premier Khrushchev bolster Soviet agriculture lines he moved into the lap Kremlin positinn 10 years no But In 1961 allel all lhls The llmc says he hu had to am to Canada nr he nrnln he Soviet Unlona loclalisl Marl culture could not grow we may be sure that llm Chinese Com mnnlxu wlll use hls allure ln undermlna Khrushchev5 nulhnb lly 1s thenllngl Irhllu Com Three newspapers the Chi cago Nbune the New York Daily New and lhn New York Mirror axpma mung dluppnr val of any Inch tnnmflons with the Soviet Unlun 01 ll Communist melflles number calmIn In United metropolitan newspaper draw nltenlinn to 311131 ace of tha hug wheat ea lhuu Michael Finkheiuer pupil at SS ninket 5th prize with Waiince MncKny no Pn nky lh shown by Christine no Printezrd prize MTUIHMY Hgon DRIVEIN THEME ONE EVENING SHOW STARTING AT 800 PM ATUIHMY Ind MINDM ulu II HI LIST HUSPENDED F0 THIN ENGAGEMENT EIROY DONAHUI AND WARREN BIATTV ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO IHOWINO SPlENDOR IN THE GRASS Honnonsorï¬iinucx mussum Minamammal THURSDAY and FRIDAY Blg Shawl ADULT ENTERTAINMENT susmhlibsï¬ mum ADMLWION PRICE MIL CUDWHS Sncclnl Clown HI Glrls hald their um mm lnz the home of Mn Ken Dicker with night member pre unL Thu projucl warklnz with wool ll nude ho lendcrmlp Mn Belly Dyna and Mn Ken nlrkcr Thu clccllon olllcarl mull wcre Dorothy Curler prcsldnnt Myrna Slmpwn lec rclnry Glarln Perkin treasurer Barbara Pcrkln pm repurlcr Tho nul mccllng wlll In hcld Szm 2L CLOWES SpeciallThe cu munlly Clowns will gulhcr Edgar Communlly all Fridly night to honor Mr and Mn Bill Johnston who mm mar rlcd Auz ll Mr Johnston far merly llved Clown Now they are making their home ll Toronln Freparallons or 1M parly lo Whlth ucryano II he tommun fly lnvlled were begun by tho Clown Womenl Imlllutu The Chicalo Tribune denim trade with Soviet controlled counirica is mereiy blllinl Communist dictIon out oi hair own mistakes It says If the Russianrcnn get corner on caplllllst when the Red Chlnua who also hm been buying furiously mm Can ada will starve Ind wurld will be up or lunhcr Soviet ndvancts HELPING REDS Tribune lays will cause Clowes 4H Club Elects Officers pointed up by the when rans action Party At Clowes Set For Friday with Susan Wanlm Pedro 2nd prize shown by Dabble chson Bum School Ind Lee Ann Vcnables uh the grand champion xi sell ha The math will be Rendilll the ounialn of wisdom comment Mls Jean Clslon foil call perm whn has mndel mntrihullon to the edu callon of man Rcéreallon convener wlll be Mrs Craig lunch Mrs Pcd llnzham And Mrs Elkmere CRAIGHURST Special Crnlnhursz Womens Institute will meet Sam 13 the ham Mr Craig at my Thu prnkram will bo on edu anon Convener In Belly Ellsmeru and EL Pcdllnxhnm MrL Ondes will conduct the draw The New York Dally New In an edllorIul wlul he handlnl Smelly when Deal lays Thm deals by our Canndlnn rlcnds mnsllkulo nld and cam nrt our Soviet enemies and our Red Chlnuéc encmlel Say New York Mlnnr The Canadlnn whul deal help bolster lhu Kremlin by latllng tha Russians put lhclr pmucllon empham where they xenlment In this country In Cmada frustmlnl our or ean Wiley2 Craighurst WI Plans Meeting For All Your Full and Chrlflmn Tho Saule who won In prize The xchnol air was held Wed nuday Thurman Examin er Photo pus$657 BANQUETS llmum Firm Avnllublc Cmrlno Io Luau or Small Group Fine Food link l0 EMBASSY Vn wll hnve aroxlmnlcly up ml nrlcnlul dlshu or ynu lo enloy hullM Dancing Facilities ll Dunlap El Nul To EAT All YOU WANT SATURDAY SPECIAL ROY LEMB Sent rum no pm 75 num and per pmou