Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 4

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SchoOl Rule OniBalid WOrk Must Be ChangedPromptly The question at the personal rights of students is involved in ruling of Bar rie District Central Collegiate discuss ed this week at meeting of the Colleg iate Board The ruling stipulates that students who take instrumental music must not become members of orchestras or hand outside of the schgoi delegation from the Kempentelt rumpet Bend appear ed before the board to protest against the restriction it suggested that the rule was unfair to boys and girls who wished to take part in hand events Aummoa run omen nm In nymtnl lnlly Inna um In my IIalMlyI unle unnnu lAlu mm IIIIAN Ami 0mm mrunum AI mu mm IIILI Anau mun munn numqu mun nmmuu Im II luhukuou nu an mm um yuny mm rm Ir 61 lull In an no uu Ill lwlflhl nun um Inmlh unm unlmn ma mum mm nu Ll Id mun um mum on llnl My Imam chm InmL Immqu ml Wm um Ilml llmvflln lnn urlr null4 II In runminim II In In 0m mmml In MwnlM Lulu AM nu bul nu wiltId MIMI The delegation uttered telling argu ment It pointed to the fact that stu dents no matter what their school ac tivities could pursue their own hobblcs without interference from the board The sale of $500 mllllon worth of wheat and wheat flour to the Soviet Un ion is good news for Canadiansl It will improve our export dollar positlon 1m mensely and provlde firm market for whefrtrtrrgllrses The deal has been described pep pill for Canadian business and Industry it will tax our rail and wa ter transportation facilities and keep our grainhandling industry working at top pitch The im act of $500 million deal will be let throughout our econ omy lmhu can an Ilnm Armin mam rm nu ma AMII mum at lIItIlIIHMQ ii is to Canadas credit that it has pro ceeded with wheat deals with both Red China and Russia at the risk or criticism of close ally and friend the United States Criticism has already been voicedsome of it sharpbut there has been noticeable change in think ing south of the borgier Senator Herbert Humphreys lllln nesota Democrat has urged the us to come to its senses and allow American farmers to sell wheat to the Russians Mr Humphreys describes the Canadian deal as sound and he maintains that the US is being bypassed in market oppor iunllics begause of curbs against doing business with sfieVComfiinIsfi Barrie ExaminerSept19 1018 Allied offensive in France resulted in many cas ualities as Germans ought stubbornly Pte Ralph Weaymouth who went over seas with 37th Battalion in 1915 report ed missing since Aug 20 Pte Charles Elson Craighurst who went overseas with 76th Battalion missing and believed wounded Pte Charles Ward Barrie 157th Battalion died of wounds at dress ing station in France Pte Bale rnan Beeton killed in aclion lliajor Alex McFaul MC home on furlough Britains new tanks are dreaded greatly by the Germans according to letter re ceived by parents of Gunner Mc indless oi Harrie who described Ihe bat tle which began Aug Cpl William John Buchanan or llarrie died in France of unshot wounds in arm and chest ilu hm been wounded twice before Pte Stanley Penton of the 15th twice wound cd killed in action Sept Flt Lt Amos Johnston oi Barrie in England with RAF since Aprils missing since Sept 14 ills brother Cpl illlller Johnston was killed in action earlier in year Vl Minnikin purchased Mrs Paea property on Mary ht soullr Barbers in Barrie advanced price of haircuts lo 35c itny MeKlnnon killed two hear eulis on Not manual1115 Samuel Gill of Ves ra hougllt iler itohertsona house on ap perlon near llapllsl Thureh Ono car of hogs and two cattle shipped tram WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO THEY GOT THEIR MAN New ank llmu 11H Mounties llmge all redJackeiml federal police of Canada who according to Ioucml alwaya not their man have cnmmflled ram and ombnrrmlng boh hI not the wrong mm Canada Scores 1n Trade Walk Publish The Barrie Examiner PubUshed by Canadxan lq Bnynelfisueet OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE munsmv sum Bowman principal of Centre irad his own explanation for the ruiin He said school authorities felt it wou be almost impossible for boy to take part in both bands The demands of artlci atlon in an instrument group nd ed are teatimeconsuming to ni low student to be member of two augii organizations Mr Bowman arguments vnlid in point One can concede the possible lmprncucabillty oi belonging to two ac tive bands or orchestras but should this be reason enough to restrict boys extracurricular activity If youth wishes to joln the Barrie clty hand or the Kempenfeli trumpeters he should not find school bars placed in hls way The decision should he left to him and his parents Unlll man an conhol II wcnlher wed prefer hnnm ndmlulun from lha wcamrman um ho jun lamlb In probablllllol Support or Mr Humphreys thinking is growing in the Us There is delin ita realization that deals for food are Vastly different than pacts involving strategic war materials Canadian wheat ls weapon for peace and goodwill It should help rather than hinder our relations with the Commun lsls And If anythlng ls needed toda it is understanding tolerance and goo vlll between peoples living on bolh sldea of the lron Curlaln local steekyards this week Hogs brought $1850 cwi McGill Shanty Bay biggest single shl per with 44 head of cattle bringing £3543 George Colea first local poultryman to have pullet laying One hatched In April began laying Sept Business brisk on Grand hunk bulk being lumber and salt eoal Not much hard eoai coming through Mrs George Rodgers and family move thia week to Niagara laila lo end couple oi months Major Rodgers new station ed at Camp Niagara Town Council voted $2000 to merchant aallors depend ents fund Bell Telephone ranted pcrmissionto lay underground ca lea on certain streets lle Lorne Corbett Cookstown who went overseaa with 157th killed In aelion Sept 5th Lt Cliiiord Neelanda killed in action by ahell iragment ludge Vance heard appeal hr ll local men for exem tlona from miitnry service Pie gidney Simmons killed in action leaving wiie and three small children lie enlisted In 1910 with 177th Battalion Pie Thompson killed in eclien Lt Arthur Egbert llell killed while leading his ace lien against Gennnn machine on nest itc lnck Rodgers oi lilac ino Gun Corps haa been gassed and la in Fourth General linapilol at Dannea Camiera ae eortllng to word received hia lather llodgera lie cnlialed ma Cpl Arxiagh Wenymouth reported killed in action lle Archie hchlnnon aur vlved anipera bullet Food ts In an entirely different cate gory The Russians are buying 0er wheat and flour because thclr own grain craps are far short of quotas and needs of the USSR Canadas maln purpose of course is to sell to make profit This is busi ness the Russians can understand They may he enemies or the capitalists but they know the value of dollar Ind the importance of trade Canada was crltlclzed before the Sec 0nd World War or selling scrap metal to Japan Thls metal probably was used to make bullels to kill soldlers sallors and alrmen of the Western alll ancel Newspapers lelléd Barfle Ontario WEATHER PROBABLE Vlndmr sun In Ith Age of nclonmlc mlllnty even the wulhcrmln Mch carrled Aw by pmlqn for enclnm Vulhvr ore mll now ncldnm mo lhe word protub mum lmleul he wellhermln hu Idoplcll much more rm Ind ll limel Irmgnnl mum llon thll what he pra dlcln wlllwme 0pm For Wllllam TlmmJonrmll me luck In New York In elec lmnlc calculator In the mutual deplrb men broke luwn Clcrlln hurl In in tho work Illo calculnlnr nhnulrl have done Al mu honors wcro Ild 820313 man Hum they should luvo con Wu nélrm Iccuxtomcdwlo hclp ram mlchincxwn unlnml In heap lmubln when Iorctd to go back lo thu old way snug1m Gum II 63 Plltl BUT WHAT HAULI EDINBURGH Scotland The question at the charginx nl toll on the new Forth Road Bridge which expected to he opened ior trellic in th early part oi In xummer at IBM has mused considerable controversy and concern in mm Scotland which will be directly Iltccted by the openlnl at the new bridge There is lubstantlal body at public nplnion complcttly appea cd to th elmlint ol tolls at 111 lhl teem rather Itrlnse because in the prnlanled nego tintlnnl which took place hetero the nvzrnment decided to build the bridge It was conceded hy the locll nutharitle and other Scottish intmsts involved that it would have to be tnll hrldgc indeed the making oi this con cesnion was one at Ihe candl tlnna on which the government gulhorlud the building at the Vhll¢ apposlllon lo bridge lull continua It lncvxtuble that they wlll be Imposed And the point whlch ll now canaan um um whal lhe mount of lhe 0113 will be Vlnou Ilgure hnva been quoted at inflow lypc commerclll Ind private mm or whicch but none of Ihtsa have been nulhenllc and inter eslcd partch are walling with name anxiety or Us lha prypoled harm ha publish mm DEVELOPMENT William llnmlilvn MP or West File ls pressing lor In early dccllinn on Imounl ul all Nil conslliutncy vilnlly concerned The Woner dcclxiun made on lhe lollll ha ml he llrucr ll wlll In or Fllc ll cilcd hl mwnl or III View According in Mr llnmlllon connlrucuon $10 million pri vnlc hauling dcvnionmrm nl bun dclnyrd hecuuu inc un cenalnly about Ihe bridge Iniis 111m houm would be lulllbll ior execulim he laid and would be In Ilirncllon la lnduslrlnl llnm whlrh um ranllderlnl he ulnbllahmcnl Iii lnrlnry pre min on lhc nsmy Dnnhrlllll lndmlrlnl kindle Thll utnll Wu larmtrly Ilaan Mr lorco llllion whlth hu now been lurn Mnnvulorlnxluxl purpnlgl Mr Hamilton lwhd up hy lllrrynurlny MP lnr th cnldy Addtd um mu llrml nhlrh WI mmlrl In nanhril ll waum provldn About 600 Join whlrh would be dlleled equally hHwnn men Ind wnmcn In Addition an Illvnm lu lory Al Cowdenlmlh In In In otcunlrd hy Ellioll nmllm lellnl vulva mlnulnrlm Ind wlll amploy 0th llrml whkh romlnl In ullhlllh lldorln In hnl Include lllthnrdlon murlnl Company ol Can Idn whlrh will make mmlrn Han Ihltldl or can 01qu III Amrrlun zompany whlrh mm hanl Ind Ilrcnndillnn In mulpmrnl Ind lllxhluml IZI orlmnlu hhlch Ill mnho noo lngnlu mmmenu REPORT FROM ILK N0 MOWLEHS FOR BOWLERS LONDON IAN1h Ihlll Ilm muulm Tpllur and CullIr hn Inuod mm mm In llrln vim Idvl Du lnlul luhlnn In rmc lhndmrlm dulxy or how or Mun uldnm ulnk lhtlr muwlm In IvIn who wur lmlm uld he mumnuu ud odllnml Frldny Mum lm 603mm Raises Protests Road Toll Charge By MulNlYllE HOOD THE FIRST NIGHT AWAY FROM HOME These projccls however are all cl nrlure which wlll be Influenced by the amount I01 charged on the new Forth llaad Bridge on lruckx carrylnx raw malerlals and lnklni nway llnlshed pmducln lo and mm their plants lb Inlls as rcnlly learcd at lhe moment He placed al luhslanllal gum 01TAWATha volca the armor heard an Parllamcnl Hlll louder and clurcr than lhe voice the union member Ihe volce the havenot and buck wnrd pravlnccs stronger an Parllamcnt Hll lhnn lhe voice prospcroul Ontario EC Ind Alberta TMI Mannr II ml lhe In than II ill nolnn III llhly In Indrprwhnl Iona Iel In mlmv Immdnlu runlllmmlu 1m um rm pm ml In In pom In lmymnndulnl Ihkh III qunrlermllllon CanadIPns living In rural Onlnrlo lend nix MP1 OflawI quarter mllllon III In hlghly Indualrlullzcd suburbia of Toranm may lend only ona MP la Ottawa and qunrmmll Han FrenchCanadians In Manl mll most crowded rldinx may 101d only can MP lo pllawm These Ire mm ho gro quuo Inequlllu In our pres enl parllnmenlnry representa Hnn whlch Ire crylnx out or rorrecllnn And lhll my will an Prlmo Mlnlller Punnn has Immunrcd hll Inlcuuun Inlrnduce lczlalnllon noon mar lnrllnmrnl reammhlts lhl end MI momh lo up mm rhinery Ia unmlne Iml mum mnnl possible rcdlllrlhullun mu vollnl dlllricll lhlrl Hindu Olllur ermn uInnluuy hu vmnlly bun lhlflylnl haw nlhrr munirlrl ollrrl lNUulrflmllon Aml Ilm haw nllur rlumlllrl mnlnlnln prmurwnl mum um 1th nmml mlnl ll Impmlunl he rnuu nur plurllrl nl rnuwlllux lln llulnu ILAII MIN Pull mrnl MI hem IImlml um lath In rmlun vlullnn mn pallM runnlnl lnr nlmul ulnys lul II IIVIHYI kw lulu In Mm lhu lnulnllnl rnuhl In mluml In llmul lhm all ALL 70 CHANGE Arm 1er In Yukon Ind ha Nnnhwul Turltorlm probably awry Ilngle cumlllurncy In Lnnldn wlll luvs ll boundarch mlrnwn Our mmmmlon lnkn mnunl nl lhl lmwlnl nllnm nI nn Idl Ind lhl cerlnlnly lhnl lhmunmul our pman of dual npmrnl Ihm will he nemxy lrawlh our lolnl mnululinm mmer with Iululnnllnl mm mm Inward Hm lnllrrlruw In urea Thu Illrr unh In rly mum Hm rcpunn Illlnn ol pmvlmal and lhn Mundnrlu of ronlllhlmlu 1mm In chlnntd llllhmo lhm hlu nurr lwm any mum lulu ur nnh rhnnlrl whlch hlVl man mmII Ivy Pullman Ind hm Inmly ll lhn whim III and In lhll lnlcrnl lhv pmy utm Inl KM annmrnl hut MW lbw Inlenllnn II In hum all ML OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Voiqe Of HaveNets Is Heard Stronger Work with your own handl LhII ye mly ulk honuily tnwud lhem hll In wllhnul Ind um ye may 11 lle nulhlnll Themllonllul ml 12 inlegrily and luduslrlousnm Ire csscnllal In sound economic 1nd and publlc relntlnns allku Ihls would have serious client on lndusirlui cos oi production and also on the cost ui bullding incioric and bum in which Lhclr employee wouid live lien ce lhe urgency of the question in inr as lhe people We are unnamed dominated past rcdlflribuflons an Ina cnnslilnencle have been crcalcd uneven In population and Irregular and Inconvenient In Ilze wllh ha upcclal objective at Incllnallng the clecllon nl clndldntu lupporllnz the party in power lt wnuld like an cammlsalon no long to cover all ol Canada Sn hare wlll probably be timer on cummisslona up or encll am each commlulon would probably Include ludza mm local upcrlor court an an prnprlalcly expcrlenced univer llly praltaaur mm llm dlalrlcl and lb chlel eltclural olflccr cl Iha vmvinca concerned ll thy lcglnlallon emhllnhlnx lhll muchlntry L1 pulsed before Chrislmll he cumminionl could by nnrlcd early In Hm IMPARTML DECISIONS BIBLE THOUGHT Inhllahnd by Slmroo Canlra Progrmlvo Connran Anmlaltnn ART EVANS YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE TOR SIMCOE CENTRE SATURDAY SEPT 2151 ANS AT pm NEW OWEll COMMUNITY HALL The Public ls Cordially Invited To Meet ART EVANS LIGHT REFRESHMENT WILL BE SERVED By JOSEPH MOWER Mm Deer Dr Mnlnen under um um bicycle rldlnz ex cellent exerclla or hurt PI Hen ride every dey ind hm enzlne wander you flu my bed armm fleet to levers qunllfcnllonl Under nonml drcumunnces bicycle rldlul In mlld plemnt exernlu We dontn ecuMM as Dr Paul Dudley Whlle hles hle hurt and blue llll ndvlu on care at tho heart rldel hlke yHowever meny other arm of exerclse are Just or good no excerllvely Ilreollous but needy and plenum Bu loma mly rm Ill your lem reromenl no circumstances or end lhemulver well lo dolly use may no he guy or may or some he eoslerl lo do little Awlmmlnr 11m bowllnl ome collslhenlcr llllle work In the garden some walklng some work In hare mcnl workshop paddling ca noe or mwlnx boot Golf lel ourely probably nine holel ralher than 15 on notloo hllly course In also acceptable All at us need exerglre unlesl lame problem health lqler em Thére are heart pallenu or whnm rldlnn bicycle would be Ina nkrenuous Thls also true at the other type ulexerclse that men tioned Walklng up Ind down ml once would be too much or them But Inch Individual know It TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH PARIS InculemPresldml Gaulle has decided not In dishand the French Foxalga Leglon evan ll ls new assign ment does entail Inch un romantlc lulu houlebulld GenaEnlly II It land fur heart patient to have much exercise can he lalernlcd The legendary hem of list ditch slum at desert outpost no longer keep watch over the French emplrc because the em pirn has tuned to existr Algeria and other eouniries where the Legion has inuihi Iince it birth in year Ill nnw are inde pendent De Guulle has decldcd Ie re duce the elze he Lulon lmm 15000 men to 90mm 0l these About 8000 wlll lam lezlon of bulldera Iorl at huge publlc works enlcrprlle at the disposal ol Alrlcan countrlcl ln need of leclullul mlmnce Annlher 3500 men lralmd panlmonm will lonn hlltle carpi 1111 will be completely lnlcmled lnln he French Army and nubmll Ihzlr mm PM linmcnl at tho beginning the 1063 lession Thus um new Mu lorll map Cnnndn cnuld be used In gcncrll elullnn Ink In place my Iubscqutnt lo Euler 1065 Any urllcr elw llon would have to be based upon our present unlnlr dIIV lrlbulinn whlch given In unduly loud Volts In our uvemmcnt la our lean dynamic lmL In prescnl hm Ire Ilill Ive reglmenll In Algal4 one In Madaznscnr Ind ICVlhlh French Foreign Legion Saved But Heroes Will Build Houses Execise Is Good But Within Reason MEET THE CANDIDATE RECEPTION without dllcnmiort without ilui iing and putting Ind helnl out breath certaluiy without any hurl pain withqu ieellnl being pooped out which may be All right or thu you iolkl who need use up their 2mm and harden lheir mulciu For In Teflon wllh Inglm ll hlcyclo rld ng mm no hnd cl leaneither shortneu of hrulh or pain ll load exerclu Any arm at needy Ind relulu exerclle wlthlnllme llmllallonl ll gaod will Ilrenzthen lhe heart by gradually lncmllnl clrculallnn llllfllllh develnpment small blood vessels Overdm lnz ladleted by puln or bmth leunesl wlll not help It wlLl do dar In any can luch exerclla II II best or you mould be much And rcxulnr But Dr Molnen In Iain In use dcpflalory cream to re move hnlr mm tho face It will Injure tho HMFF cant aa hncause some people do an some dnnl have lender sklm lhntkhm creams cln Irrlme The only unswer II to lry them you have len der skln youll man know It In whlch me stop using the cream Dur Dr hlulnm What pyelanephrllls What an Ihl lymptamsl Dou It mike you dilly Ind adj126 It means Infllmmaflan In lmenam part he kidney or kl neyl Symptom may In clude lever cloudy urine bum ing Ilensglloguwhen uyln ng in In Ihe kidney Elam The nlecflnn can cause fatigue Ind lever and toxicity my cum dizziness Diligent 11th prynlilnnd Th Legion has Allen anlean day since It achleved glory on balllefields mm Mexico lb chi 7n Mrka Men mm many counlrlel who are trying lo form lhnlr pm 1111 volunteer or the Lellan in spite of lam decline In Ihe total number Avcrnxa recruitment now ma men month comparcd with 700 In 1959 THE CANADIAN PRESS William Joyce lord iiaw iiaw wax leniencud io deaih inr mm year ago todayin HMSliter Ipendinz the yum oi the Second World War In Kali Germany broadeni ing propaganda nlnst ilrilnln Joyce wu born in the United Slates but lived 13 year in Britain Ind in mm by decinrlnz himseii Bfllish whim he oh allied Brilish pnsspnfl Thls he mowed in mm and ymr later was employed by in German ndia Do wile In Appeal in House oi lords Joyce wu executed my noGermany helm Ul siege Purl In the Irmwlnuslln er TODAY IN HISTORY

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