Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 3

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PUC Moves Transformer Mr Charian aaid lhnl he hr an In lrade in coins In mm At his lime he nalcd coins such as the lurga cenl and olher calm rarely lound naw were being taken out of circula liuni These calm were then available at banks almost lor lha asking he said Since my were easily available and lhera was lillia demand for them vilhey sold at reasanahie prices Cain cailccllng really began to with an hobby about 1950 Hill lilr marilon ths lime coins were available ram the min in ollawa but it was impossible in oblain pronl like coins 11m lmmlurmnl ml lur lnnlfnlmlnl lrunlmlnlnn Mr 000 mm drum la ma vnlll fur Illllihullnn lhlmlulmul cliy Tmy ha lmn In un my mo hwy wlll vwnlunuy all In ul up Ilvp new Inrnllon nl Jnlm Inn Ilml llllvllnllnn 111a IUIIHC Ulllllhl Comm lhvn Inuvrrl lnur Hlnn lum Inumu lwm hp 10 lvuhle he PUG lmlldlnl nn llufllrlxl Ilnwl To obtnln min In LM condl llon one could only buy grant mnny unclrculnted mlns tram he mlnl and hope lhnt among them here might be law hlch wcro gnod enough In be called préulch By 1950 however he govern man My mm cuopcmllvc and because or better puckng Int unclrculnlcd cnlru them mlulun worker Ihnwn mnvlnl lem lrnmlurmlr lnml Ilnynold mrrl Incnllon In ncw lucnllnn Al Johmun STARTED m9 Befnre World War Two he said lhen was Hllle Interest In colns and WM Mares lhera was centred mainly on hkelu medals and paper money The growth coln collccllng hobby however beuan shortly alter he war and was Inflected In an lnmasa cfiln selllng the same time lem grew ln decimal calm those Issued alter Canada 3de ed the dollars and cant money aynem Mr Charlton spoke to tha club on the developmen or caln collecting In Canada over the past 15 yamA James Charlton Toronto coln dealer and nnmlsmallc authority Inst night helped the Huronla Numismatic Associa tion celebrate It third anniver lag THE EXECUTIVE of HIS Humnla Numlxmallc Assocla flan post wth club 1th Feels Collectors Gain By Joining Coin Clubs lJDHC UTILITIEH Oln Follnwlnx Mn Gmrtonl ad dress Ihe club members cut an anniversary cake and had coffee whllo Mr Chnrllon judged coln Hr snld that win good In nrnnlze onen collection Ind onl lccl ona type coin unlll cam plcte set 01 that serlu wax nhulncd Hunt sacmad ex penslve when purdculnrly me coin had to be obtnlncd to com plete the collecllon compen xallon would bl obtained when the not was sold becauu com plate as worth morn lhnn nn lmcomplela let Mr Charlton atso antd that It Is Important to give win that have been collected the best protection azatnst xcralchu or other domnge and wanted that they are herttnge tor future gcnorntlon who wlll Ile pend on the calm collected now tor their collocttons Mgmvznunv mu Mr Chariton ended his tnlk with lame hints tn coin 60er on He pointed out ill vaiue oi coiiectnra joining clubs when they might mm from reguiar cuntact with other numlsmatlsta and uxgtsted the opportunity club provided for showing col iecilons was important Too often collection are laid den away In An nlfilc and no on get chance Io allay them he sald llrlll Mr Charlton cumpternented the Huronln Numismatic Asso clallan on 114 growth alnce he had Ins spuken to In 1961 He noted that the nssoclntlanl growth purntleted the growth at numkmnuu everywhere parflcular Interest he polnted out wn Ihe growth 01 Amcrl can interest In Canadian calm SOME IIINTE were many more calm whnse condlLIon mlth be described prod11km PRAISES CLUB Requires necrctnr tironaurcr Dull lo bofhl Ocl nlmr 1003 no kocpln and Socrolnrla expor lencu omnllnl Miller nlormallnn In mlulrcd Telephone 4070 after 000 pm Apply In wrlIlnu bola Sopnmbor 27m in Mr Llpp thalrmw Dundomld lmfl Burk Onllrlo anniversary cake far right is lhe club pmsldcnt Ken Pyophet other executive nubllnllnn llIumlnu llmlnl BARRIE RECREATION COMMITTEE NAMED FOR COOP Gary Crosby Alnuer son Blnm wna nnmnd or one hls Inlhvra but lrlmdl lhu In Gnry Cuapcr it mag PMQ nCAFamp Borden Promoted to tha rank Cor poral LAC Stnrlnk Allhlon LAC Bernard 42 Has 51 Bank dun Frnmuled to the rank of Fllghl Sergeant Sergeant 11 Morrison PMQ 13X Dep Im zus Sergeant TL Doorman Bl lard Sl Prérrinud lo lhc rank Ser geant Corporal Ireland Rectum Group Cnplnln Dingle CD Commnndlng ofllcen RCAF Slnllan Camp Borden has an nounced lhu allowing airmen prnmollom nIIecllve Sept Promoled to the rank of War rant Olflcer Flril Class War ranl Olflcer Second Class gegeur PMQ RCAF Cnrnp nar Following the awards prize or the dlsplayshlhe club held manlth auction Ken Prophet president at Huronis Numismatic Associat ion won the competition with display culled Numhmntlc Odds and Ends The display was composed of miscellaneous cnins and medals arranged to form tho letters ilNA it was shown in glass case wiih explanatory text below the coins Numbers besida the coins associated each coin with paragraph de scriptive information below display exhlblled by club mambo Promotions Ht Borden memhon Ihown Ira Plnky Hum Caro Watson Frank Jone qnd Lou Rumor Present membership club II Max MartiY dent nId Wu hopo lo MI number tnch week rnlnrylrensumr or flu Ls John Stewart The In mrennu DI the aon lbs Chess Club wnx held Tuesday night It ho on Owen strut Plans or he season were db clused and membership was an of hu main item on the agenda By there wm so who were 16 year 01 age Ind 220 who were 16 or 17 years old lhe olher end or the scale 123 member or nmla labortum were 70 year an or mure inu inbor iom included 571 men and 80 women and of these 31 men and 64 women had degrees Another 95 men and 68 women had had some university irnininn the other end oi the educational scale 112 men and 40 women had less th live years or ele mgxlaryschoolinu The labor force Included 991 slnglo men and all xlngle wa men while 91 men and 130 men were either widowed or d1 versed TM workers Included 7365 waga camera 600 sellemployed person and 13 umch family workers OTTAWA Speclah Barths total labor area at the m1 Ca nadlan census totalled 3198 and this number only 95 held rmgully dome Thls and other Informutlon about the Banla labor mm Included In the mask recent re port of the Dominlon Bureau Staklsllu based on enumeraliun made during the June 1961 con Chess Club Starts Meetings Labor Force Here In 61 Was 8198 JAMEB CHARLTON Toronto coln dealer inspect one the display last IIIIMI maellnl ha Hur Through the cflorla of Ar Evans and Illa coopornlinn ll nnrrlo Clly Councll Ar wns nblo to have lho cxlla lo llm City Bar rle completely equipped WM thlu by tho Onlnrlo Governman EVANS Art ON SEPT VOTE Art Evans unsbn Ho ind no walk Dcmllle nl um lime not knawlnu who he was he told the tourt GIVES CAUTION 130 an Ihe mnrnlng May 24 he nccuud wnl brought Into lhu Special lnmllnllun flco at tho detachment The In ipnclur lcslllicd that he lnlra ducnd himself by mm and cc and did tho name with Cpl nwmn Baumn head lha RCMP delnchmenl Camp Bor inspccinr Roland iiuxil Dever tux of lire Criminal Investiga iiun Brunch oi lira OPP tuli Iicd ha ha arrived in Camp Borden at about 1030 He went Iirnighi in the Provost Corp oilices passing through lira room when Ihe accused was being dciginog he noicdr The duty emcer at the de tachment Cpl Gerald hull told the court that the two men arrived at 050 pm From Ihat point on the named lat In an my chair under guard whlle the Ontario Pruvlnclal Po lice carried cut their Inventin uqn he noted Cpl Michael Hoke nl tho Provnsl Cam detachment Itll lllcd that he nrrlvzd ln the mess ht 640 Almost Immediately al tcrward ho escorted Sgt Demllle lo the Provast Corps headqunrb In Camp Burden he mld Thu nlleged offence or whlch Demllle being led look hm In um Sergennls Mess in Royal Canadian Echo of In Ianlry Cnmp Borden an the night May 23 Two Mal Ihulgun wounds were Inmch on Sgt Wilgm about ms He died an the way nonula hosglla Tha and form Lance Ser leant Luanard Raymond De mlllas attempts to contact legal cnunsel Alter he was arrested and charged with the capital murder of Sgt Herbert Wilson received nltentlan 1mm detence counsel John llaollhan yesterdayt onla Numiamniic Association Mr Charlton Judged the dis plays He is the Canadian edi tor Coin World the laxz Tells Of Conversation Of Demille Inspector YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE The Man Working for All The People in Simcoe Centre BARRIE CLOVERLEAF and HIGHWAY 400 van to IREELECT ART EVANS he Iflld to hm ru piled Demlllt naked he was re ulrcd in IKll ha document and Inspector xnld that ho was not The note Wm lhon signed by Mr Devmux and wllnmcd would also like to ice layyerf chnllla noted That will be determined In er replied the lnspcdar add In Ihnt lhera were no repre Ientauvu of he pron Imund hm all on wish to my Mr Demllle1 he Investigating alllgpr anawercd underflan llral would Ilka la talk to newspaper re port Demllle L1 recorded The Inspector noted um he aid the unused and wrote down thalha whhed to make It clear lha Dcmllle wu not requlred In my Inylhlng Yes you may the lnxpeclar Hean unlnmmar with the law would Ilka to know my my Tha two foolscap pa as com tnlned written recur he enllm conversation between Iho Inspector and Demllle during the Interview the court wu told The document was entered as exhlbl number 68 an the courtl roles Cnn ask you question the accused ls Illczed to have 1519M The accused Wu asked ll ho wahed In my anything but cnul loned that he need not do so He was warned that anylhlnz he did say wuuld be used in evdcnco lgalnn hlm TEAMSCRIPI den who was 83an km on the case He placed Demilla under ar rest for the capital murder Wilson and read him iha legal caution which he had written out on piece oi ioalscup jusi prigr io Demfllen arrival he an es coin mnzailne In In World and publishes and illu ram Ill own coin catalogue Examinel Photo 0N SEPTEMBER 25 DEFENDED PRIORV The Iortlflcd ntchousa at Michclhnm Prlury England bull In 1385 nflcr lho Pcnsnuls Ilevoll Mal IUHKIlMdl lhc melon building dont know any lawyer In lawn the wllnm Answered He Iold delcnce munsel that he had arrived In Barrle Ihrce day belara the shooting Incident look plan Id bellnr let lawyer ha defendant told him Const Ham mum uslllled Do you know who could m1 the accused asked During cm examlnallun ol Conn Hammond Ihe final wlt nus for the prosecuflan Mr Iloollhnn asked the accused had made any request or lawygr In bed arnd would 60 Equifi any chum unlll lha morning he unified Capt MacLeau law the ac cused In his cell at District Number Seven Headquarters the OFF In Barrie Ihe next day the court was told The padre was most concern ed about clothing far the Demer boy he told Mr Hmllhnn The boy was known D6 he Malley residence Since it was filter 11 pm lhe boy would be Delence counsel referred to request by Capll Allan MacLean padre the camp Isklng ll he could see Demllle at Demlller request The Inspector could not remember he had told Capl Mlcbflln that he could no sea the accused man he leslllleri by Cpl Benneu who had play ed Iopart in the questionan 01 the accused In reply to defiance counsel he Inspector said Ihal the doc ument was an exact wordInt lward transcript of tho proceed ngs The Inspector said he had not told the accused the he cnuId sea lawyer prevalllnz atmosphere of lmpmdlnz lndustria stagnancy ems lhe nogthem part Sim Centre rldlnz should be eliminated immediately said Frank Todd Liberal candidate Addressing wnrken an ar nnlzatlonal meeting In Pene 2am Holy Cross School last night Mr Todd said Midland and Panama possessed the nut unl resources nmmry or successml growth As It now youngster leave hm he cease lhey fury flnd gnyynrk havre plcdxed to do all pos sibl to bring industry and naw huge Minds Touching briefly on tourism Mr Todd said such an extensive area as Huronla ghould be given mu deal more provincial aid than it lysbg citing H6 Vsuldfibed TiB to sea the City Barrie receive 100 per cm grant from the government BARRIE EXAMINERr THURSDAY SEPT 638 Liberdl Plédges Increase Industry In This Riding Results however favored lhu thrce questions llquor mum 5532 per mm In lavor rnslaur nnu 5552 per cent and lnuuuu 5150 per cm onlLLM CP Licensed restaurants and lounge and government liquor store tailed chnesday to win lhu required 50 per cent vole needed for air provnl us midst of Orlllu Ilownship nled In liquor pieb stile The meeting scheduled to start at eight oclock sharp Binder the Barrie Ska lng Club will meet this Evening at me home of the president Noel Stephenson This will be the first meetlnl the 1961M seam The clubs new professlonnla are expzcted lo be the salon Th1 evening Mr Tndd and Gerald Wright of Liberal head quarter in Toronto wlll addxesl meeting the Barrie Young Liberals Association at Conun enlal Inn Orillia Wets Lose Again He added want lo lee Ear rle Income wholesome city not just another Iargc town Thu meeting scheduled to begin at 315 Im not against Bradford getting the money but mu Barrie to receive equal Ina monlald Mr Todd EHIIBI main streets forming part of Highwwy 11 and 213 are Eu mad Erndord shred Dunlap street and Hayfield meet as the Tawn of Bradford did when Bradlnrd mnln street was rebuilt and paved The Department Highway has subskly program which Includes lawns whose mnln sheen am part at Lhe Ontario highway system Skating Club Meets Today FRANK IODD

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