Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 18

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ll Mhm hold mnmry mcmhenhlp 1n the nnllonnl MIIIIIMHI cnmullvr It la lormfr mnldwl WINNIIEG EFL1min ll Prim ymldent the Manl ml mum prmultd Walnut Iflh hln munqu bl In honoan membmhip In In Canflan Imm Id km in 3331 In mm In Mr Hm Iludrnl Al the Unhrr ully nl Monlml II clmrard wilh mnmlrlnl carry out man IIllrh nn Iho Funlllm Iml thl fuwnluwn Cull sum Armor mm ll chum wlth rnmphuy In llm nl Ilu nxllllm Mun Iluynl mm mm wllh rnnwlvlnu In umqu plnl unlml pulullc hulhllrm MONTREAL llGu 1k 0mm lllchnnl rm Wtdnwlly wrro ml In lrlnl an chum nrlnln 1mm In II on Mnnlml armory romplury In at Im nth ledrrnl propmlrl 11w drpllmrnl MM lnlnl mlnm enlm In mun uerrlm regularly Honorary Mombor QUlIHEC CmThu Qurhtc nnlurnl mamaI dopnrlmrnl announced chnudny lhnl mu Innunl mmmllllon amen luml ln mlnlnl mm apart llonl wlll he hrld Snurdny Al I1 dOr Mlnu lhrnunhum lhc prnvc Into plck Ihelr ml Hth men In mm mm rnrh rnr Anolhcr remlullnn muxhl lhl enlnbllnhmcnl enrilul In In and no mlllnx ho pm enl pmnnn lncomn lax enemy llan lo 000 or alnxlc pennnl 000 or married venom wllh M00 or rnrh dcnmdenl and 300 urmpllnn lnr qunllnrd do pcndcnu over lhn Ill lo nuday at the national conven llnn In Inlernallnnll Union Mint NIH and Smrller Work 1nd The unhm dccldnd pupa hrch lha Itdcrll xovzm men cppmlnx um rallnullon cl Hm Culumhlu nlvcr ruly SUDBURY CmA Inrlu of remlullunl canccmlng the Co lumbll Rivr devalopmenl Irenly equal education rlghl nr Indlan and Eskimos larger ledernl nrlnu In prnvlnccs tar ducnllon Ind munlxny or equal wnrklwere vpnuc Wed Sent To Trial BELLEVILLE CF Jnscph Leonard Cmmbs zzycarold former ananln parking 10 nt Iendanl was nund ullly Wed nesday capital murder in tha lubbing laying nl hla layur old girl Mend Shawn MinKarel Frost 1m 51 Valendnel Day Mr Jusuce Maorehnue unmncod hlm In be hanged Mn 23 The Ontario Supreme Court jury deliberated our hnuu be relurnlng its verdlct Ind recommended mercy The new mllnn lkllfl he lawn or Cobalt Hllleyhnry and New Llskmd to the west elimlnalcs curves hills Ind busy downtown nations In lha communities Mr MacNathton also Iald he would urga ha pmvlnnlnl gov ernment to build lookanl on hlll overlooking the Hhway 55 ovarpuss Rescue Contest NEW LISKEARD CP Highway Mlnlsler Charla MncNIughlon Wednesday om cmly opened the new $30W000 bypm an Highway 11 Mlyors Mn Mlmle Cunnln hum of Cobal Arthur Cooke 01 Hulleybury and Lownry Taylor 01 Naw Llskeani snlpped rib bonsmlchld acmu an over pm The minister uld the 111 mlla bypau was the longest in Northern Dnurio Ind possibly in ihe pmvlnca Found Guilty Pass Resolutions CAPSULE NEWS DLsphyinl alriklnl new Inputnee the 1964 Plymouth from not Cannda ud Also rave continued quality MacNaughton Opens By Pass PLYMOUTH FEATURES STYLING QUALITY ISO VESPRA STREET TORONTO CWThe Onlnrla Labur RelHons Bolrd Wednes day gave the Taronln Newspa or Gulld CLO consent In the nslllullan ol aprosccullnn analan Dl Callnn publlsher and ucnml manner ml the ankvllle Jhurnnlmmrd Tm declslgn wu mndo by Mncunn deputy vlcu chalrman of the board allow lnz charm filed wIIh lho board last July that Mr Caunn vIo Ialcd section he Labor Re llxlom Acl WASHINGTON AP The US senate reed Wednesday In vote next Ncsday on the question or rntlflcnllon ol the limited nuclur lcslvban truly Undur lhe nnunlmnlu consent agreement vale on mam Hons underslnndinls Ind 51ml Lat mnllm wlll ha liken Mon ay Make change tor the better WHITE nos The eerlmcm was presented by President AaF Merckr Quebec Le 5er at lpcelnl eneml mccllnl CF mnmberu lhn amended Iho carporaIJnnl assessment Ilmclure bershlp The Gazelle membcr shlp was transferred Sepl 17 to Larkln Mr Peter was presldnnl from 1958 I0 1960 PHONE PA 85027 MAYESsMMITlN LTD Will Prosecute Vote On Treaty enxlnecrlnl in the body and chassis mu Greater mm is placed upon may com fort Ind convenience Ench OTTAWA CPI The Ol lawn Transportaflnn Comm sinn Wednesday ndercd xcstlun lha xve Away prlm In an Hort to hm mm cus ug1era aboard It hum 11 mad by chChnlrmnn Wilbert Ilumll an after thn commlulan heard report lhn the cilyowned transit system carrlcd 2571035 paxsznnm In August drop 121667 from he periDul Au XUSL ourday convention Mayor Saul Lnskln of Port Arthur uh Inu nlclpal employees must am ellmlnata the old concept Ihal the clty right and elllulu wrong In any municipal contm veray He told 80 delenam the openlng session that up painted amclalx must keep elected peopla Inlormcd Ind point out where and when we uh he statutory limitation wllhln which municipal coun CHJXpCIEHIUEd opera PORT ARTHUR CPlA clly clerk warned municipal ofllclnll Vldnesday to remember lhnl eluted represenmlves nu Ip palnted policy Mr Marttn mactallon prest dcnt ntd appointed afltclat should not assume the responsl btlltte Invested by statute in etcclud gscntgttvpg Suggests Prizes To Line Riders Martin of For Wlllllm spoke to the annunl convention the Northweslern Ontario Myddpal Assoclallop Must Inidrm Elgcted Reps vehicle carries the lumen Chrysleronly flvsyear 50¢ 000 mllc warranty an the vow er traln AIARRIE ONT Almnlox Supor Sltln lmx Bun Palm lmx Bun Palm yala Exterior Him or Ordlnarlly Ovdlnhlly all 251332 235 mm FINAL THREE DAYS SAlE mos SAL 3m 21 600 pm The Ipokcsmnn who forecast me would Isa nnmher $1 in the near lulurc nld the Ihlp ping business had been pour un lll about two week an He Iddcd SAnylhlng mm flux fluvial Increase could lot of obsolete Ihlppln sex on he ocean Inmu Richardson and Sun Limited naid rates have me up inn Ihis week and 52 mars than luveis earlier Ihis week xpokumnn Aald Canadaa when deal wllh Red China and he recenl Russian agreement to urchua wheat from Auxlralla ad conlrlbuled to Human carrleu TORONTO CF Shlpplng me on grain shipment from Cnnadn In Russian port on ma Black Sun hlva Ilsen allowan the xlxnlnx Ihe recent nu aa Canada wheat agreement laurce here said Wednesday In all field of largeital Industrial compellllnn research naw pllya the dominant role march prnvldu the dulerence bltwcen survival and gradual extinction Numl lures pmducll aru belng challenid by hm pm mated lubamuta mamin hl laid and mum ms re Iervet are coming Into Imade world compatMon Clnlda he said still has some natural advnnlhgcs over her tomfetllam hut lhl mnrv gin In lowly but surely helm reduced as new lures Irm throughout in world come into production Tha only murlly In Murm gnnal traginl Hg 1n gellyerlpi the qullily product de minded on nchexjule and It campemlva price He warned the convention 01 ha Northwestern Ontario Mu nicipal Assnclatlon that in led camlortablu about our ocalled nature or undillnnal markeu abroad complete and dam azmu luflany FORT ARTHUR CIDFed eral Forest Mlnlsler John Nicholson In Wednesday Inter national nle campetlllon or forestry products In laugh and letting oughar 15 BAN EXAMINER IHUHSDAY SEPT I63 Shipping Rates On Grain Rise Secure Markets Tamed Fallacy WEEKEND SPECIALS featured at EATONS APPLIANCE om MAIfiLooR The union earlier minded tonnillnllon recnmmtnded set tlement because did not fol low the Industry pallum Some 350 bushworkm In the Dryden area have mm Friday strike deadllne Io back their dcmands Earlier he unlnn rejecled conciliation board report sug gcsling settlement on he mundl that it faiied 10 lime to in industry pattern Following the agreement Mr Bradley began new talk be tween the sum unlan and the Dryden Paper Company on new contract The bushworkerl membm lha Lumber and Sawmill Work er Union CLO wtre sched Iuled lostrlka mm Wednes day to back up contract de mands The old pact expired Wit Henry Toews game manua menl 0mm or Prince Albert magma lhnmge fond Wll orclnq 1h mall south FORT WILLIAM CF strikehalting agreement on new cpnlml was reached Tuck day by negotiator lar 450 hunh warkgrs and he Mlyalhan Cor Mr Bradley said lerms ol the Imemenl will likely bu made publlc Frlday alter the unlnn membershlp approves them lllnrallmn CommLion operates pulp and paper mlll at Mura Ihon Ont Dnnny Borawsky was at lacked lead granary He but of the snlmul wllh bucket Tha anlmnl was that this week by rs hunting psdy organized by the department at nnlural resources Three week ale nineyear old boy was chnscd through paslun by lynx Farmer shut it later PRINCE ALBERT CF Twa humans We been mked by lynx on araleacv caslnnl durlnx the sat lhm weeh In the Mandoweu district 20 mllesnuthwu of here Bushworkérs Halt Strike ration conclhntnr 3ng 701 Tannin said Wednesday LYnx Attack Two Albertans EATON Spotlll PI The Ontario Supreme Court jury deliberated hnurs he Ioro reaching the venilct found him not guilty noncap 1m murder Mr Jusllce Kelly sentencing until after comple lon ulmlnal lrials here ex pected next week Nicdzwleskl was charged fol lowing the slaying during Icuflle nuledn rnslauranl PORT ARTHUR CPIPeter Nladzwleskh 10 wax Iound gullty of manslaughter Wednes day In the April stabbing death of Robcn Stanley Burns Find Man Guilty Of Manslaughter Tnpeshwar Z1flshl an Indian undenl paddled small boat under noses of umed East Earlln Kurds lull as ha campaigned wllh anlIvCom mun poster anEast Berlin Note these quality Viking features that combine to make wash days easier Smooth snagfree 20 lb capacity drum large top mounted nylon lint trap Thermostaticaiiy controlled heat main tains the proper drying temperature for all fabrics from delicatel lingerie to heavy cotton denim Safety door operation stops when door is open Gleaming baked onamul finish porcelain enamelled top PADDLEB AGAINST COMMUNISM AIMlax Wollhormmd Exterior Hbuno Palnl MEDICINE HAT Alla CF Olson member of Parllm men for Mcdlclne HI and chalrman ol lhe nallonal Soclal Credit pnrlys ngrlcnllnral cum mlllec nld Wndnesday he dix agrees with he rtand taken by nallnnal leader on Canadas bl wllcal axle lo Ruaaln Robert Thompson Illd earlier in Invercarglll NZ lhal Can ada has fallen lnlo Commu nIsl Iran by xelling 223000000 bushel of when Ind flour Rwln Mr Olson said In slalcmcnlz dont urea that trading In Sacred Disagrees With Stand 01 Thompson 0n Wheat Deal part of Tellaw Canal Sawi day Faster reads many or Harry Scldel and thou and poulicpl prisoners In Commimla East Germany Seldtl In West Berlin stud ent jailed In East Berlln or 101 305 Mr Olson said one Ike ob vious way to lessen interna tional tension is in trade and communicate with Communist countries and obviously one oi iheflaniesl Iron irada in fund slu Th1 concept that we tii starve Ihe people of Commun coumrics 1m uprlalngx agalm their govcmmtnll detrimen IA to our qun national secur loodsfigfls wllh ha loodstum wllh ha Communls countries delnmmlal In our own lntorcsls ur the lnlenuf tiunal pollllcal Alluauon hclping minutes The East German guards driving pl lrol boat tried in vain Ior more lth an hour to manual ver Zulshi out oi East Berlin waters Letters painted on Zuuh boat read Liberty

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