Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 13

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uh numb Iuddrn llrnrl Illurk lnnk Ma MI Catharina IMr mn Taronlo an firm Mm WHY mm mm In chm rkllmnl nl lhn Hnynl Vlrlnrin Hmpdnl School Nurnmu Thr mwtlmu wan mm All he Laldlnw mldcnca MISS PEARSON FUNERAL Enflmrlnx ml Ilfllnl 1m wqu mnHmml In the 1m 1w mm 1an Inn Unllcd Churrh Sundly mornlnx John Runner nudml mlnlslbr lhu Mlne Ilnz Pauoml condudcd he mar nlng mvlce Nu dellvrrrd um man on 1m pnrnhlc the Inn Ihup nv llixhnm wnl lho nuts lrcakrr II In Unlud Cllqrch mnl 0n Snlurdny night number mldenl on AmoIIa Street wars bcwIIdtrcd by ImIIinz nqu In lIxa wnInr pipes In thrlr homtl and lried In win plumber The large I1qu In he mlddlo lhn mad 1m by tonslrmlIon company In months no wn partly Illtd wilh water lhe mull broken wnIcr mnIn II We Imm hrIp nnlvul and mu wnur wnn pumped ouI Men and mm thlncry cnma soon to Imlnl The hlxlory of the Archer Inm lly wu revlcwrd by Archer and lane mnrdlng by anch Archer was heard llmlram men and xnmu wns carried out Illerwurds oak place All the omcm were maltcled They are president um Arch er Parry Sound vice nusidcnt Eldon McFaddch Orilllu lec nlury lreasurcr Ruth Ann Ar Cher Elmule mom cnmmll lee Bmce Dundu Lame Arthu and Harold Rnnnlm By MRS TERRY CHER REUNION The Inmlly at lhe late Albert and Mary Ann Archer held reunlnn nl Orr Luke Park 5ch Member attendan tat nlled Tlmycnmc lrom Mid nnd Klrkland Lake Woadvllle on Mills Orlllln Toronto Stay nd Elmvnlc Alter lunch lh uslnnss mcctlmz was held The president Burt Archer nlled the meeting to nrdnr Tho mlnutcs ollhst ylnrs rcunlan fame read by the sccrclnryv trasurer Ruth Ann Archer frtzcs worn given tollowl The eldest mumbnr present Mrs Dan Rountrce the younxest member present Garry Dundns couple marrlcd the longest tr and Mrs Chlt Archer couple coming the longest dis lnnce Mr and Mrs Orvnl Arch Klrklnnd Lake guessing the umber ot cnndicx ln Jar llelgn laltn Tornnto Miss Lenora Bralley Barria pent no weekend with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brolley Vlsllors wllh Mrs ane um Hey on Sunday ware Mr and Mrs James Leighton Holly and Mr and Mrs Bruce Brnlley and family Elmgmvn Rev Downnr called on Esther and Walson Downer an Egbert Unlled church held their anniversary service Supt 15 with Rev Vnrr conduci lng and Trlnily Unlted church chalr Thornton supplylnn the Imusiz Soloist was Mrs Wnn The 1ndle of EKbcrl church Ixervcd lunch to the choir and uriends Mrlénd Mu Cecil Vhlleslde spent the weekend with Mr and burst Roger flalvnlrlfnronlo nunfimr from Egheall£icnd ed the lnlr In Cookslawn on Salugdny finpt 1Dlsllncllve new nppnarnnca outstanding perIurmance Ind economy are the min char acterlallu of the 1m Dodxa SIMCOE COUNTY NEfi CHRYSLER mmmms smmd Lsnnnnsm ELMVALE EGBERT DODGE HAS ENTIRELY mew STYLIfiEfiEME All and cum Hon in mated numlrm mm In rmy MAN whim umlulmlu lo ullomu mlnlmlnn 1h Sunday Mlh Mr Ind Mn nonllcy and boym In Elulna llenllry mu In Mallard Monday Shu Allend pd ha Shnkunmlnn Fullvul mlucllnn Thu Comedy of Emu Mn Andrrwn Im1 Wu Wrunn ulchl on Mn llawnlnl Fldny qn mule In Dmcchrldlm Mr and Mn Rm Wrxlun wm hrlr mun thnudny ny MM DOWNING Mr nnd Mu Mr hy mend nnullry nnd Gregory mum Sunday Mlh Mr Ind Mn nsnslry 5nd In Mn nn in Frawley allendod he McDonnellPendnr Rani woddlnu Our Lady oi Perpliunl Help Church Toronto and rccnpllan nilcrwnrds Al he Royal York Holt nrlillnn Brown Tomnlo and as Brown are vlsillnl Boyd rowh Timlsknminz Mr and Mn lohn Mccmrh eon Ind Iamlly Walkman Mr and Mrs iiourrie Toronto vlsiled Sunday It Phil Klnxl Mrsl William Miller alluded leacherl mulan Moon Iione on Wednesdny afternoon School rtopencd lnai week wllh 27 chlldrun In attendance Sewr al children from the mom school are nllcmllnu unill in new Ichool II llnlihed ll liloon Alone Mn and Mn iinrhor nul ialo NY upon law day with Tilcophlle King Mr and Mn Martin Tobin and inmlly Mrl Genmdc For mt Toronio Iptnl lha wack ean wllh Mr and Mn anlnr Mr and Mrn Edwnrd ODon nail nnrl llmlly iiollnn vixllcd rt ll will Mn and him irriwié By Ms AL FnAWLEY Mr and Mrs Vllllam Miller vlsilad rcccnlly wilh ML and Mrs Dale Miller Churchlll Mr and Mn Gardner Dunn villc aptm Inst weekmd with Mr and Mrs chrgc Dc Gram nnd fumlly rm Pearson a1 Ridgeway 15 522111ng Qhe week with Mn RownL Mr and Mrs Miller and Emily at Burl spanSunday with he laltcr mnlher Mrs Thomson MOUNT ST LOUIS Mr and Mrs Pclmpuulns Paul and Janice Tornnlo spent the wcckend with the luller parents Mr and Mn fiyping Mrs Gladys Dean 01 Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mg Edgngrncnrdsall Mr and Mrs John Beardsall and lime daughter or Tamnxo spent the weekend with he lob mcra parents Mn and Mrs Lconard Beardsall Mrs Mull awe and her In lher Mr Townes vlslled relnliv at can or couple of days Mrs Don Smlth olr Bergcrlon spent few days with Mrs James Smith Mn and Mrs Leonard Kell man and Mrs Clark of Roches ter NA span cw days at Hue home Burl Graham Miss Pearson we daughter aIIhc late Mr and Mrs James Femson Iormnrly or Elmvale Survlvlnz Ara her Ihrce slslen Effie and Ida Toronto Georg lna Mrs Maxum Llnyd and David Elmvale lnlerment was mado Wednesday ln Elmvale Cemdery muons lrom Chrysler Cmudi Ltd Extcmlfi rutyllnl Mlhs Iron and cmphnslzea maim exlerlor And Interim reda HOLLY lm hrnlev my lh mn pnnyn quIu llwym MW mllu pour IIIIII ni um VlAlon wllh Mr Ind Mrl Gnnlleld Gordon wm Ralph llrbrlch flu and IA url wll Gordan cl Windwr mu Adnlr Enlnlnllnn Mr Clrnry and Mn Lambkln Lumh wu lorvzd by Mu Cflmpblll and Mn Bert Mulhollnnd Then wlll In Mun In stmud Communin llnll Frldny Ivmlnl monsnml lly lhl fllcmllon ergmlu EXAMINER AN AD IIIONI PA mu Nurly tubing cuthr plum Injoyed Innthrr Ivr nlnz oHun wlnnm um Mn Tolu Mn Newlan Mn Ar wood Roy kpnxe Dwight Nel mn Adnlr wmnlnllon Mr Clrnry and Mn Lambkln my wu lorvzd by Mu Ono at the old landmark an No 11 highway at tho north and at tho vlllln wnl ton dnwn It was tha burn near the mud on tho tormer Gnarls lecnl property nnw owned by Mr Ind Mu Pennlnu and family Those who attended In 50th weddlmz nnnlvmury at Mr and Mn Thnmuhgnn Elm vale Sept It were Mr Ind Mn Truman Flatt Mr Ind Mn Mb Mark Akc Black Mrl Cantu McDonald Mn Rohnrt Gnhnm And Mn Wchb Pntnswlck Mr Ind MIL my Jnmtmn Alum Belch gt yucnm mu Joe Clark rclumed lrnm rip lhrouuh lhn new Seaway wilh her husband ml the 55 Comenudnc lhc new ship Ihnl was bum Ulllplsl lum mer ul Colllnzwood She will spend few days here wllh Mum and ulnllm balm lurnlnl huml la Mldland LANDMNIF GONE xnlherinz was held Friday night at ihu home of Mr and Mrs Iierb Block to spend an eveninx wilh Susan and Jean before their departure ior Toronto Seven rounds of progressive nuehra prm claimed he winners as Mrs Finn ilerh Block and Mrs Alex Black Ailcr lunch served by the hostess presentation was made lo Susan and Jenn oi two reading lumps as token oi remembrance and hes wishes of lhcir friends prMenL Each girl expressed her anpreciulion Susan has cniercd lha nursinl stall oi tho Toronio Ens Gen eral Hospital and Joan lhe mil he Toronio Generll Hospital NEW amp By MM 1L HUIHOLLAND FAMILIY GATHERING Fmsi illi ihis disiricl last week use whn were uni linishtd with lheir lnbmo CM Jack Frost finished ii iar them With no profit or the growers Dalian McCrncwn is building new home here and the car penlm are progressing well rs Cecil Wilkinson has Ia toured from men open llon in Toronto hospltal Mr and Muller lb campanlbd Mr and Mrs Vernon Benncn on weeks vncl lion In the northern dlslricl Mm Shlrley De Wilde of Rats Ell vlslled Robbins on Mon By ROBBINS Congratulation 16 Mr and Mrs Rel Knux of Tumult on Ihe birth at daughler Bevm Icy Susan Mr and Mrs Pal ODonell and sun at Tammn wen Sun day wlm ML and Mrs George Peqcnck slunlnnl hasnt modal The Dodu ca as the com parwn exclusive flveyur 50000 mile warmly on in power min STROUD EVERETT PLYMOUTH SAVOY 20005 ImnunmnMuc mwmwnmu wnmwm m9 at youngtjmryslgr 051 dialrfs mm mm Valiant Slum modem uyfing glunomus Inv exIon ballcryspnrlnn Iltcrnnlor pzppicsl mndud engine lndls clan lhese am just cw of he alum lncludcd In lb 64 Valllnl And lhenl new npllonal 4Speed floor mm mnnual lmnsmlslxlonl Aguln In 64 Nubody but Valunl or value SEE THE CARS WITH THE YEAR WARRANTY TAKE THEM OUT FOR TEST DRIVE YOURSElF YOUll IKE THEM SAVOYTMOTORS Barrie ffff LIMITED 149 mmmn mm I49 DUNLOP STREEI EAST 5217500 Sou lhll Dealer for Plymouth Chryllar or Vallanl FREE DRAW MOTORS 145 DUNlOP ST Good anlcclion on hand for lmmcdlalp dcllvery HARM EXAMINER THURSDAY SEPT 19 19811 PLYMOUTHS VALIANTS CHRYSLERS BARRIE ONTARIO FOR mmsusroa RADIO 3352M

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