Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 1

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Dionne Quints Article Said Full Of Untruths CALLANDER Onl lCI ollvn Manna Injured and IIIockcd over homelIIu revela lIans by Inmuu qulnluplcl daughtnrn In the latex Issuu hIchlIl mngnzIne my thn Ilnry II lull DI Its Thm are lwa 11ch lo ovary nary Mr blonnc snId In an Inlervlcw early lodny In ha ramblInz farm house here whm he qulnluplcls llvcd ndHMrs Dionne and have Mm Your No 219 We haw no lntrnlinn an Into big cnnlrnrcrny over thll acrpt to my thn mnun zlne min 15 lull of unlrulhs In their combined lllc nlmy old to wrllcr James Dough mo Iuranl our sister lull ol hlrdahlpl mlmy and permu an by htit parent and hrol 011 Ind nlllm nlltr bclnz ran JAKAnTA IndonulnFnccd wllh llrillm break in dlplo mnllc rclmlonn and prodded hy Vnhlnnlnn In ex prmcd rem lodny or the mnh human and looting n1 Illa Brlllnh Emhnuy Md alhcr prop my 31m FOUR nurvivinz Dlml le Quintuplell say In maga line mlcle lhal the home BMSIIM Irnzil MP Yunmlnvinl ImIdrnl TIIn low In Brullll Wednwlny lnr ml olllclnl vhll nml lmmrdlnlrly umn under the Mn 91 murlly mnm urrylnx murhlnnnunl HIIIHI Hamn Calhoun hnd bltlnly prnlnlml hll vlall WASHINGTON IMD In fitMu lndla mul lrlrvhlnn Ivmndmll lrrnldenl Krnnrdy rnrrlnl in Hue UH pmpln Wnlnmlny flllhl Ml rim or an ulmmopm lnx ml an lnuurnnrc lur pmprmy Jm frnm uhnl he lrmltd rulnmu Amrmlmrnll lo curb lplntlfll COHOURO Dnl ICI Flu lumml and hule In mm lluhrrl lulu II In lhlthmr numlmrm abou 1m ulmv In downlrmn Culmurl mly Imlny 11m Ilrr behoml In have ninthl In Ilnlrwell Ike lmyrnrnld hullling qulrkly mm In II In uparlmrnln nlxm lhe Ilm BIRMINGHAM MIL Ml Canadian or flmxl 1m Elven at any MI wlmllmmfl IIIHU mlny In mnullullh mu Mm vrulllnl mm mlxlhnmlnl In tldml um virullunlwl uhml Duvlrl filanlry ll anv nu Huhmm Ivy Judi Nwul Im vrllmul mam uuull vllh lnlufl La muldu bcuuu Inmlflclm lama Tito Heavily Guarded In Brazil MONTREAL ll and lllrrllm 13 unlrnml lllr lrml lnr llw umml HIM In our mnnllvl Vrllnmluy T110 IN ml Irnlrnru II runulnrnl wllh llm llul llxllclln mvlnfl lltn mu nl Kl Vlnrml do Im lur mlnhlnl man In Ilrnllx In lnv mu lull unmmr plmtnl unllly In Hm nlmmvlml mum at luanl nllo Ixy IIRLNIII Promise To Protect English In Jakarta Cobourg Man Dies In Apartment Filo Man Sentenced To Lilo Term Twice Kennedy Asks People On Tax Cut Canadian Iailod In Bimingham For Examine Wam Ad relo phnna PA MN Thalelwnnne number to can or lhr Bunnm or Edlloflll Dept II PA 6531 CF lrnm Almeulen NEWS BRIEFS Our Telephones Icmd to the familyl care he lib of seven The qulnls want the earlier part Mr lives in an Ontario government run nursery ward 01 Hz governmtn to prevent plantation SADDENS FATHER unnc was and and dlxuppalnlcd om mu llclo and nld cannot under nand why the girls who will ho 30 next May should nllcr all them yearn Auddnnly hold hair parent up lo publlc rldlculo and dishonar halo lhlnk ll wu inr llnnnclnl galn but wnsnl 01f Um wnl was In lhclr story uhlch the qulnll slrangly supported Wed nudny lhc gull wrulo Mom and Dad behaved toward and other In though they had been SlmnK term 01 Indonulnn troop Ippcnrtd hm ra Almd ordrr In lhll capllnl arm Wedncndnyn rnmnnle about 10000 Indonesians pmlnsllnx unlml he now Irlllnhnpnnl nred chcrnllon Mnlnylln nut In lhe uncnly calm nrlllnh wnmcp nnd chlldrcn wm quil Hnu Indonnln provldcd by half parcnls Mr and Mrs oliva Dlonne above wal the amides they 112 matrix Estamm were drencth wllh same ol having sinned from me Id Our can xclnnco clear Mrs Dianne and may not have been tho but parents In the wnrld and we undoubtedly made many mLmkcs but we find our host under very lrySnl circum xlnncnl The quinll claim to romrm bcr everylhlng hnm lhu day My were born whlch in quite lack nnxlwdv partners in some unspoken ctlma bringing us lntn the vmld tlcla but hmnuse Mrs Dimml and ballevn the privacy ha home sacred lhlnz and should nul bu dmxucd nu Into the public We do no lntcnd lo commcnl further President Sukarnol Immn mnnl land concllinlary Mnlv men deplorlnz Ihn mob vlo have worn dcmnnslrnlion ever Ilnncd here nxnlml min pa 11mm larulxn Sccmary Lard llama ud dtnouncul 1nd unclvlllud behavior and HurtAlma Io lever dlplnmnlla rolnllonx unlm nnsuml llrllish mth and propmy would be pmlccltd ever knew Thll ml nhmo showed he Dianna relaxing in their home at Corbeil Ont CP Wirephokn MilliIPA 10 MYEGUARD Iruldinlfiuktrnrnu lllréctl In nunrnnlno ho lunhrr lnlrly Url nuthrlgh Iudnmhu he clly In law Rulmmul pen Announce mud rump nllcr An urfrnt mrrllnx Mlh Amrrlrnn Am Indnr Ilnwnnl Janev vho WM Alruuliuu In ktrp lmlnnutal chuh with Ilrllnlu lrom emlnl InK IQ lull dlplomnllc Ilrc ixnlnln ch wlm ninl rim dun uul at he counlry during hp day LONDON AP llrllfllnl Fur End farm mod on lh nlrrl mlny mxly lu thp Hm nrw MalayInn lrnlunllnn IIIpm nllh Imlumln Ihnuhl Inn Inlo MUN Jur Imnil Ml lhuu In IM IIII Mn nyl nlmuhl smh nu 11an who rmrlnn Sma lnrr Um llnllw IIIII In 110 II on Inluvlew Wevlnw Hill mulmmdly hope In mhlrd lhnl will Ml In pml lhnl Imlnnuln will brhnv In ml Mm VI Inward In Mmul um MIMI Imd Cam mqnwnllh lmm an lwlleml In flnrnwnk um NM an lnlnullnn lnulmlrv llul hm ulnar unllenllm mlh Irv dannll British Army Stands Ready imm now 1mm uanltlnl mnrllnl amtg angina Canidl Thuriday Saplighhor 19 UNITED NATIONS CF Prime Mlnlslcr Pearson Can ada appealed today or develop ment of trained and equipped calleclive one or United Na llons peacekeepan service He old lha UN General sembly that Canada recently gnve the urganlzafiona secre Iarlal detailed Informullon on what Canada can mast readily pmvlde to metI UN request or assistance called on again Wu propose Pearson said Ihat there shank be an exam Inanan by Imercsled govern menu 01 ha pmhlem and technique pencekeeping op erallons He added Thls could lead to poolan 01 nvnllahle resource and lhe dcvelapmcnt In comrdlnalcd way ol lrnlncd and equlpped collecllve larch for UN service In meal possible lulurc demand or Ian under the blue flux 01 he Unllcd Nauonflfl Pearson also proposed an en lnrxcd Security Council which could assuma msponsihlllly for many problems now dealt with by Is General Assembly norm lotion or actlvlllos oi regional groupings such NATO with those at the UN lower world Irade haulers and moralor lum on political controversy in the UNI lpcflllllfdazcnclu LONDON mmcm Brlllxh and French cxpcrls recum mcndcd luday that Iheir gover mam hulld lwoway rnllwny tunnel under he 11min Enz Hsh Channcl Their dccxslon revived he lalycamld drcnm Napoleon Brpnparlc elected being lha 1cm nliflnclury link bclwnn Brll gin and Franc wu the Idea 01 chnnncl hrldgc The rnporl ssucs ullcr an AnglnInnch cummlllw cxnm Ined rival proposal or Iunncl or bridge Iuid rnllway gunncl propmlllonfl wag The bridge 1ch Wm ducrlhud as ons ambl lrnm lhl 311ml 10qu View inclury Iron v01 flew mm mpoml bl nix nrlmh nnd le Irrnch momhm undnr lhn jolnl chnlr mnmhlp or Dcpuly Secrtlnry Sorpcll ha miliah minhlry oi Immpnrl and lha lrnnch cammiuioner or our km In an nnvnnnl It was nrmtd in Nnvumhtr Ml N0 DECIHION NOON VIM Fnrtluu Mlnhlmr Andnl Gmmykn lndny prupnml III In nann uummll mrellnn an anmrnl flurlnu lhu um ulxnr Irr nl 1064 Pool Armies For Peace PM Vilrllhh flflvcmmcnl omcinll Ilmml lhnl lhu Hpull IIw vrnpnlnl wul mmlr by Hm Rmlrl mlnlslrr In In mnlor pol Ly llcrlnrnllnn hdvm llm UN Zrnrrnl Ammhly lmldrnl Krnmdy ulll ulvu In US pol Icy Ilnlcmml IIhlny OTTAWA fl nmnvl llw LlMIll llhll DIoKrnhAhr my Ilw Irulrlu Mrnl In In mm mlflltnl Allulnnu In ll LllvNu lmmm new whul ul lo lluuh Gromykn laid lho murth mnlnn wm upman In morn nvouhln nlmmplmo lhlI ym mull of rural dewInp monln lnclndinl Ihu nlnnlnd cl lhl Ilmlltd nurlcnr lnl hm lmly W0WM 50le film llul Ianl chnnnia ha lulrlo Armrrl vlrw nnl hl uld Walnut MI II wHI lull undnnm ml em plmlu lhnl lhe mlklrl ml ulllnz IhIU lbw Cunmvl mml vm Ihl cor British French Recommend Railway Tunnel Under Channel Gromka Proposes Summit Meeting Prairies Still Tory Says Diof Pekrsnn rejeclad nu propnsal rI TRIA UNITED NATIU MUSo from lhefifllechnlul some UNKmhcr that 511th Africa be expzch from the UN for ll raclnl pollclu and lha uncllon be applied azalnst lhat country Them wcravolher UN nallonl which nllnwcd policies which vialnlzd human rlzhu Wm hyy lo be9xpclledl an eishfildWISe sccklni Io lnv crease the membership no damn Alfbha laid The Iavnrcd tunnel prapnsal envisage 31mllu rallwny link with Milan tunnel under the Inn Tho rnnl nrn osiUnn was for bridge over 21min chnn no or use by both can and trnlm Thus dream Napolcnn In mo during an Inlcrluda lII lhu Napoleonic Wm hnl coma much mgrnr lo ranUly Most of lha unpasfllon comlnfi mm the mm Ildo hnl been on mllilnry mundn JACKSON Mich MP moh oI Ntum manor Ilancd police Wulnudny hnmclcd oflltru rind to prevent ruclnl vlalrnrc In new ammo hluh lthool In vrtdomlnnnllywllllc nglshhnrhnqvl Lnlcr pollco ouuhl wllh ml an mlmnlcd 100 In 150 Negro mlulll who ronurcunlcd ruldrnllnl Itml tomtr Nu Injurm Mm nparlcd 1n clllwr lnLlernl Ten nludrnll Includinn whlle nlrlI wmw nrmlcd Mm lhc hour11mg dlnnrbnnu Wed nmlny Mlunmn Sewn whllu ynunu urr plrknl up lullr nnd 1mm qunllnnlux Fnur lulllcrlnrn warn ml Inullrd Ivy mob Nun dmu which nllo hutlrd rack II he jmlmlmrn and pnulnx cnrl Ivnua Chin Ilacab Gray him Id Mn nhnw lam Hdnl walk disperlcdlhmll ll Nrum ynulu at am point with Hm ullunulnhrr 11m pmlxlrnl Hm Jnrhon rhnplrr ol lho Nullanul Aunclu Inn Inn Um Mvnnctmlnl ftlam lrbxlh Ilnmld Vhllt mu Gnumm Gram Romney lnvullinlo lm nluu Nrirorn and on whllu ulmlrnl urnml wm Il Irnml In er punnu They Wm tlmunl vim xlimrdorly rvmlun and onlrrrd In nppur Um no rpm luluIda lllxh 5th upcnod lur lhe llnl llme 5m HI en mluwnl 1600 Mutlcnll nlwul ennly dlvlulcd lwlwoen whldlu and Warm mum nl IoIIu mid an Inrldenl II nu mmmn moqu cau llh Iva dlnlurblnm nod mm 1an my luv Iho mublé 72an vhllv hay uld run 21 Num km hmup Ill hullwuflh the mammi IIaWufluphléd with Ihm New pun cnnlnlncd nu dcclslon un British policy cantcrnlng lhu unjch and Added none was mmlnunt Policé Stoned By Negro Youths HONLL PEARSON ISTANBUL AP Sharp earthquakes Wednesday night and early today struck Istanbul and most of western Turkey klllln least an person and Injurinl tvml omen The hardest Ihock knocked down wall In Indcnl lec llon of ilslanbul AL leasl una man dlbd Firemen marched or othr victims CHIMPS PAINT PICASSO STYLE Many guest at he nlnc storey Islanhul Hiltvn fled lo the In whcn lhu hole maycd 11m 5han was felt along the Black Sea and lhe Sea 01 Mar mnm bolh nonh and south manhul Thm were nn town at mloul damnu or cnxuntlu 11 the Mnlnnlnz do lilo PARIS AP palr ol chimpanzees named Bonus and Ba blnn mankeyed umund WUI modern art In collar night club Wzdncsday and Ihe result was snmcthln helwccn Picnssnnnd an ax ploslnn in mint factory Shortly bola the quaka flood 1n ccnlrnl Turkey tonk lhu livu lo persons press reports mid Daddy what In pup Ottawa born slnger Paul Ankn whn acted as HJudge In the curlous contest com mcnlcd TM Just pmws modern art Dr everyone even mnnkcys Kenya and Bamblnn were billed as Ilnallsl In the cuntesl promollnl Hnlly wood movie They splashed pain on canvas In the has tradition or Mallssa and Klee Anka and panel at two starlets awurdcd Enngo Hm prizea stalk nl bananas Earthquake Hits Western Turkey He had butler leelinl for cnIor Iald Ankn 1h man behind her ptcvenl II from Huh min NW In domfilnllm Ignlnfi mm and yolk II Ilrhldr Illuh klmlln lnhon 014nm MP Win phuh MNCIIIIB hlmh nl HERES ONE Lancescrflcant Menard nay mond Demllle on Irlal on tho charge of capllal murder was alleged yesterday tn have admlllcd shooting Sal Herbert Wllsun In Cam Borden mess on tho evenln my 23 An anmale Supreme Court jury heard In man In whose custody he wns Fluted durlnx the early hour the morning May 24 lustlly that Damllle ndmillcd llrlng two shan Into wllsvn In tho wxcnnu men lhe Royal Canadian School Ingmtry Prnvnclnl Police Conslahln John AHHammand anld Demlllo save an unsolicited and spam lanmu summary the event whlch culmlnaled In the death Sgt Wilson Thu Iccnunt WI volunteered between 220 and mm on May 24 when Dcmllle was lodged In tho cells 01 um Provlndnl Pallca hudquarlm Bum HIGHLIGHT Consi Hammonds icsiimony highligth tho aixih Ind final day oi iho prosecution case in his preseniaiion Allomcyw Thompson caiicd 35 witness to and znierzd so exhibits Ho tested the case ior the prose cution It 315 yesterday aim noon Constable Hammum um 01 15 yelrs wllh the Prov lnclnl Pollen gave verhnllm account 01 Demllles Alleged re mnrkl durlnl theJaur Ind hi hmu parlad ml dnwn ex actly what he lold me To the host 01 my knowledge ls word lar ward he lold delence coun sel John llqollhan In sum ln trouble now ll accused alleged In have lnld In hl lnllor man after 220 Mn Constable Hammond wns lllng six eel nway lrom hlm on ma nlher Ilda ol the cell currldor Nollng Ihnl he had ham or wa about to be churned D54 mllle naked Cnnst llnmmond lo explain the dlflernnca bclwccn cnpllal and mncnpllal murder he olllcer lcsllllod Do you uvo la Ill hm nlI nluhl wilh me Ya lhal btrnuxe mluhl try lo camml ulclde Canxuhln Hnmmnnll lold lhu murl lhnl Ihn Ilory Inld by Ina ntcuud wu Interrupted mm llme lo me Tho amm nmr npllcd with nnylhlnn morn llmn oh or nhhunh hu calmed as Mm II he had been warned to whlch Dzmille ll Mld lo hnvo repllcd Yu he cantinubd Hnmmdnd lhen answered that cupilnl murder was dnemed hayg been Premcdllalcd Yet Ilium Ii Ilwayl plac ed on person charged with murdrr COME 10 NOTIII lo nolfilnm nrcuml II Miami to him lnld mm no harm no wlla nml my ynnr old ton wnl lnrmrd onL Whllo Dcmlllo wn In Emu durlnl fitplrmhcr 1002 be tclvnd ltlltr 1mm hll wllu Hm ullinx mo Ihn no Innutr 10ml me and wnnlrd up nllnn llnmmond mulled Tullmony hm bun heard Um mo lMlar wns milled on Srpltmhcr am ml Dcmllla muer lu Cnnmln on Sept 77 lumlnl Icrnrnllan ummnnl wnI nignul 1th pull on cl 1001 1mm whlch dnlu Mu Irmlllu wm hnmd hy ll nulhumlu Irom rnlulnu rrxnlm In drfcnu Inn IthmlJ Vhrn rnmn Imml mcl my wife Cnmp 51m nva mo 1000 11mm wnl no urnlluro In UM homo wcnl In Anni and In lhl lurnlllm back lcll All VIII lunl includlnu my hulnr lEvllrnco hll been hrurd lhnl ML Wml hrlpu Mu Dunllln man her Munhold mm mm nmp anion In Arum on hwI ml In no Ilw pm and old um um my wlh ul ul lu um mum Ithy um lrll wllh hi my um had lhl hnrlmuhup been ncnlvod Ihn IM deemed mm nn 1mm mm In an RC In mulling mm It mg hum Inln IM bub mm 1cm out my Lflnmld Ion AIMI Mth bu Ill dilldm mum KICKFJI 0m Policeman Recbunts Talk WithCamp Borden Soldier Nol Mon Thln Par Copy18 Plan Scattered Lhunderahowm and cooler today Lowlonlxhl IL High Iomarmw For full summary turn lo page two Local Weather The guy she look up with kicked own We and our chlxdrnn out Thla uy hu ruin ed more mm an you can lhlnk dmmd them right Into Iho guitar Dcmlllu 111 lexed by the owner lo have told him Noting um ho had Iaokod alm hla mm or the past nlna months the accused ll sold to have continued ook him out one school In camp and pul him lnln another The children wary Ionlllpg 131m name wneks 320 or protection Dur lnx this past three wucka when came home at night wnuld Just pace the floor lhlnklng about my wife and that chhraclcr Mus SILENT Tho Constable said that me lhl outburu the accused ell nllcnt Ind he wn able in make rnnlh notes what Demlllo had nld Yesterday Illurnoon la la lhlnkinl about my wlfa and Wll son at pm and came home Iboul 605 In lho momlnx lulu without lncanllvu or promfiflnu lha Accused contin ued nary the mm were He Iold ma llml Inmeonn wnl lrylnl lo tel hlm lulu lronhla by nparlluz la lhu lrovml lhnl hn mu um In lho ltrmnnml Mnrrkd Qunrlm mullnucd lhu allltcr Wm lnlo tha hnuse at the lhnlgun and some Ihclla Ind wan lo the barber shnp when my wife wnrka in lnla my car and drovn Io camp passed lhn gain was no llnppcd Ind want to flu mm put Um nun under my coal wml lnla the moss and asked when Wllmn waL Somebody Id 11 In ho kitchen want thin the kilchtn and tank lhe mm mm under my laid Inmulhlna lo Wllsnn which dont remember WI aon lflld Lcll lnlk lhh over lnld There II nnlhlnx to lnlk mm Then put lwo Ihuu Into then walked nut lo lhe bar nnd willed or the Provml Snmehody Ilruek mo bchlnd lhc ear but do not remember who or where Kl Dcmill Ihnl ha hnrl been cummnmllnz n1 um and pudm url Wllmn posted Ion way lrnm Cnmp to prawn lruuhlo TM wa new dune lhv Iccuud In 1mg alum old he wllnm 1111 1mm wm molded in rough arm Illcr lhe mmth wrnl ull duly tun Ila mint Thu Ilnnl dull nf Demlllcl nl unlnry converunan wnl begun ll mm MIL lutlllrrl SMNI quullom by Ina Ic cum wrra Innn Iml luv lwrrn lho pnrtl he no rc lnlrd In nu mullMe Inm mend nonL Drmlllu MINI hlm nlmul MI Iuvlm rlhhnnl nml Wllllll an he hm hm wllh Ilurlng war he IMIJ Mo nlnn nkrd hlm how Iona ha lnul lmn wilh lhl lmvlncinl lnllce Whal wlll Mppm In my wn nuwf lhn nrruml In uld In lava ukvd WIll Ihe lake him or wlll nulhmlliu lh Mml Camibl rrnllnl Ila In all ymxr ml and llulnk you wlll ve llu my hhnl hnp Tn lha nlmllon llnw cum nu Ml mqu Al lhr Illa when lhl vulce knew um nlllur uld he Irpml dnnl Imam Dunn In llmo In no Irdln HUM Demllll mm lo mm bulk mm roublnfi uldl Jib Ippfiépfflfqullo II OM Ionl we ngv be 1311de went Intqvlhe bnrbcr Ihup had uu Inn with Thou were lame people In the bar ber lhop lhlnk two They not an and fired two that at my wile mi cont There ware lame olhcr people In lho kllchcn told Ihm la but It Ind they dld DESCRIBE SHOOTING um point In Ml lullmnny Constabln lnmmund conllnucd MI nwn worm II Ifllllllll In mm In Mme mum ullvlmlry In hm Imam lluu luldltgu rm mum Wmnvlw én

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