lnhxhflil aald dlscuulan mind broadly over Canadian ll CLAFPERTON ST other aovemmenl ofllclal will meet the vlsllma lodw while leading Canndlnn bus ncss men and banker will be onjlqnd Weï¬nesdqx Seventyfour at executive had separate talks Mandny with Mr Pearson Industry Minister Dmry Emma Allah Minis ter Martin Health and Wellare Mlnmer LaMmh and smug labor leaders including Dan ald MacDonald secretarytren mrer he Cmadlln Labor Conmsx DUNLOP 51 The dllcusslans kEp seen by agreement on both sides were amazed by private or amlzallon called Duslncss lum mtlonnl whose membership Us alum with corporate unmet such Ford US Steel Bo lnz Singer Standard 011 Sears Roebuck Kalser and the hLz bnnks OTTAWA iCPiOn by one Prime Minister Penman and lap member of his cnbinel succu aively faced leading American corporation executive Mnndny or cioschdoor talks described by one oiiiclnl down to cases with no time tar pinli tildes 131m munI so ServiceSlation Repair Garage Snow Ploughlng NA Service 24 Hr Towing Phone PA 8741 PM Holds Talks With Exeéutives 700 lllh lo MIdnllhl AFTER HOURS PHONE PA £4895 or PA 10 FAMILY SAVING MAKES SENSE AND DOLLARS IN YOUR CREDIT UNION KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION THE BARRIE EXA MRI TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 unrmin 51 mmuz Stewarts may um Inn mounLI nun your mum An mm In ul mum ONLY culclNl nrnnl 0N LoANl ovn moon WAY mornnon covnmn IlcuNun ACEInlNl AND nunl Ynur rumnu An men For You And Nm Dunn 51mm or Aulaunu cmnu Im In run nUAlIANTllD MUNIY 1ch van on mm mm cull AT cunan thno PA 60101 808 MARTIN Stewarts Garage NEED MONEY COOKING $50 To $3000 Lolm For Any Wo ens dam Mn Wnlluu Hinton Sea CRESCENT Mme ma 2100 no céunamlc pulIcy the expm drive the balance of payment situation unemployment and Ike ml of us subsidiary com panies opernlln1 In Canada HEAL HALF MILLION LOS ANGELES AP Bun Inn look possibly 5500000 woth jewels and fun from Mrs Christine Carters Wilshlre dislrlct mansion Saturday night polka twirth Mondny She II the former wife of Edward Caner president of tha Dread wayHale department stores Mr Gordon June ll budget announcement of sh In the 15 ercenl wilhholdlnl tax on dlv dends going abroad The tax vmuld be lowered lo 10 per cent or ï¬rm with It lean upward Canadlnn ownershlp and rolled lo 20 can mn Inz Jan ms or others Trade Mlnlsler Shurpl speech last week in which he said It may be necessary tn seek new waye la usura um US xuhsldlarlel In Canada do their utmost to Increase their export to the US as well In other foreign markets It was learned that Mr Paal son and hls minister mcl heavy quasllolrï¬m 93 tqubgecu Flowers 71 mm PA um Fendleys FLOWERS FRESH FROM GREENHOUSE DAILY FTD MEMBER BARRIE ONT WATER HEATING PA ISIN N0 91 not Theatre Tickets FREExliachTWeek Eon THE IMPERIALAND noxv THEATRES ggsumersCï¬as ESSA ROAD We carry lnruo ulecllon Nnmolln nnd Emu Yarns EMU MOHAIR In all mud Needs Enun nun Earl Mountbatten Burma has smile or 1h guard commander as he make 1n spchqn allowing wrealMaym lnz ceremony at the Nnttonal SPINNING WHEEL YARN SHOP Fishnet Spinning Wheel YARN SHOP WE M30 DO CUSTOM KNITTING KNITTING NEEDLES from 60 up Baker 76 Permian THE ITALIAN FOODS FISH AND CHI Dunlap PA IE Mao Gnt FISH Ind CHIPS 0U SPECIALTY lrenl he Inmlly lo mshl to lens at our low cost meal of sh and chin $120 Photograph Dllllrlcllon 85 Dunlop Muy PA 34440 its MOUNTBATTEN msan Gums 67 TORONTO 5T Per mu CHRISTMAS PORIRAITS And An llppolntmrnl Nut Too Hum Yanr prlnlmul Each week for 10 weeks there will appear in the ad vertisements on this page thenemes and addresses of six lucky people resid ng in Barrie and District If your name should appear in one the advertisements and on locate it you have to do is clip the ad in which appears and present it to the store You will receive two est tickets to either the Imperial or Roxy Theatres whic will be honored within two weeks from the date of issue forany show special attractions Saturday Sunday and Holidays excluded SCOTT MARLOWE PLU SEASON OF PASSION will ERNEST uOflGNlNE ed Loupar COLD WIND IN AUGUST War Memorial In Ottawa Mon day The guard 01 honor was comprised member ha Canadian Guard from Camp Pelawawa Earl Mountbatten ANNE nnxm Show sum Al 700 511 NOW SHOWING BIG FEATURES EACH WEEK PEOPLE Wlll WIN TICKETS FREE NOW PA mu Amman Wllh Womvumuomomomww0mvomn Special 3m SAVE CASH AND HAVE THE CLEANEST CAR IN TOWN Wmmunomuuuuouumauumu Photo In halCnnadlanuplm menu the 16m confean of the British Commonwzalu Ex ervlm League err mnnmn mosr FAMOUS nous or mnmmn Dillop Al ery El nude Onl Dill PA L71 MARLBN akano TREVOR HOWARD RICHARD HARRIS ONE EVENING SHOW AT 100 pm IN TESHNICOLOR CAR WASH WEDNESDAY murmv ON THE noumv May SuggmFor Your Convonlonu IllYllE Ml NIL MMHE CAR WASH TICKET aooxs sum COnNKn DUNLOI AN ANNE flTl WMIIM IMO nlu ONLY llere II the Men thin or lhon cold Full dun Quilt lined In new bmm or bl 255 $399 me Our um rm mTwm Hold Yuur Punhum IIHII MIMI For You Ta PA 64556 JACKSONS DEPT STORE MENS lAMlNATED WINDBREAKERS the Wï¬ï¬ld Cleaf flit Churchill Were quite prepared for an election early or late The Im yortan hing Ina let moving whlth we Inland todo hope ISSPC ll elecuyn comes spun wmu awn human across ths country with this government the general Mr Churchill whn became dflence mlnlsler In lha Melen baker cabinet just helore the Conservaflve defeat In April uld be an no need or iead gnhlp convention now PHARMACY Dunlap St PA 599 Colller PA um natlanal executive meeting levba held here next month to let the data or an annual gen eral meeting of the party ater next year Mr DIelenhAker nnw touring the Middle East luId More his departure he expects the maelan will vote conï¬dence In his continued leadership Gordan Churchill loyal lieutenant ot former prime mln tstcr Dlelenbnker sald on his return from today trip to England that study In Brlttsh Conservative partys ur nntzntton conï¬rms hls belle that mare mint he done to strengthen this research and publicity machinery at the Con Iervatlve party In Canada OTTAWA CPL Tha chlef Conservative party orgnnker uh Monday hehopes gem era election will be held In Canada soon to clear In air In the nunen near balance or Par IllmenL Chrlxlmu th Whllly Phlll Wny Plun CUSDENS COSMETICS Gd In think Id IID Ind dullvm manna pm $1000 mnbllh Mm Dunm lulu vmxmuuuu Hum menu hhurn Fflml Much mu Qfluuv thnllb chm mvlb rum IN Run II ClOTHES DRYING ll DUNLOI IT4 ï¬cï¬lon might clear the nlr The Globe andiiinii said the health minister had imored advice from Prime Minister Lester Pemon in my iurther xpeciiie comment on the mi plan in lira Oninria enm paign The newspaper said Mr Pemonwa perturbed Iboui previous comment by Mia La Marsh directed Premier Ro berm Miss LaMersh new inio Tor onto In begin week oi cam paigning for Ontario Liberals Sire laid two Liberal railie here um iiOnlario does no Join he government plan eight other provinces in Canndn will be un Ible to an it inï¬rm sler said these who The Canada Penslpn Firm scheme or the people not or the Insurance companies Mls LnMarsh told campaign rnlly here for the Sept 25 on lung elgqllon NEON CPD Health Minister Judy LaMnnh said Monday night that under Ontarios proposed pension scheme the government selling insurance on behaii the companles which only have sit back and collect the prem ums FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER nmn quart11 or flu lh FRONT 92 34 PORK BY THE SIDE lb Continental Specialties J7 MARY ST PA MONTH FOOD PLAN lndudu Frozen leu Valuable Ild Gmttflel Every Item Gnnnlud Glmford Codrlnuton St Chem Round Stel or Honk lb Bandm Len If ROAST Canada LPension Plan For People ll COLLIER SI PA um Putin Without Meter Thu BEST MEATS In mm with BEST PRICE LINE OF DYCKS Food Market DELFT BLUE CHINA BABY CLOTHS DRY GOODS FINEST IMPORTED CIGARS TEENSPECIAL SNUPPERS PARADISE ONLY 55¢ 795 59c 34c 43c THURS 58sa cm nunn1 Mrredml oo Mlplo WE ALSO HAVE COMPLETE PANTS NO CUP 511 ll Importth Wools HEATING EOYS TAPERED CONTINENTAL 1M5 MISCARRMGE BRUSSELS Belgium Raul enQueen Fablnln ol Belflum has had second miscan age sources close in Illa IvyI ml at nld Monday Klng Boudonln wlll return to Brussels mm his Spanlsh vacation next Friday but Ill 35yearold Spanlshbam queen will delay her mum or wveral duyx will upeclally benam hy flu ledaral Liberal plan will be person who are not employed by large Industries those who cmnot afford private plnns those people who have no pen sion mw NOW ONLY ss Dunlap 12E Complete with Wmlllbl Inn Len Rubber Up ldul for the bedroom mm den or llth mm BARRIE COMPARE AT II Rattan Tub CHAIRS N0 Ill2LT FRI SAT NEW wmï¬voon PA MN PA 00 SECOND HAND EIORE Elci ya