By Mill MR WILSON The September meeting ol ivy Womens institute took piece st the home oi litre lismmond with members snd three vir itors present idssinner Chipchere introdue ed the speaker Mr Sriyiey oi Omerio Hydro who showed Him This Lnnd oi Mine Ailerwsrde he answered msny questions on Hydro Mrs Jack Cochrone public re lntlons convenrr then thnnked the spenker The nren contention is to be held st Coldwstet Sept It end at Assirtlny the hosteee with lunch were Mrs Brien stls In Goorse Curuthers end In mum to to Msrie liouerth re the Item her course oi study It etudent nurse It Royli Victori liospllei Barrie lisrveet fltsrtksxiviru Service will be held st Christ Church ivy on Sept 12 et tl em Guert preacher will be the Rev Abbott DD Schombers There will only be one service It ll sm Weekend visitors with Mr nod Mrs John Horsnrth were Mr end Mre Ed Bush New Lis kurd Ind Mr end Mn Emcet Heed Toronto errnan MI MAY nmn Mr And Mrs Gsuley spent the weekend with their WnIfle lew snd dsuyltter Mr sod Mrs Cameron St Cethnrines Sympathy oi the tvmmtotity toe to Mrs liormce Denney on the denth at her brother Percy Robertson Fort Frsncee George Simpson Toronto vis ited his sunt Mrs Elissbeth Gsuley one tiny last week Mrs Denney Miss Den ney visited Sundry siternoon with Mr end Mn Curr nlnxhsm Allirlon Mr Ind Mrs Nrnbuii spent the weekend with their sonlnlsw snd dsuehter Mr and llrs McAiee Durhlm Mrs Ssreh Gsuley Allision ll ls spendinl some holldsys with her sisterinlew lire Ellubeth Geniey Mrs ll Wren Mrs it Kerr Ind boys Alliston Mr mi Mrs Myles Egbert 1M Mitchell Beeton end Miu Elesnor Ban tiny ivy were eels st birth dey dinner wit Mr snd Mrs Gsuiey Jr on Sunday in honor oi Anns uruees snd lirinns blrthdnye on Sept and 9th respectively Welcome to him and hire Oliert Celysry Alberto who hove moved to the house recent ly vacated by Mr nod lire Johnston BELLE EWiitil by turn noon mm Wain Kr id In liar en the birth or their dotdrier contrstuistions to Iir end Mn Willlsm Cnldsron the birth oi their new yrnnddeuntter LEGION NEW The Lndlos Aunilley to tile Censdisn Lexion held Septem ber mutiny One new member wns lnrtelied The dste we set tor the celebration of burning or the minute invltstione will be sent out to sll psld up ment berr end suxillsry members The indies will renune their ilil end winter prolrnm with eudlree every Nettiy rim stsrtinJ Oct It pm All ere more Bill GUIDE NEW The let Bell Ewlrt Guides reruisr meetinu realmd stter the summer recess These will be held every Mondsy aim in the Bell Ewsrt community linil nt pm lCOIJl NEW The ist Leirey Scout hoop could not rceume meetings It boys hsve no lender Anyone willing to help this group oi boye should Contact Ken hioiist or Mrs Newton This group hes been runnlny ior tlve yeers tinny oi the boys hsve been with it loom the slut end with to continue IAPHM llNECK The Ladies Aid met at the home or Mrs held The dste TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL IARRIE ruxsnu qu st son on up Vncntiolt Ttru sure terrwrr Filmlwuhall ss es er pores Wssnrt Troll Petty burn out Cssey rutrotten Vinre Country Juneun cncrv News Weslhrr opens News Infill lltmunu ssrrmlll to run her Its Letter Doritos summeruse mint Drsw rseom Shout Outs mu Whether lnrtl The mm 13 Ill Ii Pettiigsl rec 33 3333s 32 nn eu leliilesl ND Iret use Cain Peny Idlert Newmlllslrtn lb kiln In Alton itoo CIC TV News illl Weston nests ws it look IIElï¬n Mn rerunone sumos to tree Tut rutm enyiewhrt urnr tone in Movie tCet end wequ nummmns lehe on serum mu Vseslielt rt Yun um Runny rstnt Newe Weltler em Cheyenne Dr routers arrbees annex rnurs flierl PontlcsiTBA umeumom ClIC rv Nm Weent MN New lrsqlcll no looo CFIO CHANNEL TORONTO rue Minn Motue cm Kiddo su mm Mill News wumr enn um it to lune numb 11 lunset sure GIFTS Or that yes baton1W I1 Deon0 Your Welme We Whn the ounelen emph PA 66302 to its utrte eo itrn our live CTV ll Metu nssl sue Pierre Icen leer wmwlsnn elmn II on men Doeï¬ber Irtee Elihflq The Mllilennln Peefle In min itens lonlnk At ruoeewey runrem Wedwollly MAI um with lineie rem Iresine true It Heytlme um Unete lobby urine an not on number Im an loren love it The Mimesin rupte let lieInlet CARRIER MISS YOU memhmemnlenmhmebno PA 82433 see Copy wut lo Delivered to lone It more II no CNAIOI IO ruts lllVlCl VAllEY TAXI DIWLYWIIILP CARI AND TIUCK UNDISMCOï¬fcbuurv wss set to hold Thenkuivinl ton ihlewlii be Oct ll in the beck room oi the church They also dimmed the Sundny school picnlrwhich will be held in the lnnieitl Pnris 59M 14 This will be inmiiy plenie WM Mr end Mrs stis end bnby ton visited Mr and Mre Newlove Mr snd Mrs lioush were viriied by their deulhter Carol husband snd bsby son slso by their deuzhter Josn and how bend no two sons Msny residents were welcom li by villi by Psul nod Welt AT THE MOVIES er Bailey Poul may we tescher st tlte Bell Ewsrt Push lic School he visited merry of his tonn er pupils Welter his brother will be vice principal at the echoel Where he now tenchee Mrl Morseret Cbeppel ls mending iew toys with her dsuehter Chris end loudly Mrs Pesri Cheppel ll spend ins tew dogs with her dsuur ter in Toron Mr Ind Mrs Wittism Reeve ettended the wedding hi the int terr niece in Toronto lhey sleo visited Smiths Fells recently to lily with their dsughterior iew dnys The Drawing Room Days ii Veteran Rotor Remembers iy It TIIOMM HOLLYWOOD AmSome how miss those deys ot the Rollbltoycee end the beoutllttl evenins lowm Hollywood bed lot more ilsvor then This on Herbert Msrshsll meeting he ol the senile tree the rum wide end roilint lit in In ind in the Tint world Wsrt tone cbttlee portrsyer oi entiemsnly Hritlsherl he in still st his trsdo and looking flitylth It 71 hisrslull wss eecrpins the September hest ht red silk tomes at his Beverly home tonlo close It hsnd He talked about Hollywood pest snd preterit with both iondnesr Ind reslity lite movie sppenrsnees ere iew lie expleined They dont seem to mskn my type oi picture any more the type ihst wee termed drswlnyvroom ior leek oi better heme DOES OOCASIONAI OWE lie does occsrionsl television rhows euoh It the upcoming livepert 77 Sunset strip which will iesture other guest etsrs series ior hlml would like it but es the limlntelitieuchï¬lmmu Mid sssey on Ki wouldnt went to work herd enoth to csrry eeries The rabbi the time he tekes his ense st the home he shsree with his ilith wile the ionlter Mrs Dee Anne Kshmnn himhsll was strain on brosdwsy with seoond wile Brine Belt when be we broom to Hollywood by lsrl ir sueve stunner mode him mount in tear on irnrnodllte tsvorite er co rter with the reiynlny queens oi limeDietrich Shearer Crew tord Devlr lie becsme pilinr oi the lrIIieh colony lie lsmente the deperture oi msny ot his old croniesRemit Ooimsn Aubrey Smith Ni sel llruce end other Aubrey won the epitome oi the British Empire be remin laced lhnt is the empire so it was in his time not the one thst eeems to hsve been token ovsr by Christine Keeier HES IVS NOAH Producer director Arthur Lubln oi the Mister Ed tele vision comedy iulurins hone liso directed Frsneis the Mule Ind Rhubsrb the Clt In marl CONTRACT BRIDGE by orcxcn North denier NorthSouth vulnersble rtonm AKJe our 9A0 Anion nor on rees one can enoelu on Amer nousst utoe qtou oxsn ¢Asee lhebiddtn North lea lomh West Pun 2N1 Pele ONT Openlnl lesd tad of die monds it sunds to mean thst it you know the number oi esrds plsyer hrs in esch oi three suite it In my to Kim out the number he hes in the iourth suit This Is reiiovident inrth but surprisingly enough msny plsyers do not bother to mske use oi It Essmine this hsnd South is in six notrump end sets dis mond lend lie on enunt ten top trirks snd needs two more to mske the contract This would not be et ell diillculi to seeosrwlish ll be torrid the EastWm hllidkllm sii he would then hove to do is iske club linuse in the rilht dlrw tlonbut uniortunstely he don not know who hss the queen Since the isle oi the hull rests on mrrcctly guesrlnl the location oi the queen end It Is too esrly or South to commit himsell one wsy or the other he delsys the decision until he lelrlts more sbout the utmost tlon oi the adverse hsnds lie wins the inch of diamonds with the Ice csthes the see oi hesrts snd pitys iowhesrt Elsi tekes the queen end re turrts dismond to the queen When the kins nl hearts is now played both opponents iollow suit end when declsrer now when the men not discards rpede South club end West diemond Soth now usher three spsdu end the kind or dis monds at which point the con trect becomne 100 oertsln Declornr hns All the iniorrns tion he needs to sssure the rlsm The ploy hss revesied ihst West started with six dlemonds Enri hsvlnl shown out on the third dismond lesdt three spades end three hesrts Since twelve oi Wests unit in three suits hsve been eccorsnted ior he esnnot have been deslt more then one club Aetominsiy South lsys the nine at clubs to the kns tWest ioiivwlnx with his only club snd tinesree the tack on the wsy beck knowinl iull well ihst the tinesse will succeed Tomorrow AI Innsll hell out crosswonn AORW LArrtved llevoive theient oein Or Pieced tensed JoII flyl If yen ll lnow vehicle Jinn DOWN lJiefrIllv em errum Iom nun nun1m innit llhr IW014flldl wornre Ibbl IJiItl nun fled togten oerme mm ILWMIJ beetle ht n1ltlklui attenliflt no Illilllfleity ILWIM IMZ Jimth TIM so squsn neetire Pitched 11th II ï¬ï¬‚ili Tnlli ILUAiIe vetnvt MEII MJWLOG melt drill Jamil lltlfllik EOIIIIIIMI 74H Jun boomed weter ï¬lthflirt All le Klo Ilb tel llshnd nhn re rm Milan 11 Pine usere Iliulil nontan Atriu nntviope ne mutiny cloth Vedaens sue Illll ronirnd 11 at mum on llmw emsil new room pie Nllhthlrl flJluI Imex Jammy smell tme se um us VAIIIIgIIIIV fll LARRY IRANNON DONALD DUCK niorente GRAN DMA IUZ SAWYEI MUGGS AND Slim munmm mm summer in ml is pursue oceMs ruevre tr naynun lttEtK Viiws Are ACCEPrEDOux err WILL wer rimwcm our or Mini warm or we ALL rowrnrut ALLK0MNGALL EVERYTHING MALE NEIGHBOR MY NAME IS FLORA IOW mutual tun WI 95735355 III MIWW mutt we we on In mm Meganth swirl ewtmlhu Tittle gm 12mm iuvotnmu out wth in m3 mm oumsr IM Just srANDtNG noNr you cvcn anl erw LIKI To SrAND We BLONDIE DOESNT SEE ME sumwa Mv SHOES ON LIVING RUOM CHAIR mum AcCIDENrALLV riu runouow AN oven con cuuu NO K208 HONEST WM WALKING ALONG IUSILV eaterMo Mv ORANDMA to ON NORmPAUl AND wno woruwo moo WIYN LOOKING run wnv Go To rue oooo MOM PLEASE THA7LL DE MV own on in cure vcan cow to MdtilleU swoon Moot WELtlsaMe MING row we vow WE DASALF nALL rem out mil our ltlltllOII itt mull MW ll Vi will we Ilflt IA Mm Klimt nt 5an Ill Noam WIN ttousmvxifl Ir mo Amt You Itva MT