17 Full opening damn of the Bun and Belles Sauna Dance Club Burl l5 belnl held In nllM ln the RCAF Anoclnuon room Hllh Slmlcolnmenc la oclock An la llnllnn extended by the club cow flea who have had hulc lusnlu 11 square danelng la come nnl and pmlclpm In the allow nhlp of ski level dnnclnx mum GUESTS Otnollown guesu allendlnz Crowrxelly woddlnz held at St eryl Roman Cntholfo Sept Included Mr And Mn 01qu Kell Mlu 11mm voucher17 John Kelx Mn Mary Kelly llnr mn ll Dunnery all of Scarborouzh Mn Wllllnm Kyrybuck Mn Myrtle Loo Mn Therm OBrl 0n Mia Eileen Dee All of Port Credit Mr and Mn Jlrn Alex Inder and family Mrs E151 Alexander Mr and Mn Ducky Pouobon Mldllel And Lula Pombon all Hespeler Al vln Funnhnr Mr and Mrs Murray Flrazlaer nod Judd Mr and Mrs Don Funghnr Mlu Dlanne lrnemnn Mlss Doreen Whalen All of Mldhum luv Father Jolm Kelly RCA station London Ontarlo Mr Ind Mrs Loull Horvalh Barn Mlmlm Mr Ind Mn Horbzrt Hughes Gllfoni The brldo Shirley Malmt Kelly the daughter NMLIIdMARLKdlyol SQUARE DANCE Pbom mm mm mm Mm PEOPLE AND PLACES WK8W5 Following the bmlneu mm lnz the emu ol the Iutumn Fashion Show wm dimmed Each convene reported on pro mu The theme Hue ehow with team Mom or com Ina mm In Barrie The show euuued Fauna Forecast Wlll lake place the Condnexw Inn with three allowing on Wade lanes Handles Chi bad ember meaning home Mt Dalton Neil mm mm were Mrs Wayne Well Mn Rod Snlder M11 Tom Yuan Mn Nell Taylar Mrs John Havmd Mn Ken Gathers Mm Ernest Runlum Mn Andy Meheq Mn Ru Dim Mn Fobm McCal Mn All chk Mn John Nntbeam Mn Mlh Hoehner mug which Included cruise around Kern emit Bay aboard Deluneyl on The eve ning nu wns follnwod by lunch at Lakevlaw Rutmm VENTURE CLUB Member 61 the Venture club 01 Barrie met for loch ave nlqz which my the HIEMr 033w Fashion Forecast To Take Place At Continental Inn RE am riglezmml Kineth Gave II the um of MH Bufï¬ng of Burris mi mun to women but it ii boring 11mm to mostI menl glutI on on rec in geip wrysinner date to lose weith ii eeemod such enema not to use my nutrition knowl edgewith iemed ieminlne um oi couno Ho loomed eager enou but you know never hen item the men axnlni Now the only uncle man would ever elk diet with would be um deehinz movie our Cary Grant Then it wouldnt be dun calorie elk but on exciting conversation on his gluon oi thinkinl thin The ehonelr Mr Gun hue worked out mien the work sheer lm un com mooted you WWW 11 no on camptwon to flashing to 13 um youve been dleunu 13 Myslpry Iu mum Above all do not hulk did when dining with mm Ho In tun complimented you on vl BemgMystenous Has Ment Iv Keep Sllent AboutDletmg ByDA JEANKAIN main Helwpab llnielhlgan mm an perm Wgngulflulummuulggwgolvl mm 34 um mm or an am Now um Thu technique II to no you you hm the hunk of nun 11 III In your Inlndl eye to build leannlu you an lick and you will mutually be the your might 101 healthy unnd MINN The loom nu You will ï¬nd um the Ieu 1than and trim the you ulk dice tho mint will WI In to bu you am In no to ovaruL Emï¬nd Wde 1ch Bo mp THETRIM3 Inn nun Com think Mn than who talk diet nevu xeam to at very turn The Rh who recelva the most dinner inviti Hans the ones who do not Ivzrdrlnk numbor nu diet er mm mm that obvlonxly gnu did not Inn All cliaflo nu on to tho lum lnu bmxu Bu 110 not cm lntareaied in the do Regndin the menu there no med to mm In ixsuo mt you orden The entire met an be Ilimminz if ya hnva decided in Idvanco not in Miami You can 5le the hot mill the rind oodl and1h rich damn it quite In the but gourmet maiden lo ardu lust tome Or Ichegu guy rum nut to ho inï¬rm unny ï¬nd ynuudl menu 90 Illlvely tn slimming and dilllklna attenan low In In ample that numbed uilmlyneemdhhhlfl hllufully mu But now luck to your dlnner am Your mm than In wfll uplandtn lha lad lhnl ynu look Illm Ind lowly No 102 pad SPECIAL SWEATERS Theyre Soft Theyre Warm Theyre Oh So Comfortable flewIV Mgr5 Thls cuddly sweater ls both moth and porsplrallon raslstant Made from unlque yarn wllh comfort luxury looks and long lasting freshness bullt rlghl In It Is also completely washable Available In while only In medium and largo only Dont mlss thls offer Thu us agriculture depart meml earlyham Hm re port Neadu ullmmd lhil yurl production corn or mint 8938720 buxhah and olwhut It 1134051000 bushels the flu Engcnmu Alan quit but not helm Almoizh Hlynhl love pofluwork Aha does not pm tuger It Hm muted detective on menu and mid Ind curry gun doesnt bblhar her It would pull the kl or lull mow ll my 11 v5 NEVIAuhunt Ponce cum Samuel ELM describe her one lb but owner on In 1am um um pn Ided Ih would like ml to workwhun nu ma pallca parloon whllu worklnl in city lull our yam no But police ofï¬cial tool long time deciding whether or no km would ba mind or war amu Vldcouvarlla cele hnhd Im flm with lha Humllwn tom onqwwhllo nflslumm chill from scroll punch landing the endgame HAMILTONCPTha only zonalqu an du lhanpen 1n ha nnnua canleunco ol Candun pollen chiefl hm was pretty nyeabold mnnco KIC luko Huyaahl we only Jay nesoCanIdlan pollcmman in Noah Amulet Lady Is enjnutx For Police Chiefs zytcrgpk shot mum mars WILIOII In main had Mm menu tum speaker Mn Mchfllhlan Introduced Mrl Madam pro lelonnl director 01 Ontario In Iddulon to docldlnl on the pity flu September meeting of flu Bmle Unlvenm Womenl Club held oAhnme 14 nm Wllllun Hull and Zoe Cnldwnll wlll Im ln the Candlan Plu oa mesh ltlhulegleï¬suh 11mm Thlrpnducllou to be presumed ln Barrlo on Nov wlll be momrod by the liar lll Unlvmlly Wagnanl Cllb Amona the comedy exéemu wlll be Beau1 Open by John Orly Vlllm Woolng by loom Bernard slllw lha Im parlance Being Ernest by Oun Wlldo lheRlvala and School tor Sendai boll ElmHan Barrie UWC To Sponsorv Canadian Players Production BARkIE PLAZA SEPTEMBER To OCTOBER Teenagers They last While son EASY ro MANAGE MODERN nuns PERM SPECIAL Candim chlln um ulel ton An estimated men per can In July to 10379300 1mm 0295628300 yur ellHer tho bureau of muslin npquud Tueadny Sllu in the Jlnulry Ju period were un 41 par can to mmm Amen those will dino cm convoner Mn Due Hod were Mn Ron Plle Mn Hartley and Mn Dick Weaaun Dlvhion at the Can dim Fadendou Unlvanlly Woman Hu lapic wan who Wllolnd Whul Whit In the Federntiom she told of the Ichnl lhlpl Ivan nationally achorg yen to ï¬nder IAva dml comma with Iho help the Fedmuon She was flanked by Mn Eon Snider WNW 00 PA Vepmplm now In 173 LONDON or mem Canadian cumin will din lllhloi AI Normln Shun ï¬rming comm Mum Into huh 11m Ihm lll an mug ll Dnnlaï¬ St PA I488 COMFORTg SHOES r012 FALL NORMAN mots irom