Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1963, p. 5

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mu many npllu um um In In tho on Mrlml mm leer at ery Clly IN Fur mum lhnn yam In Unmln um la lhlnh mullan Wu men ht Ind lhl rm om In Manda wunld lvll almul dulyhep Ihnpplnl unlu In Nlunrn Fully mm ll Ilnwlvy Jr of Mlnnll In 001 vllllun did Ml Ilka lylnl unmnn fllhlnl mute when my nuly wnnlnl lur remix Nut muuuh highway murklnu or Iullnr Icmmmodnllum Ind unau mml npml IIqu flan um rmlrlml mm Mn Ind Mn Wllllnm Cuhm Mllml Flu Wu um nmr INI to kn whrn nrrlvrd ll mm In mull Inrnnnomcllmu Ml mn mld dr won mud to flu Ilonl wlli Mhrr Inlah mnllnn And many wm chlan la dgplrlmrnl nmnlum ho ltd Onllrlo Ihll lummrr had Iomu um rerom mcndlllmu on Impmflnl no cnmmodnllmu Ihn dr linen tr Ind yubllcly Inld ngnc um um In 1mm ulkrdrlboul when lllu on One 61 lnlannanl md uma mluhl ucttd III to Red China Ind pnrhspl lncludo olher counlrlu in In no mHIlanllnl crcdll puIchn ol angdlan whuL Tourists Want Better Service MI prm camerama Wed nudny he lent nlmmlh lo In Pom that Sovlql 11ml wmu OTIAWA CmA lanlnfllc market or Canldian Arm pro duce mum to um In Europe Auricullurn nine Harry llnyl reparlcd Wtdlllsdly on hll return ram 15 gay lhm Amcrlun Vomfo Icy WOULD COVER ALL 111 ledenl plan would cover all and 3le them higher bane lba Iota pension of 75 mm In lo yuu when the Hobart whom will my 55 Hays Says Markets Available For Farm Produce In Europe mat ll why ha bmgh ln legislation requlflnz employpn with 15 or more amployaca to hnve funded 1m plan Such plans can cum obulnzd from ur mm the pflvnlelln flown the trust John mum nmlnsumbm company man not Have In public system ol pen slum He believe In private Imam of pensions funded with the prlvale lnaurunca companies lube Innstprpparfles Addm home as persons who twififlnards Hm num LFE Sum WY Whit unaéil Eider He accused the premier of be an Insurance compam man In hl pension policy which the herd leader has crludud several times durlng the main for the Sept 25 dedlm WELLAND UP Ubeul Lend John WIntermeyer Wed nesday nigh linked Premier Robsrta land on pensions la the Interest of prlvalu Insurance conmanic and and tha pro posed Canada Pemlon Plan ll superior because It would be Ivnllnblo to all and Elva higher benefits A1 Iala gmrnougglccflnz Mr MacDonald uld that lhu gall Illn has been Man olf Mr MneDunnId xald um now In the middle of the election both Ubfllll and Conservative had changed Ihelr minds About wish Mr mum would quit his doublets abaut wish lng lo camper9 with the fed ml government on Canadian fiefilqn plan Ind get out or the ND and rimmed hwal pension proposal II 1m mund plan not be Inz operated by prolileerln In rance companies Liberal Calls Roberts Egggrance Company Man Getting out the field Illa um the only my for the lovernment New Damucrnlic Party Lender Dun ald MacDonald told about 150 pennan at Sault Ste Marla ldlnz eleptlon Ijnlly my also mmun um CF Premier John Rabrt was chulenxed here Wednesday Io vacate the porllble penllnn Illeld In lnvor or the federal pan ITGet out ofpénsidns DP Bst Tells Robarfs SAUL1sm Maui AOnL 000 Ilelull hhkh II lhv rnlnlmum nun umlrr lhu tumnl Ihm yenr ummrnt VIII Md CHM Cnnndlnn and Human lrnda afllrlnll are mnlmlnz hm on renawed lrmla In whlch Canada mkl In Minds Ion lmn when nuroamcnl Whul hu been lmluml In tho explr In urmnrnl nnd Hm prcvluul armbu nmaunll wern not In nlunllnl In lermn lmomlle lrlp lhrnuxh Runil But under questioning he laid crop prospect in Russia and Europe lencrnlly were not zood Draught seemed to he reason mm film canulna Pun sun ertu Thu mum Commule Vle fang merrllla appear lo be ready lo resume temporarily at least Ulelr ollcnslvo ln trouble plaxued South Vlot Nam alter nmlqlru relatively Illenl or yggggggysmnss comm nu nuuu mu Gnome Galhercole vlco He accused the pmnler no taking Ontarion welfare mlnh er to tha Ottawa wniereme although he said the premlcr had been accompanied by an llclal ol the undon Life Insur gnce gammy Rudd and so ronomo eraAnm Mnmbu Mm In The ence on the Canada Pension Plan was mud pilgrimage that was nothing more than po lilgcafnzimmickery and political ve The liberal leader sald Mr mm trip to Maw Monday rledclxjalpryvlnglal coner Well Lhe only luturo or Jnhn Bobam LI back In his lmdon law alike in the names mm 01 the andan mug Club Guerrillas Hit Vietham ToWns DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT mmuu scheme voluntary and permit the operation or the Canadl an Ontario Mr Wintermeyer and Mr Robaru belle In prlvale pen don the reason ha has to used am penalog My REGISTRATION THURSDAY SEPTE Clum will In hold on Monday Ind Thum monllu oum bognnlnq Monday 50 30 Shankd Typowvlllng Buokkuplng All lublull Hugh by prom59ml bunlnm Eumlmflom wlll b0 luld lnr mumm 0N The ioilure oi Ontario to exc perimeni in the use oi ielevi eion when Quebec in already made the move in proof ihat in government in conjunction with the universities is not even working out Ihortierm solu shortterm lolutlnn Mr MacDonald anglextcd Ihe use or televlslon for Instruction and criticized lhe xavunment or not canaldgrlnl pusyhllluu lumvl mm Bu lncreulng enrolment II the unlvmlflex had culled problem in Omarln that must be solved and nhlnk entranca re quiremenEl ygs no Iguqanswgr wan Mr MacDonald Ilsa told ha student um today It nee usury In the prormlonn Ind bulineu to have an education bezagdfiu h5h schaql level The NDP has been urzin tor yam that sexlam llnnncll barrier to education should be ellmlnaled the NDP chlnf told about 20 member of the New Democratic PIHy club In LEIGHT scuoof educational opwrtnélly on the HM and mendrt Ichaol evel but thnt Mr nuld he cxlendc hzhcr educatlop HARRY HAY my EXAMINER WANT ADI lllONl IA um wyv chum mvomnonl but Inparonlly lhm Dulume In WAmwlun wkr whod bu AM In Ill Muml pod gumva um only Imw to South VIM Nnmn Immedlnlu Wonkma muld orfly hope or than mvomnom but firm oplnlon flu no mom of luvelm Ild can carry Diem mlfm to 1dor1 over lho Comnunlu md pt now with Much Dim trouble an be blamtd on munm mm Nm DIM Nhu Ind Mme Nun Din Nnu ulnar1n Inw Hm muldent who am mmufldo or lnundunl lhl nuddmm Wmm 99 11 mm the rebel rink may lndlulo be We Con 10er haw concluded an lime nty apparently till the longer the unpopular dim lorial Diem regime nmalned in power lhe none ha day would come when the pow Hon South VM Nnm would tum Lowm hem L991 synmu Men Up In one bloodiest battle In the ma many month 1119 rebel arm until now seemed lo be tuned manly III on the Maine while 1h govcmmem of Pmlden Nzo Dlnh Diem Hanan Calhollc lost popularity with the Modem nanny Buddhist population Ind wlUI ha United Saltsd WWI of rsdme in In The guerrilla force Indicated Ihelr rudinesa by launching Mum lunch hesday on Rommnth lawns widely scal eg om Soglh Vlet Naml Entering the mm mwlnl lecflon ol Onurlo during the day the Liberal ieader vlmcd Hamfllnn and Catharine In Maxed fashion berme AriMn hem during Um elmnoon nuwu mm rmeyer laid inn made leveui public statements in re cent mmliu deslvned Io under mine public confidence in tin federal plan Mr Wlnimneyer made his xe mukn ln lupr Michael Perenack mayor of Welland who in liberal candidate or Welland Willem Mr Wintermeyer laid The Tory Administration in power todaylslleakylhipwilhl motley crew and uplnln who never look navuniorl come flley dont know when iheyn going and hey dont even teem m3 mm in eov nu up U1 nut mlmdu 70mm Hydro who NIW DA ANY MONDA xiTUDlNTS MAY RIOIITIR Earlier press commas Mr MIcDonnld renamed My crlllclxm mile 1n the cam paign for tho Sept 15 pmvlncll vol of the Progressive Conserv auva luvemmentl murd In In duflrlll lately And hi party favors lawnIts the voting no lo 13 mm mm In old enough Iq mm and die or his country It lalnunly In laold annulh to Va eaunl fibPuxnembmhIpwwltll nun The NDP fender Md the you people Ihnl mm the mu heen yelcpgncd Alrn The main of unlvanlly nun dardl to nunHulls some who could benefit from hluhar edu ullnn wu no the Inlwer al Iher Everyone doe no havc to be Intclan Ichollr to to unlveully he nld flan to tha mainlent 21 mm mm acaoou Al longterm mlutian ha unwed unucnnuruclion of more unlvmmu Ind technical lnlmntu In the province smzmsu 25 PHONI PA um Amclollon Cum people nully one run hrdly unm Illnd why no mlny people ll lmd On hlr Flclllllm Mr Kennniy ah ha who mullet would ncclvb milder Illan hand and ma cam mllln would ht Idvlud in dun count Ilo complimenled mm hm on In work lhty IIan dam an brhnll hc prawnL Ila added thlhrr ornol pllullon In mnled Ml you mtn dun wonder Iul public mv 0R0 MIR Mr Ktnncdy wu Hm hero Wu ha 1pm outMn hI In or Ipcclllou propoul wn loud Ind ha Izmd with neceuny ol he rink Wllllnm mud Mu lIn llhouxh not In In 11 ed bul who hundlu nl tht boyl maps Ind shun mid lho rlnk would hrlnl out man pmnu Ipccmnu cold wlnd would nut be In me loudly Mr Kenn ned Mr Hanan bend he camuucum firm from Peterbaraulh who nld that lender and other expendllum would complete the hulldInz He wu told by Mr Gmh that commmee hld ull ed on Ibo Department MH culmra and had been mured that mm of $5000 wn null lb la the gum corpmunlly Mr VKcnnedry kn lhl Ith In of about pmolu Inqu yo gay Harald Roberton chnlrmln ha rink commlllco tnld ol the numb ol Lkltm whn mldl duly me lb opcnmlr rink Ha ell lhk numbcr would be Increased when an new rink um entlond cqfimgmon arms Mr Kenn Wilson mlicllnr or flu Town 5111 of mm In quelllon vu lou mambm the Catnmun lly Centre la haw they hld arrived It tho um hr Kata lhaprapolpdt1nk yam allow mm or at It mi wu unmel iiq enquired the Ian Ida he meant midor lcc lur im about how much the Com munity Hall wu used and About ihe debenture now beinl paid oil He heard from Clerk illchlrd Gruh how the applia iinn for 1h propoud iavy ind been made Hum laid um ul pc cenl oi nieplym in the dumbed am had signed tin petition in me oi the levy Mr Kennedy wen lnlo all de lull the propan delvlnz ln lo the nubch ol the old rink hu bgeg Ipandgned for 31 303 Kcnnedy Municipal lalra Board wan sum Wed nuday to hair argument on In nppfluuon the Iowmhip on behnllM the Strand Com munity Centre to hm my debenture or 315000 to pay of enclmd rink ENISPII NOTES Firs prize or school dim play It the Oro Worldl Fair yelterday went to as No 0m Stldnn or the prnject ahown here 55 Na 18 Hawks compliments Board On Work For Rink lunrtd IlvllnM turfu WINNING DISPLAY AT ram or Plclur LIMI Run My botwun Hwyl Admlulun 75c Chlldun IJ yn or II lllIIHIflI ll Drlvrln BARRII South PA 19 Th II 5110 Plclum Ih 0h um Innl WM urneu th Unllnd Bulu Ind mum lo and an coullnucd South Mrlmn Autumn In Ibo um ulna Oummnlnn mack the United 5qu Nenlny or aludxlnl South 512 millmun Hp ylmod ATTACK Ul BMEMFOMEIN South AL ric lflcuuulFmdm Mlnlm lu Eric 14m launch rv mm IL mun xmmnnm on omc orxm MOW mm JUN VIM Mg II If will on Frldny and mummy 111m will loll vaock Ind other onlrlu Ind lhh llll In op portunfly or lnnllrll and Cook lnwn mph to meet old MIMI quuull mu wm bl IN on 1nd tlnr tnck was one the crlu mundlnl Icmu IJu Inlr lrmmdl cmwd turned med mry loot Jpn In lo und IML cl mod wllundinl uhlblu wu Iho School Fur thaw Thu varlom dllplln wm well unnud And mum nmlundln In quality at ln thl logaawinl content it us proud that the Armpow end uw in inter than molar drlven one when the deputy now allow Gordon Caldwell and Elmer Sheldon did cut through In ol map menu In over 11 inchu norm in ucondl while tin poer nw look doublo tint limo lnnib lill en Councillor Jnck lor an In Eben Sawyer took minqu Ind hlll to drop their cut Their campeiilm Burl Councillors Newton nnd mm min we behind them was Very glnd when they lin inhcd Mr Nawion Mid lhla com tition zuva hi crowd at ol IxcltemeM Rave Jot Cochran to flu tllo lnnhlll uw with llvhal ll wont down tlu cut scum film and lo conic lame olrtho 17m lbera were mlny other mm Ingmfll with exhibit Ill lgreed that ha hlr In Time WLlllun Gibbln nl Straudhld our olhar hard compel or lurklnl are to lay the lam Akocloua Cm Ira ditch ed on both tides ha madl and where the ditch LI not In they gum on the driving portion could have bun um cnndlflon wu mly re uponslhla hr the man ml dent In front of tho around yumMy However evenl HIth the road landlnl Irom HleIwny unmlrked Ind nut dutpmhfed the peep cm from all pm flu tonn ly lo Illcnd Exhlbllm were many Only in one um Shnnhnrn tame wu thug just on entry Chlrlu Sprnula Innis had ha rm to himell with ma Crnwlqrd entry out maim uni Ilannalvle¢nnd mm In or third prln wm 58 No II Argyle and as No 17 Gulhl School dhplly judge ur una rflqgsgéfihfiiRInAv mo iXCITlNOrHIT snows Federal csourccr Mlnhler Arthur Lnlnl relumd Wednrb dly Irom lhreeweek 7000 mllo tour ha lar northern and Arctlc realm Includinl vlrlll to Erklmo relllcmenu In QuzbeoFon Chirrm Ind Gm Wlulo film on Uninv Bay Ind lhe Ioulhuutern rhare at End mpecllvely This year lhe provincial uh ernl government Premier 1A4 um um tho lederal govern ment to um this jurindlcflnn In northern Quebec over in lha pm vlnclul nulhorlllu conlercnce Wu held and lam Quehec Ru Iaurm Mhhler Rum Leveaque gecwd lhe cum government dnulna In hIIIl In In mil er For Rouwfllom Ind PIrOlculan Iona precedenl the led gavelman hal bun re lpaml In or the mum and ed uullon Indium and Enklmm Ind has bun respamlhla for tho ldmlnlatrallon ol canadna lnr northern diurlcll Then have Included ha nnrthem unions of Quebec pmvlnca well lha =2 rltorlu OTTAWA CF PoIltlcal norm cloud ln federal pm vlnclal relation with Qunbec In the touchy Held of education are mwlnl dnrker and more am lnaus For All Yaur Fall Id Chrlllmu The Expeqt Quebec To Spark Spat On Education letde III the antrch excel lent flap Examiner Photo Gordon Bradlgy o1 0mm PA 88967 BANQUETS Cmrlng 90 Large or Smlll Groupl Banquur Pormll Availbl Fine Food and aim svl EMDHSSY Dancing Faéllltles al Réiéhrcc Mlnhlex Lnlnl relumd Wednu gpreqweek 7000 Emllom 400 Ind under FREE AND cmmscbrs m1 SILENT WORLD TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY ClNEAMggogE QR HITSI SHHNTY BAY ADULT mummy Ill CINKMMCIJII AT llffiUM MIC mm 0m mm In Iiite new iucherr gained the uni lhir ll hr min the total up to mu oi 4a They are Writh vice principll Min Mrurai Bailey airir PE Mflr Phyiiil Andorran commercini MrI Smh Cnmp bail mmmzrcini Kenneth Grad weii mnihcmniiu Mrl Mary Mny mmmmini Mu Elma Huwili English and French William Huhhnrd in ienchinl hyricli and heliih educnlian lll Kay boys nccupaliom Llr ry Keuh zoom hy hillory Ind phyricli heai education Vincent Marchii ti on French Min Judith Robinson homo ec anemic Ind phylicli and henilh educ Donn Urni com Mrlr Garlrudl Wii wuu Then an Fads ulna IIu demu In nIne dimen clnm nudenla In and 10 In mda 11 150 In and 80413 grade Fulun Al III M0 III aumm mm In WI Recommended upnclly enrol ment for tha Ichooll prom lacllltlu 1050 Itudcnu rmry treuurer Ernie Cumhar 11 flimsyrd Two more mde ll cIum and one oxlrn clue In and and grade II were lurecm or next yen by Mr Owenl Inmate gain In curry on thrown lhl rnIddIe 1nd up per trader In ma dflnI expect any bl Increm In eIIher rude or 1nd About an Illundlnl ml the In Ierm Inn III the IncIIItIel In the new voeaIIonll wink hm been put Into men Iremendnul number of un dentn moved In lhll Inmmer Owen Id nva mm to Want wa knew nothing about In June Even by the min die July III enrolment my god II 907 Hm Show sum ll mm Lu Complm Show pm Continqu III From mm mmm zxmmu mum By next all Mr om pn dlcted our nddmannl leachcrl and lean hm cxlrn clun raoml will bu needed Buns to cope with In expacled lrowlh plum ALLISTON Still Enrol ment It Bunting Memorlll Huh School hare nnwatlndl 1087 pflndpll sldnoy Owen told nu Allmon Dhlrlcl Hllh School Band In nlght mlme WMMUMII Alliston School Needs ClasSrooms TfiWfiRILWfEY 309m FLASH Ihu Girl Jld J11 160M Ilnl an hum 1m LIE pmna Court lury Wednm ol noncopflal mum Ind me slnuzhlcr 1n the mu Itabe olumanwhomhnwkwnl MA wile NEONTO CWDong Whi llon Onlon fiatonto wu quilted by an an flu guild up to higher propon IV WHEN The coniultlnl llrma rm uld L1 escaping mm mck towards the surface of tho mund velocity Ind Imllpllv bwdfilufip under Dam mu uld the Illuluon In not an Mend lfihope thin away will firm that wherever Lhe II mm It not 1mm our mains Mr Jogu uld4 Man Acquiited 0n Murder Charge mum Ill tie Eulvluv mu nockciun to remove any uncertainty 1h testing will be carried mu un ldqer lhu luporvhlon of city om OTTAWA CF GM com fiany ofllctnlu nld mmy thlt ey to plvva bayond muons doubt thnt lhnlr mllna no not responsible for Eu Ivaknfe ruralted In tour llock mton wutmntrnl 0t awn Oaklh Jon president at Conlumen In palant Inn at the Ottawa an Company met with Mayor Charlotte Whltton and board of oontml for than Mun It the chyl requelt to dawn the toakm uncovered duntn consult ttrml ntno mggth tnvuuintlpn Mr Jam nId hln com my will In Ila MM In otfiwn Iml Ennllnh and Latin Ind Mrs Mabel Wilton llrk ocoul pnllam Test For Gaé In Eastview NOW SHOWING nu SAT TODAY WI Al An In cm éé

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