Tonight llll be Eula Broi llol mm 101 the Clldlnlll He mould be rudy Illhuuxh rlxhl ï¬nnw he rank the weak llnk ln lhl llchln mm Hg wu tuned or lwn mm by Plum burlh Plum Sundly ql WILL FACE DODGERS Will the Cndlnlll kept up he pm llllury Wllln Ip pllcd no for th Dodger Yanks Favoring Series iWith LA More Laot Cards Keep Pressure 011 Leading Dodgers By MIKE RATHET modted Pm awnu wxllu Th uperlx polnled inw II Au Cnrdlnlh when they hem their helmd hld lo ovallike the National Lelguu ludlnl Lon Annals Dodlm Ind turned Ihumbl down Thu verdict Phchlnu not alrqu enough Thcy may have Inmelhin1 there Just In Sunday Cunfln p193ng They hnvenl my Ilnce Rny Sadeckl and Ton oma Ran Taylor comblninl or thn Cnrdlnull third unllhl Ihuhnut llvghll Ilalnll CMEIKD Cuhl Wedner day 111th mu kept mmd St Louis hm men be ad the Down 11w Sndeckl hylnr cambhu followed up ll hll Curt 511mm and by Bob Glblon extendlnl th Cnrdlnall lulu wlnnlnl flunk to Iva when whllu pmduclnl lhe ulh victory in tho 1m 15 THESE FOUR MEMBERS of mu Lou Clrdlnall plb hlnl mu hm been mIInLv Iuponalhlu fur Ihe Rudblrdl Ium lowrd tho lay flu By JIM BECKER Auocllled Pm Sport erlu Naw York Yankee In All wrapped up In permn rm lha other pennlnl rm Thml log luvglvrd loll ll Ylnkcu who nlwnyl cowl Ihe wlnnlnl Wurld Serlel mm In lhtlr Innull lncomu llml lllnd in April In openly morlnl Lou Ann Lulu nu In tho blllll with EL Loull Curdlmlv Thty llnuru World Girl wllh lhe Dndgm wlll warlh name 000 mm mon lhm nub wllh ha Clrdlnlll lrllhmtllc II llmpll Thm lam 55000 mu ln OMIIIQYI Mun In La Angel And All wllhln nnktd syn dlmnu hnme plnla ulled hum III many Loul hn only 30000 mu law In lhl wn pcnnlm tllnthlu puly by wnlpplnl Klnm Clly Alhlul Thu Iuondrplm Minn Nlnl llw mm ovlr 2mm lnnd MIMI 1m 1m lhn mule numblr ll lhm BATSTONES TIRI SERVICI 1m aAvnnn sr PA 549 III US TODAY BEST TIRES BUY THE BUY ullnll Pimhuuh mkln cur hlu liming ï¬lm Allie and drMnl ln lwo rum La Anlelu mnlnmned lu rip on the tap ml by belting th P14 me In other NL actlan Vldl Plnsan counted two homm lncludlnl hll 10mm major lrnlue Mt Ind Gordy Column hit grind III In Clnclnnutl Redx 143 chumplnl Mllwau ken Brlvu Houltana Dick Fur rell Iourhll Phllldelphla Phll lien 11 And New York MIKI duo tented Sun Frlnclm Glunll Sldlckl 1M started ualnn Cub Dick Elhwnnh m9 Ind pllch2d Ilmnlly 11lean only our Mu In Innlnll but wu homered by wind wlldncu and mlmer Jnhnny Knne decided lo brllll in Tay lor Taylor Illnwed only mm the lb my The Curdlnlln E11 wnnh or two mm In nnd innlnl mar chk Gml rlaylnl with bmlxtd chub ed Ilnlle Single by Bill Whit nd Ken Boyar Ihm filled hum Ind sun Musial mud lau lurfllcl fly that brought In the only run lauls needed Thu second run Iha lnnlnl noted on Cur Floodl lrounder Mlh Shln nonl twwun humer thu Nltlonll Lum They If left lo rlh Bab Glbmn Rly Sldlckl ACE Slmmnnl Ind Ron lelor Thu umet hu pltched 30 comm yl lnninn mm unuw oi Iha lnnlnl noted on Cur cu 19 the Job donl Floodl lrounder Miiu Shnn Illlmi Um ant Ai Juk nonl twnm hnmu in in nu pitched men hliur Ind iuhih wnpped up lhu Icarinl Tim Huimul cruised Ih Wllllled nil lheiini and third Illlllel Orllndo coped inning int he Daduen wiih Iln homn run or Sn Fm ien Ind uch iimn liole mend cinco In that AL Icllnn Chlrnxo Whlu Sol edlrd Halllmore 0r lolu Vuhlnllnn Sennlurl Irlmmed Detroit T1 In In Innlm Ind Au r1 GIN wand pllched our In In hll major luxue dab Al Al Amulet Anne ddultd nullnn flrd SM Tth nonunn hu Inna hr anou Ylnku munm Imp Hunk lald NI plnym Klnul City Afler lhu Ynnktu rm hm hm Ilrmh Io ha Alh al Mlckly Mlnllo and Whluy Ford umd Mmlla marked lhmrrun homer In the at lnnlnl And Idded Huh nd doubln Ford wnn MI und umt Ignlnnl nlx loam hll mm IIrlllhl wllh MI fourth complth in MI Im live 10 Pnptlons Illa hlt Iwnm homar hll um lar lh mx lhrmon Klllebrow hl um homera rand nlamm Enrl Ill 1111 um not me on In thud lhl Whllo Box In lhtlr hull lor mnnd pllcl Lu Slum and lot lwo nolo hamul by Cll Inn lnd nm awn sum Com Anna Ind Dunlap 5ng CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACIION 13 CAR WASH CAR 10 YOU IN 55 THAN MINUTES Ind coredTommy DI drIv In hIm In both llme wIIII Ilnlle Indn ncrIIIu WIIII drove In two nI hm Lon An ulu run In His lnurth with duubll lhan doubled In th mm Ind mm on Frank Howl nInle mm murmur led or the Dodger but my to Pet Rlchm who in turn needed Ron Perrnnolkle rule heldp Rich erl tuned or burner by Smoky Buruu 10 lb victory far record Bob Valli look UII lore Jim won III and me ha Red pounded tho Brnvel And in In Iyeopeninl hlt ol nlrnlezy Don Flvlullch wu mud or pinch hllm hy manner Fred Hutchlmon 1n Clnclmulla ulnarun laurlh In nlnl rally nllar hltllnl In run homer MI llul 1m up in lnnlnl The pinch hluer wu Calemln ol Iconleu bueblll Sulch won In nllhtl am with Chimn Cuhl Tnylur help eg Slï¬eckl In mm AP Wiri The Coll won whm rookIl Jim Wynn hit Iworun hamcr lhlt mp ed mlnn thu PM Hon John 5mm raked lopmlnulu or Houn lan Both nun all rmm wm unearnad photo Vhlllleld won hll lmh pm for tho Nlnl Eddlo ther wtnl ho dll Inn or WhIII 50x Imm more wlnnlnl Mu ellhlh wllh hmhill DIVI Nlchol Ion homered or the Box Ind brain lie with le In nlu Ilnllu Camila CInecn nIo hnmmd Ind roukll Pm erd III of Mantra mom two doublu Dlrk FhllHRI on the ma lnnlnu wllh lmh homIr far In thlnllnn vlclnrr Auulm wmklnl In 1119 up lhl humor chk MMullHl hommd or un ï¬lm Gnlcwmd amtold rllhl hnnder jufl hmulhl up from Memphll lull hll lhulMlI bld In lha ninlh when chk Slum lrlyhd and Icored on Run Nix on Ilcflllu fly CONVERT IML CAM TIMNSCONA Mln CPI Cumin hm mum Ihopl hm bin at II 000 000 pmlact hulnxllnl muhnnl ul nlrllmllon unlll In loo lrcl cm puk cl pr union Iho Ihom un pm Mu hm dly Imlo oAstmiLn morons kind at mule value In 0K Uud Cm on am lol dlfly ALL if it isnt it should be Dow isbrewed to suit your taste tastetested by men likeyoumen who trust their taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your tasteexpectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste you want in an ale the bra DES MOINES low Thu two remlulu Culdlnm in the U5 Amulwr 01 chim lrinahipa wen alimlnllcd In dhlrd round malchu Vednu Canadian Eliminated Bill Pldlllklfl Winnipeg Illlfll mum llllllll MIMI TUESDAY SEPT 17 PM Rdmhmnh Wlll Bo Survod Yo ursl limped by he wnylldi when he wu actuated by Bob flarvey cyanland lIrkKnnvX and Euller In he dayGary Gown Kitchener ha 14 ranked Canndlan Imalwn was datum hy DrJohn Mcï¬eyiq Orlando Fll and 4h Two other Canadian entered In the tournament Eric Hanson Etahlcnke Ont nnd nlll Wnknhnm ol Vlclqun werecllm hunted Tummy nnd Doul Silv the brew tastetested by men like you HTB BARIUE EXAMINER THURSDAY GEM ll IINV 11 otherunl Camry was among lhg vl9lmann5lay In defullnu Cuwan Wednw dnyDrMcKcy pulï¬n ahrll Ham two under pnr purlnrmi Inca He broke open the much wllh hlrdlu on tho mm nlh Ind lilhhnlu But Dr McKey later lost Iiihole nrlhrnund match Dn Phnlpolson of Mlnngnyoflx BRADFORD ST PA 85965 10le GOVERNMENT OTIAWA ICPléDr Roller Iqrmc dean oI ImcsIry aI Sopmn UnIvérslly In Buda pest uu mm the Ierlernl lor enuy deparlmcnt nu research gclcmisl In Vlnnipcg II wnl In nnunced Tuesday In 1958 Dr RnIler Ind 196 urcslly sludcnll out of Hungary nner Ihe nnII Communlst revnll