minim EXAmNéuv wanNasnn am THE STARS SAY FOR TOMORROW Take the lnlumive naw when will help to advance your 111 teleats Auslflces are good both for complain long pending rmjecls and launchan new ven ures Espcclnlly lavorcd horns Ind roperly matters auldaor II5Ill and romance FOE HIE BIRTHDAY tomorrow is birthday your horoscope indicates accu paiioaai success and ï¬nancial gain within this new year oi your liie also the possibiiily that you will receive some gan trous taken ol appreciation or pasi endgavoraquiio possibly as endeaw December So as not tn spoll this lens Int picture success avo ex travagance and speculation be tween now and late November Conservatism must be your key note where monetary matter are concernedat least until early December Incidentally an allaround good month or all Vlrnoans 0th good periods or career and ï¬nancial lnlcresls Febm ary March and mid1961 Domesllc concerns will be ll vnrcd durlnz most of the year ahead and It you are slngla ynu may ï¬nd new romance In December or In May June or my ul 1961 Bea wind or lraveh for Ihon lrlpl Iale December arly January and mIdAprll or long Joumey the period buwzen Iall May and urly September child burn an 1M day will be endowed with nu mind Collier Street United Chumh was the setting or the eve ning ceremony uniting in rnnr tinge Miss Francis Elizabeth Ayers and Wayne Green Rev Gardiner Skelly nilicintcd at the nuptials The bride is the dimmer Mr and Mrs Benflmi Ayers Croemme lhe hridegmom in the son oi lame Green of Barrie and the late Mrs Green The newlywed swili make their home on Thompson St in the city Yulurm umklul ruhlon Show Tmnr nl Lower New York Vlnl In Dulxn CHI flldlo Clty Mull IIL Tummmnon mm ml lo Mullen Mimi TCA mm It New York Mum Iumlm In hnlrl THIHCE NIGHT AT HOTEL MANHATTAN Complflo Tour Prln 0650 par ponan Tour Mommep lellod EVENING RITES JOHNSON C0 lellod WINWM TIIVQI link ll Duh Int In Comm MIR KAY YMUNAKA IM Tull netIII NEW YORK ANYONE FUN AND FASHION SPREEI OCTOBER 14 nasanv foam nlIx my mum PA 66525 THANKSGIVING WEEKEND TOUR Tout Iltlfldrll Gobd dnd we Mobiefiti 5o numormllrmrl If IdeéhionWefekat maimednu lengthwnl BNorweaiawï¬o collar Unï¬nmdjmkd Simotta slmulated River Otter Fashionably important extravagantly beautiful Unadorned or accented with real funyoull Igel pampered and warm all season Slfled by IRVING POSLUNS 75 Dyna Plle 25 Mohair 7998 11998 5998 wi $1 PS