Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1963, p. 2

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Ame um Luv Dal Ill Cum ll NH Khulna VI M0 mVI INC LIN Imhull llul al Cell mu CIL Hm twill II lehula nonwmun mu ml luau Indunmn on mu nun 10le lmfl chum nth IndMUN Ilpl mm uh on nl rnnv dn lmx cm frin run run mm bunkI my run can Min Im ran llmu nu Dom mm MIDMI ll Alumlnlum Employment High In Barrie Area Tho need or worker In the Main hurvuunu II nunm nm lobncco hnrmllnx pragm Job In tobacco and palm hlrvudnx are dlfllcull to allhouuh nl has 65 wrm and prlmm wem brnunht In mm the USA and alhcr pnrl ol lhll Province ccnl over Employmnm In he mu flu Darrle Nnunnnl Emplnymcnt OHIcc rcnchcd peak In August according In figure re leased by lho locnl umch Plnccmunlx In August numhch ed which In dma brinu ha Iolnl placement 2661 Th Mr McIIrnilh said that as result of vkit mm Calling wuad delcznkion Aug the avammanl had gone lo work on Ihe problem the Collins wood yard and also had lakm Into actaunl thn silulllnn at Al the moment am not in position to give any details but am highly optimistic that both yard will be receiving turns load news within in next cw days the transport mln iaicr said Tim unlnn brizi whiiu good one was not in to dale as far the work we have been doing on um problem OHAWA Spnclan An nunncemenb some shlphuild in contracts or both the Part Anhur and Collingwood sh yardsare expected to be In the near future Transpnfl Minister George Mcflralth said here Tuesday Commenting an tha visit Mar day at delegation mm tha rUniled Steelworkers Unlon from the two Great Lakes shipyards Mr McItrnlth said that while he laund the brie presented by the union had number of good points the seriousness the prospective unnemployment sil untinn at the lwn yard had been overstated Collinngood Shipfgd To Get Contracts Soon The 1963M execque of the Barrie Kinsmen Club was in stalled by Deputy Gavemnr Zane Andy Anderson kneel lug an the right at Bayszalrl Lady In night From the Mt kneeling Furl SinclalrI TODAYS STOCK pmcns Cumplled by Flynn ll Dunlap El the lam pefiad In um In I0 um no 1m an In 1m 1p Luna Amu human lmlda ummm Indm Nu nun Now mum Numthh Inhr Nlrlul nl IIlIIlIIn nu ml Dom rnuna lvnm MW unxllnlir um INSTALL KINSMEN EXECUTIVE um lIrIalu mm on Mln no grunt on mnurrunu MINING unemp aye 412 mnlu and females III compared wllh 55d mnlrl and 11 male 1n Annual 1062 Time you vnrlcty John sled In lhe Inca ofllcu running 1mm hinth nkillcd pm lesslunnl nnd mnnuxcrlal poul llon lo Kitchen worker Accoun lnnu drnuuhlxmen mm Inlgl perm mnchlno xhop workm cledrlclnns tnrpcnlerl prlnl erz cleclrcnlc Inlecommunlw llan lnamllerl mob and Pcr mnnl mvlco wotkeu construc llon Inbnurm nurau unann pherl dorpullu urn wnnlcd slng and should be nonrlng cDm plcuun by the end at September provided no roll hill the Iron earlier The Publlc Ulllmcs Commis sion 15 preparing move three polo on Suncoe street was of Hayfield to ycrmn wldcnlnx lhc street The llpc will he swung aver onto nlher polbi nle Cundles substation will re main on so that northern pm of Um cily will not be al acted by tho Ianuh numn or thu mermpflun In sh of the load from Ray Held street substallan to the Mary street substatlun Power Interruption Set For Sunday Power wIIl be of in most the clly between and am Sunday Slnn BobbctlE electrical superintendent at Public Ulllib In Commlssion nhl today Mr Bobbcuu said all of the chy cxcc the northern area will be 01 but attempts will be made In keep power on Royal Viclnrln Hospital Port Arthur nzsufl of the negufinllan carried on since that date he said he expected both ynrds would havu work aver lhe winler manuu airman Peter Mom vice preslde Handy Lamb part president Lorne Carter presi dent and Mr Anderson From the loll standing Ron Ab ram director Gard Conner vi president Don Gordy While he Eansport minister $an 9m ll Mum mm lulu lhvnll nun nu Tum Inn g1 MIM um Wm lulu Nm in N0 Mum Carp rm Tull II MI Tu Tuno Unlhn llll WIIDV AW Wuhm Zlnllh Nnnh Ill Mm Illmy rum nun IInlc fimnbm MIM Anwué runlnmu ma lholr lumllln Back mt hog um sum nu mwu Roman Cnlhullc unlifide hm nhnnxrd nnd Jun prlull hno agmdmLour collen Nev FARM mm nrlul II ntlxhhnr mlna and Inn hm la mu mu In town In our MM tllhrr Anxllcm Im bylcrlnn or Molhadhl nllx II Inclunl lcu Umn 3000 11 Rev Woolmcr ullhnp Lahore wm Pnkhlnn mid In our pan In wmld when he conzroxnllons rm scamred think lhcro In great nerd ol lhorlnrrnmrnn dnnl lhlnk Hm by lyccom lng Imlltd wu nm goinz lo 1m our xncrnmcnu We wait fur the day whon both Narlh nnd Soulh India will In unllcd We are gain Ilowly but on chunk l1 wlln Ill Rev Pnrmar 01 India uld lhlnk whcn he church In unllcd even Ihough we Anglican are In mlnorlly wn um cuccllve WONT LOSE There comlnulnz draw lng Iogclhcr of rcllghns and an Increuslng unity In the Angli can church In particular accurd Inn to view xpmsed It yw crdayl nrahdenconry canIer ens 1n Trlnly Angllcgn church Tho cmlercmu Hnrrla Inl lowed lhc Wnrld Anglican com synceflln Toronto The minister eald that the construction new ship did not alleviate the employment sllunttun or the repair and re it secunn ol the yards but he expressed the VIEW that there wns also some hope or aptlm Lsm or these uctlm at the yards as wclL aid that the contracts have no thing in do with any navy work such aa the possibility that the deienqe department may pnr cud with the construction of eight xeneral purpm irigalea My mm mm would not elaborate on any tnlls because the paper work Is still being carded out by um Canadian Maritime Commission he did indicate that the can lractx would be private that wauld qualify under the federal govemmentru per cent 5th buttdlgyapfldy Mr Mellnith Anglican 31111th Draws Together treasurer Barry Clark his torian Frank Crassley rez isuar Ros Burwefl scare my and mm Rice hullelln edilar Missing from lhe photograph ls Dunc E1113 dinclot Examiner Phato Woolnwr ll John Harder mm of Mom Illhop PI mm hm John Nurch Mn mm Mn Bum mm Lu mum It Join um lulu mu mu yn or ulmln the hllhap wm mu ll ho ham Archdeacon Ram and Inmlly or nuppu and In Informal mmmm Mo wnl cmncrnltd Lord 1m hop of Liberty In lhu Cllhodrll ullhlg quurmllnn In mu nkhop Woomcr II graduate of SI Iclcrl llnll Oxford whm he rocelvcd hln drum Mu ltr 01M In 100 pr In me It Snlubury ha WI cunt In England helmu olnx lo Lawn In mo lle noncd numher nl dlncrenl pnrlnhu helm bl mlnl Archdeacon Lahorl For IIva yam alter III nrdIn nIIan In 194 he warked Imanz th prlmlllvo nhIl tribe In wIId munlry north nI Bombly LnIer In In chum ulIIemenl In the Ilums Dam hly buIIdInu up IInurllhlnl Ichoal and cannonUm In he vrvur mounted Dlshop Ghngnlpur In the sum oilJlhnrlndln his house and he visits mine We get alonl well Bishop leur look his tie me at Hominy Univenily ard hi1 nila enchinl dense in received his theological mining at Bixhopl Colic Cnicuiu and II Si Auzultnel Calinle Canterbury Engilnd The trustees decided to make atou ol inspection or Barrie admit during the next two weeks Noel Stephenson dill mnn the board panned out that It has been cullommy 1n the past or the Lumen to ur ry on luch mbelorq elm In report ofthl manage men and educallon mmmluee It was stated um Iivnmk teachar 111nm Summer Course held Oakley Park Schod dur lng the vacaflnn period an rolled 171 teachers Ind Wu cm sldered su warmwhfle that ev ery eflort should be made have Summtr Come in 1964 10 TOUR SCHOOLS I4 anti EXAMINER wznmmm At present dilldnn diner en grade living in the bound gryarel t9 dlflemnt lehooh It ls hoped that survey will eslabllsh Mundary whlch wlll enable all member of same lamlly to attend the lame school Kindomuen puplls 1n the main mo of Gunn meek wlli nho be Included in lhe lrnnsier Since no momma cllsm wlll he taught wrangle Grove School this year how eveh they will Mend Oakley Park School or the entire 196 whool year transitsran Io Mlpla Grown in lie all oi IBM The reason for including Gunn strep em or Olk in the Maple Grove school urea in an in mm in klndorzmen enrol ment It Codrlnzlon School in 70 pupils NEW BOUNDARY Tho School Board also ch ed recommendation that survey be made in In alum lo establish new boundlry he lween lllllcresl and Olklry ark School or Ilia your 1964 Pupils presently entailed It Codrlnzlon mm in Grades to V1 Ind llvlnx on Gun me cut 01 Oak street will be In cluded 1n the area the new chnol Until um xchool In corn pleled they will attend clusu at Oakley Park School under L11 teachers who wlll teach lhem the new Grow Street School 11 new 9th under canl itnlctlon onGrovie meet wu mmnd Mom mve Schnpllm night at me Inn at the tie Public School Board It was muesth um the name Indiu ced flue location while auto nme time providan relen ence lo small mm or mnpk located on um school pm New Public Sbhbol IS TMClple GIOVGU mumw nuu nmn nua Hubflh Road hml WIHIImI mm Trlnlly Bmm Rm Dun Church MAI Dun ol Nmm EM Coldulu IF mlw Enrllon Bank Mario Knpmknlnx WM Rlvnr Ecléflimuuh 1an Klllnlm Munkoh yogh PomIt Tempernlurel Low hnlhl hln Thundly ndlor so Kllchcner Mount Fares Wlnlhnm Amman SI Cnthnrlm Lalc St Clair Lake Eric agnra Like Ontario Lake llu Ton Windsm Iandon Mlmlllnll Tormlo Sunny with luv cloudy Intervnll and wmner to dny Mlhflynelqudy Imlghtuwflh shawm Vnrhble cloudinen Thursday luminl cooler by Illenmn Wind Ioulhcrly 10 day light tonzhl becoming rammed 15 Thursday Iner Hum Georgian Bay Southerly winds 10 to 20 knot Manning 20 to 50 bl um noon ahmlnl to noflhwest no no no Thursday mornlnfl nuau lnl clnudlnm followed by rain Illa WI afternoon and through thy elm lyncplll Southerly wind ibould bring nmowhu higher temperature Ind humlddly to Ruben 0mm today Temper ature In Northern name may lb held down by utmslvu cloud Mr basauvnxa will talk on Ichool safely patron Tune 0mm Ind Young Nd mondHfll will prawn discus IIonI on melhods taking man ey or Menu 01 aner punall to he ONE and 0mm and when patrol mmc education promms Larry andaxe general man ner of the OMLTONUIU Club wlll wk on the hnckmnndof OML satay gram pmsent Ind Iutnrauml the OML Ind Myernon with local pollen In clngmupa The umlnnr sponsored by the Ontario Molar Luxua In conjunctlan with pollen depart ment In the Geornlnn Buy Rb nlan WIlunm Le Snnvne th Omrlornnlo Club will be chalnnan of gnu meeUnz nlely seminar will be held at the Fern Resort In Orlllla on Friday memoon with em phuln an lchool nfely palmh 11an tralylnl canneg and the rtymd meommmem pawvvkxiéli bald Vtie cunmét 19 motion Mn Rue Pnuun um well lubemem be re quired all nonprom min imum whhlnl to nu wheel property wu curled contract wu Iwnrded Greer wnmnallan Co Ltd or the kmmum of home economic Ind Indluklll an cluer from Ichool lo Idlool dug the coming yga company ukéq aim to pmvkle tho nahlea EM Wu In ndiiélon to he report the ymaqggnenl nqd Education Commmn remIi wan Iccepu ch rognfinjlnmce Commit me new uni ym Permlrslon Mr Men In the men And Belles Club no prom mum dendu and cm club lo me the auditorium 01 Johmon Sine Schml was rumbled however mt re cluhfimu agree to present Ire bond with flnnnclel 11m ment twlce drain line year Is pm 01 the nonprofit nature oluze orzenlyglen Safety Seminar Is At Orillia commenced but he ll hld best urplgled this ygnr WEATHER MHHHMWfiHwWwwMMNMMflMG 11 In rlub 1qu much nl ho crndll luv lhu clubl Improved mum at nlrporl would In In mum hmml ML Mm dld Ihc round mum bulldnzln Invle ng mlllnl and no on Irlunll Nlmn wlm Imulrd nu vllu lur Hue mm rlrrle Hull llnnlnn um who dnnnted wood Ipr 0h nun Olhcr nrrlo poop who landed lhu am mm on um Damn Mrlum Lnrry Wllllnml Funk Jolllllo rm Mulndrr IIle Mr Nun Model hirplm flylnl um held Ivory sundny nl llnrrll Mr por ISM pennan Earl thkelll Bunla bmuxhl hnnorl lo Hum Modtl Mmluna Club whm ha won mm Elam In model Ilrplum torn ll uvonl In Hnmlflon rocenlly Dan Nur Ihn tlubl mrcllry and public nlallulu mm nM van doubly mwrdlnl tar Ilncu Win In In llml ho had enlcml tonlul flylnl unlpnl upuhnrtd mum ll Io be plld at 1mm Umo wurtu Individual prnm Iurm mm per cent to nllon In And III par can In In um ll now plld lo lhu Mm govemmenL In all word II It pro mm band on tho lndlvldulll Ahlllly lo pun Mr Manson nuld The New Democratic Pmy an the other hand ha proponn gaming lull mcdlcal covmn ludlng how lh to bang weakness In the Progres llVl Conservative roponl or medium ha It on not pm vlde lull coverage und the mlnlslnnllnn In pmmm all lo be Ian In the bind Insuranculcnmpgg Mr Wlnlcnne er unable la Icll lhe peoplu aw much hll gramsed medicare plm will Derrick Manson Is NDP Man In Election Model Clubber Scores In Event hie prime Ixsua In thll unm palzn L1 medicare Mr Man mn In He nld Thu Naw Democnllc pnrtyn medicare pmmm II the only plan deslxned la meet the full medlcnl Ilnnnclal burden the pmplo of tho province of Onurlo Derrlck Manson of New Dem ocratic Party or Slmcae Cent filed his nomlnnuon paper lo day and In In running for the Sept 15 pravlnclnl citation Mr Mnnsan was the only one nominated for 01 riding when the party held early nomination we Prinx Thomu Green rim wu the nest make It flu Christian Buslmu Menl Commmea dinner In Burton MM IY rmmum PA 871 DERRICK MANSON SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvnc GHTHER AT CBMC MEETING uuuxm Iludenl Cnlhednl Boyl High School lllmlllon recelvtd Dm bun Gerrard ll lha lg Ind Mn Junu Mnlonry leno lnnl Sl Squadron of Grey Ind 51mm Forester will have booth II Hnrrle Fnlr um your In In mom in my up re crulllnl Sonarold Bunlo boy hal wall whip Counterfeit Bills Making Rounds 51 Bobbolla nld that net Ibo parade hnve llnmd Some countlea provide plug ln phone for the use of Ihe judge while Ihe county lull In session the £1de oburv ed in luck at admin In um county dlsxrlce he uld Relurfnu Ia yesterday mom Noilnz um 3140000 pro vided ior the administration of Justice In the county hi year ML Justice Ridunkon laid Im sure that with the ice taken inthm must be ur pimaiuiupdoiihayu The gram 3mm in on doi or every midem of the Barrie Youth Gets Bursary The presidlnl judge the all mm In SImcoe Cmmty said 1qu that um wan the first county he hld been In that did not provide telephone In the Mas quuun Cpl Dlvld Thurston Drillll new deuchmml laid lhI hllll an be recognlzld by the nightly Foresters Have Booth At Fair Barrie and area citizen are fluted Witch their O10 bllLl dandy Fin Wankelen £10 bill were discovered by BIrrle bank In the In two day gAvenue Unllod Church In night From tha Ian Wmhm murd ntplx name Absence 0f Telephone Amazes Presiding Judge 01 Fall Assize SATURDAY SEPT no mrwmu am lxhlhilml mumhum by nnnla Kunmnnll m4 LII pmIIlrnnlflclnlly optnul by HIV Dav FRIDAY SEPT 13 100 vmElhlbI lull vpm puhllc no ymIll00flESlVE EUCIIIlE nod nrlm lucky drl dc MJJ H0 pmJudunl at mind And OIIMMI lhcu puns£9911 Content loopmTrllll rl swat I00 pmanIenwna and mm lwpmAmenln lhln Guam loo pmExhlhkm lo mm 0er uhlhm mm locumIme Jumping INImDlntlln Cuvllu Nut and nrdmlrn AGRICULTURAL FAIR Friday and Saturday Sept 1314 stemwd pllnlxt MMe Flddm pmidem the 1m MlvluyMurhl Allmllom COOKSTOWN Grey Ind Slch Fomlm ro qulm qulla number rI crufll bdan ha am 10 Ind Mr Babbclu uld lho booth at ha lllr will be mfltd Ind pmlpocllve mmlla can mnh lnqulrlu my zxmmzn munAna won um um Ell Babb 11d Grey Ind 51mm Fender wlll enler competition Jump Borden or In Onllrlo on the nmkl 1va weekend Concomnllon will be on lhlx mum until lhl compcmloq overth Id IS in now lulnlnl pmzrnm cmhnsb bean placed on An amply come nmunln nvll dvnyl hm hu been drlva lo tlgp gp lemming gunln lgflgyvlpz lye summer holl Shérlf Rosa Hum may that he wuld hhvc telephone Installed In udaen qualun this weekend Mr Jusuu Rlchmlm nld ha wu maklnz no order from lhe Bench on lhe maller In the hopes that the ladlltlu would noon be provMal Wllh um one exccpflon he laid everyumll med Id be mu well ln um myit Swine he had no unvem the length the commune fa nu ed The Imflauon even lampomy telephone not In axgendga pan eAMld lnza siltlnz of thecwrt he nld 230 that thing had kappa ed In he mome that mush and talklng In levers leIaI Haydn In Ibmula on In order In find taleph he had ravage hennfl uv mu ha Ilippery may mun compared lo the counterfeit dry ten Sgt Re Nealhwly of Rum Clly Pollen nld lhu bill wm in two Berle ovu 9mm and over 5764651 Med color and the mcklhl hello of 119 papal1 11 mm Leo Firm CBMC Toronto Gordon hell Toronto soloist and Mr Green Examiner Photo AdmAlon 50c

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