wonona lvntttil By MRS HANDY rom here are being taken by bus to Shanty Bay school Weekend visitors at Reids were Mr land Mrs Collins and and Mrs Baird Artie and sty oi Toronto Garry Siransgban has return sell to Hamilton alter spending the holidays at llandys Congratulettona to Mr and Airs Doubts on the arrival eia baby girl at the Royal Victoria IiospltaI Barrie Mr and Mrs Joe McLean and iamlly visited Sunday with Mr md Mrs Bartholomew oi Mine tNorman Hickling eat tha holiday weekend in Mt USA Judy McLean and Myrna sallv were beginnerastartlng to school item here Mr and Mrs Whates and children of Semis called at Mandys on Saturday James Handy oi Cndrlng ion was dinner gaestwith his brother here on Saturday storiescoanrns MRS ERNEST DALE ftlie Anniversary Service will heY held in Ebenezer United Church Sept 15 at it am Guest seller will be nev Wilson horden Midland Spec ln music will be provided by Churchill chair lstir and Mrs Leo Deisotto ortnds andRosalie spent two days with the iormers parents athorth Bay Dortnda romain attto attend St Josephs College tor girls at North Bay miscellaneous shower was it at the home at Mrs orrltt Friday evening in honor gt Miss Mary Dales bride oi tblsstlanth sits Ietelved nitrin lovely edits tromreiativrs and irlends Churchill and Mrs Hector Por All the public school pupils Mrs Greta Devil ritt lbronto were hostesses ior the shower Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Deles wire Mr and Mrs Archie Adams Carol Ann and ierriiee Weston number irom here attended the Canadian National Esblbtc lion Toronto Mr and Mrs Ernest Knee shaw Mrand Mrs Everett Kneeshaw visited Sunday with Jack Feigheo at lvanhoe Mrs Oscar Sutherland spent the weekend with her sister at cottage at Napanee Mrs Linwood Sturgeon was with her deu hter and sensin law Mr and in Doug Fryer Toronto tor the weekend BEETON By tins wttioin Mr and Mra Spence McCul lough oi Richmond Hill vlalted relatives In town on Sunday Mr and Mrs Bill litit and family at Capreel eat ths weekend with rats and irlends In town Mr and Mrs Taylor and Carol oi Brandon Man spent the past week visiting the ion mers aunt Miss Maths Don aghy Guests at the home at Mrs Wiggins on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Lyle Blackwell oi Ottawa Mr and Mrs McIiae et Longtord Miss Jean Elaek well oi Tomato and Mrs Brady oi Severn Bridge Mr and Mrs Lonsway and Mrs Slaughter oi Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Hooper Guests at the home oi Mr and Mrs Jane Watson during the past two weeks wrre Mr and Mrs George Appleton oi TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE LAIUKDAY antenna so Thraa Stoo es moo Canada at Visi sso ens Ilsan rnni Ttma um it To amat an ttiiloluiss Candi Camera not Your nsltsni Dollar rim Glue wui rrmt alovla tre Asphalt due no TV Naval Weather News Is Movie Jeanitar UNDAY aznsninztt Test Pattern Davay and Goliatl World or Sport Country Calendar mo and Naws The Valiant Years Flylnl DWI Crossroads rslhu tinow eut llasal Sam ml Days to Sullivan Donallsa Rebellion Discovery coon News Weather Nuns Iperta Movie It Qusen Spadll atttNttav aerrsntnea 45 Teal Pallrel too rooms Party guynag 52 ll lO at Isa 00 ii to HO HO zoo 00 and tile no lo 19 Lll News Weather one no Movlt tint aloe Girl Summlrania eesmti lilll Vacation Time On Sallii Slim Tho Stan Elnaaona Jubilee Telescope Krali Mystery Theatre HIMMI WEE mi as Seusd rtleln Inflation is late Test am aslhar Seem lts diary ml Scarlett am Vacation risi Mike Mama FaboatwAsmia III II If of wages Trtn roiillesius Perri Mason Ghost Equad Csunsry lnseuss one out III set8 EE=EES crro CHANNEL lArustnAY sersetlnsn It maria Serial oi Gail Nilhl Movie try at shuneean Have Gun Will Trash 2ch sII Thu Anawlri larvtca lng Service Weather sports rrtttnsl taunts so spectrum Italian lnurnli at BABY TIME Waleonie Wagon eels hltll lha arrival elude new baby with Mardiv cellwlth basket oi tits and oomtulatiml altba satin community Do me to tell Wsloonse ngoa oi the arrival el every an baby in your ttls PA 66302 Marianas ll111l12 ll Iltt WELCOME WAGON It tell evsve Theatre The Dawn Fmtball racial no World lulu as Irsis Mm Dennis the Menace Rotate Sunday Nllht Mille SIMC Imus lion to Itantlt I000 Ill Your nottora Dela Id The Story Is ILW CTV lea IIJI Metro final 30 Pics llrtol slonnav almMnn us ornlna art Health Cub dost Parts nl hobb atom or Noosey Kiddo Kartsona December lrtdo Out lteusa Love Liar Faring rain 90 ltidssway lunvtlms settler Mouse Club nieeo mi Miteh Miller hr Klidl CTV News Metro Halli risen lasts loua INDIE IIHIMIII II es Homing Inert clue on any Melanin Part mi Xieso tooth llorambsr miss Our House Thu tn the up when ouu club EEss CARRIER MISS YOU Ii your renter has not arrived by pm please pheas PA 82433 Asa Cow ma Ila Delivered To has one THIR No CMAIOI IOR TNII IIIVICI VAllEY TAXI DRIVEVOUIIILF can sue rsucxs Rochester New York Mr and Crown oi Clcarwater ad Mr and Mrs Ms daulhter oi Bowman Mis James Jardine oi Calling4 wood and har brother Gordon at Cleveland andngs Dun ham oi Nottawa visited irienda in town on Wednesday Lorne Connell oi Cooketown visited his grandparents Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichol law days oi the past week Mrs lrwin end tamily oi Winnipeg titted during the ast week with her sister and brat en iiilaw Mr and Mrs Letts Mr and Mrs Wilired Service Mrs Mel Taylor and Mr and Mrs Emerson Cave attended the tuneri oi their cousin Wrsy oi Weston on Wednesday Mr and Mrs it Kearns spent the weekend with relatives and irienda in Milton and Hamil on Mr and Mrs Norvel Stewart spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bob Duncan and iamily oi Bun liogtnn Guests at the home ei Mr end Mrs Milton Reynolds dur ing the past week were Dr ltohb at Toronto Mr and Mrs Dean at Hamilton Mr and Mrs Harold Reynolds oi oriltia and Mr and Mrs Irwin Rey nolds oi Cookstown Mr and Mrs Gordon Forbes oi Gait and Mr and Mrs Eert Plett at Hamilton spent the weekend at the home oi Dr and hire McKelvey Mr and hire Wilired Service spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Tuielt oi Werkwnrtb Mr end Mrs Crsnston visited relatives in Toronto on Sundsy Mr and ML Mitchell and tamily oi Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Meson on Sun sy Mr end Mrs Bull end iamily moved during the past week to their new home in Tor onto Mr and Mrs Lewis at Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and hire Earl Hammett Mr and Mrs Larry Noy oi Simone visited Mr and Mrs Frank Lick end other relatives during the weekend large crowd attended the shower and dance in Boston Community Hall Wednesday evening tor Mr and Mrs David Ferrler Mageos Orchestra play ed musie tor the dance Miss Margaret Ball at Toronto weds home tor the holldeyweek on CROSSLAND sums SAMlAILEN Itlrliam0l Smith Elm vale and Mrs Sam Allen spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Wins ton Smith at their college at Allenwood Beach Anderson spent Sunday wlth Mr and Mrs Eob Muir Woodland Beach Mrs Gordon Mason Siroud Mrs Albert Lyons Barrie Mrs Carson Peterson Caledon East were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs James Streth Mrs James Smith Elmvaie was Friday visitor with Mrs Sam Alien Miss Jenn nibman Elmvale spent week with her grand parents Mr and Mrs James Streth liirs Gicnney and boys Csyi uga were weekend visitors at the Bell home George Smith Russel McEl wain Douglas Smith Gordon Smith Herold Smith Archie Smith and Fred Taylor attend ed tha Old Time Steam Engine show at Malian Saturday Wednesday the community met in the Iisll and presented gliis to Mr and Mrs Donald Jones tnee Elaine Loughesdt Miss Myrna Bell read the ad dress Mre George Anderson Misses Sharon Cowen Sharon McElwain Sandra Mandy and Cathy Lyon presented the gills Both Elaine and Donald expreese ed thanks tor the giits and in vited those present to visit them The evening was spent playing cards and dancing Bryon Cole Elmvsls visited his grandparents Mr and Mrs William Bell last week Miss Elaine nibmsn Elmvsls cat the weekend with Mr and Are James Streth Friday evening the Young People gathered and rhivarced Mr and Mrs Ed Robertson Hugh Loughccd Portage La Prairie Sash Ia visiting his nephew and his wife Mr and Mrs John toughecd CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY East dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NOD11 bindings In Boutls was some sm ru INT grnlng lead tour at spades play at many hsnds wouldvary considerably ii the participants could see all 51 cards but bridge being the kind or game it Is each player tries to do the bctt he ran with the cards he acts and the intercom he Is able to draw about the un seen hands For example take this hand where West Iesiis spade Wests lead is normal oonsideh lng that all he has to go on is the bidding and the in cards be Is looking at spade lead would robahly work out but In the ong run but in the se tual hand It is about the worst opening West can make South wins the seven with the tack and plays the tack oi da BECKER monds covered by the queen and king He then leads low club which East wins with the tack East returns spade South wins with the ace and lays another club losing the ink to the ace Eestreturns heart Decisrer plays low losing to the king and West ro turns the queen at spades East by now has pretty good idea oi how the cards are distributed at the table so on the queen oi spades he discards the queen at bsl lie reasons that South cannot have the ten oi clubs or bs would not have played the clubs as he did East thereiore etc tlsonl the queen to prov do West with club entry in case South is planning to establish dummya last club as trick This pity links the contract Declarer haa only eight tricks and must go down regardless at what he does its would have made the hand by leading club It East had discarded heart Instead oi ths queen oi clubs 0n Stcnrd basis with each player giving his all South has no chance oi making threa no trump Ilut In practice once he til the ievorabla ede lead can make the hand by either rciuslng the heart tinesas when It Is altered or by not going up with the king at clubs 0n Madden Another Famous and presented by Air hecti es oliiiv caosswono ACID lcruttniu fltirans parent subslsnee to Leg bone 11 Ranch composer DOWN menu body Quota lleavaleaa gsnnsntsl Arab Nethillg it large Youth TAiiiml Covered with nnwonl llsr fltrtks ll Narrow leJisadow Itlwllied ialrrla IO Dump marks ll Floristt arranges menu It Cemlort ll lmncthss aaelothss lo Missed eaasla guns Ital tlowsvt Mei It Resort Manstsry hill Rum It NM Emotions them Mill is llamas manstnu IMiivsma Bosnia es Valleys post IEIIHI EHIEIBEIII IIII IIIEIIEI otilah ll Cuckoo IO deput ass coin l1 Unit work 29 Im press by striking as acoln II lesson at It Addition the year to lemonade ti Baum all tcatmne pan rri LAka BRANNQN JtJLlEl JONES DONALD DUCK BLONDIE BUZ SAWYER MUGGS AN SKEEIER JULIUS WANT NUNDEID OGANDMA WI Wctt FUN AI VIIITINAN MUIIMINT WK Title is nanny Hes NEW awe curer er NM or eeacu lSNI HI TN SAID was so 1er on WELLI laIJsse ND nova PlflrlCT Kit You cm ew rHar AGAI AI DAWN Ml Titl no were sownout in on mechanisms stirs WIWMANV term museum You less or PIRFICI DAY MD MD sueeeslm on two MAY GOLD ll VERY lcl 9340 NTION to NW wwrro wn aulmr cl Cll I° we won KENIB can AND DOND Attowaucsl wnarla mums MtLIM MW Oil Wm MWNOJWIMHM monitor on as suerun dean $00 WWII it KW ML Iii ltii IRISH