Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1963, p. 1

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VI hnm do Mr Robarlsthink he is kidding he lecrnl lender asked an election meek lng audience 100 persons He sald lhc prcmlnr vewrd fishuwamlnarly Hull 19 mm nol bclicvc in public system of wnribulary punslnns favoring privale companlcs plans In Mcad CHATHAM CF Ontario Liberal Leader John White mayor said Friday night that Premlcr Roberts 13 pulling on show coopcrallng with lhe federal governments II Pcnslnn Plan pnd has no Inlan Ll acgcpthg it Mr WinlcrmLynr snld he Cnnsorvnlivc gnvcrnmcnl ap proach lo medical care is lo suh fldlzc the prommaking Insur Ince companies so may can of rcr cnverngn In people he nra high risksme mud and unam pIoYCd OTTAWA CWTho govern ment Friday mappld nu 35 lil bnr mnrkcls In Canada when Ipcclal lax lrulmrnl will be crcdH Parllnmcnt mumsIn bld lo mum new munulnm ulrlng and promsing indus rcs plums In these mcalltd dealgnnlcd mm or hlxh un unplaymtnl and low growth would Include hulldny ram ln come tux or the fin thrre year oprmllon 111qu also would be luxl lwrycnr WIND 011 01 new mnrhlncry and um cralrd dqamlnllon un mew hujdipx Under he wlnlu wum mn mm munlclpnmltn In Mm can ulna wlll at Murr IHN 90 Mr crnl Imlcad at 500 pnyrnll mu paid by lhc cdrral gqurnmrnl Thll npplin lo Ip 0n pensions he unvemmml approach was lo require funded TITAWA ClC4III4IL1 lpA knack In wrllnrv dllmnl Ilium and mlrrmco 1rd m1 pmvlnclnl and munlclpnl nmmnmll nmlnd In chnr vp lho wrllm jungle lhe hr Idlulu luhllc Allmlnluutian wan mm Friday Amy mm vrnmlnrlll Vnn munx Inclll wmhm Mild mnuhm at Mr pmlrumn mo Ianz Iu nu mlmlnllrnllva mm KMIIIFM lo Mp unmln mm ulwmuluyrll Ind dnlllulr nnmlluns Iiulh swam Irrnmmrmlrd In low memmmu In nun 990k Inr No 209 iRobarts Fooling Govt Charges Liberal Chief MIC HIM loul wrllnw nlllrlull Mo Implwd In mm unm umry rrgulnllmu prunywmh Inr Huvornmenl numb arn mul Impala lmllllpllc ll nl nmuvt mvlrn lnmlw nunlo llnuntlnl rotoumI m1 mlmu Ihnrlul of lmlmd per mm The name Ill dlwmd in molhvr waver PM John Nam 07 um ml nl Mlll with llnlmully nl Tnmnlo headon lwmcar and Irac lor collleon son Lhree men to Ihe Royal Victoria Hospilal last night with undetermined Injuries According to police at the scent at he accidem about onenndhall miles north Areas Needing Job Aid Would Get TaxiBreak Welfare Scheme Called Failure For Emma Want Ad Mo phonl PA MAN 11 elephant umber to call or the Business or Editorial Dept 11 PA 66537 Our Telephoheé THREE INJURED AND CAR DEMOLISHED pensiun plalia avallahle ram In auggnge an c9mp5nlcs is galng lo change hlx span he declared rclcnlng to the prcmlcri slalcmcnl Thursday that he will go In Ihe Ouawn conference on lhn Canada Pen sinn Plan next week la aplril nl cooyernllor Mri Winicrmcyer aim at lackrd Municipal Altair Minly ler Spanner fur the ministers replies in Liberal charges that the nudiiors Input on the East view municipal lnvcsligaliun was declared by gown mm Ispu on showy cooperalxon But dont Hunk mo bile In gala ha no sald Mr Spuomr lold flue pm Thursday that Im dele llons were made lmm he port thnre wnx made publim He called lhcm wild and llupld word provrd mulccla bclwun Nov Mg Apr Crllc null In plrk nut hue hnvenol rcxlom compil cmud In he mnln lhu ellzibla dislrlcll are fairly Inrnc Nu tlnnn Employment Scrvu ol llto areas when Ilnllmclnm hnvn diagnosed history high unemployment In rnlhur than winter Those chosen lndudcd lho NlZS 0mm arm ccnlrrd by then communuluz Onlnrlo flrnnllnrd Carn wnl Windson lcmhrnke Tim mlnu Wnllnrrburz Elliot Lake Chalhnm Hm Irhcme lnlmductd by lhu former Cnnxrrvnllva Inv unmcnl dauhlu lintyear ute vmlnllnn wm npcn In nrw In duflrlu nlllng up In munch pnllllu whlch amullcd ar much wlrlrr pvwm In mbnlnll wring wrllm pmzmmn Mlu ltllh mld local ofllrlull an In Um hm position In mm decision on wrllnm mm uuw Ihey anne Imaw plo And local mxlnlom nut munlclpnllllu we Mxporulely 1va In rvvrnlw Rho lrdor pmvlnclnl nmnlclpnl conhrrnre mm In hrkl In rlrmly Mlm lho km rulc nl Mrh Irvrl Kav rman and lo ml mm ammuhle llunl urnngrmcnln T112 Idea nllll rmlttl lhnl Hum mu xllniumcsL wuum ummlrlnn cillmu um mun My punlnhed Iur Mr 5w mi old punkle mum haw lnltt We mad cammk unverth mm mm 5h MM wollm film Ith In Inlunlnl lulu om overIll ndmlnlxluma Mun with IM ulm mluclnl numlwr hmImu chrome Um 41mm of Highway 400 on Highway 93 snulhbound car rammed In to the loll rear and trac tor and then veered Into the nurthhuund lane and struck an oncoming car Damage both cars were extensive In jured were James Kennedy The lecral claim lhe origi nal report was doctnredJu re move curtain damaghu map enccs Io Gordan Lavcrgnc than mayor of Easlvlew and Pro gmsslvo Conservallve member or Russell In lhu lnsllcgisln lure The party has withdrawn support from Mr Laverne lnlhe Sc A25 elecllon Mr Wlnlcrmcycr mild Mn Spanner Alan staled but 01 complete transcript ulrevldcncu takcn Inlbb 1m Invaulgaflbi of Easlvlcw inanclal allalu was null 10 1h lawn an tawa suburb bur mrplux Ilnlus and me In hor dtparlmnnl mensurnmenu oLlhc punk the town Ensl vlcw produce this la volumcm the bent chic Iald Let lhcm be put on the table for all to see The town Eastvlcw cannot produce the transcripts They re nnvcr rcqclvcd Mr nlcrmcycr nrgnd that Mr Spanner himself cannot pm duce cumplctc let the mm mum whlch H11 19 volumes The dnuhIedcprcclallnn pruvl lon hull unlll the End or thin year RUN IIY AGENCY me new mum will he ad mlnblmd by he urcn dcvclnp mcnl agcncy wllhln llm newly crtalcd lnduslry dtpnrlmcnl The Agency ll expcclcd In In opcrnuunnl by lho end or In my Under be new cm mas Ira dulunnlrd In Ipcclul um mgr Ih ahor Iurplul ynnhlltk wlll ha kept Thu um ll comldcred lo him In labor lur plul lhn numhrr Jobuck rcnhlmd the NES alike tllhrr III or mm prr crnl lhe lnlll numbcr ol pnhl work llnwcver on lap 011 Ill ers ofllcn mu mun mm one hm tomlllions lo he dc lunnlrd Mm Dlry Ira ll mun have Men In lnlmr wrplul um lvr hnll or mm Hm mmmrr nmnunMuy la Ormhrrlor ha hut rlxhl yml Iml hlu mm In tmplnymcm Incrmo lou lhnn hall lha nnflonnl IVUIID per ten orrrjho Inmg paw ll mull hm hrrn Inhnr mrplul nru Inr nollhlrd nr mm at Aummer mnnlhn lnr Hm lul clam cm and Imvr limp in tmp aymtnl nm In IIVngpeflad 0r ll mull have hem In lmr nurplun am or Full or mm Ihn nummrr mnnllu fur llw lul lure vrm ml hue had lltrllne In rmplnymml such he lul lhm yrnu um hm Id Hm rmplor or In pmmtln lob awl rnnl le dld yvu mean by lelllul rm run had In yuu nmlrnro when youve nem bf Wll ma mi Iul ymml man 1n 1de at mun wllh lnu Haul Barrie Jerry Easi iwrn Camn Eurdcn and Lloyd Crisp iraciar driver Hagar man Township No other de tails were available irnm pal icc OPP Constable Don Ra bins examincs one oi the can Examiner Phoin HERES ONE BIRMINGHAM Ala MPlIl lederal ludg has directed Gov= ernor Gcor Wallace oi Ala bama to explain why he aliould not be restrained from barring pupil lrom Alabama school lacing dosegrezailou And violence nnred again ln Birmingham Friday night but police said the incident inwhlch two 16yearold Negro boy were killed had no canneciion willl racial lrnublc lha have kept ha glly tango lormonlhs Negro man was kllled and 20 persons lnlured ln rlullnz whlch followed dynamlla blast ma home ol Negro lawyer Wilma Police said Negm Icenagers lrui shotgun blast lnla gm ccry slam In what appeared to beA gang incldcnl The order was Irsucd on mu lIon by lawyers or two Negro hays scheduled attend one at three Birminghnm clnsed on Instructions re governor Thursday US Dislrlct Judge Seyboum Lynne ordered Wallace to show cause Sept 12 why he should nu bu enjwlncd mm In4 hexfaring with schonl ammun an CHICAGO APbPollcc Bald an manual 12 tildlrugw ML NU In It ship award sagaWHY day the lalcsl Incident compllcnlcd labor dispule which has lied lhe shlp up in the Calumet RIVDI dye Auxill Police reported no nurics nllhaugh members lhe crew were on board at In lim the blast The 50070 lhlp was Fat heliuvcd 1n dunner link 11 Cause 1hr blasl whlch blew hole ourfcel wldo and About six loot deep at llle water line Emldshlpa wnsinnz lmmcdlnlcly dclcrmlncd Chlcaxa polka b0 and was onlhelsccqlz crew member an watch at the port Ilde ol ha vessel Glen Smlm Tomnln lald pollen he saw nr hoard nothing prlor Io Ihc exploslon Also on deck when ho blast occurred Were lhe Shnwl captnln mid June nnd Firsl Mule Gllberl Marvin both Toronto series or wind whipped Ire mclnz through tinderdry pine lnmu In the mlhem mule ol lnrnm rmom nachlnz hare mld law Windmvl In n7 fihlfiwelevaldx pluck away ycre Mow gut llmzlllnn and us turn rushed llrdlxmerl nod and Mood plnunn lo lhu Ilrlckfll flute Ilrnzill monl Important mummum llrlll novrrnur Ney run Inld ho Illunllon In lhn dmuhlphgucd mm In uch mm um you can imnfln PonyMM hodch have been mnvrml nnd um dram loll pnxbnhly wlll in much himr Col Ilnlu mm directing llrdlxmm nwmd mm Curi UM IHO DH JANEIHO MUM lens 250 pgqu dla mum Order Wallace Give Reasons For Actions Explosion Rips Grain Carrier DUNK PALM Onl CW Land and Farm mum Krhn llalmln xald Thurday In will munhe mnllnl Mumy helmtn drmflmrnl nlllcm um mun nl huulm nml nub rrnlmn mm In Milli ucllun In lhc why mm hunllnu mmm In Nuflhnn qu main Mr Ylobrfll hm or Im urnIve Cunmvnllu numhu Hon mollnl luld dole Illon ll vmuld be fllfllrufl In In lulu ha on num Inx locum he mp hu pmpoud um he moon um open mm Ls In Or Alndjph lmm 7Man hr doyllnami ol lhl0lCF unon hlch Il 250 Are Killed In Parana Fires Iimumxh on Kelso Roberts Promises Meet Angry Hunters Barrlg Dntquo CanHILSIWMLIV Sufilcmlm 1963 Discuss LoanIund Right After Vote OTTAWA CBHealth Mhl Isler Judy thsh wouldnt say yes and wouldnt say no Friday nigh when asked about reports that the federal lavenh mam will Increase old age pen sions by $10 beginning 05L The Toronto Globe and Mall reported that the Increase In the 01d age pensionbringing up to 575 monthwould be an munced by Prime Minister Pearson the opening of lhe domlnlon pmvlnclal oonler ence on pension next week Miss LaMarsh at first said she wouldnt care In comment on lhe report NEWMARKEI Special ivemnn corona1 jury here last night ruled In 11 mlnutcs that Mrs Mae Bull 47 Kirk ncwlon Rand Toronto died 1mm mlsadvenlure or causes unknnwn Asked she would confirm the report she said No She disappeared on the eve nlnE of August lmm acabin crulger owmsd by James Slmp In51L u7slHll csflmony disclosed that Mrs Bull loxclher with her husband Edwin 45 Gordnn Wills and marinn manager Lloyd Crate had been acrau Lake Sim coe on pleasure cruise Mu Bulls body wns found wn day later flouting am down lhe water Inside lhe marina 60 cc 1mm where lhe Simpson boa was docked Kcswlck An nulnpsy report read Ihe inquesl revealed that Mn null died from fracture at he base the skull and lhal she was dead before her body onlcrcd the water lhul under cmnln clrcumllnn cu lhp lypn ol rnclurc nus lalncd by Mn Bull could hnvn bun Infllclcd by human Iorce blood Inmplo lnknn lrnm lhu body of the dead womnn revrnlul an almhollc cnnlcnl 11 pm pcr lhoulnnd In lho Iyalrm Dr Jncclm Rum of Allnmcy Gencrnla Depart mznt nxplulnnd In nllhl lhn lhll wnuld mnnn nn lnukn cl nwmxlmnlely ll nuncc ll unr over two ln lhrto hour of linking Thu dud wnmnnl hualmnd lewln flu lull ll Jury Hull lhu group had crulltd ncrnn Luke Slmcm nlltr Ipcmllnx lho nllrmoon nl lhu Immu ol Gonlun Wllll what camldcrnbll MAYBE YES MAYBE N0 HEAD CIIUSlllIm ry Iorward mm police lest Indicated that lhv womans head may have hrcn crushnd bclwccn the lids of the born and mm the IHPPDYUXIK pails nn filo Ilge lhlalfiiock lhcory was most unlikely Crac klng human skull Wilh 13 Ion boal wld lhc coroner like lrylnz to crack an wilh llcdgc hammqr Says Death Game By Misadventure Im muy IIIa pm um um hunt Mn Mlx Hrvlmem 1nd Mm Vlru Dom Minna WV WW Mr Pension Hike Is Mystery POUR HHVEALREADY WON SIX TROPHIBS Asked she would deny it she said 319 wnuldnl can to do spokesman for the prime minister said Mr Pearson had no comment to make on the max 1he govemmenl annohnced its lnlenllan to Increase the pension 075 gema moqu 330 the increase linked to the Canada Pension Plan and that he $10 boost wouldnt appear in old age pension cheque un ulkearly In 1964 Dppmluon paflles In the Com mom repeatedlyhave asked the gavernment lo Increase lha pen sion immadiattly muunl ol liquor had been con sumed ML Bull saldlhat when they had returned from the 111 he Gordan Wills Ind Llnyd Crate Jolt the boat didnt realize my wife was Itill aboard the 1103211 nld Ind dldnt realm Ihut ML Simpson inton dcd to lake boat out or second time Lloyd Crate lcsliflcd that he had gone with he party la drive Simpson across the lake He explained that Simpson had never taken the boat out alone at night belare Crate told the Jury hat when Simpsan allcmpled la dock the boat he crasth lnlo he dinghy moored cruiser realtzcd he couldnl handle the lab aald Crate and old hlm la gel the heck out of tha way and brought lhe boa The Iury wu old that when Bull and wm rcnlllcd lhnL Slmp son had ukm lh crulxcr out axnln wllh Mm Bull aboard lhcy wcnl In nearby rcslnur an or load and hen Ilrpl In can Mr null Inld lhnt ha rcmcm bmd nnlhlng until he ell Slmp Ion lrylnu lo ahake Mm awakn layan cant Ind Mn any whrrc Wed boll call the police MAN AND WIIMAN pson nld he dldnl rcnllxe Mrs Dull wax In lho boat until he Wfll qulle my mm he dock flun Inw hrr behind me he mld She In bulde me And naked or drink but old her Wu too busy he tonlrols We want oul and anchored on ha 1ch for About um and hull hour when hnd couple drlnkl he unified Simpson he Inxl Ilm he remrmhmd min Mn null wnl when he wu hrlnflng lho mixer lnlo dock number ymlllnu her wllch the Hun nnd never nw har Inln 1w wllnum Cllltd by In Crawn Allomey Gen Jurquen Ill Mu PillInn Gltnknm mm lhry luul mn Hm bonl having nug its positgorig tie that HANOVER Ont CP Pre mler Robafl said Friday the special Ontario legislature ses slon he has promised to deal with Parliaments mnnlcipalde velopmem loan lund will be called wlthln week of the Sept 75 Ontario lecfion result becoming ofllclal In day stumping through rural and urban sections the northern area olsoulhweslam ammo he told group at Us owel In Perth riding that he want Lhe pmvincv to be able to take advanlage ol lhallund In hue provide Job this wln lcrr of lhe 000111 Iund cm sled by Parliament some ml 000000 would be made availa ble 10 Ontario mlinlclpaliues on the bash at populnfly am min to call in the ex lslalure wilhln wmk ol the day when ll legally possible he sald hallmarked toward lhia Bruce Colmly lawn lie did not name specific date or the callan the spe cial session Mr Robatb who disclosed unexpectedly Thursday night that he will Menu his cam paigning Mnnday to appear be fore iiw Mampmvincial con ierence on old age pension at Ottawa said Friday the pension issue has been pilchJorked inin the Onlnrln campaign against idsdesim BANFF Alla CPIJustin Minister Llonnl Chevrier aald Friday nlghl he lnlcnds lo call conIIHullnnal contu cnce early next ytar lhnlmuld clear he path hr rmsscssmum 01 me Ienn of Confederallon DENIEJ CHARGE He said lhe Liberals luv thrown around various miscon ceptions bout his govenh mentl mndiJhey luv ac cused him ogylrytng la sink the Ha old the Canadian Bar ASA minuun annual meeting lh chernl provlnclal conlcrnnm would be Aummoncd lo drall ormull or Immdlnu the Brit lah North Amtrlu Ad we can Mme an or muln we mixhl nlm lake hmadcr look ll our tonxtllullon um and find lhnl ll Mod be revised in mm flu pull In order In ruled the ncw nonrepl momman ledan Ixm and had wnlchcd he lubscqucni Drying In lhn will nth wlumm Inld lhoy had sun the trulm an nul nr mu urnom lrip and had Icon filmy mn Al he comrolx with Woman whom My llnumtd In he Mu null lmlfll wllh hu Arm Around Mm uw he livwhaurXanx In lfllrll ll whlch morn lhnn wlnum lullurd lha Jury llrrd or II mlnulu helm brinx In In Ill mum uly dqclylngfle nm lmu Whm Mu nulll body wnl dixmvrml AM wrnrinl dmk Iwcnlrr Iml Alulu wnm huldr mxl Revise Terms Confederation Bobarls PromiSes Action To Provide Winter Iohs Not mm Thin Fur Cdfiylffign Possible shower lonlghl Many and cooler Sunday Low tonight 55 ngh Sunday 70 For full summary turn to page two Local Weather Ottawa cheme whlch he has denied Mr Hobart said he Intends In submit his govemmen views 119550an no peded polillcally on pensions on which 0mm has legislated or its own scheme In advance of Ottawa legislatinn He had na intemim of being put in posl Man of doing something we up UV rpmct out by Mr Robarts stall Fri day pmvldes or him losing lit tle time on his flying visll to Ottawa for Monday opemng session the federalprovincial codemnoe After attending luncheon at Hamlan Sunday he will go by chartch plane lo Wawa Sun day nlght present slalemenl the xesslon Monday morning and resume stumping at Gall by midallemoon He will speak also at mm as Monday night During um day Friday Mr Robaru engaged in easygoing campaigning mmugh Conserva Uvevhcld territory 1mm Inndon lo Hamvcr when he spoke Fri day nigh at Joint nwefiug on bdlallrol Conservative candl date In the uberalhcld consul ucmlcs Grey South and Brucer made bxla slop at SLral lord Mllvcrton Llslawcl Palm anion and Durham ln the rid inas Perth Wellington Dul lerin and Durham speaking to small Broupg ranging up In about 50 people cilhcr on lha ddewallu or local committee The Brilish Norlh America Act basic documnnl Can adas constitution was passed by ihn Brilish Parliament in mm and ammdmcnl lhercinrs must be approved by he Brit ish Ilriismcnl Mr ChevrILr mid Cant dians wlsh lhcir country to re main united rndlrnl changu must he made In lhelr way Ma EQUAL lllGllTfi Our country bnslcnlly armed lwo mm and those lwo mm musl have equal rlghu and mum opmrlunily In he expanslon or the economy he uld Them are Khan who that over he ymn the coun hnve dislorlcd he INA Act nnd have Inshimcd Iran constitu Man that hum hlllu rescmA blance lo wlml he slnlcsmtn 1867 hnd In mind Them LI nlm gmwlnu unrest and dissflanrllvm wllh he wny the ac Imx denlow cm Inslrumcnl and lime urn many who er nlronnly ml Na lundumcnlnl rhllosophy nnl barn umlnl nul lfl lhnl nnw ncllhrr mrcu our mclnl nnd po Illiul nccd nnr mlrcls the Inn Ilruclum our mirly Ila mcnllnncd previum mmll ullonnl HVEMMM In low 10qu and IMI cnllnl ln tunsldu lrnmttr nmcmflnl mum in Canada nll al whlch lnllul 501 mew wee

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