um mm at nu an nuuu ln Ilu nl mm In In who In ml 1m mum run In In loul nu um um Aummoa mum mu null rm mm Innmm mu rumnl nl pm In hilly lundlyl Mummy llnlldul newton nmmmu IAIII IAN nunnr II It Mrnllllfll 10 um um MUIIAV My Amulm lull mun uv Ilcllul Ivonnll In III lumulylflm VIII in milf It In you Hull lav Ir II null II Julnu mum ml mum III ml hymn nunImus In ml to mu nu Oller un Vlmnun 0mm Av Tannin Milli Mull Mn Huth cnm mm Aunrlmun TM AIdIl nnun tmullllvnl hilly Nu In nun 114 THE FRENCH CULTURE CharlollcloWn Guardian Canadians urn asked to learn lhnl Quo bcc ls unique Among Cnnadlnn provinces In that Its gnvcrnmcnl Inn culluml nt alru department whose mlanlcr in Um Hog 9cmch Lapalme mlnnnlly French Cnnndlnn provlncu should hnvn my parllnont In cncourngo Froncernnmllnn culture WlJllgtl lm wmclhlna my tery were ml or the recent new that Mr Lapnlmo has nppolnlcd 52 vunrnld news npcrmnn mam Henri bagncnu Incl the services ho Barrie Examiner Aug 19 1948 Town police stepped in on final night and clos ed down all games of chance at Lions Club Carnival after complaint laid by local clergyman Bank at Toronto opened tine new branch building in Al landaie with Fred Stevenson as mam ager Dr Scott director Sim eoe Cou ty Health Unit visited town council explain condition of ba wa ter following report by Stanley harp sanitary inspector that there were signs at pollution He reported sewage dis posal plant was no longer big enough for town population Swimming was sale only east at Beyvlew Park Canon Cody Chancellor University at Toronto and summer resident of Barrie for 35 years addressed Rotary Club Miss Dorothy Johnson won motor and boat in Lions Club carnival draw Pres entation made by Dr Se mour resident Barrie District ill nisier al Association held special meeting and issued strong stand ainst gambling and games of chance slatement to has signed it Rev ll Clements ot llncsin pres dent Nu thousand nttende Sunday night tlgure skating show at Barrie Arena staged by pupils at Osborne Coisona summer school Featured were Don Tobin Pierrelle Pa auln and Alain Pinerd at Ottawa ltllnto lub Vasa Beach amusements and stores were cosed down by provincial nllce on Sunday Aug but reopened allowing Sunday lolice gathered evi Nnt stressed was the encouragement the new policy would give to Canadian authors No doubt many of our d15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN There are several reasons for this move The most important is economic Parents will be relieved oi the cost and school boards will also have their iln ancial load lightened Secondly as Edu cation Minister William Davis ointed out the Plan would mean longer lie iar books eimlnation of much duplication and large scale buying Parents of chlldren in high school will he heartened by the new that action Is to be taken to supply free textbooks to students in grades 11 us and 10 Event ually the de artment of education ex pects to supp books to all grades elections Mr Thompson embarrass ment must have been acute Indeed when he found his own statements were re audlated by Mr Caouette or learned hat the deputy leader had gone off on verbal tangent foreign to the national party line Surely the Sacred must have Iearhcd basic lesson There cant be two skl pets on the ship Tharp is no room Social Credlt party controversies have reached comic era proportions at mqg espeglgllywurlng the lastladen It must have come as reliei to Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson to ind himself no ion er associated with his former defuty eal Ceouette The split should hep the national party des its the fact that Mr Caouetie attempte to scuttle his leader and develop his own yersion oi the party Free Books For Students Cant Be Two Skippers Especially In Politics The Barrie Examiner mm Publisher 111 53mm OTHER EDITORS VIEWE Published by Canadian Newspapers LIme 18 Bayfleld Street Bmle Omarla DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian smzhlï¬Genordme mummazmmnnmm Pn¢ Hut cultum vhnnge The culture or Ilm France Louln XIV wan no the French cullum of Napoleon he ï¬rst nllll lcu wan III culturo modem Franco nllun It add wllh the church and wllh mo Inn of Cnmmunllm ml Illll uron or nlrnln 01 sodium running lllIOlllfll In pollllra Nor due the wldnpmd mm In rarllcular language give Ilucll cu urn to my cuunlry Canada in predom Inanlly En llnlnpvnklng but no on would any lint Cnnadlnu hm In Eng Hull cullum Indeed lhm are me who malnlnln Illa Cnnndlnm have never produer or work of lllmlure Ilm Ily because It um nm In yet culture of ll own What tho Quebec cullural mum do parlmcnl mum by French cullurn II nnl explained Obviously France hnl French culluro jun llaly has an Inl lnn tulluro and mo Ukraine In Ukrain Inn Lulmrc The mnln luncllun of Mr Dagncnul dlvlslon mo cultural affairs depart mem will be II In mid lo cncnurnzo Um mrvlvnl of French cullure among lronclupmklng minorltfv groups when ever Inuml on Illa conl nnnl and In crease the conlncls those groups with Quebec prnvlnclnl cultural Illner dopnrlmen nmonr Frenchuptaklng groups through out In rest of Canada and In part of the United Slates as well Barrio tours mo Dymcnt Jim Willis Johnny Johnson and Dr Gconfo Churchwon lilram Walker Trophy competition at Aurora Highlands Golf Club The famous House of David bearcd baseball team from Michigan Blaycd in Barrio and beat locals 154 cat play oi game was spectacular barc hand backhand catch of homerhound ball by Barrio outiicldcr Rusty Aikln Barrio boxer James Parkcr has won four alralght ilghis at Oakwood Stadium by knockouts llo is being coached by Archlo Thompson dence and presented to Crown Attorney Frank Hammond for charges under the Lords Day Act Simcoe County Fire mens Association held annual tourna ment at Camp Borden when new type fog nozzle for fighting oil fires was ev monstrated Superintendent Adamson reported on progress in Bar rie Chamber of Commerce project start ed two years ago to increase bird life at Springwater Park of welcom ed new membera Dick Steele Dr Corbett Bob Hodges Harry Reid and Charlie Agnew Aerial photos of Bar rie taken by Campbell of Streud from aircraft piloted by Norm Copping of Barrie Airways Paul Meger led hitters as Barrie Fiyer Juniors beat Ai iiston in in South Simeoe baseball play offs Bob liililer was winning pitcher Team coach was Roy Emma lion Brooke Claxten Minister of National Defence paid official visit to Camp Bor den and officially opened first group new typep ent married quarters The new plan insofar as the high schools are concerned will come into ef Icei next year The elementary school have been an plied with free text for cars althoug some at the cost is still am by the ratepayers These grants are in line with an ob vious government pattern to relieve the strain on the municipal tax dollars To day the average municipal council could not pay for present standards of educa tion Only through increasing govern nicntdhelp can these standards be main ne iinguished ecducationistu would be lskl ed to write books with distinctive Canc adian flavor perhaps more to the speci ficaiions and needs of the high schools in the nation At the next national convention of the party Mr Thom son and his cohorts should consider elimination of the deputy post and turn the spotlight on the leader htmsell Tho deputya position was created obviously to woo Quebec voters The dual leadershif no it turned out proved impractlca and split gther than welded the Social Credit or The Socreds have had hard time With Mr Caouette out the way they may have smoother sailing To date they have failed to put over their hit osoph of government to the peop Cam but they wont have the C1 ouette thorn in their sides fact or deputy leader In an political Early one man should be titular as and hls pronouncements should not be subject to repudiation by one in in Infeflqr poslglon IMTI AV flnudy hill are Iha Ilylg II Junl MM race mmlnl In Enmnd ml om wnmnn porlnlly um lower p01 cl ll bloom lulu how we uhulvl Ind unmle nnl chum wry hum 1th MI MumI llnullnllnl llll Fllm wl lamIn IIIMUM In In he mmmmdrd In lho IIan 1m thurrh and public ilrp Ilnlh mld lha Mood Inn wu nnllnnnumul unlm pmnn Iuflored mm Inunln llnt In umllnued lama lmllvlltul wlll ncmlnnnlly In an murll Ihm Ilunctl lllmul MN MW wlllmul hmwln II In thou Dr Half vllhlly Although Harpoon an wry much lhlnodh ll Imlltnlu lhnt dllcrlmlnlllnn Ilmuhl um1ln Ipyin ululrlnj It well knnwn II hava lrcquenlly wrlllen lhnl uplrln can lrrlllte 1M Itumnchl nl lama prnplt 111m can he Illlhl blcmlnl All lhe Inmt Ihu drug In one lh mm vnlthXo hnvt Mu PM lrlad comma Ind flopped he mm of lhl Ildulltcll by Mimi In nmlrin Ihu 110le drug whlch ln mlny instance In fun IHCCUVO Ind bellu talented Somu pea cant lnlernh nu plrln brcluu dml NIIC Ilnn olhm In ha tunIII ll heclun llomlch Irri mlnn nm the mlfnmy HI In Ir mm hip lam uplrln wluly mm over ml lmm ll Six ellhl Mm Iy Inr In1rlhrlHI lumm In nerltrlly renmpnhlu Ami now In an hark In Hm funding leln lnko Innllnr lnuk In ullcln whlch quolrd Dr III II mull II he end report Inch Dr nolhl II cchnlul imparlnnce hul Ilm an mm mm ptoplo Vhl ht lays In no baloney 1m Imuqu In the way ll LI In rpmcd Tho cllpplnx quote Dr Jamel Rm the University Pennsylvania reparllni that In many 60 lo 70 per cent peoplu cnn Ian Hus Ir llcla nyl II much In Ipoan blood In lha Ilnmnch Ilcr llkinx lwn napkins Iddl Ihnl ultcrnllon or umluvo tluuu can ha mother came qugnce Den Dr Molnar ll uplrln haMHormlnn ï¬nd myscll qullc nervous about weak b2 or my menstrunl period and Inn been taking 1mm we to our llhleu day In prolonud ulo hanIlormlnz or harmful MM RLK No The doanu you Ire uk lnx in not unreamnnble Ind Now why lhll Money In the paper clipping unclasch about what ailment aspirin can caum look cortlsuna and It clued IMO effects In lhl cllp In lrual Nn tidal nnw Toll ml Illa WmMM mu But lo 11 you In an ho wanle thal nmnlmn musedde thin nut loll Dm Domr Haw cam wrnl doctor nay uplrln hnrmlw And olhcrl ny otherwise luv mhrilLl and mydvclor prelcrlbcd It In eixhlluplrlnl BIBLE THOUGHT By JOSEPH MDLNER MD TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Aspirin Is Not HabitForming LETS KEEP THAT HUMANITARIANISM OUT OF THIS Mud II In nullMm bu mnldu muld Mn unlnn lha mknman said Iml not nur hum Vr III nhmnl um munan And they 11 mm polnlu mil lmnlvnl hem wmh lllrh lhlmnl mlu 1mm and km 11 man lllm lhnl up wnmm rnulvl nnl do It um um mu Wmlnn nu lhnl Illa humMI dld not lllllml lo llw unon Ind lhl mm ruluud lo wnrk alonnlds mmoonl who II mt gunm union MFANII HAY Wfllll Ipnkumvm Unlon Id Vamrn In In mmnll Iur ur In pub with mm on lhl Mr hul ml In Moonryl WWII nulamm wnnl Hill Ian ulnm nnd their lurml nml chem mm un lul nuy dont mm humnhl Ill mvlnl wllh hrr lnvunlu dawn ll Ihv end ol In Mr Thu mnllur cam lo hurt whrn so bnrmrn nnd culllrmtn rmplnycd by Mnnneyl Md mcellnl n1 prolm In he rumh mm of hi llamnn Cunnlln Church 5L Annlm Ind 5t Mill on Klnuwny 11 aull lhn medln wn hlon In kmmi ll Moch wllhdrnw he lrln that hem emplnyed Olhcrwhc lhn unlnn wlll lnh annn not only In lAnflnn bul Ilm In Mooney nlnbllnmmnu In with By MclNWRE HOOD LONDON Enrmllda whn ldd launh talor and Iplu la Londonl pubs and pmvlda novclly lo lha laurlm who Ire quml lhcm will not be Allowed In mnllnua In llnl occupation the Hnrmenl Unlon In In way In In mnmenl lhll Inn bun on burmnldn nppllu on to one group of publlc houm Iha lev on whlch are nperaled by Moon eyl Irish lloum Thelr barmen have nlwnyl bun lrilhmm but recmuy MODMYI rmployed lhreo barmaldl Io work In one 01 Ill public Imum an the Slrlnd Thu wan he um the lmublt btcnuu when llrll npplled lo Joln ha nnrmcnl Union The Amalumnled Vlntnm nd lulled Trndu Aulslnnll worn pmmplly lnld lhal my warn bmcd lrom mtmherlhlnl And It wnl made clear lhal lhn hm would Iprllcd la in Dub Ilu hrmenl un on welll nll lrllhmm objcd Ilnnuolltly In unmcn helm employed In John Much hm bun exclunlvo ln min III II Moonry lrllh lloum MEETING HELD hNafVlls Just orange lulu wlth mm of tho water re moved NOTE To Li If you tell your doctor your problem jun you wrolu me ï¬rmly lumen lhnt he wlll recom mtnd clrcumelxionand 1D in no mo old or Ith wanu nplrln Ind any medl clnc am lure In In used lemibly So do Do Ike uplrlnl Ye Den Dr Mnlner w1u min orange lulu In frozen con centraled farm hum one My PIE IaRN REPORT FROM UK Object To Women Working At Bars n1 Illunlkm ll thy monl Hm MI conIdem In Mb nrdmu III MM Hum mor nlmnld hand up to my Mum rmmrllom dam um 31 llon would occur in In 1mm re Irnvmd mm lllnNmInlh InnIra Hun It nlm nld II mar nl lmm hrrlrmk launln lha nun llu of Ike Inuan low Indly Ind building up undtr plvm I1 llnnnlnl And Wmlu hlmlor Funk Aym rtrnmmrmlal Ihnl IN on In Campnny Ihwld in in mm bmyml vluum lhnl In In me um mm mm Thu mum wrlllrn by run llllul llrmluld Hull In lulu OTTAWA cmmum ol uplvulvo In an hulldllu up mu pm at Inurhlnrk llon wulcrnlul Ollnwn ha tlly hand of conlrol old mm Thu band dulded In nk or III ummrncy lnftllfll hm wllh In Onllrln Enemy na qurrn flnlrd whlrh mum Inunllallon at In mllnl So he baflln Knu nn with lho ulllpnce ol the hnrmnldn II In ldJuml In London public haulu ll nuke Another objccllan lhll the lumen claim that lha harmnld cam nearly much as they do And my do not havl lo work In hard Ona blrmln nld In Ireland It lake flvn yur lo mike human You wear an apron and Illfl whllu collar and you are just In clvll urvnnL Sure werl mnrn Impomnt Hun ma policemen Mooncyl minimum in Lon don uld My had In hlra he Ir beeme Ill Ihorum during nu hnllduy perlnd nul ha unlon Ipukumln tended Ill The pltnly mm In Ireland who would ha Ind 01 th July London ha uld Out of lhe bmmlda Mlu Inn Canluau lrhh ht Ihamrockjrem nvrrnlll Inn Man on Hm Joh pnusrd In htr mvlnx tuxlomm lo uy um me could do the Job Just thl ll my man We dont run barmlldsl They could joln another bunch they were wallrcslcs Ottawa Buildings Threatened By Gas THE CANADIAN PRESS Soviet cirim clerk igm Gauzenka eiecled irorn tha Soviet emhmy in Ottawa yam nan today In m5 taking document which he handed to tha Royll Cnnldinn Mounted Police exposing network oi Soviet espionage in Cm Idlh The documents he carried out or tha embassy resulted in name no uplan Ill trilll Ind nine convic tions Since Ml reveiIUonl Gounnko ha been living in Canada under an Issumed game with RCMP yrotcc an IMOMull XIV wn bom 1m An earthqunka caused henvy damn in tho Cornwnll Ont Am TODAY IN HISTORY Tho htMrs hnl bun handed am IM company In mn II II Mm nnl or lhc ncxl lhrtu lummrm Hy nuy Johnson Munl run Slnr conceded lhnl lummcr prudurllonl by TNM bl lhrnlrlrnl noun but lhn lhn Ilru II cm bluccr nL Is In In wny Ilnml IIMllmuly rcmlullmmry In In dulxn lha sununm lullvnl 111mm When Ihtnlro du Nouveau Manda hunched Ill um venlure In lummchIock In mldduly II dId 50 mm mg the new IIcrrc In Gnrdcur Ccnlre dAn In IIIIs lawn on the Lath nhoru the St Lawrence Icw mIlql norlhcpsl ol MantraII Whnl caught ho an lho crillu Will the mmblnnllon an ordlmuy proscenium Alnxa wilh an apron stun lhnl uu out mm lhn nudlcnm In ma llgn not unllka that Stub lard The Mummy lbenlra Iurms all must lppllud wrnlo Jtnn llnmclln In Mun runl Le Dwain II Illlll Slrllfnrdnml wauld no lur prisrd III was not lhc un conicsod elm ha 11mm Nouvpnu andc or lhu lulun FREE RENTAL REPENTIGNY Que CPl Mnnlrenll celebrated Theatre du Nouvenu Honda has gone Ilrnw hnl or the lira lime lhll lummcr Bul we he use when Onlnrlon Slrellord Shakespearean Festive wu es lnbllshcd 10 years no the French language lhealrlcnl tumpnny must shun lop hllllng wllh ll phyflcal lurroundlnln Opposition ar Dieian baker held the record can ndnu most intemiva ioreixn travelling prime minister Hi1 wandering outsidn Canada dur ing the last decade benn when he took his second bride on honeymoon to Mexico Later they both wrnt ta Iuaeivisit in other countries an mute When he became prime minis ier he stepped up his mileac starting at once with visit to Britain immediately liter tho 195a election ha went holiday ing In Nassaui In later yeah he hoiidayed in Bermuda Ind in Jamaica mud tour oi Ihe world his visited 41pm he visited Nassau again he went to ihn United Nations in New York he nude several iurthrr trips to Britain Ind he ire quentiy iornyed into the United Slates io visit loan where university niicred him In hon oryy degree Now he Is all agIIn lhI IImo to vlaIt MedItcrrlnun counmu He hope In bu cclved In audlcnce by the new Pope PauI VI thIu In In In Italy And II has let be known that he would Ilka to spend six days In Egypt quest ma Arab Icndcr Gen Nasser Axrlcultura Minister Harry Hay look lwwweek uh to Europe vlsmnz France mu Ill Finland Denmark Ind Brit IIn The purpose his trip me In late at ï¬rst hmdngrlcullural practice Ind policies In Europe Halwas accompanled by ha deputy mlnlsur and by the chllrmnn of lhg Agricultural Slgblljzpflog Board Soclnl Credit Lender Bob Thampson will shortly leave on lrlp In New Zealand and um lralla lo sludy economic Ind xoclal mlflons and probably to keep hl usual alen en for Haw Haas on oxalga ll la underdeveloped counldu my HOLDS unborn Henllh Miner Judy LI Marsh has 1m returned 1mm Ihm week In Bdlaln France We Germany Ind other Eunr pean gountrles ml was working tour during which the Iludled pannlon plum and punk scheme Kn each coun By PATRICK NICHOLSON MAMRecords for for elzn travel are bclnl up by our politicians during lhil summerAdjournment of Im 11mm Quebec Theatre Said Startling 31 II will built by mum or flu OTTAWA REPORT Ohm parllnmenlary lnvel Vole Progressive Comnflvc In Ontario PoliticiamT Long OverseégslTrips minWIN mm mm rpmmmmn Good Government deserves 1L1 support limyone hn lulled lemt it you Conumliw Ommmtnl took Action livcryom ugudlm of In or hum will be Iblo lo plrddpua In full mamlllbk medial ammoMle compuhian when mmry the Imvlnclnl Iomnmcnl will pay lho can for Hm unlbk lo do no ACHON 0N MEDICAL CARE 11m beam has on unls ar ranged In lhrea Ichclrculnr Her and lhn um wldo and Harp tnouxh tn Accummndnla In unnnl mmplemcnl of TNM rlnym In any In at produc Inn Thu cpumln producllon wu anrh lrlmlnunn Amnlo and Old Luci Guy llonmln d1 mud and drum In tho play MI Klm Ynmnhevnhyn NI cnlu Hllnfl Unhrlrl Gum and Junmull flnux 11m cnnvu ml will probnhly bu rcplncrd and lhu thcnln wln lrrlzcd nllu Ihu Iummur Tho lmlldlnx II lnrgo by nor mnl lummu Ilock Ilandmh hm TNM dlrcdon In ll mm Jusl mmh llmo an mm In mg mml lhrnlrr Inuldc plnllnrm with flu Iudlcnce on lhm dd open mm ht lamllllr pmxunium lanc Thurs L1 nu Irch or curv nln prescnl but thn umlro um be ndnplud to man Mum nrnnIAlylo or proxenlum pro ducllong Pierre Major you Out but nrchllm Wu camrnly sinned dclelI permanml and varnlfle hulldlnl lhnl would accommodala TNMI llDlds Tha lhcnlro Alnrkly limp mm the oulslde with nockudb like wall cedlr Ind lem pornry canvu root luxptnded llrom our mnuivc concrcln pi ans pnnuzny huxinmmrn wkh mu nicipal lid to pmvlde forum or regular Iummcr nasal quality drama hcre mm made In lhe $50000 theatre will be valued buck lnlo ha venture The company wu ueklnI lavorl mm the government and thl made the prime min Islerl poslllon dellclle It prompted him make man admiulnn about the VII Iey humluulop Since the salutary Iuaon many pallflclans have navenhr has placed Lhcmselvu In alm llnr position by accepï¬ln vel hospllamy from corporl Hons associations Ind Indivi duals who seek favor mm the government thmuzh hcm That Ls why our MJI havl la cardullike Caesar wile Canadian poutldm hld healthy winnan about accept ln lrwel hospitlmy and res holidays when 11min corn millca of Parllamem was at up In 1931 In study the main or he Beauhnmoh Power Com During the hearlnu itwu vealed that iha hotel hill and travel expenses mocilied with holiday trip in Bermuda by Mackznzie King when he was prime minister in ma hid been charged up lo 29m pnny Alter ihe heurinzl began Senator McDonald re paid the company or those ex pcnsu 14 month alter mu hogdayr Bul who pay the other bill for that many lei1e of junk us Tammy Douglas and hi col leagues travelled to Gamay guests the Germ1r puny Doug Fishers endrun being llnanced he told me out Ms 1m Include mm of New Democratic MPl who are via lllnn West Germany to nltend Illa anniversary celebrnllons 01 ha German Soda DemonBI Party In Hamburl NDP Lander Donna hands his group which Alla contains the former CCF pnrunmmlary lender Coldwell and Port Artyurglrfll pong Fisher Mr Fisher Mend to stretch his am onyvards irom Ger many to vim Russia Finland Norway and Sweden His pur pose ll to study the wood in dustries there when conditions and problems are not dissimilar from Ihose met with In his own rambling gm constituency It the Lakeheld The taxpayer picked up lhu hm for ye two cabinet mlnly era Judy LaMarsh Ind Hurry Hayl pmumably my boih went ahmd on government buslnesa wgo rm £7 mm