Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1963, p. 2

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Id OneMm nl our mpullllon II Fund In mllln omlhlnl hrlllnh Ind Mllhlrd tampond mnny olhu nl Ilnnnl lmupl 50m ORE W00 Vlm of Ailflmllul wool fmll In the mm unmn wu mm than on hlnl lhe linnn MAI upon umlnn 024000000 ll lhll lhlrdl lam AM In trulnx war be Imllked an flue nllnr bculluullnm Ind lmnllllfllfll Enzllnh rrlnllann INNOFNI by the rrnlml mlnn on CIM dlm Cmmcll nl Clulalllnl and Jun Dr Thurhhnn dImlnr Winnlpex Mrdlml flIuIr pok lo Illjmllllr on French Al IIIIHulI we wlll nmr hm only lwo lnnguurl Iml no cullum Dr ll Thorlnkann pm ldem al lhl mnltnhn Can ynti on Eduullun nldz WINNHEO CPIAn nducl llon nulhorlly Inld Wednudu Cnnndnn problem II mulllcu luul nlhnr lhnn Mculluul 71v Mnlf Amvl not Donl 0n Cd Imp Bull Cum mun XIII with NI now10mm mm It AVIIIAHII Indnlmlk dawn run down vumm up lrrnnmo IIOCK CHAan mix mm In laid down itll Halal up OH Con ml nlo cuuo mu om gnuan Alumbrldu mo gun YK Bunmr Albulnl Abmbl Alloml El Mumlnlum Mhul mu Ilbefl MnnL Inl cl NJ mu Tel Id £11m Sum Cdn Imp Cam can nuwu mm Cu Eemrnl cn chamxul cIury ram Con mul 5m Can Mu Cam on Don undu Says Problem Multicultural About 34500 beyond ariglnnl lpendhgcsllmntu will he need edcoundl discovered llowuver Instead Iskin or another run from the Department Highways council dccldcd lo mm the township budleh pnr ticularly lhe rand budget In Iron approved by Ihn rand lup erlnlendent upeclally In gravel work mu to ba done Ileova Wilfred Knueshaw Inv nrcd applyln for tha irnnt WI bentr have he muney on hand Khan run short and have NEED MORE BRADFORD StalllPunclls Ind scratch pads got good workout Wednesdny nlght when West Gwllllmhury Townshlp Council uncut over two hours uvlowlnz tnunshlp llnnnccs The problem Involved adding up current expenses against courses at lncomu to no out whether the towmhlp ncedl to apply or anuthcr supplementary euh grant for road constructlon ln consultlllon wlth tounshlp englnurfl Bardawlll road wperlntendent Grenville Hugh and clerk lllcredllh council plunged Into compll cated round of calculations GREENWOOD lor mtr Barrie resident present three book he has written to Exceed Road Estimates In West Gwillimbury TODAYS STOCK PRICE Compfled by Flynn Dunlap Emu mi 21V 10 11 I096 Ill Dullufl LIN Amlr anull lmmn Humme Mldun NII Haifa Rug n4 Mu Paw NV Dom You mm sum Dom mu Imp Tonm on In In 4ch lnllnd no In mm mm ummu lnurprov HP 1ch Club Am lNDlllllAll mm Contrlbutlns to the 81500 In extra expenses were $700 or calcium 000 or ditch work 91938 hr grave or lhe ap proaches 10 two bridges an unspecified amount or two en Iunm lo Sprlnzdale School What made tho calmlallnna so dlfllcull was Laklnz each lndlvl dual mad blll than llgurln out tho so or 90 per cent than to be pald by the government and he balance payable by this town ahlpl the $6500 cllEd council llgurtd the lovmshlpa than at around 01300 Huwever council went along with Councillor OrvIlle Huxhu Intention We budget at cumin 11ml expenses Our lnxe hrlnl In £9 revenue Lets stay within an incum STAY WITHIN He was Merran to the grant xymm 50 per cent or road building and on yer cent on brid ge paid by this Ontario Gov ernment on major road construc tion In Iha townshb Most 01 this concerns No Slderoad South and Davelopmanl Road No 638 100 per can com an hack on the township he argued DEPARTMENT or uxxmw mum mm mu DUNLOP IT IAST PA Mm 0H tinn Mlss Cymlugoe Hardy ol lhc Barrie Public Library Mr Greenwnod who came to Bar ins fii mi 13y 11 RogJSa Only 60¢ BUY FROM THI IAKIRY WM ONLY DAIRY FRESH CREAM ll USED DAY SPECIAL THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER WHIPPED CREAM CAKE Put val mu Allnm RI loci Trim UIIHI Oil Unlllld XIII wmmr Ur ndl Nu OnL rm Moon Com fin Pom Fume PHI Elhdl Food Elmpmnl flhlll 5m 01 Cm TorDam DI Tum Can ML wmu nkw Wnlnn 1mm gamut lAKEVIEW BAKERY Aim my Mr Burdawlll Mpch work to IM around Oct wllh da Iour needed or he two month lnlfln may be tied up Thll project wnl dclcmd um 111 now In Ivold lnmnvtnlcncu to loud Ind Iummcr mu Flu of old mlvrrl will mm In be demolbhtd and the plea buried Next Frakclfllo gel undrrwny In Irndcr tall or hrldla an lh 20m SI 01th way In bclweun he Gilfid rold nnd the own Ilne Concernan washauia Depuly Reeve Mm Viola lilacMilinn lux xesled laying in channel on course where repented wuhoull occur on road Ahnuiderl Mr linrdawill laid her it was hard to gel llleso trouqu is dried oul naulh iar nsphul lo har den properly it wont not prey erly unless poured on dry lurinct he laid in addition in tho 359081 lizure Mr Bardawlil had more bill Applying only to bridge work These woru 022151 Canal bridge 067018 McM llvur bridzu 613590B2irom lin rnilton Comlruciion Cor lor work on lilo rendl and nppranchu lo the McArlhur hridn and 919 irom Oidliuid Canllruclion Co for bridn work nm $3350037 wen In In on the road lull wllhln the $31370 in lhe origlnnl Ipprovnl Mr Buninwlll polnld auL cglufl nan The gravel extended mo 21 on each side oi ihe bridges be cause the ground lunnundini them wax ml Hood enauzh to auppnri lraiiic over he winter Sodding ihclng done on tha hill side of thy new mnd int and will coniinuo an the road aids the ditch Exlras Ilka laylnd mulled grlvel to he appmacllel bridges and noddan along lhn new mad prolett both neces sary precuullon agalnsl wash ouls led to hu $5000 lulal aver ipont he lald lhls cnn b9 written all unlnu planned ex pense nex year he added Mr Bardawm aald $3459031 in roadwork alone has been done In far this yur Waro $5000 over on our contract he Id 060000111 cue bahcutie 111 far losthIp men afibunufi to $53000 he laid The inwashipl 1m budge pro vide spending mill or $186 500 Mr Meredith laid council cum Iiaiiltic ha cited Includ ed $231000 In lotni lax hill or 1963 thin nhnu $200000 ll still to be received iha and 4200 overapznt on previous lupplementnry mull 709M Wm mum Whipped Cmm MMM Good IDIY Special rte ram England In ma rm 1min Burris mm town on this continent Ex Imlner Photo Hull Whil Clh fhelnpezlnnlng of ms sm minin km 1mm uranium Lleulenau and uan 1mm lha Burris Royal Canadlln cm Cplp have chimed lo Synoprle Generally fair wea ther in cool temperatures and mixture of cloud and lunshinc in forecast for southern and cen tul Ontario may and Friday Scattered shower Are expected bod today and Frlduy in North ern Ontario hire Clnlr Lake Erie southern Lake Huron Windsor London northern Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario Hamil ton ilnmnla Sunny with few cloudy periods and continan 5001 Mmly clear and cool to anti Friday mainly nanny wind 1th Georgian lIl13hny Bfllubugim 301M Saul Sic Marie Sunny mm law cloudy intervnle today and Friday continuing cool Groundl mi in some areas tonight Wind iinntwdly southerly no to Friday to 15 Friday Tlnuzami Cochran While River Vaflnble cloudiness and law scattered Ugh Lhowerl today Mostly cloudy tonight and FrldAy Scattered51mm THREATENS 0R0 TREES SjRVIED IN NOVA SCOTIA Mnyar cake unwmd Mr Tnahoye chnlltnu or Supl II the 0m Wurlfll Fnlr Ind nlrl ll wlll no lonler he or flu chumplan Illlp between an Tummy and 0mm nm IIII Iw come prellmlnnry lo Iho mllu mulch with Barrie Myur Cooke uld he um mnlery dullrnm wlll quuh nll oppolmou on lhtlr much to relIn lrophy Ila mum 11ch ed ml Mr Tumopa um uu number ol rm remand 1mm mule 14ml omcm lorecusla mm by tho Tuxmu mime office at 430 him Ind ylenty 51 public Ind will dawn umth mum Mr Greenwood cum to BanIa In me and workad mnde enlimr until 1950 when he went In New ank to edit Prad uct Engineering trade mus axing Befim coming to Burris Mr Grgenwaod had wurked In Eng land his native country in de ned Sept Num Cool urned Mr Tudhope lhal he find hdler protect the nu In puk Illh mchl Intel or lama owerpmlecllunfi Douzlm Omnwbod who will be known to munvaarrle mldenll wrller of lha column New York Letter In the Ex Imlnar lnr lame llma hexlnnlnl In 1055 pmenled three boon he has written to tha Barrio Public Library yulerdly Mlll Constance Hardy llhrlr In aid lhnt the library wnl lid to let the books nll oneno BIEEIJnl ubjogcui lechnlcnl secllom fihe said and hexelem help to nerve aggrlaklndnstry beller Thn chunheu of Bmle Clly Hulkre echoing um Muor Lu Cnole chall euu to name clerkrunner on Turn IMn min In In Dénatés 3f TqThesLibrdrjv OMJIIAMI Am hm WNWin 10th MM Cadet Officer Returns Home WEATHER FORECAST numu mm 72 vclmn of Second Work War Allan umpalnl Ind lllrr chin flu lmpnrlnl lenml Ill HLIM TAKES P081 LONDON MPlA Iauxh old laldlrr hn than over the Job kuplnu Ile and order Wlndmr Culllc the Guru 9111 no on lho upper Thnmcl Ha Held my Vluounlrfillm During hh my ha vlnlled mum hlrbar when ha cadou bnnrdcd lrlnlel HMCS Walorll villa and Stndncana Ind lhu American AIMl cnnler USS Eucm Li Crnmplnn will loan bu homo after we monUu lulu In with Sen Cadet In Nov Scotln Ha wnrona 61 thm nut 100 talented to attend larmal dlnncr 1n hunar cl Commodore Faul lelor DSC CD RUN Commandan 0mm Nnvll DI leiorm no ndllnNnvy 41 Leading Cadet 11 Abraham rtlurned alter Inandlnl two month wllh IIMCS Camwnllll where In Ipllc of lenxlhy hay and lkny he wrote and mind mum In Phyllcal and Ho triallgnnl llrlinlnl Lt nmce Llw larved Eonu Ofllcer HMCS Acadi Iar two main Ind gave lmtmw lion In lalllnz and handling dlnxhles whnleu and mum to cl talbgard the Acadll Barrie after varied pulde of Instruction and trnlnlul In Nov Scone Marina Forum Lnke Humn Georgian Vlrlnbla wind five to 10 becoming mostly 90qu In south east to La lonllht Mostly awn Friday not much change In temperature Wind with in mulhweu 10 to lair Forcm lemperltlun Law mum Blah Frldly wtmjsar 50 pufiilahed in year Ho said in xplaininx hil uonlior conirlbnllnz the books that he 12 any contribution which would ltrenzthen the num ber ol engineering bookl Ivuil niflfi It the library wn worth also tel 11 womd ba ulna lo have my books in the Harris library In Idded llvzd ln Banlo or In Ion um mnrd as my horns lawn on this confluent Mr Greenwnod working on fourth book whlch in almost finish Ha yxpedl to be Mn Greenwood began hll writ luu umr while 11111 Iludont contributing technical nuclu In ride Journal fin England Ilin Working donlrlbuledto 30 fine desllm durlpl World Wu Stephen Morrlmn 58 Steel 5L raced thl car In year In the map box mu Amen game played were swim events battles on mm paper rqlays And mccr games Barrywulnr won the boys lem even and his team took prizes or the Battle of the Ru comm Doug Stevenson came in In um paper May and Na DI Newspaper delivery boy at the News Buy Corn Ball MN Hoe Doc Valley on the week end consumed so damn em corn and took part In great variety and number games Delivery Boys Enjoy Outing Prim Tracy Gonelin of ulraux Mum member ol the Cnnndhn Provost Carp Echwll unarmed combat team Irom Camp Borden who thrilled thousands Ipacla lllth CONSECUTIVE YEAR SEPTEMBER 10 and 11 1963 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 900amSCHOOL FAIR OPENS 1230 EmuSCHOOL PARADE and Official Oponlng by DR RYNARD MP ADMISSION 15¢ 0R0 WORLDS FAIR la Event GU NSEY CLASSES 0R0 JUNIOR HORSE SHOW Achhnmont Du Ior In and Dairy Cluh H003 MUIT II DILIVIRID T0 COPACO 0N PT FOR DllfllD IACON FIATUII CONGRATULATES COMBAT TEAM MEMBER LOO pmJUDGING OF LIVESTOCK I30 mmHARNESS RACING 200 pmLOG SAWING COMPETITION KING SHOWS MIDWAY SOAP BOX DERBY ENTRHNT 156 canm AND mums 25 mm Jim cm so No munduweii oi deieznle opinion ilnI appeared pmonz riding Conmvnlivu in support oi dark horse contender for the Simon Centre nominatinn or the Sept 15 provincial eleciian The 5min member Arthur Evnnl Emma appear to he thnflnnly riding Conlervnllvo Ipomorod by Barrio Brunch the loyal Cunadlnn chlan hll 1m Ilmed Highways Minister To Speak Here mondl new team came up with wln Tho auoclallvm of newnpaper boy Ilwlyl men or naw membem an the Candin Nllioml Exhibition in Toronto meiv exlhe cunnrltuiaiiom oi Coi onei Anthony Scotti Pm volt Marshal of tha Canadian Army Tina lyiled and me Sam at I962 Plum Non All mm mm In In Tumy In pm ALL LADIIS CONTESTS work on new cur or thin yenr 19 which will be run Thankuivlnz mind Eb Imlmyr mm However Jack Gnmer of Du rla Mr Evans cmpalln man ner pointed out today that he canvnnuon 15 run along demo cratic linen Any Iccredlled mumber LA ellulble or the num lnntlon noted Guam of the riding executlvn on the flutlorm will be Haber 5mm 11 or 51mm Norm Dr Rynnrd MP or film coo Em Elwood Madlll MP for Duflerlnsimcoa and Lloyd ulherby MPP or Simon East who was nmnlnuod to retain hil sen 1m week Guest speaker at the conven llnlh In North Collezlnle lhll evening 91th oclock will In thr Hon Charla MMNBuzhlon Mlnlnter ol Highwayn 5km lha nqmgnltlon mm demauurulon by nman Provo tum wu the lecture attraction It the CNE Armed Farce D11 play vhlled thin year by more than million people Nation Al Defence Pholal

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