Kindly lower your volnc Mr Bascomb Bascnmb This 15 your house not your own and Im your wfle no your WAcling But really Mr Bascomb Hs terribly difï¬cult trying In like dictation while sltllng on He went all morniKz push Ing button and acarlnk his vlcepresdenls dont think around scaring us lhls afleymon Illrmnzn ll HUI on nm hm hm Inan mun spam cmbeak En ndn wok he bags under his cystYou just know RM 15 going in be rough day He went all morninz umh beleve youll ï¬nd our nles chart more rcadlly under ltanduble slr youll turn nd and hold riflll 51d VEvry 175 he lumen at home win two the office 11911111 mam at most men In your llnanclal bracket worry themselves lnln ulcera but aur medical examination shows that you ara as aaund as nut wnulnt keep Mm waillnl IlrI helluva hes from the In lerual revenue service Mr Ind Mn Rug Drysdnle of Toronto spent couple of III renewan friendship In ha Guest of Mrs Jnhn Elrlck durinl lha weekend were Mr Ind Mn Ran Craig Ind family of 0mm Mn Emily Gardener Aileen Howlrd and Russell Gllford Conmwlallonl to Mn and By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AMRemarks his business exccume get tired flflenriglq you um an no mlmfl by van pl AROUND In my salary wanled to All to Wm nu mlva Your llama THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS SlRVlCI 31 TERRY Mr ind Mrs John bumble 1r Ind Mm Freeman Bunulna an an motor mp tn the was COB DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCK LEE LIGHT TOUCH Everybody Loves The Businessman TELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI ELMVALE CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 10m pa has EI mm wuum ipofll 1130 Muvl New Low sumr anuu nmmn ml Tm hum Pom mun Wnllllnl roomu nmmomxuu Thm 5mm cum wu nun Innmy Tum 11m hm To luvz rly clnuhuu 101 um ms 30 uku sun campelllarl any they are quite willing to to through with the merger plan pro vided you are willing lo accepï¬ Immediate mllroman umumln 21 he board you mauledor the daughter the chairman of the finance committee Thu xpecch lo lha Henry Club on lhe Virtue tree ul lcrprlse really rang the bell Bascovmh Who won or your 11 really worthy cnuu ald man and the ms 01 us are chipping in $1000 apiece Whnl down for That reporier who wrltlnl ho story of your meteoric rise In Um Industry 13 on lhc phune Mr Basmmb Ha waan to know whether was the daugh ter of lhn former chagrinn ol nu Ensmmb didnt tho three munlni lunch but he ought to bulk monument to thï¬juy who did The only sale thing to do to start chuckflnz the moment he begins lo Iell Joke Then you mls ha punchline it Wtml makg urgy quence HCbmnuhi any clubs with him guess wecnn all sneak out early May my ur alt l° anLIbaIgl Mr Bas Mr and Mn Gordon Howl of Orlllln men rim with the former mother Mn Rnwal Mrs Laura Hart or Tomï¬lo spam the weekend with Mr Ind Mrs John Houdan Friend Funk Dulcim wm sorry tn lamn he II pntlenl In the Royal Vlclorll Hospital In Banla He wls MI en And robbed at his wnllat Ind car Mlchhiker wu Inter armted by Illa OPP II Wm Bench Mn A12 McAuley who céla braked their 2511 weddlnpuml vamry In Wednesdly 51mm Wllthn spnru 5m Thurnu Nlm ll anlu Th Prlmnu many mk CTV NIW Mllrn lnll Imn Ihnon flour Mr Ind Mn John Hum 91 ummm llnl Your Bouom Doll lhv Gnu WlH 11 Mann Min Vin TORONTO mile mna Imam Inn lholt So In two club doubled um Imund In hlm Soth dmxblcd lntcndlnz lhll In OS cdauhle lq arts Norlh In Souflu Wu ovrly imag lnnllvc no doubt but he na mncd lhnl 31m he gol doubled which seemed likely he would bu Ihle lo llnd lhn proper lull canlrlcg with NI hand the in hhle Nonh Iirm believer In the weak no lrump In palms opened wilh notmmp Has duuhled Ind South Md lwn clubs which Vgu doubled Tum mm mu Wu m1 pm Pun Pu mun Openan lud Iaur of Ipadtl Dad hiddlnz breed bad re lulh but Ieldnm do you hear of bcinz punlshcd levrmly In thll cue The hand wax pllyed In cum much DAILY CROSSWORD ravllllu 1Tml I3 puma IO Irmn nvord mu mpqu 10 ml mnnun ll mml and ink l1 Dunk Walk for mu ILWMIHH lithium umpnundt Mum Itqmmw boumly lLJnnlarl IImid 15 mm my nnlu nunI 1117 amwmm Lu luhl DOWN Im Ml LAnnan nowr Im of In lllllhl lndlll compoflan ll mum at NIIHIDI Mm JIM of 14 Visitor at the ONE were Mrs Robert Bum and boys Mr and Mn Andrew Mrs Andraw and Jack Mn and Mn ï¬andtrsm and Don and Mr Sylvié Ind Ricky Barrie visited at Conznlulallona to Mind Jamu Campxall on tha ar manna Aqu 1on 4x91 non Moan Double by Hundred on Formosa and Mission to Mlmrlty on lho Koreans in Japan worn uhnwm Mn Gems Campbell operated the projean and Mr Robert Campbell was narrator Lunch was served Jinii so By MRS CAMERON About 25 Indies member of the United Church Women And Womma Missionary Soduy of th Gulhrle Churchu zalhered It the Presbyterian Church op Ann 17 ms on Mlulnn war hgAsln North dealer Both sides vulnerahlc in Calmdnr of Bradford vlsllhm Mr and Mrs Ivan French and other relatives here xifdiihu Manlnl London is visiting his parents Mr And Skytwink Sympathy lo extended to MrL Arthur Held and family in the denlh of her nunt Mu Mllhews Toronto who died very lud dnIy on qn Mr and Mn Beardnll spent ha halldly weekend with Mr And Mrs Gum Pyhum Illjggllpn Mr and Everett Whitby apcnl lhc weekrnd with Mrs Draper Illd alxo visited Mr Draper whola patient in Panama Ganeral nglla choci lmlhu Iull Th Mervyn Eucack entered Fellev nl Gene Holpllal an Fr day Hol lullerlnz from hurt condition Mr and Mn Wnllm Clule M11 Jame Columbul and mu dun IpenI Sunday wlth Mr and Mn Wilson otmndlea Whack111mm vumni m3 mum brother BU Whlllan And Whlllan Nlncy Hay and Sally Campbell ol Toronto spent the weekend will their puma Mr Cangphfll was Mme ll mm of GUTHRIE CONTRACT BRIDGE noun 4A2 uxu non uuaw II binkln number rmnu IIIImI 051mth IL 71mm Mdom rum mumltuI ILTuhIon 81 Dowplnl EL Ala QQK 09 vuul By JAY BECKER Moore of Sloddnrdl nlmplglnn muklr in kl ILMr rum Inlhyl All 25 Olrll am lumino nlcknuno llnnl Eaulh atrnmm Amulrul nAhmmnl cnumry Inn 1111 an Romulus Burn lmlp lDCInlnl 20 Herd whllu 13 Dln Tmnrnnflihu vrbld hy upondrr mu Iumntr npur Scum look Ola klnx nnd ltd nnulher made ruffed with lho men and nvcrruflcd wllh tbs jack Ens plnyrd Ihu quren nl dlnmond and Saulh grabbtd lhe Ice and led fourth Ipade Nnrlh ruHed with lho lcn Ind Enat overrun wllhlho klan rm Em wok xii mm mm and went But Ens here ILm mhjudged ha meaning of Illa hld Ind pawd TM pmvcd In ha van Inlul cxporlcnca when Soulh ed law heart llld North cashed Um AK and mnllnued wllh he alhnr Agnln the SOS nlgnal was misunderstand West was my hu In rllocl by hll redouble that two dlamnndl doublcd Wu had tonlmct and that my ulher contract would he better theory beinu thlt West wnuld ha happy tn pm he thought Iwu diamond dnuhlad m7qu be mada ldu was ï¬ne date redouhlc hi this requence lndlcllel Lress but North obviously didnt Interpret the Ma lhla way He pass and he outcome was um South went down tour The experiment con NorthScull 12002919 Whén he had Wu played he rccond tlble with Ihe EastWes cards now being held by lhe nppnsit Him the bid ding proceeded North Eu South Wed gun was Shear downs were Mr Ind Mrs ll Sundown Elmvlle Mrs Sheardawn Iomnlo and Mr and Mrs Bruce che anck Mr and Mrs Cecu Sheardown Ind Mrs William Sheudawn wen gurus at the BlackShan non wedding at Thornton August at pm lls back to school thin week exec or the children of this dle who are luvlng an exer wepks hollday The new Best School will not be opened mm gm yledollu mm The allowing Sunday 5ch 22 Anniversary services will 12 held at Edgar Church with Robert Ball ll Rue speaker at the morning and evening services 11 Jerry of Goraldton ca led on Maurim Hayes Thun day is almost no yuan since lhly imuw Each other when woridnziin Kirkland uh ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Them will bu no service Edgar Uniied Church iho next iwoSundays Anniversary ser vice will be held Al Dalsion Church SepL and at men will Quechl Sega 15 Immum wednuday evenlng Whlla ln 1110mm they also vl ed Mr and Mrs Ivan Caldwell Cecll Hayes Banla tpenl Sun day lit Kayak By ms inns Mr and Mn Cecil Shutdown and MrsWmIam Shurdown and lmusxeau lea tar Miss Lois Black Home mun mm Cameron mended ma CNE onmday Ind look pm in the Hi Judging Com Hon Mr Ind Mrs Cec Cameron Mrs Allen Henry Ros Camen on Jim Cnmemn Mr and Mn Duncan Camemn and 620th were In undsay on Tuesday owl In the dentin of their muslns Mr and Mn Jack Hawklns daughter and sonIn law Mr and Mn Cameron Pgllamenl oakwood Conantulatlonl In Mr and Mrs Robert Bell who had the tap producing hem enrolled on DHIA Ontario in 1362 In week whllé lhélrpmnu 34mm EDGAR Inn as Running Mum IIIHVO am so anx le mm BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY Eiiéï¬téxgtrrï¬m Now cm warm TILIVIIION warm Ir av wmuuxrl You CAN gunman ucHi