Nlnrlren mull ml the Iln Ile menn mm llumllknnl papuMlIonum unumu lho venom hlllul whrn lho Swh ulr Cnrnullo rrnxhul Ihnrll all lnihu mm In Wrlnuday fnw rnllm vlllun munrll hmlur ml the chic Ilm lo In lulnndu wru INN lmflllfl lhv Ilumllknu dead The rnup n1 nu llu Kn In Gemv3 In lIll nn mmhnrnlnl hum Hm IanaHnn km nl lmllxlvlr mnnulnrlulru Tlmunh Humllknnl whul gum1 In lwnlh Hm poulan ml mm hm nllll In In ulh amt Rn he orphnnl ml lur vlvhu IduIlI who eullor hd llllened Inhrn Inca In lhc India mu Iho nun ul In work In MpI Ihz mm runnlnl maucrs that come lo its unen Ian on winning basis any citizm has Informa Lon that would be beneï¬cial and that bears on this subject we have mdxlnuy waiting to deal will it said INVITES LIBERALS He ulmdcd particular In mm In Liberal Leader John nllrmaycrwhm1961 Mr Robaris old provincial election campaign meding he ll disturbed by multenngs con ecming crime despite the act Dual his xovcmmcnt had imple mcnlcd recommendations of in myal commission on crime and he said the Ontario Folica Com mission has been naked in un germ continuing invegllgn OIL md ww II Swlurrlnml Dmrnl n1 lvlltIun orphaned by lhe cmh nl rlllurr wrru wovklnl Hm llrllln lmlny helplnx In km Illa runnlnl nonlth In In prnrcrul unnan commu In 99m Yur No 207 curson long an cxponcn at world Mr llcu larce wlll ukclymnke toncrclonfltr ol mimnry mun powcr And cqulpmml msslhly Mn prlvnlo nllu with lho delfï¬nllfm cl nlher nnliom 15 will man rnunlrirl In mnlnlnln on Ilnndhy hnslx Mr Pc son wlm wnn In No bel Prize or hlx lnsllxnlion ol lum 1060 UN cmcrgcncy mo in mm will so In New York Sept 11 hr openan mslon lb generally cmhjy er Pn arm is cxpcclc lo ollcr ha Unlltd anlonl larger and more flcxlhlc Cnnndlnn orca for UN duly nnywhtrn In the warld Informed sources Mld ngntsdny Humlikon Villagers Keep Harvesting Despite Tragedy su haflu the power myal commission and will In vesï¬gntqpny nflcgaliaqs or any NEON CF Premier Rahalu said Wednesday night hlz government ls determined to rld Ontario of any organhed crime and he challenged politi cal opponan In bring forward Iny Mammalian Huey have on he sulllqd Pearson To Offer Larger More Flexible Force To UN HIPVA CPlPrlmc Mlnk Frank Judd right Liberal candidate In Simeon Centre in the Sept 25 pravindal elcc Premier Invites Foés Help End Syndicates Our Telephones For Exuntnet Wan Ad Teié phone PA 52414 flu Ielephuno number to call or flu Businas or Edlmflfl DapL PA 66511 Vlfw p0ng gumnï¬sglnn Aha lrm llrulrrIM For Examiner Wm Ad Tele phone PA 112414 111 Ielephuno number to call or flu Businas or Edlmflfl but PA 66511 LIBERAL LEADER VISITS BARBIE nlrllner node down mil Um duly mnrnlnn mm nllwl Um an ham Ind nplndul In mlnln Held dilllnl mm In MI up New mumbllnu body I1 lruHIIn wum lhm wnr Ivrlllllil ll wlxml nul munlly uhnla unllnu TM mull mum nrnr lhn vlLlu puervynnmh wlll had lmn on lhu plum1 nun 0le mnn luhl pnflm Ml Ihn ymml Mull nrn dull and uh In lnlnl la dn lb Iglnlï¬ï¬‚ mm nunï¬Ã©l Mrlxmhlm in than vlltnln prrhhwl In lthllInlrr Airlocrnlqhniar ulduu thll Arrn and IO yaulhl lml Ion lmlh in lhc dlmlrrl Wlml um do Ilmul Hue chlldmfl mu wmmm rum llun In llumhknn whlth In nlmul so mllu llnm llIu mus mm LO mm IMIIZNTII lumly wu lrndina hnnd nn lhe lnrmlï¬ hnl wn mun haw hrlp wIHI he Iner Cnnndn lor wmo ycnrn has mnlnhlncd woman tlnndh hnnnllon now lhu bllln Ion Royal 22nd nnxlmcnlur UN duly but the UN ha novcr nskcd or Canadian lnlunlrymcn slncu lhu Kanan War In ro quuu hm nlwnyl been lnr Iuch lrnnpl tnnincm nnd llznnllcrl Scums ulrl Mr Pcnrmn probably will wnnl lo mund out olhcr countrch on lhelr vlowl before mnklnz publlc cnmmll men by Cunndn beyond lhnl al mady ln rxlslcnct farce or UN duly Cnnudn Norway Denmark and chdcn now do The three Scndlnnvinn countrch rcccnuy onch the UN Nordlc bullallon should be dlmcltd Sn order that the new xmcrnunn ol waxkm would be prepared to cope with the effect al aulamauon The with were being under taken by he pmvinclal depart Irvan Abor edume and taken action to study lhu effects of nuloanon in relation to he working one In Ontario and plan coulcmnee an the sub ch later this month major aim of the confu one ymuxd be In Ind nu how emnornld developmcnt tn 5n Speaking at Joint mceï¬nz in support ol party candidates or our new riding in anonLo Scarbomugh area In the Sept 25 algcuan Mn Roparu aid would like to reassure he people Lhal we we determined that lhl will be lawabiding province and that we am 51710 In deal with this problem lulan Ihe govemmas to 0rd dealing will crime charges resulted in the Ippoinl mm of the myal commission and to Arthur Roanmc lecrnl legislalura member for Essex whq has menu been linn shown wilh Liberal leader John Wlnlcnneynr Mr Wintcrmcycr In Barrio briefly last night was lemm Huam pull Mm Mnnh mm flu In HVtheImkrtolkl that the mid He will lmpunlly In crllno Minion became crude In Mr Mr Wllflmyfl I311 UN Hmmxrpynde lrI Mnnh Wllnm ullrr uilnm um um Wml vim Imllnnl mull than warninl th Hwy mud lull lyulh Am whm II br am Imam my memhen mum lho crimo IuInJrcl Var Hus linl llmu In III cnmpnlnn or he Edpt 21 ulcclllxl ho In 11 porqu nn rlrcllon ully hero Um mrrm ha Iuynl mnunlnlun Klldï¬l Innlnly an whrlhcr nr ml would mo lu unllmtlnl now In an lhn lmlll oul ulhmulo wllnuml IIul ll mun hmumy lrnlc4 Ally mmrml ml Um my mmmlulun on rrlmu wnn no llalnmlmd la cl Nu 1mm wrnt on WIT IMIUNITY Onlndn novemmcnl bring lemth thd ho pmMrm nlommlml trlmn nml lmlMy lax In Hm Illnchluuu ILI rc Amnsmlllly In mmlml ounnlml culmn DRILLIA CP IJhcrIl Loader John Vlnlbrmcytr thanRM Wulnrsdny nlzhl lhnl lho and royll commiaslnn on ornnnlml crime In Onlnrln wns Cnlll hoax upon us puhllc and did nnl mnku nny run lagl lo unmvcr Hm lmlh llu sold p0 Jul llcu Wilfrid Ranch ml lull onl nvm lnvosllnnllon Will nu ln cmhblo documcnl whlch IK Imrd name ol Hm worn dLvclnr um lmlnlhu puhllc hcnrlmzl Who wearing an unor mnus lush ng gun was asked by an awestruck lrlcnd lhat diamond ncnulneT If It alnl Inc cownoy draw cd sun been but an dollar and ham anmam cumin Dealing with 0nhrioscru lode lo expand consumption pmvindul products and henna 10b5 In said that at UN end at it ï¬rst year of operation July 69000 new job had been cheated So are keeping ahead 01 he rcquircmcnu of our ever mwing labor force he said We nnflckrmhmd lhnt we will male all the job that will be needed by our young people they lnlo the worklnz Both these are functioning wilhoul any additional am or addilinnal stale planning he laid Mn Rahalu shrugged off an nounced Uheral plans or econo mlc development In Ontario snylnglhal my msembla the work of his governments Em nomic Developman Council and Ontario Development junction with mpmsenlauves mm industry labor and other ï¬elds Including some of the best brain In Europe and uw Unicd Status Crime Probe Hoax Liberal Chief Charges panlcd by three other canal dale In Central Ontario rid lugs Sco slury on page Examiner Phalo HERES ONE mm iium MW hul no Imawledu nl nwa UM nlr hml upch will advise mu um the lMonth4 ultra 10 II Indmay hum Wale In Um ur lhq um 19 ol M1 anlemon Nluwl In nnyrdgutljn rgblncl mm nun MFImmn and mm Mlnlnler mm unlnr Loo Ich nl Mothuldl Mr Harm lold mm Wulnnduy lhl Invomrnm lulu lplll metn1 ml on Ilr Full Speed Ahead For Fair PM To Name New Commissioner OTMWA CWIrlmc Mlnll Ier Pearson said lodny ha VIHI mmounu he mumI at new Nmmlukmcrqrmnl ml dqw lily munlulnmr mud or Um Momma wwkll lalr lit 1ch dur rewrmlma Ina um m1 Iul Hawk BACKS PART MINE nilGawain Ilso said Thompson In druid or being laughed at it he sticks loo mongly to Social Credit 101 urine The poliUcnI phllmphy had found response in Que bec and Mr Cancun didnt not along with hm who no druid Wï¬nl Ilu Month 010 crlmu wmmhslon mum lel wind ell beam ll dld 7M lnr rulanl whlch hen never cxplnlnod lha Ivyl mm mluloncr only dnyl on 1111 and most Important Iorm ol mlmncv tho nnlun and oxlml ol orglnlw zrlmo llo dlspoacd ol WI arm mnco by holdn mm prim mulmncu with vuloun 2mm ol pollw Mr handle and Chm dtlnlna Altondtd lhe cdncsdny cnucu hut lefl the mceuu Ihmcnquurlerl ol An hour More mpcnlmdumolorllnlzod ollowlnz the weekend Rallie ment mnvcnuon In Gnnhy which rcpudlnlod Mr Thump sons leadership slxQucbm 59 Chi Credit lg announced 3311 support or Ihornpson til now Le Rnlliununl wn the Quebec wins he Soda Cn dnparty thnwskl PW Whlp Jun laul Fmellc Penman Ger ard Glmunrd W110 Ind Ger ard GIprdelgm SIEMjimoko Nay fem Maurice We Chlcogflmy Mafcoljfugrd Caouetté 1o Léiad New Sodred Party In every pmvlnoe Mr Clou eue said allowing the tour1m mealng He said his main dulch wlu Robert Thompson Sada Credit party leader WM me Ill lers refusal to can Inyflunl about lheFrefch Canadiln gain vim In nationl poll om domain 18 won In Quebeq Mr nelth 1le press can ercnce ggflaï¬ay hotel my mucus attend 15 other Quebec MP Iha Ihad nub needed in oh rt hrs mo sides Ihe nlm de him htintulnhul in ï¬guw In and lakq He indicalgdflhpl the new group intend Imtha present In support the leggg govemmenl Prime Mink Pearson In Interest against the Canadians QUEBEC CF Rcal Coau elle anmuncod late Wednesdu night that he hu capturedth support of majority 13 Social Credit members Pl llament and will head new party called Le Ralllement dc Winstnun the Commons Bllllil Oerlo Can Thundly Suptml 1953 unmlulonor lnul Illmvrnu and Mt dupuly Culley tut Md heir pools lul mom nyni um lhn umnmmm burden wu loo heavy Mrmhllc Wu board Wm Med for 0w hint llma In our mow propoul Ihu Um euy Imullo Im lalr ll mu curl mm flu nlm bu lmn npoculMlm lb llerra Dupuy ntrlnl Cn Imllln umlmunlor lo mm ll uvrmmmll choke mmmulrmr Numl ohm Fowler president 1m Cnnndlm Iulp ml Pum mlnllon In mid lu be Ill dmlcu drruly rmmmdmor ulmlulrd pm munrent Imlny whrn ha Mp0le In kw Hailed rundown anymo lmn Um lnrl 111 Mm lrndrr MM Um ho WM mm by tho mun laund It In lncrtdlblo docu ment to hard lo m3ch um and bad dmlmlly ruling word In upml onel n11 0ul how tmlcrunccs cnmo Ml conclusion that whlln hero ml been 01111an crlmo and pnrllculnrly organized ll Iexnl unmbllnuou nn nlurmlnu unlo In Onlnrln lhcrn has been no nyndlcnlod crlmn with lnlnr pulling connecllonl and con While Son rnmalnnd In drudtd an0 Prison ho le eral Democratic parlyl central mmmlllu mol in Seoul Ind unnnlmuusly nnmlnnlcd hlm lo opposn Ilrnnzmun Gen Chunu 11cc Park In lho preddenllul elullon OcL 15 SEOUL AHTile Saulh Kcr man military regimel abrupt arm ailing former premier YvCinn 501w ham oi iho Korean War sent his political stock soaring today On pnrly turned him us its candidate or flu presidency and other pur lins milled lo his cnun mmnmpluur Henri Lat ulippe Compton anlcnac Cherie Dlnnne Knmournskq EndRobcrt Beaule Quebec ll quad saying they had mi changed their minds About any pom Mr memn Mr handle announced the hflwlnz 11 MP5 mw openly 229 Elm Ellie Greznlrc Lapolnlo Gn bcfl Rondeau Shanord flay mond Mulch Mezanllu Ger ltd Puma Beam Charla Gauthier Roberval PlumAn gangséuun Party Nominates Arrested Hero lnlkvmnn mum on mnmlulnr mdlki In MI mmnMdvm Nclm clvll dellnu milIn Jnmu My landed with whilo pnllcu all cu In hnld buck Lay had mcunphonu Ha had run cnllinr on tho Nelrm In dlapcm ready twn had been Ah undupnn mm dlcd Crowd of Nugmu mm of ham hurling bricks and bolllel uwlrlcd Away mm the um corners retreating lnlo Alley and houses hallndazcn Velma In Icnlcd on Iran wllccmcn chased back lhu apcclnlou Ona mrdon cl alllcm larmtd nnd rncod down mm pmhlnz NtflrflCl In lrn pl lhrm Gunllr muted with Inlry con cuuionslnlhe humid 111th III on Caller street making qulck orange flashu In lhrdarhx wu likl bame Nobody bell nnl be hum uno laid They nan on but were Hopped lwa black man of lo Shorcs house Sham Ind hl wearold daughter sound In jury in the bins but MYI Sham wu lhrawn out bud and Aunorcd brultcd shoulder cum gNyooxEns zfnï¬p of Negro youngster wnydlhe utno 1310 time gathered mln ules aflcr an explosion Ihnok lhe house lawyer Arlhur Shgres nggq illclmelcd pnflï¬men holding firearm In military Inshlun formed In line at 12 And rushed yelllng and Hrlnz lhclr guns mo Ihe aux Siamw mamIs from car hlncs wua punctuated by the blast ol igulguys REGINA JDMust valetIn ary and medial nulhoxiue In III Prnlrh qmvlnm are null hesitant to describe an nlceplng sickness disease that has killed one pemn and hit more than 50 others Vnrlau lncludlnz those causing menluzltl Ind ln flucnzu can produca the namu Iymplonu as the western equlne vlruz whlch ll lrammlllcd In human rum harm usually by mmqullm Dr Stephen palhoioglst at gin General Hospital said Wednesday the reason or the hositnnvy is that positive identification oi the sleeping sickness virusin his case western equine encephalitis vi rusrequire two to three week of laboratory procedure Not Sure Diseasq Sleeping vSickness LIKE BATTLE INIINGIW Ala um Talk No Good Police Use Guns DEMONSTMTOR UP IN ARMS mam mum mom mun mm lam Co at Nerm II in Jedmu ml MP Who In human ma the crew wrapped he body clean hlnnkel Ind curried It nlhon HAMILTON CW flm cnp lnln of lhe burned Euypuan shlp SnlnheLDln necund In mIIlon llrcmen todly com mllllng you lndlanlly la um body crew Inlmhcr who dlcd In tho lhlp In Wain 65px Abdullnh Am uld mo mm wrapped Um body In mm mm and drained II than lho dtck wori No ollhu pollcumun looked luld plfkeq Ichgpl bus One at tho Negro men was menmlnn blood 1mm an ugly head wound ldcqlllltd him It In Lea William 19 Tho Negro mother lrled to H9 down on Ihe mm with her baby In her arms She handed the In Inn to her husband who was on es trygngloggl flown Iovdawn Llo down or delled nne of thy pqllccmen Com ou bundlshlng his Lholgun anom pr aua young Negro mun hll an hold baby In her arms Ind two nlhzr Nclro men at out the bus responded th cun quch BIRMINGHAM All AHM dynlmlto him New lend ers home detonated mill vio lence that killed one min and lnjumd at lust 11 persons Wed nesday nliht In Immu dell ulhun any least two other Negro men wen rnunded by zunflm The Injured Included our pailcumen hit by brick or other missile lhrown from crowds ol Negroel who hand in lhq vlclnlly ol the bombing Firemen Irk Egyptians Gunllrn crackled or mm than an hwr In tho wake of tho bnmhinz at the home or No zro lawyer Arlhur Share on dynamlla hill when numer uus humblan have occurred in regent yup Negro Mn Cally 20 wax allth death hm hullm In YoungNego Shot To Death Leaders HouSe Dynamited whne nmcer heun doing talking wont N9 Moi Thin For Copy16 Plgu sunny wllh clwdy Interval lo dly Ind Friday Cool Law Io nlzhl as High tomorrow 55 For MI Inmmuy tum In page two Local Weather In Wuhlnglnn Niamey Gcnernl Ruben Kennedy mt wllh Alden lar mcrnl urnlexy Icnlam Justice denarlmcnl Ipakumnn uh Fm narnll und ohtr drpmlmanl prunnntl nl ready on the none In lllrmln him wnnld ho mndn nvnllnhn In locnl nmhurlllu ll uquulcd In Hunhvllle Alan nhlla children qnlclly dcxcgrcxnlld urnvioully Nam Ichoul npcr mm by 010 ann Cnlhollc Churchll the flu knuwn lnlumllon ol nn cltl nlnry Ichool In Mnhnmn Six whko pnrenls asked cdnrnl Judgn far an anuncllnn mlnst lnturnllon hi Ichool because of violence DI lrlcl Judxo Wnller Gcwln nl nearby Tmcnloasn nail the re llllon under ndvixcmcnh llv Ill nu Indltnllan when he wnuld rule Wanu Inld his cum helped prcpnrc the Ault Ahuu 600 mm lmopcrl were on Ilnndby In Birmingham bu Wnru not requested by local Iulhorlflc to help keep order Governnr Wnllnco placed 500 lo 600 National Guardamen on alert or pmslhlo duly ln quelllnl roubles hm Membm or his skull Blrmlnflham be cause at lho uhoal 1le tall Wallet altered make avail able 3000 Nullunnl Guardsmen dressed and ready to no Police said dynamite polsny mm from car ripped crater two 1ch man and Inches deep at the from he Sham ruldcnce sham nld the hambln named mules In him Um me 01 Aug 20 when exten Ilvudnmazu waslnmclcd on In nher end his house GUAM oNALEm The announcement said In bolrd had agreed to take legal nation to try lo slay the federal court rd imaman the three chnolx Thu acllon would ba fled to an argument Ihat In lemuon would mean further racial tulle Policemen flrcd carblnu Ind Ihofluns aver lhu hands he yelling luring Negroes lo d1 pem Ihcm Wednesday night Haclal lrga crackled them were Lhasa duvclupmenls Order was restored by about 150 ollcumen The blast lowu wllhln haurl disorder Iman white ngrezallanlst molesting the cnralmcnt or you while schaalL Governor George Wallacn nl Alabama meanwhllc tank new tack In the schuols lssua by Announcing aarly today that ha cllya board ol cducallon had agreed to hl rcqutst tn close lemporarlly three schools lhat had been scheduled to ha desegreualed lodn Na Negro boys were cnrollc at one 91 the schools Wednesday Wallncel announcement n1 lawcd conferences Hm Ilarled Ihnrlly alter the outbreak vlolcnn