Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1963, p. 2

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HARM EXAMINER WEDNEIDA 1m CREEMORE Slam one the bellkept ucrell In Cm maru wu lurrrhe commun fly parly in nlhl or CB Bert Smith 75 former pub llslmr the Cmmon su Anhouxh Around A00 friend mmed In the Iwm Hall for the want Mr Emllh had no Inkllnl of what was in alum or him unlll supp um when hln daughter Mn Rel fisher Arrived lrom London In amend your party Although Mr Smith told the Creemon Blur Iavml yum In relltomnl mm hgvcontlnuod In wlla hls opu layA wsekly column med Mum when mind 0mm wu lulu to uh uh my ha Iajd find Im In nu mm ler hm whoa 1m worklng llvlnx Pcoplo mo and nylng MM 6H mu new wuu Yau know affixnut Ill HoW about halplnl me out wllh IN Amtpcxg kl IN Inrnnunum Wu Ippmlallan hll llleuma communlty nrvlca um thc puny WII Ilrlnfld In Mr Smith honor mainland mk Hemp mullet cm Inonlel or mo cvenlnl Among Ibo p531 who pnk Human IflDmGI IVI um In Among Ibo guest lpnh duxlnl the am descrlhlnl Mr 5mm ac levcmenll were Helm Smith Enrrla Blrncoe Centre MP and mv Dowmr Dunlronn MPP or DullerlnSlmm other meak en lncludad IomI of mRTTm mm 1951 model bolonflnl to Mr Mmln 72 Nikon 81 ms stolen and In not ya been recovered nu HIV CBEBMORE recumw Add 1mm um than police reportrd nu night mqu Intum morning lhnt Um when mkumnn will be Iccompnnled by candidate gom lhll udlon ulho provgn Almou dlrfily um um broaden he ll mova on to Orlllll He will be In th Coll Inxwood ma omomw John Wlnlermeyn lender oi ihn Ontario Libeul Party will weak over the local telavlllon Italian inni It MM until lflO Del Cole tin slmooe Centre public relqtlonq cytrlgllugg ulq ALLISNN Stall When Duflcrln Slmcoe Progreulvl Conmvnllvu anther hm Thur dny night or lhelr mmlnallon convenllnn the pment mom ber Rev Downer Dun troon expected to be um oppoled ha uckl ha mm lnallon The medlnl In uhodul ed for pm in Um arm Guest puke wll be thu Hon Per Cm Ontario Illomcyxen Cnpl Downer WM Hm Ilacb Id Dullmnslmcm rerment Allve Queen Yuk m1 le hu hem ra timed In elccllom Ilnco then Down was Ipuker the mm Iva ur term He now urm on Uquor nnlml Hoard Albmul Abmbl Allan Ilul Alumlnlum Alb IM filb 0n nunn mu 11 mm In can CM nmn Cam In Dom WM Anna am mo AHMII cm can NM Chlb my any III II rm 1va Police Report Car Stolen Wintermeyer Speaks Here ernl pnlln mnnnw Ind Inn or Ipt Dawn wll ulln b0 Funk mmlllon Glen Huron now bulnnln hll Mnh um pnlnn on Capt Downerl behalf fl lnlll III gm ot um mm MIMI Expect Downer Get Nomination ml Mon Am or mum Mum hm Drunk mm Con nilMy 040 II no Indiumn II II In lmlllu Wlfllffl IIOCI CINOI Mutual Ion IA 09W cu Banjo Poificgrepofled on car Friends Honor Bert Smith TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compllld by flyu Dual IL link XIN Dara Tn 0L inn rm WM an AM In In In dill Ilu on In on mu mug nku 1mm cm gnuu Am All mm II Am ull raund MINIMAL MIND Smlghl Inrmur aéloclam from th Canadlnn Weekly Newwm Almllljon Cmmore Ram Gordon WII Ion wnlcomod mm hi my begun Warden Mavens mmedmle pm pmldent the CWNA vm Imoduced bx Re merook prawn wblh er the Cmmm sm Ohlrlu No lm newlyelected CWNA presi dlm also spoke briefly her 0mm umhtu who DIM ulbuu to Mn Bmlm won Chum BrAmplonx Don Fnlrburn CBC communulon mm Lake former publllhor ol the HmmlnxParcuplna vance Frank Mclnlm Dun And Dick McQueen of Nnmwmn Tow RECLINING CHAIM Mr Smith roctlved oohrlul numb ll mu null mm wu In onnil rofllnlnz chair wished In lather upholmry doom ahuhcrd Crumm lormar minder or Co mmuu mu road the pram on dress Frank my and How ad Nubia both of Creemon prmnud as am to Mr smith Al memento of III nanny am wllh thl Cmmore am Wentbmok prmnled Mr Smith with Ill enflvod Illver hwy H1 mlnlmr Rev Dou lax am ma woke 1n Immac Mlon olv Mr Smith mnny church uuvltlu Coulnzwood Dlurlct Collet Iala Iludenl Plul no awlc layed Incordlan loot em menah through the cvenlnz lunch gmvldod the mom 9m nrvod ladle 1mm Luhl Angllcln church There was am after wards In tho Town Hall um dance muxlc wn pmvld by Angus Rukl 0rdmln Crelmore ARDA ofllchll Ital that with 25 million tom mulhllnd puhm in Onllrln more hilar mnllon ll requlrtd on pulun pound More decldln Imu erm um or the lln¢ I11 simcoc County will Includ ed In Iurvey ma production Manual murhlnnd plum 10 Illel mun Ontulo hl Cumin Department Anlcul m1 umwncgg My AM In Innmmwu wuu om mum beln studied In 1h Iumy Bruce Gray bulletin and Vldnrla The prolect In one our be lnl underuhn under filo Al rlcutural Rehablllluuon And Devmpment Ad Tho mom can $01700 will be Ihlred equally by the Ontario Ind federal gov ammenll dllermlned bld will mndl by Mayor MI Cooke Ind my thlllen or to Vim 01 nwlnl lrop mm the man chumplom of Ora Towmhr Mle Cooke And hll plflmr whole ldenllly hu no been vulgcd by lha mnyor wlll uh on me Doom MIcKay Ind hll patina ll lhl Ora hit Sept 11 Hm wll nn nonume In WI comm ho mayor uld MI morning Im wufldent Ihnl Oro will be rollovcd bl hi champlanglll lrophyf 111 On om won 1h lmphy It the Barri Wlnm Car nlvfl In nu The oven ornnlxed by name can manner In lawn Include Simcoe In ARDA Survey Cooke Bent 0n Winning Log Sawing ii ETAYNER fill Town Council hm wrapped up Ill the item on in end Ind doll with dolmlonl mm In Mm to Idjaurn by 990 pm ydY Iubdlvlllon control byllw dnwn up loma tlmu no will be mlmnd now murd IeII of tho collhcwncfl do cldld In the bellnnlnx council hold buck lullnz the 0500 then llklé wu uharhlnnt mu over $900 mun ha Iubdlvlllon bylaw dnwn up Mayor Elmor Dorlly nld Un u1 rumored 11 Mr Dorny We meet In Ihould In all helm thl by IW II minimed my mama who have In lccllonl lo the bylnw Ilandl cupid mix them known PUBLIC MEETING puma oi the subdivision control byilw II in flop peopi from Ilicinz Ion Mr Doriiy put it nimum 10 area mined in 7500 mum ieei Cuiium aid The problem in that exintinu loll are being chopped up Mr Cuihlm continued oihalhaul in built an cian pauibio to axixlln laxvim no on the mega iqu they would nor Jn control coul b9 braulht la Inch public meellnl to expmn all pech of the bylaw and answer question on zoning and related loplcl council med pub lic meetlnz won be good plus to lound out the Reply an an min clerk Cul hnm Inld poop nullled with the Induslrlnl and redden tlgl arm nnw llld ouu he Ilk 810 lLlClNG The motion puud council mnud Authority Io Iva th Iubdlvlllun control byllw tull lered Thll will be donl at tho Blmcun Cnunly Rezhlry own In Barrie Public work clulrmnn Allin lar MIchnnld reported to coun cli an lilo townl road plvinl promm muuu Buurdny with engineer William Alnlry he luler link ihn cnniimlliion oi John Dim wu not In th or llinni lurvey or work lo dollyIll Mr Mnley how to hm enough In over mm mnln nmmm la do onelb mile on John ll lhc 1m ha uld Anqlher roulhlllk lntludu fnvlnl 50 of luron mm mm mlll duwmurdl Ind fulchlnu the hole the cm lllh mlh lunch 01 John In Hunt Nu llnnl declllon wlll bu mldo unlll Mr Alnky duld which ll Illhlr an be don to Imp wlghln budget APPLY ran mim mutation tauncll wlll Apply or ImMr nupplommllry md mm ol moo TM lawn and Impmvu mam project likely 1n nm In nurly 1000 or an yur Ic cogdlnl to prom ulm Noelmod lndunlilll Ind Coll Accounnn The Bodily Indullflll Ind Cont Accounlnnll On Irlo oflm cormpondonca couno through McMulor Unlvmu lhmmon Onlulo uyeclally defined to IL In lng 01 nupd or quill lad pgnonqol to nerve Idlanonterpflu Ind iovemmonl lurvlcu Inlumbm wIII In utopr up to In Further hllormlllon Indlppllcmonl may be oblllnud Stayner Wants Bylaw To Stop Lot Slicing $103 Incomc from luwlomcnl r1 mm The society othde and Con Amounmnn Covmpondcnco Coums ludlng to Oh qunlllylng dulgnnlon 11 Ill OI MIMIIH IM Aemnlnnl In Im mum man road mull mullb0 um only or conduction work no main lenlnco councillor Don Mclm Kym qud Pavlnf cllued caumuc Mon Whll oiling grading etcI ll tilled mIInlanIncI according ZED pmflcc Mr Barfly In the donation were Slayner property ownar Jouph Deud nun and Mn Helm Ollllel formarly ol Euyner And now Wynn ch Both oblecrod to flu towns action In diulnx dllch Alan watercoum on lhll property which Mr Dudmnn bought ram Mn am Thu contended th wwnlvm 9b to qy or plprpluI lhl EMTUIIIIHfi ll wouldnt In no bad If the ditch wm ll tho hack the lot but WI only 11 tee out mm the back door Mr Dead mun Illd Ive Ind lezal Gllllel contlnued Im laid that council will havu In ulo it over eventnllly Emmet ll beyond the open ditch flue Mn Gllllel cm tended Hulda WI IOHTCO pollullon he ldd Ive Ind lezal Idvlc northerly wind umth cooler wenher lo wulhem OMIrIo overnight Weak dmurbancu over lho Prnlrlu and min alnlu urly to airmen aomlderahlu cloudlnau and muttered show an or molt Motion ol Onlnrla on lhundly Lake pair Lays In Forecuu lulled by tho Tar onlo weather alllca mum Lake Ontlrlu llumn southern Georgian Bay Hallbunon wlndmr Lo Hnmlllon Toronto Sunny with cloudy period and cool today Thurme mom cloudy WM low muered nweu Ind mn Unulnl cool IWind northerly 15 loflfnodl E1 MIMM flmngaml northern Gnrxlnn my Whit River Cochran Saul Bu Muir Neru Buy sudbury Bunny Ind cool lady lwenlnx cloud hr nluhl Thundny mostly cloudy with neutered Ihowm Lmll wlndp and not much change In Iamwmun Lake linmnfflmdln Buy Nurthlm wind 15 to 70 km PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY Clty Pnllu PA 43 Pvnvllan Pnllu um lln Don71mm PA um lltyl vlmm mull lA Mill Mulm 79nth WEATHER FORECAST Public waxkl chllrman Mlc Donnld dimmed our enxln eer wouldnt hlva Idvlud Hi to do 1111 11 my llw wu being hrnkm Helen lhl Dmrlmem Highwlyl would approve nur Itreet pnvlnl pro am we had to open up Ill am am mum In town Mayor Dorlly uld DHO umlonl lorbld munlclplllllel paying lot lllu when dulnau Iylteml run Imuprlvmmp any The llw mm the top any owner mun buy the or In and the own wlll Iupply 111 And do the sndlnm Communltlel like Creamore and Calllngwood luv Inn of En dlgchglMrporlly uld Theydont buy tlll for my my As Mr madman wan leaving Mayor Darlly hm him un Appnclnh your point of vIuw but dont count on any change Inkqur vllawpqyll Discussing the problem later cnuncll rolecled ML Denim demand The bylaw lay he buy the tile and the town lup pllel the 11 and grading nd mlnhhnllon chairman Art Pool uld Ha luppllel lhe lilowe do the work Mr Culhlm Idded becoxnlnl 11 18 wuthem Thnnday Thunday Formfl Temymlum Lu denim Hm Wednudly Windsor 55 7o Kllchcncr Mount Form Wlnlhlm Hamilton SK thnrlm Toronto Pelerbarouzh Trenton Klllnloo Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Enrlon Soul 52 Marlo Knpmkollng Tiflmihl lul victim In been xulnud Im Dllcclor Clnuflln Tlllmd L14 ll Innqu sh Oulnmn Elf Bond lmlllm mMml In meuv rm Illlovrll qud MK Alqlllluy In loulut mt PRESIDENT CAN PARK IllFORD MY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK nenulllul Sample Fm Eallmnlu FREE PICKUII AND DELIVERY Phona PA mu DARRIE Upholnleflnl In Out In Iml No lull Dido Hm BHADYORD northeut calmly by thll evanlnx and Mr mlmy 11 lo 10 Fair today Cloudy milE chemiénli threilcnfixh was MW HEEPWW Ictlvo Maui BrillH lclun Hat nld lueaduy Dr Moore held at the mic chemical and wild 11 new World Threatened By Pesticides Says Scientist HOME FOR THEPAMY wan Mr and Mn Smllhu Ion And daudhhr From STEAKS on ROASTS Aampnm ReulerlPt ll MOLK NWDM INSTANT MILK IOOI IRAND COLOUR FIIIH IHOULDIR CUTI WOKID COOKIE PIGNIO ITYLI WRGARINE MM SALADA TEA BAGS PORK SHOULDERS CHICKEN lOAF COOKED HAM WPIIHIIGHT HOCK VAC FAG MMNIIDINI VMI fAC GROUND CHUCK 59 WhoIn Indy Mania 1mm BIG CEREALS AP HANDLES ONLY MEATS PURCHASED FROM FEDERAL INSPECTED PACKING HOUSES Porterhouse or Wing gmlhmIAVII Prkn In MI 5mm Momlnv7 1963 AhP CHERRIES HafizWk mam loo rm um ch CANADAS FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF 79 31c Hon cl tho armh natur eon Iarvance department and th Itetamenl at the annual mm lng here the British Almi sum for tho Advlncement Science During discuulon on died of at control Imu he IMJOL uuon by pertinent pull do posed similar problem to thou caused by radiocave wall material relied with militiaon in woxld mic ha nld dimmer ery 7min Roz Fishar oi London and Ian en Mr mum 2w use am am an arm IM he cum nu Fruit and Vuctublu Duh Dim VIII IwM mare Nu all uflo boa APPLES CORN WIALTHY mm 41 toonu OTTAWA CPFPflmC Minls er Pearson will Mend the opening the mum Nanom General Mounbe mu union Sept 171twnl announced he ay HJI oflico uld he wll1be chnlrmm ol the Canadlm dele gation during his nay In New ark or In crpenlnz cannonW mm mm mm imn to laminar Photon PM To Attend UN Opening 4uincs89z 69 via 60 pkg MI PKG

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