Min Linda Crawford Ton onlo vlllled Mm Marla Dlrby Mn Alli French vIslled her tiller Mrs Owcn French Mr and Mn Royce French and family Hort French and Douglas Drinklll Iltcnded he 03 on MW 31 MRS ANDERSON Mr Ind Mrs Ronald Dunninx ol humane vlsllcd Saturday with the lilterx purenll Mr Ind Mrs Wllllnm Carr and Mn Vern Abnm Toronto Ipcn th weekend wznnmr nunman we rlm Inn no anuan Tlm 0qu mm Meat Tnm 5mm Qull wumr spam no runmnnu smry ol My San Fran Ind CIIIUI Hen Cmy NlWlmIIIIlnI Mun In Llndlr UK TV lel wunm spam Nun Muvll Thu of Kind nlunlbu mun Toll =£¢ gang mum Izrrmnln Illuuwy funvnmo Mkin Mann Club Kddn Mull Th Lllllll 150 French allendA in Music Camp near Parry Sound COOKSTOWN Mn Wllllce Wood Mrs lllm Adams and bow lpenl piondly 1n Torunlo The anual Memorial Service the Cenotaph will be Sunday Say Mn Ann Lalnnvlfle Mr and Mn Allcn Drlnklll Ind Ricky Mrs Rel Drlnklll spent Tug dn In oronkoi ll nu um In at ï¬nd by In mu Mr and Mrs Morris Dlrby Attended the lummcr meellnu flu drum the Sun and Crop Improvement Assoclallo Itlfemnwllle Speclal compliment to Mr Susan Scarlett who celebrated WWW Aw Mu Ivan French vlsltcd llanay Creek and Nlmn Fnlls Mr Ind Mrs Ortun Brawn Ind Iamlly xppnkvlha weekend ll anlu LakeN nur Parry Boyd Mr and Mn Allen Drlnklll and boy anon low days In Branllard and Niagara Falla and Mn Reg Drlnklll accompanied them as Branlford By MRS REG DRINKth Mrs Ann Lallnvllle vlrlled Ir 1nd Mrl William Grlu at Morin Harbour Mr And Mu Morley French and it Buntlord vlslrud nlaflvem Mn Wlllm Wood Mn Vll Adlml Ind boy Mm Ken Ix nd lamlly mm flu Mama ll Niagara Falls DOE Cowl Ernllnrd hul Idlyqlwlth her nrandpnrcnu Mr and Mn Reg Drhklll Kathy Edwardl Vasey went wail with Mr And er Jahn MUM SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS WAVERLEY All Copy III 01mm run mm THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS IIRVICI Mum mu mm mm summmm Surlm mu Vulllun nm vm mmuy mm DIIVINOURIILF CAR AND TRUCK TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 ma uul mm at Wildly an Mu in mm mm mm 1m nu ma crv Nm Mum runI 1m mm um um um IKFIIMIIII woo lulun 5mm In um In an no remnu Mutian Nm mum on as on no II mull 1M 14 Ilm Imam Mm Nn nun Mn nml 1v mm mu Mm In tunn TIM 1m rum nmnn nmunu mm was me Momlnl 11 mo Mamm It All Tn Kw Mm ml andly llpurl mu Marilan uunu mm no Our Hoqu 00 IIImun no cumeJ Nun 111 Wm go man mm ykh Mm Cl Thenthucher for the Min lield Ichnol will Brlnn David Ion Dryden lawn In North and Mrs Ear Murphy And Mr and Mrs Delmu Serum ville llklnl trip to he an consl By EVELYN ARNOLD new Run being hum to replace the nnes destroyed by Ilro week no an In Inn of Willinm Mats Jimmy Flldey sun Mr and Mn Gmrze Flldey patient In Slevensan Mcmorlll Hospilll Allmcn Mrs McMaller lawn pauanl In Juan Me aria Hospllnl Mn Hemmer le and hrgk her arm ruuu Mr and Mrs Norman Biker Jack linker Mn DlumnAn damn ann Fez Dwnyne 3pm Salurday In Faxus wllh Mr and Mn Allan Green Ind nllflcnded tha lelgllnqï¬lmca Conzralulnllnn to Mr and Mrs Donnla Wean on tha blrth Khrlr daughter at Royal VI lorln Banjo Aunt uwyum uulllu mu Frank McKch km fool gym lhronko Mr McNull Mr nd Mn Wllllnm Mnlr Ind lnmlly Ind Gama Mnlr mnt Saturday In Fergus where they attended lb my muglï¬izhlqu Qnmcx Mr Ind Mrs Mal Braymn hm returned home lollowlnx Inaweek molar my to up Cod Mr Ind Mrs Human look the scenic route lhmunh the New England Stale don tha Mohawk Trail and villied lhoNarll Ln Plldd Mr Ind Mu Kellh HM and tnmlly of Harris vlslt Sun day with the latter parenll rum9 Mr and Georuu Gould have relumed lo Llllla Lon IL tar pending vacation with th lnllers parent Mr Ind Mrs ngjl Curr Mr and Mrs ltd Hulls Toronto vhlled Sunday with tho lullers moth Mn John HQEFMEE 57 Mlu Marlun Webb spent low day In Waterloo nltcndlnl lhl Conkrenca Orunlall It lhl Uglymllx ol WM Vlsllm on the weekend with Mr Ind Mu Charlie Jevona were Major and Mn Mott Clmp Petawnwu Ind ngnr Graham Taronlo with In lullerl pmnu Mr and Brnypnan mm Wulhu No Damn Ind Ounlmuh Wldnlldly NIIM mm nundn laid Nmnnn CTV NI Mum TIMI Plan lulu mun lltnmn IN TORONTO cnmnnu Dr Culboak 1h mm Unloncmhlu cm mu Wflhlr 500m Nun Eulnlclun BARRIE MANSFIELD Llll uy youre declmr at three nolrump Ind Wu land queen 11 mm llnw nhnuld yogAplay he hand opponum rdx ll you could ynu would ha Inn mlklnl mint Hurdle how my wen divided TM II by uuu you would be culaln at lent our club lrlclu know lnz whm lhl queen wu lacled and how In linengo nlnull However know you mluum ha club anm And nha low four or Iva hurl mm you are dawn So what you do my ln prawn ll lrom hlpplnlnl And the DAILY CROSSWORD Mn and Mm William Gal llughar were meal honnr at gathering Mend nnd rel ative at Ihe homo of their mn Paul on Thursday evenlnz Thu occasion wns Mr Gallauzherl hlrlhgay heavy nln loll on ma vil lage on Thursday Tobacco crap on mlla east of hen were dam Iltd by hall mnlun um m5 Emma i1 Nam WrIUI lobmv bidding North Eu South What Pu INT PI m1 the August meeting of UM led Church Women ll Ull United Church on l1sdly evenlni Mrs Mlllnn presented film on Helen Keller shawlnl Iha llle ol usefulness ml lady in Ile 01 her handlcapsl III Olhla mm MannIv Yul It lhhohll 0nd 1m Onlurlo Ha ha been lunch in Ignace om M13 Hodllnl of stralhroy wlll tench In the Permschml Thur To arr 17xrvnoun mm la Mluml minim iv 32 QJIOI AQD Opening lendqueen of hum number of young people lrom Rugby mangled the ludulnl campellï¬nn In Blrrla last Wednesday dunno mm 10 1mm Mr and Mrs Dave Rndlen Ind tlmlly Burlington Ind Mr and Mrs Chnrlu Rodnn and lamlly Toronlo spent last wank here vlslunz their Either Thoma Rndurl nï¬nm hth PJ MM JOHNSTON Mrs Jlm Lnnzman Ind Mls Mnrlm Horne leader Rum by 4H Homemnklnl Club luck the Iwn dny mum Working In Wool held In Bun1e Thuw dayAnd Frldly North dcilcr Bath tide vulnerable Rlchlrd Nixon nama um frequently recurs Ha ha an ncqullntnnca with Illm Industry Ilium and their pmbxem Ind hll lha lnlemntlnnnl reputation uulnome feel necessary In fling with ludty global mn 6mm who hnvn bun men Iloned or In p09 Include UN man an Inn That poubla qucman ls bblnl debuted hm 1n 1119 who 1110 dulh Erlc Johnston second president 111 Mullen Plctun Alsodnuon W111 Hay wu he 11111 Speculauon range over the pallllcul Held In to who m1th bclho lhlrd lnmdilnl In Among HOLLYWOOD AP Who will bu the next mnvh nahor wll then by one RT THE MOVIES flan DOWN Wanted One Movie Czar 01 International Repute RUGBY CONTRACT BRIDGE Norm AKJ v7 105 pump cum nluer FaxIlka 1le nawor In Hulpl 1° flrllll human Tu Jule mod ommd 60 Forum of minor Hm KIM numuek By JAY BECKER mm on or uh WI Nahm mudn mm II hflllh nvr llClndm of non l0 Blind mm I1 Dwoll lnl 03 Man dll ll my mum danmnu In fun In win lhe qutcn at hurl ll lrlckonc but lhu dnnucr more lmcled lhan ml Actual ly ho dnnxar Hr In the other dimllon you take lho quern hearts you may bu flefultd by lnler mixxuuxlnl the club illulllon but you duck lho quern you an aflord la ml xum In club Ind IHU coma nul on lap Tomarruwx Tn 503 400 The reason that If ham In nlurn West can not have had more Hum our hurl lo mm withwhch mum you muka lhru nnrump whllo East qu no more hum ynu are likewise turn 01 lhg contracl Was uu with ham Irick Iwa lay with lllu Jack you win wllh the king Lnd lhcn lead the klnx Ind an nlhcr tlub4 plnnnlnz lo llntm he Jntk You are nal mud MIan Ens win wlth ha qutcn bccnuse he can fin you nqharm in Map In that direction la let Wu win ho queen n1 IIKIHL Vhal ynu do next depends on the no of Kittens Wu Adopts ha abmdans helm lay by ltadlng spade you win in dummy and play he Ink club and finesse You dont mind laslnl the ink to the neon because with Wu on lrnd he can mlke nu hamlul teluru Ind you nlmdy hlvn n19 lahllshcd trltks sh So why shouldnt the busi ness save the money Ind have mum presldcm chosen ram 010 company held Ihemxelvefl 11w job could mule Among lhcmlgvery year Eric Johnstnn came In at llma when the Industry Wu In trouble abroad Foreign overn mcnu Wm ream our money and applying quail on our ï¬lm Johnston government connections helped Mm do good waxk In that Held In good that the Internallunnl aspects of lhe job Ire no lmpamnl as they I1an were Ono pmponem 01 um theory Irguu Wm Hm wu brouth in lo clun up movll morale At Mme when Ihat was badly needed He did In axcellenl Job clumping down on hchnvlor In Hollywood and enforclnl the and for ï¬lm content 11m th changa In Amerlcn for kn pnrilanlul society made the censorship aspect of the Job less Important mg ABROAD pnnL mm numer Lt highly mrucllve or neural reasons It my well $125000 your plurexpensu It has an nun nlamor live polllIclans In ll III poulblo flu ll tho hopeful wfll bu dInppolnled Then mk within lha Indus try that the concept of mum cm In outmoded mi Yaud be Iurprlsed Ihe num ber pl Important eoplc In pol Mn who wuld Ike the Job JIM lréeelry Inma Amhundur Adm Stevensun Sentor Ahnhnm thlcofl Ken nedy mumsslonnl aldg Law rem OBrlnn and farmer NATO mmmnnder Lauri Nor sud There hu hear no Indi cation that any or Ohm men would he mum to cm mm JOB Inï¬lflrl hum 411mm rm MM llthll Vuyln mum lndll MW IIIWm MIMOO ml GALLON 09 15 OLD FORESTIAWNM 15 vow mm It flmhuw 7mm 00 MIIIIIIEIIIMIN mam annmmn winmm WELL urnWALL THEVmJaH AreouNo TELLNB AL THEIR FRIENDS WELL MURALLX THEVmJaH AROUND TELLNB AL THEIR mamas an