Bobcats happed BY Wintermeyer Over Pensmn Il hurl to heal lulu IlmmM Hm Malay Hamill In Brznn Iheddllll pleas use lm minute before lhe crash Flrmen In the Hum 01 Beltwll Ieven mllcs norlhenl he Duennnmch reported 1111 nlnwlnï¬ re moving 1m mod mill Iha elrly nvornlmz mlxt They IBM the Fine wnmnklnz loud roar pound ifSWiss Airliner Aiï¬xplodes In Air 3i80 Aboard Die Ontario could no led two compulsory yemlan plum Ind ha ledml mpanl contInn tar ruler Kandlll lar ll worker Mr Wlnlermcyur Inld Ibo vot In mtlllad lo know whm premiu dL They lhould Illunlun when nnly yu or no will do Mr Wlnlermeyer old In elt1lon nlly Mr Winlrrmrycr make to IA mm In lhn Royal Canndlan Inn lull In Iupparl o1 Gear Wllluo leml candldm mnlrnw North and Lu Qullly uu vlrtyl undldnlu In Ren lnj Baum PEMBROKE CF Ila challenn lo Pumler Robin mu axnctly where he mad on U1 no the ladernl lavem menu Cand Penslan Plan wu Inuzd Tumy nlzht by Ontlrlo leml Lead John Wlnltrmuytr infillrad or mmedlale idanllli gallon in Swimlr apokcsmln anid viperuwan no indicniiun lb Scams oi lhe accident it was ll ilral mariar Iir disaster in Swiueriand ainco cm Second World Wax 2Swinair was checking over capiu oi llckeis to ulabllsil cgmplelo pauenxer ilsi axvccied in bu laaucd iaier l0 day Under new inlemaiionni lmuialiam companies are na longer obliged In keen camplm bnuunw mu or mh night No Canadian war lined passenxarl The ï¬x forelunm Wm Ibordan American Briton an Iaracii Ill anpliln clulan and an Iranian ieniiilc and police exparil moved in after report in lilo gei apparently canal and Tho tremendous Impact 1th Icllcred ML wreckan and human remains over In am mum mlle pollca expert nld idemch nnrrawlymhse Ian Vol Duemnnesch Illualcd he won two Imlll lake 25 miles well Zurich Nu am on the round wu lnjurcd Pollen cordoned of tha ginnk mlor mm and began to col WV 97 952 CF mm mumm ZURICH Swlualr Carn vélla jet Alrllnar exploded Ind Iuaud lnlo pomo Held In emu near here today kllllnz 11 no person lbnlld The namehound llrlhmr dlav mlvmlcd And no flra lo haIm 100 ylrdl Away mm In wherg hit lho ground VIr 99EufNo 206 blwno PATziuIï¬e relaphSn numbu to all 011th Buslnm or Will Dom LI PA Hm by jlgqmgng my Ad mi 0n Telephones Mural Allllnn pun rhnm hrr bonk lnr llve 311mm um lhmlnt ath AllIlnn novmm CHThe ltd em lovemrmnl to In Mod with ma ol hlv Inn to dccldn whether Iho 1M1 worldl lllr Ihould ho postponed OI movtd lo lthH Montml the Guild Pension Plan Iluyn lrul chunk II no blrll pension IulxXIIlon will luv to be out uul he laid The gull will luv lo be ripped am IL 2LII lhm bl mu ye dimmed lhm be no In Mr lubnrfl he Inld hrIm the nmvlnu mm In lhe Sepl 75 Median May Postpone Worlds Fair Iliumn nmninl wm shrew all over Ihe plus It wu hurrlblef Sevml 71m true and1 bulnncu Ild nrrlvcd wllhln mInulu But Ihe nmbulnnm en Ignln won They were of In ult The plane came down about zoo yard 1mm our haul when wu gal hm wa law only pm of lhe fuselage Illcklnu out deep mm The lbs plan was Ilrewn In bll and plum over the houses in the am AMFULANCES Mn Lmll Luescher wlla Duerrznnesch bnku tnId re parlm she Ind vher family ï¬n though the cork llclary Icrou ha rand had xplodcd The whole house shook All ht window cs wentln plqces mum mu unpurh Swinnlr ofï¬cial nld here we 74 manger aboard thl plans III crew of nix1ch cnvpuul hm nuwardum and isluwnrd Hérmldwihe Zurich or lost contact with lha plans va mln my alggr jlookrofl Smnll places mm the plane were found scattered ground he caunlryulde an an eight miles from the cum Expert md lhlse must have broken all More tha explashm as lhc wreckage could have not been llha lmgncL Many or them were married couples Ind loan dozen children in tha village were re ported orphaned The couple wcra flyan to Geneva on vlm Inrjpulrurnl Ipsmuliqns The dinner plunncd the lil lle Swlu IIImin village Humnkon so mllel norlheul of hen mm mourning Furrytour of In InhlbltamsI qumer the po umlonwere on board hgrlll alga Curnvolle Hun wul cnmplelely hapaleu Therm wera reported to be no recoxnlzabla bodies to In mu Humn hllldl and bit limb were Illawn over an cruh ml my NEEDED nu mum mud lllr All m1 In ploduced out ho hum uld Work hunl uld md wlnlpr II mmln when mull II II nmpt ll lumflldoul 1m dllpuflul pmwl IN um lurin nmlw water Unlll now lhn plnn Im hm In mm but murl Inland Almdy named ann Ami Inluml which would 1quan IIUHI Nullnll lInnd And llllnl mull 1qu ml mm In Ip Med to st hum Inland mml purl ml now Thu lhn Inlr In held In loulhwm lolnl 0mm dln Irld wllh mm mnnrdln Ihv wlnl In llrlenl Inlun II Corvornllon upm an Iv lnl lhI lukrul ovemmml Ivm Illemnllm nul lhn Mm tnrm mm lo ll lntonullonl lluruu ol Hxhlhlllunl In Im lor wlpommm l0 me or Tn lechnklml III cnnvincm II wlll not phyllrally poulbh In 10 mm mm prepnro nn cxpnndui Bl Ilc Inl hlnnd opponllo Mantrul Huber Ior 1m 1h lllr lo run 1mm AD an In Dd Tl 1901 my ALTERNATIVES Ioum close lha Caul dlln World Exhlbmon Corporn kma Crown comerlion labfllhod ln arlnnln lhe fnlr told no Cumdiln Im Nch day that technch upm In admin lhn lovemmcnl lhcy convinced this hlr wlll tllhu In In poniponcd Io or held loullm nlher lhnn camblnlllon Inlde In lhe 5L Luvmm nlver Brllnln may be 019 ulde In their rollflcal Ircedom but II power cu In mpcd lheir utnlnnl sconomlc lrcedom lla told ha Annual congrcsl nI MI National Pliny we could lead lhcm Io Independence and eoanomlc prosperity fur qulcker man efllclently than mu nln Vzrwoerd challenged Brll Iln nmday nluhl In allow South Aldcn lo take over BMhunM land Swaziland Ind Balulaland Ind mover hem Into ICUROV emlnu Nexra Ila culled Bgnluslnnnl Bul the oller Irpeured today unllkcly lo nltrac much cnlhu new qulfldoï¬gugu Alrlca PRETOMA mmflaflSw MHEEIFnmicr Hendrik Ver word has made nurpflw ol ftr lo aka over he admlnlx lmlnn hm neighboflnl Brlllah prnlcdorllcx spokesman or the Guthrie department Bald that ha wlnd spread lha lire loo last In allow llremen lo lrlvcl the club mllel 1mm Gulhrle or the men mile from Rugby In lime Equlpmenl wna also held up by tree arms road leading to the Barton llrm Mn Barton reported that wrnnce not nearly enough to cover the 1mm Damage $20000 Volunteer Ire deparlmcnu ol Guthrie Ind Rugbyvmwercd ull turncd In just mu night They mlvud Ina lulu to do nnylhlnl but stand by In can thy hang ugh Ire Verwoerd Wants UK Territories About 1500 hens en plus and on Wm 10 hrlha burn well nearly $1000 worth Iced car plckup truck and other cquipmcm were rulnA again mule and implement Total loss In ullmated at near 117 0000 In believed to have been nlarled by Iaulty cleqlrlcal lrlpz iiiuh winds in night fanned fire In ham owned by Jim Barium the nixih concession 0m Township The blue spread to gum iguiidinzl Oro Fire III gffsPremier Plays WMudigflampaign In fmnxlu In rl Rh nld lhry III upturn IMM In Ilrcrmlwn Tm ml mauled undu mywhy nok mm Tmm 11 mm whit Mm flmlor ll dlncloud Maudy In New York lhll Ill Loom mule anlar mm AnANTA Al Thu mlr III at Chnrlny HM llul Num 1m er and MW mm nlvmlly hm III In ll wulhrrner II vulzl In In uln uyn Allnrmyo 1mm PM Cook Mr Wlnlormvyu vm Ml wllhoul In In um am with nul lulher In fly wllh Mr nah no would lhlnk ha wuuld learned Uml you cant VIIL nlnndtred mlnlllm Ind ntcund Ihrm brim In uhnnu wllll crlmlnnll bul lhn Rremlrr nld cnmminlnmr lr mum loath had 10qu hf mm lnhm Mr Holmrl mr he Llhtrnl leader at nu pm In tnnnncllnn wllh flu Onlario royal mmmllslnn on trlme whlch mulled lrnm chum mmln by qulgrjqcy ncluxlnn Mr llnhnm laid lhnl Mr Reuumo was the mlnulnclurcr ol pnlwn In Hm campaign and Mr ltrmvycr Ichlr Ilaprpmr TM nrrmlcr le nllackcd Ar lhur nonume Liberal mmmbnr flu IEKIIIMUII or Else North who rcccnlly nld tho cnmpnlnn would ha lha wildul llnca lha Dalian Tea Party IEAUQIE MAKE IT GEORGIA RULING ll Iha tubullnllnn ol alan daLlor pollcy or plallnr ha mm He laid the Liberal lender nnw wan delivering Innuendo and mum on mullet which In had no bruuxhlup In tho Irnlxlnlure but had lrcqlurtd up far lha umpalgn In lhl Soul 25 tlecllon Drapplnl hls reluad It pruach he umpnlgnl airy nan he announced Ihnl lha glove are all Ind charged Liberal Lu or Wlnlermcycr with dhpenslnz palm and iuhslllutlni Ilnndcr or pulley mIer Rnhnrla um out pundl lnzlor the second round 01 the 0mm 2mm decllnn um palnn hlelduy nlzhl Ind cuscd Ihe Liberals of lrylnl lo unnnl him by campalxn vlllllcallon and nhlflcnllon Wont Recognize Negyos Wedding F0TWLL1ALI cmm Innlo Quiltlo ï¬lnldl Tm ml Mm mnl II the uulvmlly whm won Ilu dmln decllntd nu um um cl flu lld dlnu but II In II In mm Cook Illa In mm lol rmnlnd In numbn me2 lnIendInl an Io mid in lbln mu hul he amhlï¬ul qumu mm In WI whlllvpmnn ml my man run In vlolllnn at lhll In Ihill In mlxl pm many mm amp The name munlrlu lam lnrmrd In Common Mnrkel or flu Eumpenn Ecomule Com munlly lmmmno liumann unity hope lhv Common Mum will dunlop lulu HurvM wnlded loxrllurr mlrnlly qell cmmiluxy Schumann laid out Hu plun tor liumpeqn foal 15ml Sm Pool II urllau and mnrkcl In ornnlznllon llnhlng Franco Wu Germany Illly lklulum Mullnd Ind lunmbouru META FrancoRobert Schu mun former Frmrh prrmlrr who wnn one called lho lnlhcr of European unlly died lodny Ellowinl Ion Himu Ila wan nnluhl Mr Ruh nld the lam on In lhla umpnlxn hey have any thought hat rnuld like lhl nmpnlnn n1 Vilma llon Inuutnda Ind lIxillcullon Ho doesnt want charge In vulluulcd Ih prcmlcr mld he want In hurl mlld and ham Ith mm mks pmmu by lhrawlna Mun down they have another mud But Mr Wlnlumoycr UIlYlk coming wu huh lhl lame old mloldnuaplan bullttdln Aland new lnnucnduu new ncr allendod by new 600 that charge 01 corrupllon ll his government returned Mn nlda said Mr nnharla he will call an lmmudlnle spe wm rclerrln parllculnrly lo clal scsslan cl lha lnglslnlure In Mr Wlnlcrmeyerl allngallnn pass leglslnlion enablan 0n llul ando Baccl Cansorvallvo tnrlu munlclpallllc ln lnke ndA pnllllclnn Inrl admlnlslralnr ol vnnlnge nl he laden ovcnr the Whlle Rlvcr Developmanl mcnls new 00000000 munl Dlslrld was able tn profit by cipnl development loan tund land purchases becauso of ad He also annuuncnd lllnl vnnca knowledge or lmenn The lpcclll silllng Would Ida lllghwny rnule plum Mr recanslllule cummllltu dcnllnx mme hu ordmd lhll lnm wllh munlclpnl lnw nnd Inmll llnlcd xnllmz Mnh nlcresl mm Former French Premier Dies CI mm Almculerl Saplime ma lieCould ynu loam la Mtnr lhu elccllon he wuuld huld purimflcnl sculonx he cnblntl diflmnl place In anlhlm DMnrla the nowm men can ha mud mun nwnro prohlcml or Inn leh lold aplaln bullct dln ncr allendod by Ilzanl 600 lhnl ll hls government returned he will call an lmmcdlnle spe clal scsslan cl lha lnslnlnlure pass leglslnlion enablan 0n lnrlu munlclpallllc In lnke ndA vnnlnge nl he lnderal novel1r mcnls new 00000000 munl clnnl development loan fund Also nnnuuncnd lllnl The lpcclll silllng Would rrcanslllule cummlllcu dcnllnx wllll munlclpnl lnw nnd lnvml xnllnx llluh lnlcrest ralc un lmrmwlnm These cammlllons oxplmd when llw llnusn was nrornzued or he elcrllun and Mr nobans said he wnnll mm In Xesnmn work so lhclr anrl can he he hnsll nllexlxlnllon llch nexl ronulur mslnn HERES ONE Illxirr Ind 11 nunr pmnlu dmnml mul he FLQ lmorlsm ml Ifan Ire lthld ulcd to lam ltlnl lull nr Ilm rum The you nporlm on Irrivlng at Manlrul lnlcr nnllunnl Mrpurl Iller fllxhl mm Sydney NS hut he has droppcd pellllon the Irenrh mmnmnnl or pollllcnl my MONTREAL CF Richard nlxlcr 13 returned Monlrnnl from he French Mind of SL Norm Mlquelnn nmdny and wound up In Jnll awalllnu Irlnl Scpl on our thnrm In con nccllon wllh Lo lmnl do Llhcr nllnn Quchccoll lermrhm Ills bull wu cancelled Exalted Egyptian men hampered by languua difï¬cul llcs spread rumorl um lhnu bodies had bcen Ionnd One 01 those turned out to be CIpL Ab dullnh Mllll pol lubmdor re lrlever In two Illmesa cuts weru Mill miaslnl Flrcmen found the slewnrdl body at tho Iron 01 he crewl quarters four hour the flu flu started in cabin reserved or pamnzerl Early mom uld he wan cladJnnyJamu Fixunenuld they behave he was trying to maps when ovalcoma by make And heal FIQ Suspect Arrested Bail Refused By Quebec Court Ive never seen anything llilke its Mï¬ gdlgm Chluef cg wan ppm Its custom their that hll body must be removed mm the ï¬lly by hi owu mum 0mm lmuvcnzd nnd the crew many them In lean Ind near collapse with shock and cthqun cirrhd the body to nurby Ambulance Barefoot haltnaked Egypllan crew members struggled wilh ï¬remen when hay tried to bring the body the ch12 steward Mohammad Fawwl 42 Aexandrla uhom runs shol going to go dowh Itll have be out In the bay said Harbormaster Floyd Day Hshe mule In the dock II will Ila up the Mules beflh In the harbor Slx hour after lhe Ire 52mm ï¬remen were mu bat tling the blaze while harbor ol flclal wera debating whether the ship the mum Salahel Din should be floated Into Lake Ohmm Two Hrnmen wm Injured HAMILMN CPFIM ch10 steward of an Egyptian cotton height was killed today when tlnmcs Iwep the crew quarters nnld threatened Ilnk the se Firemen Still Battling Fire On Egyptian Cotton Freighter chnrgad Ipcclflcully Noi Man Than 7c Par Copyls Plfl summary um Evaq kw Sunny wth cloudy periods and mo may Low tonight 45 Ila lflld Ml nclnlnn or pull cnl Mylum lo the Frtnrh xav ummcnt Illll under Iludy hul he wns largclllnx Mmul ll Immune lnr um um urnrd dont want In he lho cum tnmpllrnllons hnlvmn Frnnm and Lnnndm with cnmplrncy Ind Intent to can In uplnsinn andunaerlnl person or properly and nonwh Icy lo cammll and cummmlnl mischch endangtrlnz 1m In cnn nrcllnn with dynnmlla cxplo slon Mull the rear an RCA ltchnlcnl mvlm unll In Monlrcul Nu une WM hurl In lhohh Ix er wen lo the French ls lnndl do mllu on lha can Ncwiaundlnnd mu mnnlh 10 1ch Mqu grnMcd hull um muwfl The Sam cl Dln chh means Um good religionll former Second World vm Lily my hi bum In California In 19 nrlllnally nlmed lhl Alchlson Vlctory47 Sh II lslercd in Alexandria and owned by Khedivlll Mall Una Illa nld in In him How lï¬nélhn run Mg nlxth trip to ht cm him The Ihlpl crew wu douhll nor mal Iln bécuun it vm bclnl mid to ralln cgdeLqfflem an 850 tom llumlnum nor was dun In Tumnlo to pick up two manner or thru monlh tour or an Unllod Anb Republic Capl Allin nld in In him VII hl lï¬nélhn mil hi ruu nu which ma up In Hiya lo llkl Local Weather ï¬remen dlsrcuvegd Sally had left the aw minute bl an lhe wag lounded LTkiiro were two female on board and unduqund It I053 r1701 galrp he laid My xlrl Iflnndl £1an hoard Kllly Icreamed lhl rag owgrdipoflcm wmw Fife Chic Swanbamuzh llld the cause of hi in WI not knugm lids She had gone nhonrd urller hi thc nlzh with girl friend Sally Cyrelte of Tqmnto my an NEARBY Firemen Ind pollco arrived at the dock ahnrtly after 44 mm lo Hnd blando Kitty Bab trr gt lnhyglerjcl It nu 11 my legs and hick Slmpsun moaned lhn hare onlcd ships doctor Hanaly Mn haud of Alexandria ended hlm untfl In Imbulanco anlvei mum Tom Simpson auflmd possl his fractures when he plunged as lee In the concrete dock when high pmssura hose whipped across the deck and knucknd Mm from ladder Doug Howcrnl was burned when hot zluu ell lulu his boots bul both were manned 1n nu