Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1963, p. 14

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Mm BM EXAMINER TUESDAY ummm BELGRADE Roman Ni ml Khrushchev law hnma mm Yugoslavia today alter unwell klu lrnm President Jnslp ml and snub by Chi nua Communist diplomats Thenunlan premier and 1m twice amlllnxly embraced and kissed uch other on both checks beloro Khrushchev boarded hll tuxMel llyuxhln 13 It the end of twovwcak mrklnz vacalhm In Yugoslavia But two luwranking Chinese omclala turned their backs Ind looked at the around when olher foreign diplomats mwad mund Khmshchlv lo hm hls lmwell address Tha China chum daflalm pointedly dld not shnw up Iiln will whom Khrushchev had maior policy mks during his stay hendéd strong tum out Yugoslav leader with Iald gondbya La he Russlan Communmchie at Bulgradea flagdeckcd Surcin Airport The premier Iullnz hl Pm llulhe Conwvnllvu ndmlnh lrallnnl pnpulurny ll he pulls lnr he Ilnl llmo alnce he look om ha Icadornhlp 1mm Imlio Frnsl 21 mnnlhs as closed his lint week on the campaign Irnll Saturday night ruflre puny in the Lake Slmcne rum Jnrklnnl Polnl no hnma In Lnndun or hull ho hmday halldny weekend be My flying to Kcnnrn Mn namm ll cnmnnlnnlnz In rnlm Manl nlnmnd mnn nrr an tlrcufl cnflm pup ma In tamed Um IM rldfnu vIImrl communlllu Ind lrnrllrd um mllcsnl mml In hin chnuflrnr nrlvrn curin Um llnl nIx dnyl cnmpnhm lnur hill nlmx Knuth DI rllllnnl In nll CQVHIM PROVINCE fly rmlxh munh he IIlmk hand wllh volrru Al panu ma mile on lrlp lhnl runger 1mm lhe leh llny turn Im the Ollnwn Wiley and nlnnl llm mmh nhnm of tin SI Murmur and uh Onlmlo lnln Mmknlu Ind hurk Inulh In lhu Innml Hdlnl at York Nmul 1m prrmlrr Inu lurn mmr ullrrrl and lmIIml Inmm lrnm nldu hunI lmlly arxnnr Inn and mum Ilu mm lo lry In hm lmpml nuh Illllflhf rmuluflm llul mhlrll In lull wrrk ylthllut hmdllnu nhnnul 1tu In Lllrrral 10qu hvhn Wlnlrrmryrrl dmurx tor nlnllnn m1 lnurlknn In nnnrw ulna cllrlu Mr thnru hml mm In mum pmmlnlnl lmrnllznllnnl ul ul pmmlncnt labor ruprcsenlatlve Mnnday called for the lormn Han ol nntlonal plannlng axon clu both In Canada and tho United Stach lo llght unem ployment and develop tha lull ccnnomlc potential of the two countries In put mnra oomph into his alccllnncrrlnz mm Ml sccnnd weak or cnmpnlxninu In the far nonhwulern comnr of the 000 Iquure mlln lhnl tomprlsc volehuman lcrrllnry or flu sum 25 Ongnlo elecllon Spcakln Io about 3000 per on gathered at Ihe Jackson Irk band shell in connectlon with Labor Day celebralluns Emil Many ucrelary runs um ol the United Auto Work By CARL MOILINE TORONTO CP Premier Jnhn Rnhnm ngllng advke CAPSULE NEWS Khrushchev Ends Working Holiday Planning Agencies Premier Still Maintaining Casual Campaign wnynsonom cm IMnlIlmnl II on luv um Not Im II MINOR KT BAY CITY UVHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK numllul fiamnlu Fm hlllnnm WIFE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Plum PA MN MM KIIRUSIICIIEV era slid that whlle 1m has been good year lur labor lenvzs much to be desired In the lldld emplayment UNITED NATIONS AP Diplomat are getting ready or mother go al trying to strnlghlnn nut the United Na lions llnanclnl mess They agree ha pmped are mm TIM job of Lhufllnnlna agen cies would he in to was tho needs the countries popull tlnm Ind iecond to dolermlna he extent the nallonnl re sources Ivnllahlo and way In which they can be oxplolted In order In provide full employ ment Thu hlg problem In what to do about the UN deficit in well Ibpva 00000000 and mgrlnflg Secretary General Than has put prlnrlty leg on the Issue In the general assembly nsslon npenlngSepL 11 Than warned recently that unless snmethnK done qulckly he siluntlon wlll Jeopardln the vary existence of he Unlled Nations The 111 nnuon Isscmb1y wrestled wllh the llnanclal prob lem or slx kas last spring in spcclal session devoted solely to this quesllon The slopuap measures adopted then brouth little real 111191 docllnrd Ill InviInllnn lo kl mm In Nnnuvillr but Irl lhu child hlm lhn thnk Iumz wk whrn Inmeunn MIRRHINI lhnl Ilmuld klu lyrlde Um mun pnlun rnrnunlnrd uddlnu party In Richmond Hill Ind llmhrd uhrn lha IIrIde dual annull he cm ho urrk lm mmrd nmrt ulurd uml re mum thnmzh lha mm In lh lnur lfllnfllllfll Ho wux Al hl ml In um rnnm wllh lrwrr lmn dam ymplr Hm and pumaIN nllvrlnu mu mul Inukunumln nnll NI nnnlvm Nulrlelyl WvllvI nllrnm In allan llm Irman mm cnnwulnn nlqml lr Frnl Mr thmln lmrk pnlnl In rmphnln llhll MA men tnnllmmllun Ihc le vrnlme hul MW Ipurnun Arlmluhlrnlltm II many Innnmunm ATLANTA Ga AmSchool bells alllng thls week measura out lhe ending of an era In the southern United States when Ironclad racial segregation once wags lhe r919 lmd scandal and reviewan hlx xavernmonla record and program In spouse In luackl an In policy Only once Ike sale nrmnl rally he wotk In Cnrnwnll Inn Wednesday Ild the pre mlcr man to lnugh hnxunge He amused Mr Wlnlarmeyer mnklng slaltmcnu ha know In be inlse In Kunming lhnl lhu Hobart ndmlnlslrullon In out mule ledcrnl plan or con lrlbulnry PEHSIOM But Mr Um cnnrn lhnl Mr Wlnlermcycr was mink Inlbm pnrnln nllnmmulnry nnd pro ncnllve Innxunge wns dnllv rrcd In lhn chnrudcrlsllc not um mnnotnne qulrl hnrnnna flrlunny wilhnut unphfllll or Krnlurt Bully In the umpnlun ha normed unwmrarlthm Inma llmu rmhnrrnlnrd In ulmllnx mm lhr tlemnmll cl lmdl llnnnl mucking While children will have Na urn classmates for tha in Urn Ln grade school and high schools In Alahamn and South Carolina Only xitlsslxsippl holds om day against Inkcn desegregation 0130mm Wow collcgi level um attending formerly whilcwnly schools In mm southern states rcmnlns small Bul siunlllcanlly the number lakes rllher MK Jump his term Tmuble could came Rut nulhorilie or he must put an npllmlsllc about peace lul chnngc lhouxh Ugh secur ly measure an set up In my crul villus UN Finances Iniegration Comes DANGERFIELD mmma mm mm mm REPAIR NOW PAY LATER nunpn PLAN Milo Float known for 20 year Dr ahllity rck xhnl mm dlsplnya weapon to llllla Katharina Eli dcr during one his exhlhh Inns In the Imprrlal Valley wonxma wmc ununuu IVIIV WALK Ln lecnIH UNIVERSITY EDUCATION PROGRAMME Under this campruhcnslvn pm grnmme punnu xunrdlunn nnd npnnnorn of hlnhnehonl students can nylrcnd the coat of univnrnfly mlucntlon over periods of up lo 11th ycnm lhlm knophm mnmhly pnymrntn tn Iunnlnnn my 11 ford vlllmul hnrduhlp And Mr crudtnIhnparMnonharminn Mr iulrrrnl HIM an almin IIIIIII IIIIHJHUHNII 11 you nru like most parents with children in hlgh nchool you am probably wondering how ynu nru going lo meal the costs of llnnnc lnx yuur ynuugulcru college cdu cnllnn To help pmunls solve this problem the Bnnk of Montreal lms Introduced lln Unlvnrnlly Educa tion Programmetho flral llfc insured plnn of MA klnd ln Cnnndn comprrhcnalvc llNnaurtd plan or financing colllyc cducallon or boys and girl now in high ulon BANK OF MONTREAL KILLS DAUGHTER ACCIDENTALLY section Cnlllnrnia Sunday in Calcxlcu CaliL Plaol mal ly wounded hl 14yearold daughter Marilyn during his trick shot display The glrl and her father had been work VARIANYB OF THE PLAN Severn onllonnl plan are nvnllnhlu undur lhu programme not thou vm to the number of your In which lhc plum wlahu lo mnku momth pnymenlm nu wcll no to Hm Amount rrqutrul mmunlly or unlvmlly pcnmu Plum nro bum on objective nunan from 000 to 88000 mu nhlu ln Um nurut In our Annual lnnlnlmrnlu llrra ml unmpla ham mu Um but plan can bl varied to yourmrdl Sun the people at your neighbour hood of brunch You will to cclvo vnrm welcome from mu who le he planned to glvo you further delnlla and help you mice plnn nultod to your calm151 or your com ho Rank Monlrml Unucnfly Education Programnm lohlrr Severn onllnnnl plan are nvnllnhlu undur lhu programme and thou vm to the number of yun In which Hm plum wlahu lo mnku momhly pnymenlm nu wcll nu to Hm Amount rrqutrul mmunlly or unlvmlly pumm Plnn nro bum on objective r5911an from 000 to 83000 plw Plan Ilnn ollchTIVIl 000 um In Man ml mmll mm um ynrl hm team during lha last 11v yearn Plan was put un der shdallon fallbwlng he Isll accldcnl and lakcn lo hlo hnme near El Ccnlro Calll AP Vlrephnln yum awn 1an special message to all parents 9f boys and girls now in high séhool You can guarantee your youngsters College Education inpartnership you mm haip In financing Atudent limuly in Univmityr planning to rolltar Ihil yenruik In your not Murmur Ciumm he can nrrunu tuition lann with rxlcndui pnymcnln mlnplui to your cirrunulnucca HOW TO JOIN THE PROGRAMME with MIHANH SAULT STE MARIE DIIL CF Petlllonarl huve col Iecled Iha name of 100 ellxlbla rateruyan in whllu River In bd to have lov emmcnl Inquiry Into the min the improvement dlntrlc and Its chhlngan Ngldu Brnch MONTREAL CF Police uld they suspect man In lwmaflnrm In In cutend Montreal Monday in whlch llnu mamhm one Imlly Ind swayMd Awoman died Police who recently Arrested two suspected lirebun in the district laid they cared Ill nthgr paybauloaae in Ihe ma Only lhlx llme we want lm or man Hum Icltlnz men In ofllcer nld An In wer contemcd thu man In killer Mr Ind Mrs Roger Th henult aged and 39 and their myearolrl daunhm Mlchellne and Jennnelle Syrln 57 died Inilhe Ire Police ald ho vlclms livad ln Adlolninz lhlrdnoor flak White River Petition Demands Govt Inquiryi Suspect Bxson In Mofitreal Fire In Anglican clergymnnfkev CENTRAL TAXI infirm Radio Equipped cm ll HOT mm Mr Dunnlll an avnrnmenl Icllon la mum ellhur lo clur Mr Erlccl nr brlnz charm ulna him Nellhar he nor Fnther Klptlen Ind ln tended to male gollllcnl loot Wlll over Mr Bruce Icuvlllu Mlchnel Dunnlll laid In an In kervlew here Monday Ihe only object was to wlva marL In nus In the mill rillle com Imme 200 miles northwest en lie And How John Klpuan Romln Cllhollc prim wllh canvmera nplesenunl the three pollllcnl plrllcs collected lhn mm but ware delcrrcd lrom completing thrust h9 uuxe Iome mldenlslemd re crllanlnntlon ln IMll Johl ho The axlent his Icllvllle was mum Int week In clmpalrniapeech In sudbury by BIIBBIE PUBLIC UTILITIES over 00 elflbiefit 0ch mcifibaswmny only bVe much 65 efllclent Independent aurveya prove that more water can be heated at lower cost wllh flat rate electric water heallng than my other way YOU CAN USE OVER Tho nma volume healed by nnolhnr Incllmd could cost over £1300 per month Matchless electrIcAwaer hcaglng ls pruvep be lnyllald Why Pay Moie Electricity Is Safe Clean Homeless More Efficient tool ELECTRICALLY BEST FOR LESS PER MONTH TO HEAT IT OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY FOR FUll DETAILS CALI WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE COMMISSION You Need all the lecral Lender John winter m9 Mr Brace lalcr denied any Irrelularlllu In hII handling of Wm River gllqln Demand 01 lhe autism nawI lacing clrculaled Inc ude Investi unllon any permuul or cum puny llnnnclal gains madl by Mr Bruce nllhnr dlreclly or dlgctly Thu pnmlon also ask or an audll or the Hnnnclul all of the improvement dlalrlcl dullnl back to Jun 19511 lho you Mr Bram was appointed chair mun BMQUEJIE PARIS AP Palmer George Braquo died Saturday lollowlnn long lllneu Hg was 81 Wllh Pablo Picasso Braque was one of Iho launder near tho tum the ccnlury Int Cubllt movement In 200 GAllONS PA

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