rifmum munmmm 1ND MIT ems dpanese Talk Trdde Plans Then came lhe deal or Kumhihl Rayon Company to sell the fibre plant The terms $5000000 dawn slxpercenl in Ieresl and Ive years to pay the balance ll wns lha Ital de ferred payment contract 01 such magnltuda approved lnr Peking by lha Japanesu government SEE BIG MARKET Trade wllh Peking ls rela lively mall $5000000 both wlya ln the llrsl hall 1m but pa can manulaclunm look on Chlna market of mmomo people who need just about everything Japan pro duces ep 1th 00000 cllnlc mnmhly mnmium dtfrnyl openlinl mu the plan ETTM board dlmtm in elm lin9ncinl mallefl ln Six xleclworker union unlu wind to Iwilch lhulr medical mm mm private plan to 11 heailh ISSMIBUDD but lndl cudunl union membul can Mose between the two plans ifsAssnclallon or ml SAULT STE MARIE Ont CPD Canadas lint con mmersponsmd medical can gen will receive In first pat ients hem Sunday buslnésiinin rclerY Win manufacturers visual lll Ill 600000000 walking Seven months 30 min re fused lo approve 3223 uedlt emshauling down nix yean lo payum Japmcge shipbuildem wanted lo mm Cognmunls buyen rNova Scotia Fears Spread DeathDealing Disease Whatever lhe reason than more £11k In Tokyo of rude wllh tCommnnist China than there hag hegn lnyun jflhe Saul 51 Maria Group Hum Axsnclatlonn ll doctm Ill serve 15000 United Steel orkors of America CLO amber and amine In the HALIFAX CplHenllh om this In Nnvn Sculls express an NHL dumbdealing 0va demlc gnslmunlcrius In Cap Breton Islnnd and Newluund hnd cnuXd Ipread to lhu maln hnd Dr ll Collard dIrcclar of communicable disease cunlrol uld Frlday lhnl Ive chlldrtn have dizd lrom Illa bowel dis pan In Nov Scolln Ind 100 In I00 use had been reported ulna Jung Dr David Seven Newlannd hndl chlcl medlcnl omccr mld 57 chlldrcn had dlcd In an leundlnnd Ilnco January nld 400 um hm been ported Ihll year dale and them In no lndlcnuon lha cpl dtmln wax dlnm Thor hnvu been no upon of flu disuse mm Prince Ed hlnnq ogthw Dnuuwlck Iymploml which an urcrl dlurrhu Ind Vomiting prevalent nmnnx younl rhlldrtn lrnernlly undrr HI lwo Collard uld fSault Ste Marie Consumers Sponsor Medical Care Plan PA 8439 The Orlglnll Drleln BARRIE Soth Wllh no Chok ol the Plnvm Lmln Road In tho CII buwun Hwyl 400 Ind Admhllon 75 Ch ldun I3 yam or under FREE Premier Hayain ikedn aim montha oi deliberation srproved nin in Peking of $20000000 inn cnpnhie oi ymduclng on oi ynlhrllciihrevinylon gvery day Japan um eéincd far from formal diplomatic or trade lies with Mm By CONRAD FINK mKYO APlSom thought Japan morer had worse lhan Inunl case of money levar rs nw policy Ihln full yo oi hucmldun whndléi MONDAY TUESDAY THE LONGEST DAY flURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE TONIGHT STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY The unInn Iayl ll hnpu lhl Association will evanluafly be com communityum project when 11 lump today will become mrmbm lrnm gumenteritis In New foundland were chlldrm under year old Thu outbreak than is Ihe worst time 74 chlldren died in 1049 101on tomm Ttle znm In upon by it Spcchl Squad ny In American who uch prison lerm lflfl In bun mnvlcled of Mn mm mm lo Eu Germlny II In Toronto unknown to nu thnrflles Ind 11 opulUn wishthan budnm Humbert requlrlnz hospital care will lo dlalricl hospi tal when luodauon dnclon have bun mated huspflnl prl vilegu The hlexnm story by parlm John MIFIIIIH Ind Frank Jonu ny llnmld Bon ner who wn tnlmud lo prlmn lcrm In Wat Germany In May 1061 whcn convicted of llvlnl NAN um ln tho Communl Idmillrd MI Iden Member will choose Ihe dac tor of Mr choice and two phy sicians wlll ha on call for em legdcx The medical program will concentnla on pravenlaflv medicine Our Job lo prevent disv use when possible and to detect ill helllh and treat It when pre vention Ls not possible uld an Asmhllm newsleuvr imn Krnlan oflldll In Tolrl nnln Inld my will lnvulluta men And sleelworker ofliclall The medlul phnsc is headed by mcdlcal dlreclor Dr Thomp xon Foxtier Toronto Man Gave Secrets To Reds The Canadian ovum announced Fridayï¬ an upon quail plan with Red China which would open up larger Ca nadian markets or Chinese zooda mouth the total would be only irgclion oiCnn Chinas um hadlna corpor ation agreed to Hm exports to Canada In no categories senslllva pmdum mostly lextlla loads4n maximum momma year Canada mm be nulna when anlu MullM between $15000000 and 3360 000000 under tho lhm year pact ivhén ClIInI Nevertheless van mmpm In He reported ready th to you cell Chi Nationalist Chin pro Illa Illa term consmull nord lid to Communist Thu protest were nlccled WAN THEIR SHARE grnesa comp Ihnl they He asked to may Iwny 1mm Chinese tnde whlll other non Cammunlsl nations Can litgala Antigualarge Illa NOT on will it IVIIII Ihu lully lat Around with $5 lemuomadn translator udl held did em on American rad put uld But with ChInnI Com munist masters sometime un able to prode enough food on go mund th day mm hr 21 huyll buy mllflonl cl trnmlslor radios equl ment to pmduca them In Ieflllzer ammonium llV ernl textile and other Indus JIII Items lobed Cluh Mull AdII WI full THE WILD RIDE Illh Jul Nlrholul SUNDAY MIDNIGHT HIDEOUS SUN DEMON loCammIinIl TERROR YEAR 5000 GIANT FEATURES VOW Collect Teeth Its In The Bag However all lhls could he wrung Taller and Cutler ad mllu hecnus clolhlnz tales men Kennally agree mos lles are bought or men by women usually as Chrislmns glm Fin single col re flech upflghlneu You are onservnliva and carelu with many flow do You are In ex traverL NRONTO CWThu Volt womentrying to play the 00d my to Iclcnllllc le LONDON Reuters mnnl do can show ha honest fashion conscious studious flamboyant or up right any Tallnr and Cutler magazine uulhorlly nn monl WIII Strlpel You are over whelmingly conscious fash ion declslve In ncllon reluc an lab nu or an an men Knitted You Are fllmboy ant with an eye for color and 5994 at WAY Niall pallcm You an hon est carelul In thought and Inglon Slush mom You In the liudloua type Allendva to da nu and emclenl LIVELY ONES bother leavlng lhelr Iecnnd floor apnrlmcnl lo called Eman ML They keep nu suspended from rope hanglnz out one window Cunnmnrl place lhcir mallcy 19 my bag Our do on more wnrk than both us Scope nld When he hours car In he 1M he runs In lho wlnday Ind pull up lho Tony MamIla represenllr ï¬ve of Prlmrose Nylons dunonluales how to make wo KANSAS CITY AHTho William Scupeh operale do it youml parking lol In downtown Kansas Clly wljh minimum mart Th dog lhrccytnrnld Pomernnlnn grabs lhe light rope And back across Ihu room In lhe hall to drug lhl bu up to the window DOC WILLIAMS Mans Tie Tells His Personality GENERAL ADMISSION $100 nouns 150 CHILDREN under 11 yr 50 noon SEATS PLUS COMEDIAN SMOKEY PLEACHER AND ALL THE BORDER RIDERS HOUR COUNIRY MUSIC SHOW 5591 6th at 899 pm MIDLAND MEMORIAL CENIRE DEMONSTRBTES AT WOOLWORTHS EH are knnckud loose by melearim and drop to the cnrlh every dny Donald Guult 01 um Nallonnl Anny nnullcs and Spnco Admlnlx mllnnx Amu Research Can trc uld Frldny 11 lbs moon mallcr can be found and identiï¬ed It might yield clue to It parent bodys chemical makeup and perhaps Ila orlgln Gaul lhlnks ha mnlcrinl cnn ho ound In p0 lnr mow nnd Ice Holds lot of children seem to want In save their teeth and collect some muney from the good lairy Iald Gwcnnl Decker of Dundul Ont Dr Hun needs about 5000 hnby teeth In complain sludy oI Mckropolilan Tar onto Moon Is Falling BERKELEY Cullf AP The moon falling bl by blt says government ulenun Gnu an nnmdynamlcs tn xlnccr cstlmnlcd that moan crnshlng muleorllu blusl en lo 10 Ion lunnr mntcrlnla Inu spacu each day OI lhls ha told mccllnx the Inlernnllnnnl Unlon Gcoduy nnd Geophysch In tho Unlvmlly Callfornln perhaps anthn one per cent rhoals dlrcclly lo cuflh Some 10 lo 15 per cunt noes lnla orbit around lhu earth cloud moon dust But as lo no per cent noes Into orbit Mound lhn sun After dnys the barrel at Iho VOW booth at the Cana dinn Nallnnnl Exhlhlllon enn Ialns only nhoul 20 baby teeth or Dr Murray Hunt dIrcb Iar of drum research at ha University Toronto Ila Ir uslng them in hls effort to ind out how much radiono llve slronuumm entering the human body The vow had hoped lo cal ch nboul 2000 lcelh Ind slaflcd tho booth for 13 hour day during the exhibition search projectsays It has been outbid by theJInditlonal good alry who sup osedly leaves money under ch ldrenl pillows menn hose lo lady shopper Wonlwnrlh store The dam nnstrallon has taken place in CHICKIE WILLIAMS lmdo Mm slu Shnrp In naunccd Friday Iha Ignlng 15year loan agreement with South Amcrlcna lamest pulp and paper ï¬rm Compnnln Man ufnclumm da Papdes Cab one of Chile Slmnn Imernallnnll Ltd at Vancouver L1 the con aulllnx engineer for we proth and Canadian equlpmenl ro ducm have Ilreudy rec vcd Drier excecdlnl momma nego Hnllons are under way wlh other Canadian machinery mun ulndurm for blolm hnrklnl drums pulp convene cvnpoh MOI Ind mulling and bleachlnx SHHNTY BAY He said aulamaiian and the developing need in more highly skiiled technicians have caused problem nat imagined 50 or even 25 year ago Coupled with his problem was in great ex piosian in ynulh population Mr Davl sald lhal 3245300 000 has been upon an expand ing primary and secondary school curricula OTTAWA cmm federal govemmcnl has Joined nun way plan In ï¬nance 314000 pulp mlll In Chlle Ofï¬cial ex pee the business lo he xenon Bled for Canadian firms will ex ceed Canndal $5700000 shun oljhevlulergaglonal lgan equipment hop mere wlll be con laln levellng all of dmpouls wllh the Increased emphnsls on educnllnn and lhe new commer clal luchnlcul and vocallnnal type of tralnlnz now cxlsllnl In many am whlch they dld not have helnrc he nuld WINDSOR Ont CWEduca linn Minisicr William Davis Friday expressed hope ihal the establishment new courses lhmnghoul the province will help alleviate the problem oi unskilled and unemplnyzd youth Canada Will Finance Mill In America Establish Courses To Train Jobless IITNPI wlndaw lilo stare Ex aminer Phola mo in mv NSIER DREW DEVI anum my HIT N0 rum mumm nuowmn IRAPEZE Ind WHERE THE BOYS ARE wnï¬im may lthlN 01Mlulhul DRIVEIll 11th II Guthrie Illh Fl FLEMING KATIII llAWLEY VHIAIII SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Au mummwn cmmmcorn mow HIT NO Mr Rowe lold Cl dlun Natlonnl Exhibition Agriculturu Day luncheon urbln growth Ind declining larm population havo mulled in some rurnl ridinz ol 25000 person having repre nnlnllon Ind inllumm in llumcnl equnl to 100000 venous In an industrial dimint mar adv vised lumen la depend mom on their own lnlualivn Ind bus incu management and In an lubsldlxntlnn from In ovum men lunmry Farmer have alloyed lhn most prominent plnca Influ can In Knvcmmenl policy he Anld Iddlnx that undcr Cunn dlnn democnflc prlndplu rep rcunlallon in luluro will 11er bu baled more on populi on WRONN CHLenders the Canadiln lexille industry who will bear Ihe brunt oi $7000mayur trade deal with communist Chinu announced Fridayhave reacted With com rluinu that their industry is be nu chipped Iway Ind now may 1m 1500 Jobs Daniei Rosenbioam uecniiva director of the Canadian Appm rel and Taxllla Manuinciurlnl Association laid it seem air laluieiy ridiculoul In expect the same industry to bear um hnlnt whenever trada deal is an fanned with lowwan coun Imlmru of Chime textile will not drlva out at buslncss but our industry losing jobs every year United Nation source charge um poor Idmlnlslruuon by UN hendqunrlers Kn New York has doomud the UN pactmaking nllempl In Yemen to complain and dangerous mime The lnhrmanl who mluscd lo he Identiï¬ed publlcly observed ï¬rst hand he acllvllle UN personnel ten to Yemen to police the alroemen whenhy the Unlted Arab Republic Egypt and Saudi Arabla to at out at the Yemen civil wnr Influence of Canadian lumen on government policlu wlu Ilker dlnppenr when re Acntnllon equallmd new 1n popullllon OntHo Ueulem IntGavarnnr Earl Row hole Friday HIT NO The Inlormm aid the UN teamsIncluding Canndhns In Yemen were undermlnned dlscounxed desperately shot at muons and lacked nulllclent alltrail to supply lhelr remote outposts In the desoer and mountains at the Red Sea coun try Desplle them condlllam ha Inlnrmanl added lha UN ob savers have bun IN to dem mlne that nellhcr Saudi Anbll nor lhe UAR is living up In th accord fully And the source muted UN observer dllecled Industry spokesman estimated the 1am rude pact could cos mm 1200 to 1500 Canadian Charge Poor Administration Dobms UN Mission In Yemen Famers Voice Will Die Rowe ChindTracle May Cu TextilerJobs By 1500 DUSK TO DAWN SHOW BIG FEATURES HIT NO mm unmuma Elï¬ljï¬uhbnmn AP THE MANCNURIAN CANDIDATE Idult lllh rmn CUMIINO CONNIE PIlANCH DELUle MIT GEORGE HAMILTON TONIGHT ONLY phi TRAPEZE wlth llnfl Lunem Funk Eluln JAne ADULT unwind loam and needle workers lhelr jobs The Canadian lextlla 1n duslry emplnyn Ibout 55000 pew ple Ind another 90000 walk In thicloghlqg lpdgstry Chinese cxpurl to Canada In categories or senslflvu zoodsmuslly muleswill be limited to $7000000 year Leno 135410731 mu 525 no cmLonIh ue mmm The trade deal announced by Trade Mlnlsler Mitchell 5m in Ollawn Had In with Ch new agreement Io buy between 2000000 and 100300000 hush els of Canndlnn wheel during than 92x three yuqrs qus 1an Mr Rounbloom said that an Importer hrlnglnl In $1000 worth good your mlahl em ploy or 12 person whlla munulnclurer producing the sum amount in Canada would ewlgloxmm 1500 lo 550 sign of dlrecl 5an particl pallon In the conflict Thu Informant said UN obser vers had lnlerce led aircraft rndlo cammunlcalons In Rus Hall which suggested Sovlel pllnu ware llghllnz in ma clvll wnr pomny lying bamblnl raid In Sovietmud Ilyushln Jets against nynlkls The Russiathere are In esllmnlwd 700 or them In Yew menm also lying the tour hour supply run from Cairo to Sann tho Yemen capital in Sale ransporls Snvlal guard were repnrlad lo have forcibly removed UN observer from Sana alrpon The UN Inlormanl charm of pour admlnlslrullon In New York followed closely the Mr nouncemenl he resignlion ellecllve today of MaL Gen Carl Cnrlsson van Hum SwédA Ish commander nl he UN true mkslon in Yemen mm 714 Conllnnoul Sunday mm fhl mono quell Ifnr 0th Starts SUNDAY WEREmanizï¬isï¬ ufTEï¬ 253W1xiï¬n Ai ilk51 323 xli MONDAY SEPT 2nd and BINGO EVERY MONDAY Abovn NuSorvlu Clunln $30000 SHARE THE WEALTH Admlnlon 50c 14 HIGH ST at 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT RCAF ASSOC Amimummifl 2ND IIG FEATURE hrso and would rnprcsonl mm 4000000 l0 $15000000 In busgnes lost In Canadian hl an Industry spokesmen said the new Chlncso qupln had to he considered In cunnccuon whh quail from Japan lndln Pnk Islnn Formosa Han Knng and Karen whlch can produce mile at prlcu lhn ellmlnnlt Canndlnn Nmpcllllon nlrae mnlcnl believed to come 1mm mum er and Insecticide used In lo blccu production was not dan zemus lo persons over one year orlxe Dr Allan laid 12 Ike xample from well lasted Fri day had nllmle In the water He hope In lest all 4000 well In Norfolk counly SIMCOE Ont CF anI waler In lhe Simeon am has shown nllmtu content danger nun lo children under one yen nld Ind mumy medical ufll car has warned mother not In 350 the water In baby annu lax Dr Allan Norfolk County medical omcer suld Frl day maxo than hall the well med huvn shown dam emu qmoqnt nl nllrnlc Thu two cunnlles afleclcd by such dmlamlnnflnn mo Essa Ind Norfolk when largo gounuuol lobppcp nrg grown Simcoe Area Well Wate Is Dangerous SHOWS AT 100 AND BM NOW SHOWING vllll CLIFF ROBERTSON ll TECIINKCOLOR 195v ONLY PTIO9 AH