Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1963, p. 1

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IIIl he hlihwuu Ile pallmrnl Imuan mml yrnu nu ma Hum ml lhu VIIWIII mtnl mu nut mun Immunla Ilnllmlllvfllllfl mum on unh mn IMIHnnI ml Um Hull 1min brim mm mnImInu In nrmml leelr hm prlca mm rlunm In lpecirlu Ham Ilnd Hm drparlmml mlly INIan lrnm lml pmhuu mlul Mimi In mlrllllm lntIY will JIM IIV lHlllIl HIKIHJZV OWEN SOUND TIllnnnld Mnflmnnld cnllul Friday nllhl or mmplrlr nnd lmlo pmdnnl Inmllgnunn Inlo Ummu mhulnndnnl hlnhwuy bulldlnl In lho Owen Snuan um in main Illlo Ihnl pull lllfllwny Ihnlm mu n01 been parpelu Thu Nrw Dunncrullc 1va 1mm Ilmml llml hn wan nnl nutmpan In Urchin Ivlmwll whether llw Mum by innhm Mnllurk Own Mum um ullm llnl Volunteer Lowered Into Mine Finds No Trace Lost Bova rs molhn educnllnn plunk In punyl nanorm for the Sept Onln rlo ulccllnn Mr Vlnlermeycr alrl ll Includes i1 unllorm local mill rnlc ms the pmvlnco ln became calling for local xrhml am Provincial grant ln make ur lhe lllflcrfllcu bclwcm mu nnlnnlllys scluonl tax revenue and lhc cosl bus school op crullun SARNIA CPIA revuluunn ary prnpusnl or Ontnrln educa Inn Including complete rcvl Lion of school Iinunclnz was outlined Frldny nlght by Liberal Le VllnlcgnLyqr Thn man ml In Hm nhnm hrr 1mm uhlch llmnl compan Innl llnrld Frllln null Henry none 241 Md bun Sn llumzduus uns he mluinn pnlnnncll Friday nlsz hy nutter Andy Drnhllka Pallsvllln Hm 11L Mcnlfly mm Ml xllxclmcd unul Ml he hm hm hauled buck up WIlunl Ihull nnd rcporltd Nu lrnco nl Iluvn leader or NDP Demands moi 01 Owen Sound Road Charges IIV IHHIII HIKKH Mb 1115 hnxc or Indan H1 50yearold Horn cmlcd drlllm wnHuucd Mark lmlny on xcv xnl lwynrzl drop mull uhlch might urnvldu Mime clue In Me whercubnm at How whn has hum mlsxlllfl ulnm mlnn can In In nmrhy Shrvplon HILL HAZHITON Pn MP tnurngcnus ralunlctr Frld 1y nlzhl ended speculnllon hut mlsslnn mlner Lnula now might be rnlnmhcd in lho name under nrmmd thumb from with Iwo companion no rcscurd nrnuarrnvnl scholarships 1mm and hnrsnrlcs to msuru Crmllon Univcrxlly n1 Omarlo wllh branch collage in vnriuus cummunlllcu In which any student nhlnlninu he super cnnl nus mark In ninn Grade exam unuld ho ndmlucd rrwrlnd hnl anHulou IWintermeyer Proposeg School Tax Revision mug No 204 BY BEN WARD For Exumner Want Ads Teln phona PA MAN The leXophana number to cull or the Business or Editorial Dapt PA Hm Our Telephonés Mr Mr Humid mm up In mm men Ipeclnullml 11m public rullllml In know whrlhor Mr Mnllnckl uruu lluul nlnu ulvnilrl hy lho hIxhwyl lrpmmnlue lrur Mr Mnllntk runner llrllll Imnl lnpnInr ulvl unhuunr uni malrrlnl wn um MI rrnl pmjuu In III are InhIlnmlnnl mllllllll lrl uml lhnIn ulmq lhl mnluc lnr mm Imlll and he In lum ml th mlhlbulu lo Illllh lumh he old Mn Mnrlkmnltl nlm numl nu lnlrlrlllnl flnlulllclllm In vlrrmlmrull Mellon In Mr Mullockl than flrnl lllrmpl Junlliylhu Inn at Mr Mullockn than II In lllrmplrll In Junlliy lhu Inn at nurh mnlnlnl on In lruundl lull nullnlulv mululnl mlth mm mm Iamnl he uIrL lhm mm lhn cnnl lin ronvlnwl lhnl In mmn Innhlon nr nlhrr Muh Mny cunlrncll an Allll llrmld Inn major mum at tlocllon Huh mum In cnnulhmun lo Id pnrly diam lundl Drrhnkn llpwlldl thl nppnnrod lo ha ha lmngo man mu In re main of plug hm hm hm uwd la dose up he lllnch hula beloro Ihry widened II In In Incht nnd hmuxhl Frllln Ind Thruno In lhe nurlncc Rape Ms rurlcd around In pluz Drchllkn addtd My Ins ccllon lhn man when Folnn nnd Ihmna hm Innn lmllcnlul lhll ll wnuld hnva bun Impoulbl lo lunncl mm more In hm lov mlxhl ha miamlm 0mm mmMHanhollcd televislnn cnmrrn qumd Into Ihe chum lwr or calling and explarnllon had picked up wlml Slalc Mlnc Secrclnry nocchcr Charm hury hnd tnId nppurcd In bu lhn lmnzn mu til EPORT turd Inst hxesday Mck eMumhman lle snld lh ru no equu lly Onlnrlo cducullon laduy Publlc school board had ruvcnuc uv ernzlng pup while 50 mm schwl hoard oblnlrzd anly saw pupll Rural puhllc school board had 3231 pule uhilo urban prllc school board had $305 said Ihe pm posed new melhad school nnnclnl will cllmlnalc or the lrsl llme In our hlslnry lhu un Inlrnm whlch has Islcd Lb ween um um and analhcr and an schpo ayslem and tmulher uniform syslim school text book Spcclnl net to pan xrndunlc stud lo ensure supply of umv lly leach lo mm Increasing mls nerérm ol the high school prgxrgm lg eliminate Grade that no sludnnlfiualitlcd 101 higher cducalion wlll be flopped hy nhlqck or who nilcr hm Tho bad IN vlrllm llu not lmn nmnvn Irnm lhu mlnu mltlnll um ll Mud In ml wallr at flu but lm Ihnll and Hm Irly vump uul HI uln al nun llmn erlflohl IIMN llnl Imnlllm luv bmllu mllcnlul llu Hall wnl nul It In harp lulu lunnrlv Ihlrh nlrnllnlmlluunl nml duwnwud hum lhr 171 fml dwrp maln mlm mun WIAIAU MIMI ll mu hmr mnmi mum Um Ilm Ilfill um guncu nunv Thu nlflrlnl Jnmn Vumnld Inulmnl dlrertnr Um IH Ilurnnu Mlmn In zlmmu hrnllh um Inkly ulld hr would Juln In lukralmlnlu him all wllh nn yrrcnncrhrd II Irmm Mhul nuw Hum In In lh mlnn Vrnlflmhl InliL 11ml tu nvb drnw nl ll hulnl lhn mnvrry of llm mlnmi Hull ll mu Immune Ha mulnly HUM rnllc uplmln mu nlllllllJl MOM Ulnh ANA mlrrnl nllldll ludlcnlcd today II $1110 lion In muld huvo men the cnuw nl lhn uplnsfun 41cm 1an Tun Gull Sulphur mn pnnyl pnunh mm lhnt Hllrd In mmlnrlmllnl Cnnmhnnx The new ln Innlrnrl rum lhq Tuelvlny nllcmmm Mlul PM mo mm urn Irnpmd 3000 lrrl unrloramund or noun unlll lhclr mrmy llmndny nlzhl Tho nlhrr lwu Mm Wmlnuxlny IUDUKTT Complcuon Ike clrculu mudo msslhlo by USuSflVlCl nurccmcnl treats mnchlncry nr larcslnlllnfl war was un naunccd Friday night by tho lminuom Now tlnklo ball In tho While House or Kremlin al cllhcr Md he emcrlcncy cammunlcnllon system may Ilnnnl the next world crisis But ll may also hep nervous Innr lrnm IIrcsslnfiv the lull lnns Ill would launch nuclear war Believe Gas Caused Blast In Utah Mine WASHINGTON MP 11w hlslorlc hot llne bemoan vushlnxlm and Moscow 13 open for huslncsshuslncs that am clnls hopo II ncvcr coma farm mlll rate across llm prov lyvfl bupnld hylhe rah payer to localschonf 50nd flim will guarantee lhe money required In clr lhls cost through cnmhlnnllon locll levy 5mdpmvlnclnl nrnnu Mr WAMcrmcycr con llnued HotLine Opens For Emergencies Lhcrnl government would Ilrs work out 174231 school pmxrnm and than dclcrmlne the cost pupll Many people bellevcd that the new Hnancinz plun mmuunc by Premier Rnbnrls Inst Febru ary would bring about equality he saldr Eu study cl it showed that It was long Bmund the hush and only par tial solullon mm In nunInn ml Ilvrm II um run In Ihrr Urnvlv In In lwllml uld Dr mm medlul llnn uupmwl rut WI Dr llrrhryl Muwrlltrr almul 70 num drnlll whn IIINI Ink Mull III llw lvl wm hIHIM uml Inlnnlu ann Hm wu lvrllrwul III Innur dcnlh Illhminh lluv dlunu run hp lnlnl 8mm mm In on the you to mav Suspect Sleeping Sickness In Saskatchewan Outbreak Ullly lny mnfivulluu Null in Ihnlllll In MMlfl Hrnllh drnnmwul nlflclnll Inhl ll1y ulnlll It ll rxprrlad lnlmrnlnry lulu will xlrlwrmlun Ilml puma mu num mum rnrephnlnlu nlrrpinu lellnrtl lmmll In llnrlr um IranMr humunl appur IN MIIMYNM REGINA Cll lmvlnrlnl wnllh allldnh lulpfd IIHNUK Ikknru mny ha ha rnmu Um tierHI an um um Hm Illnru permu In Hmknl rhrwun In In all aw wrrlu unlwlllll nllro pnlmls Ill Muhwny and nw tnInrccmrnl nmdnll Inunhl In Item lhn holldnyl dtnlh loll minlmum Inr lho more mloul mlndfll hm were munInn nnd other chchnUnnn planned In major clllu ucrasx Um rounlry 11m hluhwny exodus wnl watched by Dwuvuy nlnlorccd The Irndlllmnl Iundtd In Ihu mlddln 21min pm nmllons In Ihrco nmvlnm but mnsl Cnnndlnns urn amend film pnlllicnl uvcnonu an the last lung Mtkond mo wmmrr Hy THE CANADIAN PRESS Highways Icadlnn lo Inkc and mom and puhllc lrnnspcrl ml wm Jnmmtd Friday as Cnnndlnnn Ion Hutlr humc In devote ho lhrccdny Labor Day wrrknnfi If folllxnllon Holidayers Iam Roads BRITISHER LEFT AT ALTER Woodward blamed lho breakup an hl allowing Mrs Trend on much um Io think h1nu over BRIDGEWA TE EM 1an AP Frank Wood ward mid Friday he is through with long mgngo monls No more oi that three wvckl sin or me he dc clnrcd ch limo plan lo not mnrritd Ill lake out licence and on with il Wondwmi 81 was jilled two hours beinre he was supposed to marry widnw Irene Trend 81 Thu bride iohe Icil nnle laying im sorry cant go on with ll FOLLOWING THE lormII ily algnlng lhu guest book at City Hall Premlcr 11mm took limo out Item my Burrlo anmlo Clmdi suumy Augun 311963 In liul lrw mu MMIAM In with uupmwl rut NIH1 thrllnr Ilrzfinnlrpllll whn Hu nnnrl ma urnllwr IMI lnll ulll nlllml rllmlnnIn Imy rhnncu hullwr wvrml he mm Vlmuluunu hrnllh Illlhnrllltl IIIIII Ilrrnllll mm we burn Mm quny lllnulnllnM In nuny 1mm nl um pmvlnrv um your Ihr nnmhrr nun In pmer In human In lllll pmv Inrr nlzu Mum nnlnml nl wulrrn rrmlnn rnrrplmlllll In hum In Nmknlrllrwnn lhll yrnr Um In my yrur mm IDI winn llvrn an nllllrllnk nl Almul VIM nlm mm wlrtl In hum In Alhmn le IMYIII drlmmnrnl null hm nxn nwrn rrpurlrd rmM nl llirrclnr mun MOI TA lllilOllTlID nm wln luv Mule The nmlc Elmth Mum IAMI lily IIML ullnn will mum TI flu ancr Indicated hls Ilrlcrmln nllnn nlny urn Irrlnru he mom Inln ho hum ulmw Jn lcrlnr had hccn wrtrkcd hy mndnll 1er Immh hull lllrnuah luw early FrMny Duke rllurnrrl huldu uhtrt Ml wife and ncrcrnl campnn lanaucro nllllguglpilhu dnrk He Ahook Kim prlul on lhu mm and WIN neigh bnn nun hogan Jrcrlnz Inc nhonud Lnl me xhnku yuur hand nlxnrr The Bakers onru inslde ktpl nll llnhla all Enrly Iodny Inn nllnr ha crnwd hurl dispersed linker 11 Cum nul ma house hrlcfly nnd lald mun lrnopcr Sorry cnmcd nll lhls hnulvlc flul harm crzrylhlnx will tum oul Idlilfnclnrll Nfimlgfloflfl JEER Maj Slnglnlon Shutter snld anyonu no llvlng on the arm crly peaceful strcc when Ihu llorncc Dakar nnw rcxldn would he kept oul the punk Ihe fury Frldny nlghl thousand nr mum Jammnd lnln lho are of modest brlck rnw house in lhls Phllndrlphln sub urn ml 100 um reopen augmented by dual dorm harm rcmnlncd ready lo mnlnln any new onlburx or demonstrations such Friday nights rack and egg throwing lhnl hrcnlcncd lo become an allgnu rIol Ira Couple mnvcd under hcnvy pnlice escort lhrouxh Incrimz unly Icmpercd crowd mm their home In previously nll whlle area lrlcd nellllng daxn Iadpy schedule here today to that with he public right Mr Rahals Inlk with man at he Farmcrs Market on Mulcaslcr strml It Police Protect egro Couple By GEORGE ESPEE FOLCHOFTI Pa INTIA Ne N0 PAPER nl Ilrnlnn itnrrnl Mr Cmnrm In In Qurhoc Mll flu II Social wllt member Iltmd Ind In April mu dJmlnlIMd lmdym mm 1mm Un gmup It nul he had mm Includ Inl nl Ioul In In demon Ind MA mlth qumlll Au nullonll Indor could rm Ianm lolhtlult ll Innpom um llull Mr Clam Md mm M5 Rump lid Hr mmd IIII Tammie balm nvlnl lho cl Hnl nr lnlflmlllonll mm lhnwh lllhellnl bdrm 0n tun hoepnjl 14min Mn nnur lo rclnrlnl hnl lulmuI will duh when In lrnwu llm pally Ind Illd no fault have Marked Mr Thomp umn ml electlon lender II Imllunnl Sndnl Crud conun llnfl In Ollnwn OTTAWA CF Nullonnl erlrr Hahn nmmpnm Hm Snrlnl 3mm puny old Quthrc Hemrnnnl nrnl Cnonma Fll day nigh Vun Dy chnrzcd wllh Incl lnx lo rink after group muzry demomlmlan had lur rnumkd hlm Inld he wnnud lo prnlcsl lhls klnd mu Eight persons wm Armind among them Unhmlly nl lcnmylvnnln prnlmor Jamel Van Dyk and mm Juvanol Van Dyk rnrllrr In lhe day had appeared In Iron the houu with our while mlnIIlcrI In ltnd mural mpporl tn Ihe Ne uro mujlc The Bnkm under 50 lmcpcr 5ch uprnrmlly Wm unscathed phylicnly lull Iaur person wen hurl Includ Inn trooper and women Ilia fury rcnchnd pllch hour aim the Baker had entered the row house In tho ace Ihe nnzry throngs they Icu lhclr wo yourId daughter for In Indul lnllo slay with Mrs Bukcrl relatives In Sellmvlllc PL wuuuu um Camden NJ llrm Baker Inla he and his wife Sara nurse at Phllndclphla hnapilul only want decent Inca la live We will olmy an respect hp law and hove other poop OTTAWA CF THOMPSONS HNTIPATHY uu up ch11 mgc Mn hnvn no place in Ha said This challenge And Hvo In Ln amlncr Phalob Mayor Les Cooke Ielt and Arthur Evnm MP Simeo Ccmre look on lha pre 54 IKII the book Ex lubergfiwlyémnlglurar Demand On Caouette Leave Socred Party Provides Rdbarts mm mm mmmmw mmmmm nm mutm Ila plcd rulecled Can luervnuvo lovcrnmcnl would enact In protect ha publlc from uorbltanl Interest charl and uh um lo relorm the unit rggturg In 0mm Imr tan HIlétllnfl In Gravenhunl Friday MI hII ndmlnlurmlon ll nlurnod In Mr Robml Iald Onlario Wu dlvmo lhll you mun have Ilcxlhle Ichemo For on one plncu mllht work out line Ind have mluqun mulls In Inglhq qln yuuluu Va tltablllhcd Iormull tor computing urnnll he Inld and wen lryhm to equalize mmmenl urou lha pmvlncc or vurpom of All lypu al lrppu Speaking about hla Foundallon Tax Plan for achoola he laid 11a alm was to pmvlda tqualny opportunity of education or everyone lhouzh Ulla didnt ncc mtu man 10 many exact dollar and people um mm Mn Robnrla said Mr Spoon er was late dmmstnnm Ind efpect lo hear lrom hlrn ME Wlilermaer ducrlbtd Mr Erlccl Prolrculva Comervntlve pollllclan wha liven Mr Rnbnm uld ho to hear 1mm Municipal Minister Spoon Ive him rrport on 11 Allan In Whllo River ando firm Whna businessman cum under Irom Mn Wlnlcrmeyer He met Harm cmzem an Infurmll reception It Trinity Anzliun Church Parish Hall lnt er today Mr Rnbnm uld ho expected to hear 1mm Municipal Alla Minister pnuu cant um HI lowkey cnm IIgn look on lunch old 1th oned palmck lng yesterday when he toured the Muskoka resort ma placard bcarinx supporters mend him at Muskokl airport He ended reception and made brief speechel In Hum vme Gravenhum and Ofllflu Ha arrived In Hnrrla In mm In mm with Cabinet Secretary Mgkom minim Next Thursday hall lo Lon don or his namlnnklun and cam pflizninl on hlgher keynoln level anllclpmd Asked hull make any promises he re piled cant um asked If he though Mr winter mcyera campaign was dlrly 0n Iheolhr hand lhe Pra umslve Conservative campaign going accnrdlng lo schedule and we are quite plcascd with It ho Iald 19 LONDON Wm uuln that Mr Vlnlcrmcyurn were matters that had raised balm when he asked if he though Mr mcyera campnlgn was dl Onllheolhr hand lhe Premier John Hubert uld hm today lhul leenl leader John Wlnlarmeyer was 10an back Into hlslory tar lull In campaign against lm Ho told pm conference that Mr Vlnlcrmcyura mlnl Premier Meets Banie Citizens At An Informal Reception Ne Moro Thu Copy12 Fifi wquFa Rlver attack point been was Dom Cumin nunlama hm bun Nu hnnl mu bl lodctll mm Mr Mm ma Id mama 1M oboe Ioclll In unby0uo namm Du CM whm IA In lllllu ll heed wllh IM Mk nu llnl Mr momma at Mr wllu Mr Ctouem hu Indium hll hop mllln am In autumn gm quaint 10 luvnll plug ll would mod In tar III concerned ha Addod Mr Clout would dluoclm Mm ul mm tho floclll Cndll Al lloq ql Cmdn Mn Thompmn law minuiu berm um la Weller Cm Id Frldly mm or uric mnlrmrnu Juhr la III lo New Zulu Ind Aullnlll Inld In In lnlcrvluw um II II obvlaul from Mr Cnourllnl man Masfly lunny lodqy Ind Sunday uule warmer wind Hum 341w mum High marrow urry my denr mm wait till the right son at man com think ll lllm we to our daughter mnrrltd Ind Med dawn Eume she will bu next walk you know mm He uld ha HI mu the Sept mnfmnca wm known baton Iha Ontario elec lan he would mukl puqu Ilnlomcnu Ibaul lhc nullml chernl plm and Mn awn pm 11mm or parlaon pcmlom In Onlurln to be run by privm In Iunnco tompnnlu IIIIII denied pm conference lhl ha oppoud to nledml plan or contributory pension Ind II Iwnillnl 010 Iul of chcralpmvlncinl con ercnm Sept balm mlklnl jcclxlon W3 rwanl lo proltct lhl ple of Ontarln from Milan mes oHnleml ho Mid Ind we wlll Introduce luluHon to prggect lhpm ynuvllillli campnizn ay Liberal Lender John Viniermeyer charged Thursday nlzhi ihnl the tavern men has viriuniiy inoer de mud or action against lam Iharl Ind himinterest The premier promised lo rI constitute select mmmiiiee oi iho legixiaim on consumer credit that held nine day oi heurinu before Kill homoand automaticHy the committee wu dissolved iwo week In The Libernll and New Denim mile Party aim are pledged to raviva the committee Mr lgsqd hit um uh wanf didnt Local Weather Mr liobaris deaii briefly WMI he interns and taxation usual or Iila iirxi iima since he benn his emu province campaim in Monday Liberal Lend Joim Viniermaye ml win ruvive Investigations into con iumcr credit Ind tax pliternl and take decisive action on their ilndinna The premier toid press eon ierencu here ialer that he might call special union oi the leg lxinturc aitcr the election to get tho consumer credit commiiiee working slain ii rennin au Iim is not scheduled immedi ale the SI ruvlve numcr and their HERES ONE Sop election wand Into con Pattern action on

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