Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1963, p. 7

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ANOTHER FACTOR which would heip voters would be more complete statislics With the variation in scoring In the league now its pretty tough to record 2111 the figures But if figures such as extra base hits Arurns batted in errors and fielding averages of batters were known and pitchers records such as won and lost 1innings pitched strikeouts walks earned run average and completed games the voters would have an easier time llVlfl0llANE FLIIH MDISON Iml Altllydrn mnnl mm Ilnn Muunn lkm lu hmpllnl fluxmlny ullrr ppinl lunml Mm nur nhl mnlnl prurllrn run at Gnvrrnnrl up nu on Wu Illvrr Muunn Iulhml Mu IIIJIIIIH lull lm rnmllllnn wll nnl nlrnml lmmrvllnlrly MT DRIVER KILLED vl Vulunlnvll All Glyllhl SInukL hmnul Ell dump nmndny Ila cnmn hm lrnm Swedrn lully expulan ml In rxmhnlnn hm lmlml ml 110 Illnllh pmmnlcr uni wllllnu In any hlm 15000 Sn he Iprnl no Illrrnnon In nlunm huh LISTON MFA COFIINIMGE AlFSnnny Billion wmld hrnvywnlxM box champion hnd lho day By RICK FRASER Exnmlnor Spam Edltor The voting or the most valuable player award in the Scnlor So tball League caused several comments yeflerday They werent so much on Chuck Blanchardl Wlnnlng the award buton many of the players who Eggs overlooked completely Blanchard the hardhlttlng catcher with new Edgar drew seven of possible 21 votes Corby Adams was second with live Blll Henderson thlrd vlth three and llm Armstrong and Al Smith drew two each The remilnlng two votes went to Butch Boyd and Leo Bel tour LnENVEn AmKm VenLurl the way back after lwn plaflued yam and Bill Jnhnslnn who rmly vnnluru fin Ms Phncnlx Ark hams mum slrnkcd Murrundcrrpur 66$ Thunday lo allure Ihe first round lend hy nne lruke In 00000 num opcn gall tourna cnl nex luxlrr Jr hndcr or lha Rn Iwn mum hm hm year an nlroke hrhlnd at 67 XML llh Dill Bum Ind Llnncl lichen Vcnlurl In munnywlnnrr will pinched mrk nervu crlp bled hlm In Ichrunry mm dropped Hoot pull on lho mu hole lo ilnilu his Vtu rpar round an lhu Ilnl nlna He had uncvrrpnr ICDIEI on In In lwo holex In wlnd up am hi Dmvcr Country fllyfldd Hm offer my slncere congralulallons to Chuck Blan rhard solid competitor on the field and friendly likeahle fellow both on and off the diamond filenturi Johnston Tied For gLead In Denver Open Tourney Im not knocking the selection the voters made this year its all matter of personal opinion and averyone is entitiled to this would recommend change in ihe system IL AAA NAL KIM choln lo AIIWM Another system would he to confine the voting to players managers and coaches but no one would be allowed to vote for player on hls own team Alter all the teams play each other an equal number of tlmes nd who knows better than the opposing players who they find lo be the most Impressive agalnst them BELIEVE CHANGE in the voting system would eliminate similar occurences in the tuture Perhaps if the eligible voters were given three selections and the winner decided on paints basis say five points or first selection three for second and one for third This at least would give deserving players mention its pretty hard for the voters with only one se lectlon to give everyone deserving of mention chance for the award But with three selections it could make big difference There were others Fellows like Ga Thirsk Lorne Armstrong Pat Wanamaker Art Marin who played few positions including the difficult catching job when Stewarts Joe hlarlrery was outwlth an ankle in jury in the stretch drive and few more WITH SUCH variety names cant see how Elmvales Dan McHu could be overlooked Granted he didnt have enoug times at bat to qualify for thé butting chum lonship but he was only seven or ht short and he something like 459 average He so pitched for the club and was solid shortstop Im sure this must be the first time on record that batting champion wasnt even mentioned Teny Easthom of Edgar took the title with 393 average but didnt pull single vote Mllhnllnd Du For HAROLD JORY AMOTORS ms mumIi film EXAMINER FRIDAY AUBUSI 30 1M vmnmm nu Arum 17AM scxssoman SPORT SPORT AT GLANCE Point System Appears Be Jnnnnesa me can Mm Ink lnu In lhc anollnIJrgu nnln rnlIy mu leml nrnr hue Tluxmluy nlnhl whrn cur nkldvlrd lha rnml nnd plum mrlcd MI IMO llllrh BETTE RECORD MOSCOW Mll Iumlnn wrighllllml bcllurd luu unrlxl rrmrlll In It than hnunl Thumlny nluhl llrnvymlnhl Yuri llunv mm warMu mnnnrsl mnn pmml pnumll In Mn wruml lry Thnl lwllrrrd Mu mun monl by mumls MIIMIIMMM Vlninr rlynyev rxlml 30W mumll ml III In ermpl lmmnvlnl hll nun record by pound Thu bulky llclnl 145 mu wlll ho nll ullnr lndnys Arcnnd mund lo lhu low 1n lit for lho inn rounds Salurdny And Sund AI Bnldlnz of Tumult unwed lho caum 1n 353570 Dow Finslerwnld Mnnrr In Vcdnvsdnyl Im Amalnur even wilh soured lo 75 whzn he look nlno on an sonyard NHL Jnhnilnn never xtrayrd lrnm any nlrwny nnd hi cwry xmn bu onejn carding uJsm Vcnluri mix Wu firms and was ofl the lnlrwny two lime in Iho but round lwa shot In lwa years He sank one 25 10M and wo 151m 1qu or blrdiu BUILDING mammals 249 STEEL ST BLAKE FILE9721 Clubl narrow Ionfled arm yard par 354570 course IN 11551 no rHonNLEA Cash€clry wwnsr PRICES msnesr smileE Timmlnn had and IHN Hm lnnlnum Nzw LawnII rnIIIrll Inr Uer In lhn lnllllll Iml Hm Irnnn wm pnlr mu In llm mm mm Mn Mlmlnn Innk Hm In wllh new Mllrr uhlln Stall uu lh low mm up nlno MII TMer rum lhr mm or Thnmmn Salurdny eve mm 630 pm 111mm hunk 70 load In llwlr IImInlllvc Snulll Simcne IIMPIHIH Lrnzuu IHIIUIHH IIVI Ilnn Inn uhrn my nlpprll New lnwcll 76 nl New Lawnll lnll nlnhl T110 Vlclary nan Cralxhum lhu bestoflhrm min In nlrnlgm gnmu Terry oran hurled the via my uhlla Krn Fuslrr and Len lszerlnn pllchcd lar 5L And mwl 78 cafimf pared nluhl the nlne for Ronald He had Inmer dnuhlu and lwn Ilnxlc In our lrlpl Ind he scored lhrca rum Down mm one on and out In lhe scvwlh innlnx Rannkl hlnsud ham run to in Ihe game or Crnlzhural Thornton Tops New Lowell Cralghursk advanced lo the finals In the Barrie and Dix lrlcl Church SollanI League In nlkhl nl Shear Pnrk on power ful hminu nerhrmnncu by um bnscmnn RonnId was hcanbrcnklng on or Jame John Christie singed In Iha first Inning and Chuck Edward singed lnlhe llflh That was ll But his mule cost him the lhreo runx In the mood Way Keman opened with wak and Join hit Ken Rnberlsan to put run Madge wu saw starting giv up two hits In the Hm inn lng But he warmed up and per millod ony two sings the rest he way Ronald Paces Craighurst To Victory plc er Gard Madge It was anolhzr no ormnnce He uownd ony our hit and has given up my our runs lo 0101 In the three Kama payed Consumrrs scared 30 vlc low uneumed runsn They laled once In be second and twice In the sixth and hey didnt get hit in either frame mullet net lhey man aged any two since on rim hnndcr Lc Jame in tho whoa game They capitalzed on lhru aging efroys In lake the win Consumers Gas have 21 end In lhelr bestoHiva Inlar mediate Soflba Leagua 52ml fins serlc today and they cw thank the carves finding Simcoe Coop as night British Columbln Lions Llne backer Norm Fleldgake 75 shown pulllng dmm Wlnnl pm Blue Bomber hallhatk Leo Lewls 29 in Thursday nixhll Consumers Gas Win On Unearned Runs LEWIS STOPPED BUT BOMBERS WIN The hull wrnl llnmlnh Vll llmm hum uml mltldlu mun anl llilirkl Innpprll up nmmd The Inumnn Ila Mum Inmmpklo pm but rrloru hul Dnlnk vulml ll llrnmrrx lmuhrlnwn WM Irl up when Vinnlprz qunrlrrlmck Kenny an nurmplnl run mu In ullhnrk Jul dun III III wn lrnfll THIRD Mfl Peltr Kemp converted Imlh nml klckrd II Ilmfla an wldo Helequ lfllmnl 1mm lha Win nlpeg LI lullan 30 nl lhn lull no rolling ln lht Itmnd so mln um Quarterlmrk Joe Xapn Hulld he lhlrd qlmrltr by lhrowln an layrd louchdnwn In end Pal Clnrldxo and ma In the louth lullhntk Nuh llrnmer um around rlghl end or Annllwr my Vlshinulnn mde who mm In WinnL no III cul ram annnlo Arnnnnuu he Ennlrrn Cun Icrcnce klckcd lhrce Htld 0an In many lrlu mm 15 And 29 yards whtn Bomber lmm Iiulcd in Vancouver or 10 CARRY LEDYARD Fun and enmmnles hauld In Carr Lcdyard lbs field on that Ihnuldm hul they mlzhl have rmrvnd equal up plnuxe Inr Fleming who ac rounlnd nr all ha Bombera olhrr pniquu The xlunnlng IInIsh Ml Bnmb trs lwa palms bnhlnd Linn and Calgary Slumpcdcrl winder ul ha Western Football Conic Mice with four wins ennh Bombers now In lhrzblnrfiu mar droppinl heir opener In SmmpS Wim Just over two mlnules left on the duck and Dumber lrnlling by ab pnlnls rel quarterback Hal Ledylrd mounted devastating myard aerial maul um culminated In touchdown pm to and Far rell Funslan Gmrge Fleming whose plum kicking had been flawleu all evening hauled the convert and Bnmhm had IMS vlclory hat Illa 19632 Mu Imam nu By FRED CflAFE WINNIPEG CPDWlnnlpe Blue Bombers toppled British Columbln Linn Irom their unA donated perch Thursday night In hysmlml flnish enzinecred by journeyman pro Ind yuung rookie In one nut Don Couson drew Free pass and was forced at second when Keman grounded to Smith In man took second on wid pm and scored when Ken Robert nm on first and second Randy Lacey struck out and Reg Ed wards popped up behind Show slop Leighton Smilh An lnlied was caed but Smith dropp ed the ba find Kgrnan scored No Reasonable Offer Refused Bombers Topple BC Lions 1615 Western Football Conference Game at Winnipeg Lions took their first Ins in live mm as Enmbers look the decision 1515 on touchdown with DUNLOP ST QUR DOORS CLOSE 5A1 SEPT Nth pm TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AlL IHE BREATHTAKING BARGAINS LIMIINDERS MENS WEAR EASE EXPIRES The cums wm almost equal on In down In 17 In Win nipcnn Invor nC xnlncd 127 yard ruxhlnx Wlnnlpcz V1 Platn Ledynrd and Lewls wha firm on pm on hllnmck opnn tucked on 20 lb Icmpll hr 206 yards whllo Knpp wn 10ml I1 II or 155 mil Twu locn palm wm nlrrcepled The Hm hall wu Ienlher pnpplnx allalr and neilhtr lum filmed qulnimd oflcnre namhm Irrqucnlly not hmuxh In Kapp leca throwing him or his lam and moral Mme larclnl hlm la hurry Ml pmu He threw yards to Ernie Pius had loss In Lewis knocked dowm threw 17 yard lo Funslan and an In Pin on ha 110 nlne From hm he hit Funslan In the and ID and lIlcmlnl completed he dulruc 01L Ledyard 30 now Canadian clflzcn came Bnmberl hm year ago by way of he Unl versily of Chnlanoogn Sln Francisco 19 Sarnin the defunct Onlnrio Rugby Football Unlun and 0mm Rough Rld rm Ills chic role has been to usnull the Ilrwnyx whcn Bomb have bugged on he mund FINDS FUNSION The clock read 1241 and after Leo Lewl nn Kempll klckol hack to tha Winnipeg so coach Bud Gram callcd on Led yard whn to he Bomber Elroy Fun is Plluburzh Plralcs Linn lnnk over on the 19 Fleming swept len or 11mm yards and than Kapp soul Reamer all lha way around ha other lide had not been hrown axward and therelon wnl lumblzd lalml Best anng aspartunlllas Co op had were In the first and seventfihmlnzx In each Irnme snnl rounder to thlrd wax Ihrown wld by Roy Atkinson Robertson aloe second On In pny catcher Raph Smith threw wid In second In an attempt to get Robertson and the ba went on to center fled Robermn calm In way home they erlrtwo tunic ntrnnded BARRIEBowlINc Ill Duwlnp II lecnndl remalnlnz la plly Olhar plnyera shown Include numbers Ernie Pills 77 and Lions Mlkl Martin CF Vlrepholo Allenmm Evenlnl hum llmn Anlllhll talk Go Bowling hum mm In um um um In mm on mm In ny nl any LADIES MENS Ind MIXED All lEAGUES NOW FORMING NEW SNACK BAR um Stewarts Take 20 jLead Drub Plaza 120 sn im JULDon Van Innl Cuhn onlmlnltd LuLI Mollm In San Jan 10 Mllml INT0 Mummar em Pittsburgh 1de any Clamrnll 129 L01 An wr Hnlllu lhrmon xlllehrew mm hit hm home In doth blehuder lcldlnl homer banm um walloped Washin tnn 141 Ind 10 Elxhl Mlnne ml homer In lint gum Had mnsor lulu magmo record whlla will not homer record or hm cannwllva mu 15 Ind of our 111 Pllchlu Sandy Knuln pllchtd lhmhuer In bccnmu mum Ieuuu In mums winner Dodnu down San Frlncllco 1H hope they use wenl he cnuxa newcomer mike mls lam ha nld The Arms In wllh their lS record pickzd up two morn phyerl lhurxday Oscar Danahue an endflunk and John Sklopan hlllbnck By THE ASSOCIATED PR5 in the urn brenlh Saxio whose Titan Ind he EFC with 12 record exprcmd hape mu Argus do make change especially involving new piny RICK FRASER Burl Plan couch Gem Mlle hopes to have Cnrhy Im am back In uniform for Ihn Ithlrd game of Iha bestofnven Serum Softball Lmus Ilnnl ser les unlml Slewml Gnrau But will Ihl bland bomber mike ha much difference Thlres nu doubt he put great deal zIp Into lhn Plua quad with his fielding and mum but Ihe Plua how are laclnu red hot Slawml Gnau tum Going Into tho Emem Fool ball Conference Labor Day With blllTomnlo In It Hummon and 0mm Rough Rider at Mon real Satin known whit ha do in Toronton litunllon W35 coach would Pnrkar he laid blumly lludy The Argo have won only once In our mm with Parker ha armor Edmonton ace calling the final There has been cry from flu Sculler fans to am Don Nell impressive in ixgflblllan games track III Ha wn talking about Toronto Argomutl Parker rather than Stephens lhl whlzblnl All American who lluled with Mon treal Mauellcs Sazln cant un derstand he hallth concem In the Argonauts quamrhnck llluluon FIGHT RESULTS ax to the coach 1qu Sazlo think the quarterback lupin qrIlha 5pm 1m CANADIAN 55 It II Lany mnwlnllan to Sandy Stephens and Jackie Par ker they have thu Iympalhy Hamilton TigerCa coach Ralph Sazio Lu nlzht at Queenl Plrk Stewartl clobbercd Plaza ml or 20 lerlu lend Thll was bluer humllllunn or Plaza than th nm lame when Stewartl won 124 Jlm Armstrong toned the nose an 1193 than checklnl In with nurhlllcr Ilsa flaxring lh plate Parker Steqdier Says Ralph Sazio BALI STARS IARRII 94 TIFFIN ST new low prlca on an nulo whose mm In ho cnnm minimum wllh perlccllun Eurnpun fifth mmuh you ur lhal you can drive wllll mnmlcnrc In cxpomlvu company The luxurious In lerlor lncludox xcnulno lulher and wall In wall ur pol Oxfonln quick Mlon Mde box Intro dum npurln car are whlrh In uwcd lhrnuuh 1w hrHlIanl road hmlllng qunlum xlonla many xlm mum are no numarom In menllon not he Ian whlch ll lhv economy 35 my Bath clubs have Identical rec ords and 01mm null leeklng strong halfback to complete lhclr backfield my be without delenslve hall Bob OBlllovich The rookie suflered rib anurlel In the last me With any record In three darts he Inpwsedly powerful bus bten the blue lur pris rqlnl IQASHJDz The Alan who recenly unloaded Ste hens by nuxpend In him or lng ovzrwtight despite threeyear comma or reponcd $115000 which has lwu yearn to runwlll go with rbapk Bubba Marrioll Donahueifi sixmllhrea 13 pounder played 13 games in the Nallnnal Football League hm season with Minneth Vikinn Sklopan 21 delensivo back was Ieammnle of Full three year alMiulstppl Southern lhe two lewarls have scored run And hum ed our hill And tho pi Inn has been equally lmpreu Ive wllh Amman and Dutch Boyd eich mle nurhllten ARMSTRONG BRILLIANT Amman turned one his Han perlbrmlnce lut night No mually ha tanned nlno Ill mum club them in the rat Iva Innlnll In the nnh he muck out the side He gave up only two slnz 61 In the rim bilhl Inning lhen SALE PRICE Mlle dld mare Juggling Ihan circus performer lust nlghl In an attempt to slow Slcwurll dnwn Eu nolhlnu worked He mlda levm channel Including Ihree dlflerenl pllchers Stew ms lonk them us they came and faked up 15 Mu MORRIS OXFORD wilh lmgr hfll Iwo runs lulled In and two AT BARRIE PLAZA BAYS SIMCDE MGTOBS can but lhu dell you can at It HOLIDAY BOWL PIN BOWLERS Mens Maior Pin league Begins Early Sepiember MINIMUM AVERAGE I90 SALE DANGERFIELD MOTORS For Ynur 5an An Tum 0r lndlvldnl NOBODY MIXED lEAGUES NOWFonMING Thll Ofllr Explru Snplnmhor flh FREE GAME OF PINS YEAREND CLOSE OUT BRING IN THIS AD FOR YOUR Whlln Thoy Luv $1890 Ammlon Jlm Prm Willi If anyviilul butter Able to math Amulron or gar than one hit HI hld lwa Haiti Armstronzl bluery mule Jul Marley stlll Iavorlnz an Injured right ankle fnllnwed Jim Iar hlltlnz hanorl Ha belted dauhlo And two lingel mlkifll It uvon hlla from me club and nlnfll hn In the llngu Jlmrlierlrnm ArlMnrfln Ind McCloskeyuhad twp hits 1111ch suwm opened with El 01 mm In the wand Peta Clolkeyl twarun Inzle III III third lrluered fournun rally hm lent anr runnlnz for cover Downey coaled them of until lha Ievenlh but Hlll Rnymlll bay werent thruuzh yet nny world pair in the leventh lhen rounded out their total wilh run Barron in thl nn Plllll fielding 1150 left In to be dunked They had uven errors pulled oil palr double play In lhe lame and Armstronu um lhrounh on lha ona or two occaxlon Ma Ihuloul was lhrealened the late Ike Ilacky chuck ar was ust ll danztrous lour hlll were wnll deserved Ind this wasnt any fluke he batted 315 aver Iha regular Ichedulc Plaza aimed Jack Valr but he wal bombed out In lha Mrd Wen Downey cam an and held Stewartl hltleaa unlll lhey amt ed ranching him on MM rally In the aevenlh Llurla Bar rnn than maved In from mm at nish IheAgmnp RUTOMATIC DELIVERIES was clipped or pair of IIHKIII Inulhe nlnlh R09 Pyle 119000 LTD ANN 51 PA 82563 SIMCOE PETROLEUM PA 02317 lIrm noun lndnnry PA um

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