Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1963, p. 4

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umu uua Few wlll be In cnuoun enough to con nldcr It which once that tho Inman wm announced on the very day Hut Pro mIcr nolmtn ruvulod provinclnl elec llon would lm held on Scplrmher 25 lium flu ml nu ublmummn THOSE HOSPITAL GRANTS Port Arlhur NewIChronlcln Hospllal Idmlnhtrulorn ICIOM Ontario will find heir hulldlnu Ind expansion problem considerably men by lho In mm In tho provinclnl grnn rom I3 200 to 85500 or Icllvn lrcnlmcnl bed and Ilmilnr nmm In assixlanco for cusp llqlunru act mvlco ma Barrie Examiner Aug 12 1948 Reg ional ottica HydroElectric Power Com mission now in operation on second and third floors of renovated town hall Manager Gre Ferguson has ataii at 45 Charles rease consumer sor vica engineer Clitt Ferguson opera ions engineer Ali Pickles personnel officer James Smail regional account ant lnnlswood Convalescent Lodge opened by Miss Florence Breakwell and ii iss Catherine Mackay in stately brick residence on Highway 11 south former home 01 Mr Justice Lennox Presi dent Malcomson expressed satis action with way new buildings and accommodations wera proceeding at Barrio iair grounds Contractor Homer was putting up building at on trance for lice and washrooms Town Council and Chamber Com mereo directors met with Canadian Leg ion officers to discuss acute housing shortage in town lion Louis St Laurent succeeded lit lion King as leader oi Libefal Party and Prime Minister oi Canada Lions Club Carnival opened last night with parade from tair grounds to post otiice square Derry OSuliivan was parade marshal Kempentelt Community Players Present ed oneact play at Shanty Bay Threos Crowd directed Mrs George Ca dogan Mr and lrs it Wright honored by gathering at summer home at Miss Elsie Raikes Shanty iiay Road prior to departure tor Manitoba Rev null 011 In mun llmdln m1 lululnly Ilallnm nu IINNIHI Mun Imam In ll Mrrnlllrm rlullul mm run mum Alvmul Illuull flaunt Immm ll luhluiyllan mu mu or mnnlhl not FHéVXmeHEans say that the best way to encourage business actlvlty reduce the costs at doing business Taxes are l5 YEARS AGO IN TOWN One the first things the new gov ernment did was to raise taxes by ex tending the sales tax to building mater tats and production machinery Fin nnce Minister Gordon said it had to be done to reduce the budget deiicil At the same time however the Americans who also have budget detlcit are hit ingflstegs to reduce taxes haviour oi tenants It is most uniortunate that Dr Ka lan inference at least has tarred at tenan oi lowcost housing with the same dirty brush One can concede iailure to rehabilitate the drug addict or drunkard in better housing without denying the benefits of cleaner sirier homes or the previously havenot tenants One can travel to any big city in the nation and visit lowcost housin develo menu that have been Go send it would be most uniair to accuse Dr Kepian of standpat attitudein other words to leave the poor in their slums to work out their own destiny Yet one would get the impression that it isiutile to benefit them they are gain to con tinue to drink excessive take ope and break their homes ey can accomp lish aii hese things in the slums In the meantime is it not better to give them chance or better life with their more lawabiding and strongerwilled triends Cutting Taxes Aids Industry It in most uniortunate that Dr Kn ian inference at least has tamd II tenen oi lowcost housing with the name dirty brush One can concede ieiluro to rehabilitate the drug addict or drunkard in better housing without denying the benefits of cleaner airier home or the previously havenot tenants Tekin familtea out of aluma he aeys and putt ng them in clean epartmonta has not decreaaed the incidence of broken homes drug addiction or major crimea among these families Aa result he con clude that the problem whléh public housing create my more than offset tho roblema it aoivea It ta clear he adda at public housing advocates in the us overrated the beneficial offeota that de cent houaing would have on the metal be haviour of tenants Dr Harold Ksplsn Assistant professor of political science York University hss indulged in muddy thinking in his luefl men of the valua of public housing schemes Attack On Public Hdusing Is Not JuStifled By Facts The Barrie Examiner Wllll Publlnher he iflgarrie EXaminPr DOWN MEMORY LANE OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Pubflshedby Cfmldlun Newspapers Limited 16 Egyfleld Stréet Barrie Ontario FIIDAY AUGQST PI1H we are lo in completely oblocflvo about everything wa nurer ourhl lo romldrr lhl vlowpolnt or III on flahln lrhlnfn nnnnuncemnnl of an tnmm In prov ncinl misllnco wlll mcnn um Onlnrlo cnmmunlllu wlll Illll have to ml 30500 lhnmnvlvm In make ll Um ltilillml noodul or he provhlon each In mu mu There can be no criticism of the grants txcupt that they Ihould lmvn been matte urltcr amt that tn View at the martian honptlal nccommodnflan fun lho province they could have been nruer In nntnrlo today It cunts About 010000 to provtdo ono IDIHHHI bed The tedornl flavummenl wnlr Jule 31000 lowtml tlul 11m provhtclal unvarnmvnt con tributed utmtlnrnmmmt Ionvlnu 312 000 to be tnuml hth communlly which In It Htlg ttm hmpltnl Provinclal NDP leader Donald MncDon aid has termed it clncllan bribery and Liberal Lender John Wlnlurme or his called the move alrlclly pomlcn Ihoy bolh rlght but hnx becomn no commonplace or pollllclnnl Io mm lhcso plummar Iccnsiom when hoylro expound to do lhn most good that tho technique ncceplcd by cnlcll And cuohnrdoned pnbllc normu Howden spoke on behalf of Trin ity Church where Mr Wright was or ganist and choirmaster Thomas Mays on behalf of the choir and Elliott Rey nolds on behalf of East End Home and School Club Prysons Grill evened senior softball finals with 73 win over Harris Motors Murry Fife Murray Richardson and Bud ashaer had two hits for winners New tennis courts open at Queens Park ogerated by Barrio Parks Board eagram offered free lessons to juniors Imperial To bacco Co donated $2300 sports timer to Barrie Arena Rev Humph reys astor of First Baptist Church ac eepte call to New Westminster BC Mrs Frank Spry has returned from two months in Oakland California where she visited her sister Mrs Sheeiah Ross George Rogers public relations man or for Canadian General Electric ex sined difference between publicity and prtgiaianda in address to Barrie Rotor lu Five hundred children comp eled swim classes conducted by Miss Louise Ceiley director of Simcoe County Recreation Committee Barfle Copacos defeated Midland Parksides 52 in iadies soitball Pitchimi stars were Edith Here for winners and iuriei flown for liiidland Gord Brown coached team from Barrie CGE Works in wm Orange Bowl soitbaii tourney in Oriilis Lineup included liiurdle Campbell Bob iiislilon Jan Richardson lb Bill Rag rrart 2b Murray life as Joe Brewer ircd Norris if Clare Goring of Les Mar tin rt luv um AuuuLllulh That of cofirse In what should have been done in Canada it tn the high er taxes are tending to slow business activity That means general xeduc tion in tax revenue and deficit much the same It was uu es Theyre counting upon the resulting improvement in business activity to gen erate the additional tax revenue need edmlLo maige up for the tax rpdupiion major business expenditure The American lg aroucutllnghux MI Many of rthese fears have been hand on common sense Usually however when real need for lowcost houm or Iplrtment has been shown the financial problem have been worked out without much tuss Municipal authorities have seldom an proacth the question of public housing with my degree of enthusiasm Always looming large in politician eyes in tho coat to the taxpayers and the eiieot of iowwostfiweilings on other type oi housing and on rent structures countless families This Is parllcuhrly true In the cm the elderlylnd my lgqnllips wllh small childmm Erlan Slllzht Genetll Munm All he MI llu nilll nhlu no Minim at ll nmnll In an Inn la vmlmum tho In lvl III Dn mm Iv Iu cm lm Wm 1m mlltvm who Ir um w1nn of mm mun Uodl ll ludm loul onleMM nul lur ha mu wt In MI own Md mm INQ Ind man lmn monlnd Ir my hu um Invernmrnt ln lhm worn urinul Ml uhllnt lulnlullan qum In lurwn In In pmlnl lam Tm us do notluv my Apm Irom pan tlrdu Hum urnn premium ll Cand could thltll In nvcrflylnl Alr Ilm wuhnul prnlul Ihun why Ahouldnl mm lml raun lry Ilrllulully JIM hold Hm ulrllml ho word In rm namo wllh In nhlmry chlrlo plrhlpl 010007 up potnu Mum over ndJolnlnl ecu over our hula ll cmlly In mnlnuin thl ufely lylllm mvurlnl lul hnn So that In bone mm auld pay pm Hill Impaled lhn our with cum ram Jul mo Ind It wu un npplly lecd by Iomn humu mllc jokcr Severn larclln Ilrllnu Ild Ihll chum willlnnly cl paid It undor prolut From then lhl ovnnmml hll tol lama than $00000 Daub um lum and by mun Alr llnu which rtluud to pay ll Two cl lhun nu Ufi Im Am arl nd lhl Dulch KLM II um or 730005 BIBLE THOUGHT CQSTIY MFETY All Boeing lncrulm lnr examplo med me for lnndlng Gander On dayl Inner 12k Ilrllnm lhl noelnu7 wn But lh bll Join today am my no lop belwun US air old And Eumpc AI Hwy dn nnl lined in mm for relurlllng or urvlclnl It Gmdar they do no ply Ihu llndlnl In In the nrly dlyl ul Innu tlnnllc menzer flying nearly Ivery lrllnu Inndadnt Gun der Airport In Newtonndllnd In wn darned locovar use 1h Ilrlleld Ind IMan dull lulllllu web con lrol lower lhe melumloilcal Iervlm In nnvlminnll Ilds Ind Oven use of lhe ermi nnl buildlnl by transient pu Ienxerl hnw Iner yum emhll land by lnlemmonul Ieznl wrnnlles he chenl lovem menl hu wllhdnwn lhll lavy Kong collected was unfortunata lhnt nur lzdenl overnmem picked ex Iclly In llzuro for the cam Irovmlll chum which Il lempled la Ivy In over lllxhl chum lwns Iarelln Ilrllnm Illllll our nlvlmional Ildl durlnl non nap Illzhu acres Cunndn huu air Inl flc zone PATRICK monoudN OllAWA The IIXUJOHI dollar quesllun heuma well known on lelevlalnn am can lulu Ioma yam no Ind llll plume amend lnla our In tune with Inlda um OTTAWA REPORT Plight Overcharge Is $64 Question so MANY PARACHUTES mafia WONT BE ABLE TO GET IN THE mm Ami lhor mm Ilwl In 10 Inoihtr rum hu bun upon at mua mind And 11le It hu mm dullcmd poof In In nah QUFMIONJ IADIRIIIHI IAvt ol lho lull MIN In ludmhlp Mud on nluyn ll hullM In nolv Ill or Don Madm Ild ll mm nlml poop Irvund herJ now Im ubIlnflll whtn you lulu Into tonIdmllon both In lllntlll ludlnf Ind tho mount 04 lm mark nu out cl ulmlud hbor Th lllll 1m umolut chum In tho wnrldburlnl Ipccucullr dun In candl IIomhu party could vi nu 55 um lu nr lld MncDonlld hu bum nyan ll wlll 010 NDI do no do bd Isr qunUon you could promth Anllyu hm hm Io olemlly Ind Ull nu mm up will no lull Inlytr They hld 11v um In In In Home 111er will he clan lhll la nuln Ill than Bul you um um my will hang on lhlm You in Him poulny In Ihrn morn No Ipcclllu rld inn but on pramlu lhal lhmul hlrd work Ind do Iln th may plck up the odd uL wgm wm Tho chum IM lhll ll wont Iron indication siiil Ihll ha umpllm will be don ridln1byddin1 ilxht br Iweun Iwo old pmlel Thorn no Ilzn in Anything on in hartxan which con hrln about my ml mm pubic opinion Away lrom lhl mdlllonll pmlu buy prned in nu But thll would mm la In on chum ol lhl le Demo cnllc Pm ol mlklnl any lub allnllnl in By DON OREAYIN mnom Thu but hop the New bemoan Plrly ln lhll cmpnlm muld ll ll wlll turn lnLo In Inylhlnr cnnlhnp election Tho um lhll ll wont But Cnnadlln air Ipnco cov erl In lmporlln brim 1n Iho wokldl mumveiled ulr mule hal cmnlnl tho Allmllc Thu 11 My lldllllel yr vldzd by Cnnadn hnvo cuntrb huled 111er In an mlmlncent noon on um route when In nu Ihl year Icheduled per Ion 1m punnuer hu ever 1an throth ulshinl lmo lhi ounn So an lovzmmant hu liken the prudent Ind uvvrduu tour wllhdnwm charm will no bu cumted uth those alrllnu whlch hlva hum It will be refunded thou whit gald QUEENS PARK Ami um 11 About ll See Fight for Votes Between Old Parties Onurio New Dumomtlo luly Inder Donald Mum nlvl mm Inlh wIIh nun NDP undid Mod1 And lunkly dont lhlnk the public large plum much pmllxe nn flu ha mun II Indu In labor II can be ul moxl Intllncd lo dlllrusl hlm lar MLand there In Iccllun ol flu labor mnvemcnl nu whkh ammu lll lendernhlp Sam balm known man ram broad Held In Ill puny might do hfller hnvanl been Vw¢ll known ouL Ilde Mlny them uve non In or munlclpll pollllu for In Illnce By nu CANADIAN PRESS Aux 89 15 dny International crisis ended 75 year ago In dnyIn ma Brmsh Prime Minier Neville Chamber leIn made two flying visit to Germany or Ialks wm Adolf Hitler Illd BritainAnd France reed Munlch lo German demand nr cesslon he Sudelm urea 01 Cxechoslovakla German room occupied he relinn withln 10 days But the sur render to Hlllere demands unly Ilowed he lnevllnhla And year later the Second World er helnn xmLnulx XI King of Franc dled ll The Hm Brillsh lramwny was lnnuzuraled Blrktnhend TODAY IN HISTORY K1101 mu Klkmm3m Ir lounbm flyruruld In um nu been and bql dnriy 3131 hm coifédernllnn ol Shlphull dim and Enxlmrlnz Unianl In paulnz on Ihll rcquut la the ml N70 has new orxnnhcd has coma lmm lho Canledenllan ol Shlp hulldlng and Engineering Unlnnl wllh Iain nboul hm mlll Ion membm bun liked by It Rallwny Shopmcnu lub cummlllca la put Ihe whole om he conludnrallun axulnsl lhu cloaan many nllwny Hm Ind Ilullanl By MUNTYRE HOOD LONDON Whil Dr Richard Bunchlng clulrman the Erl llxh Rallwai Board going hend with In Icheme or rail way closures and dixcnnllnua Ian unprofitable flea lhe uppnsillnn Io hl plan not by my menu giving up he light Already nation have up poured In newwnpm lhrauzhnul he caunlry advislng he puhllc ha Mum and xlnllunl which are scheduled or early closure and Ike people ulcch are pour hu In lhur objocllnnl la lhl transport comnllallva comm Iem wolullng Imus heir 11x35 beinx pug out buslncu Iuid Blaklmna medical Ind um oxford Dictionary also my dumDEEnu which pre fer but the other pmnuncllunn has In of devoim Pro nounced devohJEESJU Ei Du ohm How Jon can mother cany dud than okgy qulring prescnplion hops that or may Masons you will raduaiiy realize you can talk lo your doctor about my lhing regarding your health or wellbeing After law more visits youll realize that there 1511 my reason to be bashful Dur Dr Molnar Mine isnt real problem but it has our ofiice in rials of confusion How do you pmnounce duo denal The medical dictionary Ind Websie lay it is due ohDEEnai but damn and nurse an TV no snyinl it like duaODDeem MRS Alumy than Intipregnmcy pill require prescription in cxtenaivn leaking they nan mved dependable and we lpreciu instructions In nee usaryior their an on Iion than may in some Iide eiiecu null number women Ihauid not use them willth isxood reason ior ll ly Jamar Mom MD JOSEPH MOLNIE MD Den Maker in thc buuty 1th In other any In hard about Int prunch IL hnvent ban mnrrled on Ind am very bulqu mad cant brlu atqu In alum thin with doctor yet Cln the be obn ed wilth ro lcrpflon An they lamml Mgu underaland yuu can hm Ibo all non of thing in hunky tho 11 Du pm HI our estate maybc shop Ihould called game WREPORT FROM UK TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH uVoice Is Whiney Calling Daughter Public Objecting To Railway Closing mam lot linden ml In demon WW What in do to delay In Becchinz Plan unllIm Labor xovernmcnl L1 rulurflbd Io power Ind then we my ad the whole maucr looktd mm Ilbly Then room or climb on the nilwnyl but lhll ylunv ll qulla unnecessary Wlm an expandan economy Ilvqflllo poulbla mu many hrllxm due clnsnd will he nqulnm Io mvlu Induslrlu In Ihufu lure Alfred Rahaln general mm lary lb Nallnnnl Unlonunl Vthlcla Builden who Chaim lhe nubcummlllne mmlnk laid hc unions were beinl askedm publlclze lhe move and make the fullest me at lha rampart consultulivu mmmlum lnpnr mulan nbjccllons In closuresm Said Mr Roberts SB Illlllnled with ll Isklnl thin to do all they can In hlndmi way closure under ha Mich Inx Plan The tubcommutes II tending the conlcderauons plan or nn lnlegrnkd lrnnspun syslcm Erncsl Marples minister olvlrnn Iparl to the Trade Unlan Cong um And the Labor party 11 However professional valor rainan can help you andin lhort time little coachan in how to breath Ind how In Ivold talking through your nose 11 do lot of good uuuaulnl when the being nauglflynuarl Ilmply in the coum Illlfv lumcnl my voice becomu whiney and find It almost Impossible lo modulate ml lza that sellcomm Impur tanl but It can ba difficult Iqmdhnu know my husband sometimes find Ml unbuna shitMES TD Don expect medicine In Ium your iwnnz Inn dulcel tones And dont expect samebddy to provide you with douhln dip sell control Ihnryogz musl learn ion youifs mm gar Ind will mull in mamm lhlll trlvill In of Vlllmlna Alter all you keep ornnnJulcc in nu icebox or matter aya Dear Dr Mulner CanJlW thin be done In Chang mq lane 01 voice man 11652 tun pitch My harsh accentull no help When find It may 11s my dguahm Tho foetus baby In lo live mm usually ll expel by nature within two men Alter dulh Change and our In the coagulnuon of ma mnlherl blood this umbi mounted by lpedal uallzvl It nrpruchu damn lav then the locum um nmoved Ally like Ind uwlrult Ind91 mm mm the mm on sutured and ready men Hand tell lll thll Amt only dlnzeroul butthoclruuv bu by morninm lost Ill1L1 gunwy II thll trust will No uwma that maul the lmlt on Ice or in lbwqt daemon avernlm ndrwm not lacrlflco any of the can ol an Inn ImmlUImx blby What dander II We 10 heyMM mu wing

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