Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1963, p. 16

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Letr start with the service entrance Stepping inside you iind lavatory to your right Ituirl to the basement at your ieit and one slap up the door way to the dining nook and an easy eppmuch to diningllvinu arm The tire oi the dining nook make the entire kitchen area especlully spacious and inviting Livingdining room has plenty of wall space or iurniture piece mnnt spacesuvinz replace in cutlon and chine cabinet near dining area Almost the entire xeur well of the living mom is window wall providing no case to the terrace end garden The sleeping wing has two bntiu one the exclusive use at the THE DARLING BREWEFHEB LIMITED EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK masler bedroom Canslrmlon 111 lxvgneg llh stogglncylg islandnrd Bulldm Blunprinls or this deslxn Na 81 cost $1500 or flu first set and $500 for additional sels They Ire available in Canada by return remit per cent SALES TAX Mr and Mn Carleton Mr and Mrs Gross Mn and Mrs Hon Sznley ended the CNE Toronto Friday Mr and Mia Ken Whilohlor onto spent few day lbs past week with the Iallerl par cnls Mr and Mrs ltucmau Bell They were on their my to spend lhelr hnlldayl they column In the ME den m1 Mr and Mn Realmd Sang Mr and hm Hammlll Ind Mlxs Smile Dnnnell allended lhn onulfrldnyL Mlgsea Jean and 1th Gray attended the ONE on Monday and will spend the rest the ueek wllh relative In Mount Albert Mr and Mn Llllle xch Sunday wllh friends and relatives In Orangavllle Mam Bmvgen unytuould mmy Ra spen Wle holiday wllh Mend In Toronlo SL Calhnrlnel and Niagara Falls hr and Mn Cecil Reynolds are an motor trip for week uVOtlawa and the Unhea Cary CarelonEIcsl Wntmn Clm Holmes and Jim Cm ntlended mo cm on mu MAJqu her 5139 Mm Dunn nan law dnyl ohm rut walk with Mend In mm Mr Ind Mu chk Mlnu Ind Earl and Min Audrey Ann slronl vlslled Mr and Mn Ce ell Farrier of Sundfldie during the weekend and Mn Earl hum4 attended lhu CNE lnTomnlo on Pridny Mn Kearns accompanied by her daughter and wnInhw lrum zrlndduumeu Mr um Mn Ros Nlehul and top of Rexdaln villled Mr and Mm Elwood Nichol on Sun ny Mlu Brenda Lem wn Hum 1mm Pelerboro or the tand Mn Young Ind MluAnn Mnmlmkl Barrie were guula M35 Wluim on Wed Mm Bruce Gould am Wed Iesdly with friend In Bump Mines Debbla Ind Janie Green of Mount Albert vhlUn It thahome at Mr Ind Mn 43 ton Mrs Himld Felllzrew Ipenl BEETON 31 MRI WRIGHT SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS By MM DOWNING Mm Connlo Brown has re lumed home 1mm weeke holl duya wllh her grandparents at St anbefl Quebec she was accompanied by her grandmo lher and her our couslns the Dayle girl from Allkoknn Mahlm Sflgleyuvlsllcd his Mahlon SflfilEY visited his Inn Ind uncle Mr and Mn n91 Srllley In Calgary en mule home lrurn the West coast Congratulnllom to Jun Fisher In honor Iludenl in zrnda XIII cum Al Cenlrnl Collezlnlu who an nvuruo and II Johnrlnd Shlrlay Jun Poole Nawlwn Roblmon spent few Mr and Mn Ed Dyer Tamle and Man of California are hnll dnyiul wth Mr and Mn 159th pqdfiher rglallvu Dr Holmes velerlnary lumen II pallenl In Slavon xon Memorial 110591 In Alli tun Mixrand M11 Brennund Ind family Kirkfleld vlslled Mn and Mn WHduh on Sunday MI Ind Mn Wells and lumlly of Sudbury vlalled Mr and Mrs Cranston during lhgpul week Mr and Mrs Bert Plat of Hamilton are visiting Lha la lerl parent Dr Ind My1 McKerey Mini Jam man Is allend Ins AYPA Co trance In Lon dog 03min Dinner guest the home of Mr and Mn Hannah an Sunday were moflev Canon Gunslona Romlard England The Rev Cannon Hum Ind Mn Ream Mr and Mn Lamb Ind Ml grin on Mr and Mn Ron Nlchol Ind non of nexan vhlted Mr and Mn Elwnod Nlchol on Sundly Mr Ind Mn Mel Palmer 01 Toronto vblled Mr And Mu Donald Palmer and Mr and Mn Jerry Gould on Sundly Mr and Mn Dan Knnu and Ion ol Mlllon vlslled Mr Ind Mn Sidney Keann durlng Ihu gland Mr and Mn Enan And finally moved during the week end lo than new home on Main Street recently purchued 1mm Mr Ind Mn Wnlklm who luvs moved In Aumra Mr Mn Cam flu and Mn WIulns v1 ted Mend In Bunlo on Thundly Rev Robert Grade Mr Grade and Mr and Mn Ed Bnymon attended tho Auxllcnn Congress In Map Lu en In Toronto on Sunday evening Mr and Mn Cedl Reynold spent weekend recenlly wllh Mr Ind Mrs Cecil Ferrler ol Sulqdrldza Selby Dobba and John Mc Maner mu Fthl ln Toronto lune CNE WITH FAMILY ROOM EXTRA M11l EmllMl SCREENS ETC ETC NJM FINANCINO WW DOWN PAVMEM the weekend with relative in Oqlgvllleu Mu Plemn Banin vlslted Mn VI Wluln on snurdny FUll PRICE NOW $1800000 LARGE SPLIT lEVEL FAMILY HOME I964 PRICE $1900000 In 1965 PRICE HOLLY HAROLD FORSTER AND CO REALTORS 9D Blyfllld Slvul Phona PA 64453 Anyllmn DONT WAIT UNTIL THE PRICES GO UP UPI UPI GEORGE DAVIES Conllvucllon Exclullvo Agom 47 STEEL ST llulll ll The Allnn Gllnon lnmlly II holldnyl thl week wllll Ihelr lrandparcnls Mr Ind Mu thull Ind Mn Mnurlcu Mlll er whlle lhclr porn holldaylnu wllll mlallvu ll lllln den cit pDurham with Mr and Mn Hector Nrnhull Mr Ind Mn Emle North Co bourl called on Hand here an roule In Ipend hullduyl In Mln den and No any MrsWllIam Aunawiifllu El lclln WlIauuhhy Mn Can and Maria Tennnnt Alislon vlancd the Mnurlm Mlllen Edayu GllBextl McMnsle In In lhe Royal Vlctorla lloapllal name this wlnl In opeunllgn By MRS ALLEN MILLER Mr and Mn an ll Iendcd the funeral nephew Eur her at Allinon Salurdly allernoon Vlsllnn 0115 week Includo Mr and My ngym gummy Bax Conlrnlulullom la Corbett dnml Ind Min Belly DIVI or Barrio who were murded Aug ln Pater Church They will be making lhrlr home In Polsdnmf New York paper boy Douala Thaw Is home from he Bo ll Vlcloml flospllal recupenl n1 mm lnmiledomy two week no HI paper mute wu uken byhh1py Shel13 Glen Slims or Bmio II vh llnz hll lrandpmnu Mr Ind Mr Namgun Won MM FRAHCK Mr Ind Mn Ben Bulby enl int week in male villinl their dnuxhier Ind unending lil exhibition Ivan Chappel lplnlj day the ONE Mr and Mn Nannun Wood went ihu weekend with their Doe Lgku cgliup Mlsslonlry hymn were lung durlna lhe mum Repom were given Mrs McOonLrton read lel on menlal henllh prexenlallun war made In Mn Kelsey by Mn Carroll Ihl ls mnvlnl to Banla nemam braneo perlod me In memory of Mrs Brlrmlen and MrL Price Holly United Church Women met tor the Ami meeting In um Sundly School mm hams wu Mn Hunter Mn Johnson vice madden wn In chum the meetlnz band an rplulnnllry theme days Mildly with their con llnl lilaPonIqa chlhjlren and Mn Simon da Bruin nl Grumble Inn on the birth ol um II Royl VletanIIllnwllql Birth UCW MEET Elizabeth Rodger in Time nner months holiday with tho 5qu helpalqn VIha conzmzntlon of hi Un MINESING UTOPIH Mid pllchul wm Pele Hall Ind WIII Marley Other plum wen Peta Rutledzv Bob Mmu phy Terry Loans 0m le nlnu Mn Hindy The Peeweu gained Beeton on Wednesdny eve na MM MAURICE REID Mr And Mu WHIIIm Kelly Ronald Mumy chkson Ind DIvId Constable Ipth In Fri day tho ONE Totem And Mr and Mn Kelly Ind Ronda attended Inmlly picnic at 161mm Marslhnlll mum on Iy evenin Mlnnlnu wu on an ptcherl mound and Frank Hull wu at um plm Tho old tlmen dld wall for In pm or III films but lb ounmm mu oulnn In old ya The in ym 1M MM MARLEY Unllomu were him an um moth balls the old boy drum In plly their Ion mngonp It hanging Edm Womem mm wit me lhu home of Mrs Dulley It pm SepL 111 myth in am week IllLV vu nu Johmuu ol mmhlp will be In china he pronuh Roll all will be pmvlun Ind cl lul The motto will be human belnn born equll in dlz and Hum Mn Golden Bl well will common on mu mono The Vlvlln McCannl on Mildly ll flu belch lhl week DAME IXAMINIR FRIDAY AUGUST IO Ill impmvinq um T0 SUDBURY DAILY 1240 pm ZP 200 pm 735 pm 1410 156 mm 1p wlll not run nllur 00 Trlp wlll communco runnlng Oct 10 VII lon Severn Lu Mind wllfi her Iunll 1030 am 740 110 pm 01010 410 2120 To Huntsville Only To Orlllln Only 10 um oxc Sun HoL 80 10 pm To Colllngwood Only 10 pm Sat Sun lo 40 pm Fflda Only 45 pm oxc IL Sun 1101 45 pm 51 to Colllngwuod 1010 pm Sundnyl Holidays lrl wlll no nln nltcr Frldny Oct 11 I10 To Onkvlow Bunch Only 207 1030 exc Sun Ho 12 410 pm Sal Sun or 1101 745 pm cxc Sal Sun 1101 1010 pm Sat Sun 1101 Trip wlll run Mondnf Oct 14 Mp commences xunn 02 15 Trip wlll not run ullor ct 14 1030 145 pm T0 MIDLAND AND PENETANG PHELPSTON 510 nm 850 am 1030 am LEFROY Mapln and Simon 5mm TM and Information EDGAR Efloetm Soptombor I963 800 pm Sun oriiél Trip will run Monday Oct 14 Bym an Tcluphouo 728 57 850 Im exc Sun Hal TO COLLINGWOOD AND OWEN SOUND DAIY BUS TERMINAL FALL TIME TABLE DAYLIGHT TIMI EXPRESS SERVICE LEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY DAILY T0 TORONTO DAILY Mr Ind Mrs Hurry Sluwm on Um weekend wllh Mr and rs Ron Sheldon Clou Llh Oonurnlulluom to Mr And Mn lan mm Smith Full on tho mlvnl 91 hlby ixl Ind to Mr and Mn Alfred kar ner wllh lha blah of dauzh ler In Alxlslon hosplulAulm and uncles Mr Ind llln Ed wnrd Hon Wlnnlpel and Mr and Mn Gun Bonn and Damn of Toronto an ma lnz ulp lo the am can lnk ln Illa St Lawrence Rver lha American lldl 1th will turn to vlslz um lormerl mother Mrs Stall Allard More to lumlnz lo the wm null Eenu vlsltlnx h1 dmhm Mull Allard Minia Gill and Kmn Scho fleld Tamnlo mending an geek with Tim Ind Elihu Mn Byron Grm and Min bouke Scott in Ipondlnz hi week Clnr Lake Mn Chrlnllm Kelly Bard um law day with Mr Ind Mn William Kelly Ind Eonnlq lut week Mn Doullu new and Lind pendln ow dm wllh Mn Rnlan comer Ind Mn Skephuwn It Inbelln 14kt SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Specializingvjn BODY ORK la in mm lllln PA mu mmm pp 555 504 67

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