Ta oi possible change in minisin for the 57yearold Tor gun accountant an Ii siari and ulickiy ruched its height in Ihe rfcck antr his budxci when it Ms disclosed that outside cam mimpis hirrd on lmpomy nï¬sis hnlpcd prepare the docu ment and saw lhu iinai draii PEARSON MOVED nPnrna Minister Pearson pbr Ionally inicncncd in squclnh resignation rumors Ippnrnniiy riuinoilnx in Toronto and Man treal ilnonclnl circles lirssid nurs was no quot liiun of he minlslcr resigning andnny censure malinn aimed Ii him would be ironicd as noncnniidcnco challenge in in Minority Libernl xavcmmcnii Tho prime rninlsicrs Ilnie Orrin didnt lmmmiinlzly hull Ipcculniinn ihni lhrre might in romp change ior the minister ilicr on This week when opposition leader Didcnbakcr renewed call or the mlnislerx reslgna Klan here wasnt he Mum nnswerlmz echn from the Lib era circIts which last June were Just as actively engaged 531152 opposition in speculating met Mr Gurdnna days as ii Aangnga minister wm numbered VANCOUVER ï¬ir MINI hum In 11ml Murnr humlnn Ml nrmnlq MI man lumlun up Mayor um 1mm Anqu 11 Macy conctdc nnulblllly In clrcumslnncu urn he ynnd HI mlnlsltr tnnlml bran wind or hnnnclnl rmll nr Canada at harm or In lnlnmnllunnl drnnnzn ha mm mnvul In diltcmnl purl nln In luch tale wnuld InIormrd who mm Ihry mm ly MW and tan nnly mnka edurnlrd urxm dnuhl Hull Any shill will he mnda us dxrcct conxcquznco thI hudgnl CIJDLEDE IQSSIIIILIH Hnwc or this no lnlk mum to die down during lho llle slngu of he parliamrnl Iry wmlnn and virtually disap warm nrlcr parlinmtnl re rcucd Aug mill Mr Dlunn baqu rnviycd It ml wcek me Liberals who nnk that llna then now hma changed their mlnds They say now that warring unexpected dc lo CMS Mr Gordons hold an the up 99 pnrlfolin is secure lwn months ago In the pollll ell Iurmnll that followed thn Jun 13 budget political clrcles buued wlth rcpurts that Mr Garden would he nut at the ll nance minlstry before many months pmbably xhllted to an other pnrllalla By FRASER MMDOUGALL OTTAWA CPLHas Finance Mlnlsler Gordan safely wenlh cred lhn budget xlorml Gordon Portfolio Seems Secure POMONA Cam Julieta Essen cant even Enjoy her lnlllfup by herscll The crlller 6an In on the act ITS SHARE THE LOLLIPOP TIME up In mm Iltma lo Iunln lha lnndnn In Im Klr aim In Vlurmnrr dmlnl vlm In Nth Am kn Cl Wllrphum nmu vlo lory but It wu lndlmhd lhe ll luu mum be raised tannin any at lhem lrlni In maku mother lrlp wuld lhu cnunlry They mlllcd around In whnl Apnkcsmnll Inld deman Alrnllnn unlml plnnl to mull date lhtlr panmm Finally MIMI begun pm cuxInz the Iludenls permllllnx Umn la keen lhc muparil wllh llnn Ilnmpl NEW YORK ANA noun 50 ludcnls who deï¬ed am drpmmcnl ban to go to Cuba rclumrd Thundny nlght VII Madrid Ind played modIn nl ldlcwild Airport Apart from being fraud upon lhe puhllc he prascrva we could cnusa 111nm nnd wax dnrégamu to ho consumer he Ill Logan special hcaflh deparlmcm promulor said lha More had been using sulphur nus Acid preservallvn um gives stale or bad man fresh luck The New Way Market pleaded nullly to six charge at using an Improper preservative under the Metal Food and Drug Act NIAGARA FALLS Onl supermarket was lined 5500 Thursday for using chemicals to give meal fresh looka msy appunrflnce that In creased It sales value In lhese tnclon h2y see great source of Gordon strength in the partys lnnlcr councils quite apart rum lhc hlgh re gard In which ha knuwn to ba held by the prima minister They also leak on lllm Ia Ihe varlya ldca man Much of he legislallnn already appruvcd and much lhal remains on the order paper or mnslderallon when the Common resume Sepia so orlglnaled wllh hlm Invalidate Passports Thry Ilreu Iha Mr Gordon as the chm archltcct flu Lib eral elecllon program and In large part he orxnnlzer ol the when return to power all has the conï¬dence tho pony organization simply be vicllm evenh like many pnlltlcal gum bev lore him Say Supermarket Used Chemicals Hererord owned by her dllL Jena Essen Julienne and her lather nrn mung the animal ready or compelluon In the lilrunor II leer IAHENII In Fner Klmwl IINI lwl mun In Tm Andy hlh lllh 51m mm mnmml an In In Ilalvy lilunnr wu nl nmrn mm erlll Ilnny Arli mmn llnn aunt Ihnll In 5th rm mIzL Mm nan In ml nln Tln Tln In In and Inlanl lurAHnn mnnmr lnr lhu mm mlupuny pm In In In mm mm And lulu ncunlnnul ul III John Dmnln Um no Imnl nrlrvl Ilmc III In rmlul InIl April Im mry wnsléï¬lup II I71 lumy khnlu lhr mm In xln all mm nlhnun law rrgnlu tho lama my know In ltrflmr Roll TIIOMM HOLLYWOOD MI Vhfll hnupenl rhlld Itan In IM Ilun urlu nllrr lhrlr npflonl lune Iver nimplmn Ha uh uh prolem In panned lo ucovnr Ind uu Al ml at ammo mm lha mnlrrln now bring ml In Lho Irma Thu commlnlon Thursday hard when hum pruldent Ind chlcl execullv he Mln 71mm and Onlnrlu lnper Com pun onlan method pnnntd ml lo mu ha mm he rlvnr and ll pm the W990 oultL Mlnn Thu lulernnllnnl Jnlnl Commlulnn cnncuded Ill hurlnxs here Thunday an ullon of lhe Lnko ol lhn Wood And flalny nlvcr ulul Luuu lrlu Mnklng refmnce In an arine menu unit may urinz lhe energy output of average worklnl man Mr Style said he elcclrlul industry pro vldc every Pfllbn In Cnnada wllh rellnua mm each with tho Ilrcnglh and energy rabusl man Me laid the electrical Indul lry has had In doubla ll zen ualing lrnnsmlxslan and Hurl hutlon rapidly nvery club In 12 yum Spcnklng dircclon lun cheon an Elactrlul Day at the Canadian Nallonnl Exhibition lllr Style said such devclnp menu will open up export op pnrlunlllcs or Canadian engin eering and equipment and pro mole miller use of nalunl uranlurn lie said Canndlan developed nuclear plumbing is alrcndy b5an Amle in olhtr coun uwynlun um in ex ed to in In mmrnerclal service by 1m uni will be ial lnwed by larger and mare ean unmlcal stations of greater cu paclly ll Slylc prcxldtnl the Canadian Electrical Mlnu laciureu Associnlinn laid Wed ncsday Ioint Commission Concludes Hearing 1H MOVIE SCENE TORONTO cm Cnnadln first lullscale nuclear awer llan Rglphtpn Ont ex Anrin Vuest has been ordered but nn ate at Coroner Dr Stewart Noble and pnlice both said they think Mrs Ms Bull received lhu Injury when she tell as the cnflscr docked Her head wu apparently crushed between the msz and dock KESWICK 0M CmPm vinclal police said Thursdny lhcy bellevo Toronlo woman whose body was lound In Luke Slmcoe two day liter me dia appeared mm cahln cmlscr died when she accldentnlly IrncA luied her skull Nuclear Plant To Sell Power Fractured Skull Killed Woman annual Lo Angelo County Fair whlch underwny on Sept 13 In Pomona CIHL AP erephulo Child Television Stars Grow Into Bigger Roles nlchnnl ktll yaunl Uriy In me my mm In ml hn Md Mu nlnnnl llcvlnlon ml Ila In hmth MI mllln mun Yul lml Arman IV Ind hwlh vnvl malls Ippurnntu In kid luml mm plan lhu drum mml lml nuu hm Hm nm In mm yrm ml ï¬rm flrmomhr Tommy Ill um pal ml min hwlunm hel IX Ind lllhu at In 5mm Jnhnn Danny 11mm Immth whrn the law wu MIX mm tar IIMY II 1an lulu Imuny Ami hu lrngrfl maul lglvaInn ml hurl Mull II Irman Nn mm Vclvel llrl mumth Tnylar wu lhn Hm hu hem nlnl lo urban alnn lhu ml nldrd lnrl now In Marni In can on alum um lullnl lor movlh urpenrlnl In wulnm Him In In lnlnl uh lndtnn 715m you M0le CONHZCRAIE IIISIIOI QUEBEC cmMm Llur enl Noel Innrldl wu come crnltd luxllIlry blIInp Our bee In ceremony Mlmdtd by dam Iloman CalhoIlc urch bllho And hlmopl ArcthIho Mlurco Roy Quebec male In church In Canada performed tho mull T0 IIEOIN TALK VICIOIIIII CPI Iromlrr IlenmIl Inld Thursday nnw Innnd of hnrgninlnl nvnr ASK FIREWORKS BAN WINNIPEG CPDThu Cnnl dlan madman Fin Chill Thursdny pamd molulInn oppoIIuon yeartround bull ulc Hrewarh In Cannd The molullan Ilktd that he mutter Iellhu and mini Hm work bu turned ovrr to ash provlncill llro mmhll mm mluionzr and lhl ledml lira mmmluloner or Aludy Nu yearn tnnvenllnn la be hald Al Puzrhnrouxh Ont HITS ALCOHOL SALE LONDON Onl CPD Rev James Mulchmar modernlor at the Unlled Church Cnnada whose uulspoken Vltwl on 31cm holic have burn wldely publicized nyl Clnldll home business require the Ilrlclesl lupcrvlslan He lnld Thursday Onlarlol Ilcemlnl nyllem Ilone hal reached the lugs when bevmze alcohol mm will be dlaprnud at hot doz ltlndl TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN OTIMVA CF The Unllnr Ian Servlco Committee of Cln adl will launch Ill Innual coul tatoul fund campaign Sept with lhll yclrl objective It 1000011wu nnnouncad Thundny OPPOSES SWEEPS TORONTO CPIThe Salva tion Armyr tap lntemalinrul leader lBld Thurrdny that legal ized Iweepslakes In Canad wouId In mornl error com puundlng he evll cHLCll the present pafllclpalinn In luch gnmbllnz Gen Willrrd Kllchlng Londun England sald In creased gambling would now hall xoclll problems GIRL AS TB TORONTO CF Loo Ok nllk twayearold Eskimo girl lawn to Toronto 1mm her hams In Pngnlrtung Blflin Island Wednesday hu tuberculous hnsplul clflclals announced Thurxday Toronto hosplul treallng About 100 other Eskl ms 50 them children or the lam dim TORONTO CHPolice unmhlnz lwo Toronto hnyl parted mining lrnm thtlr homu llnca Ibou nonn Wed nesduy About 150 policemen In can And on to muted Mel rnpalllun Tmnnlu punh Ind Innel Thundny far my truce ol Georg Scan 10 and amid IL May APPROVE ALPHABET OTTAWA CHTh Oblah lather have deoped an nlph abet band on Ramnn champ an In transcrlba lhu maln Em klmo dlllzcls It wu Innounced Thursday The new alphabet was approved by th Dblnla mmmlulon on Indlaumd Es kimo Illalrl he and the annual meellmz here and wlll ha used In Ill ohm missionary puthnllan for Eskimos To HART TUESDAY TORon GP Matropoii In Toronto is expected buin controlled fluoridation oi its wu Jer Iupply next niesdny ulnl month after the rum wu Ivaled in by the eiecionlo Don aid Russell work committee dllmllll uld Thursdny mm in could no no mwn wily fluoridation cannot begin on Imuduy REMAND WOMAN CHATHAM CPDA woman who alola radio from lol Ins and armless nun who Dad to Idjusl the din wlth Ml teeth Wu reminded or un em Thurxduy atur me pluded 3qu lo chum of theIL MAIJon Wnnl 11 or Chntham look ha ndlo from the hospital mum at Janph do Reeven who last his llmbs In In Industrial accldznl 15 year M0 BARBIE IXAmFRIDAY AUGUST 1m ll WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF gm TWO mm LITTLE GROW MUCH Enrcly mum of the em aurlnca Iultable or crop but provide load or 3000000000 GAIN CANCER RELIEF LONDON AHNo cnncer aumom reported Mu Hm Menu lined unexplninod re tram lncurnbla cancer nfler hm hm Injected with llvaJpIeen cell 1mm hollthy persona thlnx In the medical loumll Thu Lnncel Woodmt Ind Bumnrd Nolan of Edin burgh Unlveulty aid their ex periments led than to bellevn that uncer mllhl avenlunlly bl treated by immunlmion Enzland Raul raol mu an England po wlll ba watched by hidden eye tele vlslanJaman lowered to tho bed flaherle ofllclal nld hero Thundly Expert will llfldï¬ the behavior and mad In ab Huh la llnd ballar waya ol catchln them FLIES ATLANTIC SHANNON Ireland AP Wlnrlon Churchill nyelmld namesaka grandson ol Britaina Second World War leader landed haro Thunday night after flylnz the Atlantic In 11th planer Ho mind with Max Conrad ha wyuwld fly lnf randlathar ram Winona Mm lha 111M fluted mm Boston llu price which lha United Siaien must pay Brlllsh Colum bll lot Columbln River down Itmm beneilu will boaln in Oilw 599 TREAT ROM OFFICIAL EDMONTON CPlDr Swnlnion oi Tannin dim lor tho Rollin Oninrlo Mu uum um en in holpllll here Thursday liter in col lapmi willie climbln null Hospital Omcllll nl llll col lapse mulled imm overem lion mi hi condition wu not Inrloun mm 0253 EH oz9z gmmm mmmm Twu fine blaquulann Export Ala and Mnlson Canadian lagarbaar in one Mnlsnn Planqu PakSave money toul Costs less than 12 hnllla carton nfaanh Pick up MulsnnPlaasuraPaktodayandgetlha pleasures bullL You listen to evarï¬lhlnz Trlmbla fly haul ltl gospel You know things be lore do But dont care Th or tho community is qomlrucudn momma Mamie Energy 01 Clnldl Lim lled nucleu mamh meter ulna mile may on Ihl Irina ol Mnnltobln whilelhall Form Ruem 55 mile nonhweu ol Wlnnlpu You didnt Ink how ml min helm Stephen is quoted uylng He Trlm blet known everylhlnx So why dont yau uk him You cull ma pudzy null our huxlnuL But do you now Im 10 pound llzhter Ihnn ever wn lut ycm Trlmhle tell you Im too he Buyyau dont me law can In mlnlflwl Than wm only mm 99mm Ilvlnl In PIIIIWI town da mad or H000 when nle upgnedï¬ul By 1h gefnnlnx ol Seplcm her so Im upmod lo hill moved Slndy hld An curlymorn lnx runduvaul nundny with toothll writer Inn monon III at the Montreal Slur who wmla but bitumen lowlrd um Iiluallon in maul and ranch Jim hlmbla In pnrtlcu la pmjteyhenl MONTREAL CF Sandy Slaphem lulgcndad hlzh Brim qumer Ick m1 110 alnl mldl mum Mumml Mount but ha will Jun all luck Ind WI to no whon next lomenn em will In 11309 PINAWA Mun CPIA town created oxclmlvtly or nuclur march canflux to 1110 in I111 hear Mgnitobl STEPHENS FEELS HE IS BEING MADE SCAPEGOAT Nuclear Plant Gives we To Manitoba Town Ale Enjoy both in Stephen wen on Io make reizrem to hit ablenu from in Fridayl lune Against Toronto Argon which he ind been mined Punch Mnrrinit Ha wal In 3d ii in terest In the team Ihnuidnl hm prompted him to 0rdinariiy Yes But Ihil wunt In ordinary care Ii had been hurt nr ramolhing ihlll III right But who ever heard oi being benched be cause In couch wnniud you to letrinwn to 110 Filure that cu Developmml Plnlwn II lnl land to mwmcuon In research allllon The ma In only mmqmo mwvwv In new In hol complelqd in manyn gm Chlk Man 0112 and 10er baln deï¬ned with chamml phylie III mlmoml um And reulrch worker ug melr umgljgyln mind almou Ixclullvely camplny nwn Only about le pan cent at lht lownlllc wlll bu Ivull Ihll lnr pflvm purchm Ind mglqucuon ell wl malhhu other than his loolhnll nhlllly lhll hlud brought an lumen lflfl Thay old mu we more Hun football may know can play loothlll Everybod dn Thu plnyerl wl And Im not hldhu Why Ihould stigma 11on 7th urjy lflhlblllnh Lager We deï¬nitely lend the world in thin type mum Mr Gllhen uld Fenian counlrlu an nhowlng lrcallntuml merclnl pmducllon Mr Gilbert nld research will be mad here his all with tho um rolec development and Invenmlou oi arunlc 222m Illd tho corporallonl nuw reaclm at Point Douglas Out In leremely clue to com mggclng prnducllon Mr Gilbert added however that In Alumlcl other open until commercial nuclear Ileo lrlc not lar qwqy Gilbert Ill thin not ex patted to my rlvll to Manl lohn Hydro tar law yam lent Eventually wc hop wur an commerclll bul wfl bl dlxlrlbuled from tho Whilelhell nu 1n the mum mm well be mnccntrnunu an rmlrch rather than the commercill wqu ï¬fo Eflfn $555 the mrch contra ll duvulopmcm elmrlc mm thmunh nuclm gallon Thm thouundlonl und Wm haulld in or hunch and thc mopplnl contra wlll bl hull adjacent to mixIn Intended to um new to holldnyarl in tha 10ml rmm who wlnl lo Iron sylle Lm lo provlv lion hm wyy nuy rowan Ichool Ichsduled to bl opened thII nu pm olflu uld city hall In in opmuon Ind lender hm hm In or dnvelopmenl ol mopplnl cen tre Impllll permmnl own cum and ï¬re hill Thu iown belnl dmlo ed by Cantu Marl in and mint Corgmuon in red to the and 01 ill Ipecllliud 1n hlbllmll 1m Thu 111 mclor menuHy In Addition lo 010 mu houm Ind Italian bulldlnu PX $51533 Ifl