Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1963, p. 10

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LIVING MYEM AND WILSON MOORBY BARNISTICH SOLICIIOH 0wa mm smru MrLlMN mu owm GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Mnnmnl Iouclml In 0mm Wllmn lmmm 7M mm luul Iv 0mm plum Huh um 11 Ann mm fir of 1100 hlnk tenll elth hngu Cummlnn Tani MM PA Ihlll IlvlhHInL mm Amm um Nolulu ulrllcumnlnu vaN rIInNI IA um WANTED hm Ilnlll drum fll lnl cablnet Hun wru no nun Bummer mun m1 ml duulpuon WANTED nod III In Ind wood Imus or IIKM mum hon am with In matured Ind conduit plplnl For 1m ggglJohpnlL Telephunu PA cnw ron mm llohulntow rudy freshen APPI In Alfred aner RE No Thornlon hmsmm town thong mm mum lull low mm up to monlhx McLun mm mu 0m nn mum nlnxwlck ms mu Fourteen pm um mm om nlm pm um wcek um um pm mm wnkl flx chu Apply to Alvin COLTS 0m Pllomlno llml coll flncen mnnm nld Mm on Pm mino ml 11 mnnlh om For quirk nle Mewum Wye brldn Onlulo Telephum Mld land 5265501 wun PALOMIND pony leidlnx puny bukel pony Ihnw hufly chmme Ind blllnun um mm RJL Na Owen saumL rn Mm muw rm um moo mum lulu of mm on smw Apply Len emuum Am Mllh or In lephnnl mum n7 More and more paullrymen chooslng DlKLl PULLEVS Started ready to lay and day old chlcks 0rdcr now for early order dlscounl Far scrvlte or help on your poultry problcmx call Crulg llunlcr WM HINTON BA Almlsrrn nos COWAN column In mi ENGLISH Style and Strucmo HISTORY 11mm Ale SCIENCE Basic Physics for Secondary Schooh rgvlsed Please lelaphone PA um after pm In ma condlllon Pm in Imp undny Brawn an landlord mum 1mm 15 AN p11 or well ltd Apply Jne Rnuulon No Cooknnvm lulephun SIJ5 cum Maai ARTICLES foi SALE FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest price paid or dead or crippled cattle and harsu Small anlmnls remand Irea For Insl servica ZENITH 94130 No CHARGE NICKS DEAD STOCK narrlsicr Solidlor and Notary Public PA mm 35 Own Corner Collier and Owen STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME hmm any7 am wuk RR Foxmead Ontario Llccnse No 1124251 nlmlllfinifll Aoummls Nnmu rulme oslnn In EUOG BA PHONE EARRIE PA Hm ri sun names lmn DO POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS mnmm soumun mum on finn CONDER SUGG CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD STIIDUD PHONE 71 novs SEAGRAM Home ARTICLES WANTED CHMILICS VIISON Chnlu Wm sun mm flnlllllau FEED SEED GRAN COWAN covaN FUNERAL HOME in mumm ll lulhcr 5L llnnln Nlck Montague Prop wrmnn lvlrl Av titnun tmr COLLEGIATE GRADE XI BOOKS anMOM Inm Hillle 3L Ilnn llmnn IA anon UNKIIUHN LIVESTOCK PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Collect or ask or PA M31 lEGAL Dunlap hI NORTH PA an leMlN ml uvxcx 5min modnur human um mm Thorium Cum send or phom lA um Mm wmum IA no mum Hwhunx nu DOCTORS or HT HATIIY EXAMINER WANT PHONE lA lNM CREAM EBPMMTOIH ma Mill on New user rtcondlllontd Pull Ind lanlce Vlllnl us nox cnuhum 9mm PA Mm or PA um m9 111 uhlle low mllu 1m mnullle conflfllon Telephone PA um mu pm uzmcmfmmfii mam HIMIHIAL UVMNAATICJ nMNLt ILM Hudlull Mu rumca Cull mm rxmlul Th In lo LIIhm Dlln IA HHI N00 SLpunnon 11anle vumnp In Imlo IM ll WI DION IxmlsmNo Muhlnl or me in pzrrzcl condluon Ilso hm flanker we in or mm IX Inch plyunud mm lor Chcv Fleelxlda Irurk Ihunu Run Mlneflnl MINNEAPan Mann and Fox Sllu ma 5mm Slnll Cnrn Husker 1mm mu gun Mlnnelpalll noun sur Two mm mm wmrnpowu uny tqulpped uuh paw mus lnl 334 rm Irv un muwm um rom anu 135 nu Mercury pxckup ma mndulm cu mm Truck um Tudor Mny sum PA mu YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 85971 cunvnoLn Ior wuh aln Ind Mndlhleld wllherl In 11213 rondluon Telephnm PA Tum or Imuz mum rhory rupm mu mlnlllnnl layI Cun mmy ol Mum Turunm MI ma nr Iln Imam THE DAVIES OF CANADA MESLEY EQUIPMENT CO 89 llllhwny 400 Cookstown 458442 McKEE HARVESTERS selfunloadan orago boxes NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS mowm candltlanerx rakes PATZ BARN CLEANERS alln unloadm cedlnz 5y em VERSATILE AUTOMOTIVE Highest cish paldr or clean automobiles Lien paid 011 finowi mm fiJNoethmCA DUndrhlIlJA Huldlnl llrlmrl i1 IllMum um 15 luster milking wlIh now Dc Laval 100 Series Mliken Barrie Holly Hwy 27 PA 60338 SP Sivfililer conditioners Night Phone Banin PA 641m Farm Supplies Servlu Case New Holland Davlr Brown may Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 5237 CASH TRADE TERMS Cnulmd Accnunllnll rnmm In fllnlmvlcy mmml mm In Colln SI Phonl lA um FARMERS MARKET MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equlpment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING ofiV HAfiDY MOTORS 175 BRADFORD 51 SEE US NOW DE LAV SALES AND ERVICE CHARLES CHURCH mc IMNO MAMA n1 Nlmm Ir MIMI Chunnd Accoununll Tnmnln Ind nmla mm mm WInn MEL Ilrm JESSIE BRYSON HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT R953 HARRISON IANGU MI 05 ME MEDICAL MASSAGE FARM MACHINERY le Hun 511M Ilmllr linlnlln Tnlvfimm IA um WIIEON KUIATIHC LINIC MUSIC lESSONS ACCOUNTANTS HANK BROWN URGENTLY OPIOMETRY OSTEOPATHS Ivr blvfllnlmlnl NEEDED CARS 1002 FORD moo pkkup mu wlml hm mul box or large rnpnclly Inadn Heavy duly nprlngn and shock Insure maximum hamb llng Iml poriormnnce over rough lorrnln larmurly our company pans Irurlt TM vehlcleu million Ilka now Save $305 only 10 down um weekend Full Price 505 1902 ACADIAN door sedan in regal dynnsiy green exicrior finish with matching interior Zesty cylinder engine wilh standard trans mission for line economically minded dem unairniion drivo ihia weekend will convince you oi the many sound features Hill Cnn adinn classic Snvu $741 Only 10 Down Full price 1059 GAMXIE 500 door harlllop gleaming ernnu ml while black cxlerlor comp munlcll by Mmrp mnlchlng ml lnlorlor The luxury nppolnlmunh are In ml ovld enco Including power aleurlng power brake cuslnm radio padle dash llnlml glns wlmlxhlcld wnnhurl and backup Huhlx enulne and nulnmallc lranmnlulnn Insure mnxlmum portarmnncn an lhln high ulyln Ibcauly Youru Ill weekend vllh vnly 107 down Full prlcn 1963 FORD GALAXlE 500 CONVERTIBLE Exter ior finish in dazzling fire engine red comple mented by an exciting matching interior whitewali tires and gleaming full wheel discs This classic soft top powered by Fords big 390 motor coupled to dual range automa tic transmission is fully equipped with power steering power brakes transistor radio windshield washers backup lights and safety package and there you are this weekend enjoying this prize or the young at heart $1000 on list only 10 down 1983 FALCON FUTURA door sedan dcmon slralor Exterior linlsh ln hcaulllul peacock turquoise complemented byymalchlng lnler lor white wall llrcs and full wheel discs Less than 300 orlglnal mlles If compact car ls In your future plans you owe ll lo your self lo take demonslrnllon drlvo lhls wcek Dcllnllely no llner buy anywhere Only 10 down Save $504 Full price 1963 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE door ranch wag on Jewel iike exterior finish in beautiful peacock turquoise enamel with Fords dyn amic simulated wood panels set off by gen erous chrome styling complemented by whitewaii tires and luxuriously appointed contrasting interior which provides true lux ury car comfort for all passengers This executive driven automobile is powered by V8 engine and Fords dual range automatic transmission accessories include chrome roof rack custom radio power brakes pow er steering power rear window tinted glass safety padded dash visors and seat belts 0r iginai list $5129 Yours this week with 10 down Full price 1963 FORD GALAXIE XL 500 door sports hard top This regal executive driven beauty is tin ished in gleaming ebony contrasted by striking red interior Powered by Fords big 300 hp motor coupled to revolutionary floor shitt automatic transmission Interior ultravstyling includes red leather upholstery bucket seats liberal chrome treatment and tront seal glove consul This classic top of the line hardtop comes fully equipped hill safety package tinted glass windshield washers backup lights and oversize safety tires 7200 original miles Youll be perman entiy thrilled by this high performance auto mobile this weekend or only 10 down Originally 54687 Full price ZO mnxm zo Omm Em Iozmma mOczo =uzo uOEQmm Labour Day Special QDEMONSTRATORS A1 RECQNDITIONED CARS OPEN MON SEPT AUTOMOTIVE Moron was FOR SALE Lot AC PUIA Fine Car Within Your Reach Guard Your Investment wllh to Insurnnco Coverage Comprehenslvn nml Colllslun Coverage Flncnl Anywhere BAY CITY MOTORS LTD 45 Bradford WITH THEMETRO PRICE WEEKEND SPECIALS THE LOCAL DEALER PA 87931 $3475 E75 $3887 $2287 H775 $3671 nonulna 1a In m1 mm mm um nu mmmu mm mm at mum glhiy py nmiuyn mum null nnly Hmen lrvlmbtr PONTIAC Mrde mun And while Baud runnlnl Dude MW Telmhanl PA um m2 111mm TM non nd mum wuh cnnlnsllnl hue humor whllumm wlndshleld wunm ndlu Ill uuu Tr lephunl $5531 my mumni an au IA um um rm OWLIHI Wlnlod MON IM lib in lmwlrrl Ilnlld In llllll lnl Ind Mllbfl lulu m5 um um Tmpnm rk PA IIMI ll IHIN LDDHI Nunlnl an Ilulkm Ag nu mum nuun mm mm um muna mlmnmv In ymu nan III vlrl Imam lA mun mum 10 hi mlnll Ynllf no memm mm um rMnlhlV 1o Wu TA Hal PA lks new only $1395 1960 VAUX HALL sedan In perfect condit lon real money laver $795 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $845 ma FORD $695 1951 BUICK hud Iop new motor $655 and many oLher bargains nodmondluiu pm 131 lephonl sum METEOR door tyundif mudm lrunmlntou In m4 condition Own mllfl 1L Til vhm PA um nuns pmh buflon ennml mm llru mu Ind dun lnxl Ex ulleM mnlur Nudl lltencl $150 Apply 101 5U Fan IALB ml cuxvnom Delrly leflln nyllnder lutnmlllt IISI elm Hanan or Mill own er luvlnl or BC Frldly TE llhunl PA H0 ll51 LINCOLN Clpfl power IICIF In pnwer mm nulomauc um mlnlon Wnlldebhr ndlo leo MW on own Mus bl void lb weekend PA 33 nu CHEVROLET In In door memlc my wnn bluk ma nil vu nrlllnll unhollltry Cullnln Il dln whilewlll um includlfll Inuwl All 1mm elwhnnu PA mo PONTIAC Lmrenun dour xedm wllh mqu mm um mnrnon ulcrlor Mm cnnlr Ilnx Interior camplumentea by um llm whitmu um Pan hll mun counlld wllh nulom lc mmmmlnn muxlmum mm amy Acceuoflu includl cmlnm nalu clnr Hm mu whnl dlscl Mndlhltld uh unud wlndmlzld back up mm TM extrullve drlvm Incl only 6000 nun mllu Owner mum an munt rm lnmecllnn all 193 Frlnll PA Mm is IT Haul nuuun lull equipped yr old In no cundnlnn uooo uh Tmpnnnc Mlnund mom or pply mm Mlflllnd vnuuwmnw pkluu or nu In nod rondnlnn Hull lo mlluu mumMn nmr rm luxrd Apny Jnhhlll MoonIon mt anrmnrnl Clmltrcd Srhool Thumunh lrnlnlnx hi mm mu hewa tullle EHWIN lIMlllllllBSINO SCHOOL MOTOR CARS FOR sALa LOOK AT THESE PONTIAC mu VALIANT Sllllon on lull door In nod mlmlnlu childli lun Hut Tllmhom PA mm at luxlhlr Informlion ms nu um Ian on ur and lunnlnl mm new pllnl an pll llllon $350 Ii Ford mm mm loud MW llru ndlo body Knuth 15 PA MW In in lsu mums 77ml Illn mm mum condlllnn llmnu owngr no Menu Fur lunhu inlormlllnn lelevhonl PA lIIBL 1m rum mum unfl mi lnnlmlnlan mummm he tar tlun nod condlllnn my term rnr lunher mlomh Ilon PA Mm Inyllml NEED clm mauMNm Bl nr In In prllemfl drlan mun my dnm rmmlm at In or nlrwmlllntu run cover Benllll Co LI Com FA um In MD TmAn dm Halon Lu nun nmu mu MIC Inn truck Inr cum rundlllull law mm ul on Tllrphlmc IA well pm PA um Mumqgnu Aujnm gully in rnip nnrdLn mcpionu mu yum Inlarmllw IIUIINII am wonmfl s1 LoToErheaa And Careful Buying Means Big Savings For You At JACK TAYLOR MOTORS 177 BRADFORD ST mum nu hung Cuuom CARS WANTED TO BUY Top dollars paid or 19311961 clean automobiles lqpyeur nunJug AUTOMOTIVE PERSONALS l0 HELP WANTED TRUCKS TRAILERS HOW ABOUT THATI LEARN HMIIDRESSINQ WOMENS COLUMN TELEPHONE PA 371 MOBILE HOMES FEMAfl MW Call In or phono PA 61822 WANTED MN In mu lulu mu lhlhlun no lmn 1m My mphm PA MN UP TO $500 aimpb bx marl newtsub lcrlpunns Ind renewal Contest sum September and runs faxin weeks Formll dam on how yet can win his cash prize comm CIRCULATION MANAGER of the plnymlnL Hum Inld or unnlma on lnImum nun In my dnlmmlnl Apply An nmcpm mpm lll1nmuloopm Ml no um ta Manfily ID If MAN nun4 wnm mm llmnul Ilnl up run ur mum mu IMr mm mm Man Imam nmhmlfl uvlnnluflm In wouderlul opportunlly lor WOMEN South Slmm Cdunly to win big cash uwuds WOMAN on dly wally for un um hmnumk Suunldm hum Apply with nhnnm lmphouo PA um FULL TIMI palMIG walk or blnquol work Tlnvhonu PA l4 or II 45 Toronto Strut Em Community Huun WANTED nlllbll Inniln mhm dalldnn dun In will moth Imhl um hnullluvlnl dunes Apply 1M Donlld SUI Vlnlnn MW Unmet Unllorm Ind mmpomunn Iunputd non PA HNI Ill GI uuunm rm No shunt ELY Ilhvlu ll NEED HELP 0AA Supervisor Gnome McCor mack need on or two full nr parHIma mm In help him med In demlnd or Ontno Auo moblle lumlnuon Member ships Pleasant dlxnllicd good payan wark No exmrlenm nw esury but car Is For lull ln larmatlnn conlm Gnorga Mm Cormack 60 anlcr SL Colllnr wood phone lmM mm All mum Thylulu mgmg 53 wllh mi PInuIL Burl Dali Am 5mm ul um mm lull um mm 14 um Inn null Ill Nu Vulmlnl umvhlml II um um Mn or mum nhmn nu lnr mun 1m mum permanent position open in the home improvement Held in responsible marrled man W0 are well known and rapidly expanding organlznliun Mann gerial ahllily is recognized by early advances For Appointment CALL PA 61879 Or ply in Person at 40 MA LE AVE BARRIE Required Immediately by Barrie firm Must have soma experi ence Apply Io Box 1h Ear rle Examiner To work wlth and rain leenngo boys also manage dealer sales outlet in Grlvanhum Muskokn mm Should have Junior malrlc or egulvalcrm and be bclwcen am zsuns nucx muvn mafia lacl nl tomplny PloymInL WIHI ll lefll Lumbar wwnm mm 7rd on um man menuad Iqulr mlnl him no enmmlmun pld 9ny Av Eur tumy or mum mm Jam AM II Mn Lale modal car necessary and must be bendable Good Income nu 31 mm ink SALES HELP AGENTS CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Of The Telegram 10 HELP WANTED ARRANGE FOR INTERVIEW GUNNELL DRILUA 3235501 foo nnmimumy ANNUAL CASHAWARDS CONTEST Barrie Examiner REQUIRES AMBITIOUS MARRIED MAN SALES CAREER BARRIE EXAMINER PA 66539 iSHomGRAPHER DARKEOOM MAN FEMALE HELP MAL HELP 90 Wm Loonum mull chudnn ln my own hum mm mm no Ly nl awn arm plwm PA um ill I11 own homv In Mllndlll Inl Mid blck ylld Vtlh In Ind nylmund anlnmm nthl uofinwonx wlmnn by 1133 eon urnnun nuww lo4 n1 TIIIPhnnI PA 61 WILL MIND rrldionl hudnn in my hum In an Infl 5L Vlnflnl NI hluphonu PA woos MIDDLI onn my mi pmlum In nunlnl Mm In llln ll film In vmuenl nunlnl lull and VIII III Inbll Vflll lax Birth km Claw cht End Shoppan len SALE 004 no nl hmwhold hunlmu lMII rleclrlcnl IPPII unrrn bedding lnrden ooh Term rnxh no marva ho hum In nulrd Ind Ihn ownm uu luvlnl lnwn JlIllIlV OUGIHJN Anclhmur OTTAWA new round mvrmmrnllnduulry um rm llw ism Inmqu Clnndlnn mnnummm rm IMI pull hr Auln whamHK1 Mada all dawn wllh humtry Inlaler Dmry Ia tilum II that hu lm Ivn Nut pr or hy hll mly onnvd drpmmanl Thu amnmema lanaraI all In In ha Canadian pm uuuon mplua ma ha flood ml and ram mm lha Wind sum and MM mum work Addlkh unuvlllnl In Ilel nnnltlon mullnl nplln Ind to Tmrkrn wlll be received by undenlgnod to Apply the Eu Tuwmhin Publlc School Are wlul Iuel all and Move oll Tw dm In lnrludc Ill Ichmll In the ma Tenders to claw It 11 oclock noon Friday Squaw her mo Thu Iowa or my under mx mman neopl EMPLOYMENT WANTED llndl No oh the In my um AM Nollce hereby glven that the llsl ol land llahle to be sold lor mean ol taxes In the Com 01 Slmcoa has been prepared and Wu publlshcd in In adver tisement August 196 In the Onlnrlo Gmlle Copies nld llst of land or ndvmlsemenl can be seen In my olllca or wlll be mailed upon maklnz Ippll callon lor same In delaull payment of taxes as shown on anld llsl on or before Tuesday Nov 1963 Al the hour of Wu oclock ST In the aflernoon shall nl um llme In the Councll Chamber new County Bulldlng Enrrle OnL proceed to sell by publlc union the xnld lands to pay such mm to sewer wllh charge thereon ll land not all sold on Tuesday November 196 an Adjourned sale wlll be held on Wesdny Nuvember I9 1963 II two oclock 51 COLEMAN Treasurer ol FLORENCE CECILV GOOD 15th ms and ELLEN MAR GUERITE GOODALL Snlnsm who dled May 1711 1961 both he Township Innlslil Iormuly he City Barrie should be aubmllled the un dcrslgncd bume September 5m 1963 aner which data the El ules will be dlslribuled THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 71 my Slrcd Toronto Ontario Executor or the sald Estate by LI Solicflor CHARLES WILSON 10 IKE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY AUBUEI lo SALE OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES County Simone Treasums Dulce County Building Barrie Ont DATED July 10 196 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ELI Widow 7th l0 HELP WANTED LEGAL NQTICES Govl Car Makers Open New Talks KUCIION SALES 12 TENDERS Sc lumber 11 53 rm xhar lur JOIN GOOD IN II 11 an Hnrrle finely Dmmton WILLU COLE Ml No Mllllon AUCTION fsm ESSA TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA TENDER Widnéullx Evtnjnz COXWORTH Judxo Guy Gulllmull denial lull ullrr Cmun lmcculnr lo nml lmunnlrro uld ll mould rduml Incan lhcy unempl ln form cell to mmmlr ltrmrll um Mr unnulm MM llm impuran In lonvn lnr5€ lerliqurlnn anrh Inland on llm nath mm Newmmlfi land when Irmlnl AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT at pm shar DST Far FRED NE Lot 294 Common Em Township on the Ivy sldenind an mile west 01 Ivy atom SALE came ply Ham straw lann machinery and same household Ham Terms CnsPL No mam as tho um L1 sold many goucHLIN Hm also wnl churned wllh mum Hm lo nnnllwr armory Cnnndlnn nylon mu In CNll Kimberly Ilcnllna Wnwlor um um roux Ina wkh juwullu lo mmmfl Irmfl PLAN MHDEN EMT nu Mulen xnvumt rllm to will mm 5100 furl ilmlllu In Tolmm um no In ha hop cmllfltj unlcn Ital Mme mm The Auction Sale Far nsx WATSON atlal 28 concissluri OPE Township Arranged lor 5A1 AUGUST 31 has been cancelled AUCTION SALE Monday September 13 pm sharp for DICK BINNENDYK lot 17 concession 0m Townxhlg mile north Nih way 11 Snln of 60 head Hnlslelmcgtl lle Includan cows helms steers milking equipment hay straw grain and some muchln cry Term cash No rcserve as the owner has none lnlo heplz buslncss and has no mum to unble hl callle flf JERRY COUGHLIN The army uld that grunp he Queenl Own mu headed by out John Shunpa ol Weyhum Sash placad hmnze plaque on the wall nlI larmhouse when 1110 nyunr old mgnant began hl Mull The spot ls about on mlla norlh Keppcln Germany neg The Netherlands harden The group then went 81 Cascnx grave in nu Cnnudiln War Cemclcry at Grosbcek nenr Nljmezen when battalion buxlm sounded um last pod nnd meme MONTREAL CWGuy do Gram 16 ucrclnry nnd Richard Hm la walkr wm unt lo prellmlnnry hendnu Scnl wllhout bail aner vim mu zullly on nnnhnmen Thundny lo mum mon Ind conspiracy In dnmuo pub llc bulging by you Du Gram nn Hm WENT churned wlh parliclpnunx In ucncrnl nrmn plot and mhsplri llll In Hru lo he armory Fumgm Mnnlfloyll 011mm cm1m vnior Canadian snidier who wanj the Victoria Crosr in I995 was remembered in ceremonies In Germany nnd Holland Wednw day by contingent of lhe Queenn Own Rifles Cnnndn Sgt Aubrey Cosens irnm Porquin Junction in Northern Ontario was irilltd in tha light on Febr 25 ms or which ho was awnnied the Victoria Ero SzifCoséns with Iaur lurvlm 2ng his Qucn Own Emu plIlnon Ind tha port Sherman unk crockd lwa ancmy platoon from hm hcnvfly lorlmud hulldlmu114 hlmscl klllcd It least an and look another 10 prlsoneynm lore ha was killed by An encmy Inlpcr AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct Dim or ROY GDODFELLOW South lot 21 mncmion Io Innlxflln miles east and 50qu or SLroud Aucuan Sale Farm Stock And Implements Terms Cash SPROULE Auctioneer 13 AUCTION SALESE Montrealers Held For Arson Place Plaque For Soldier CANCELLED JERRY COUGHLIN Auclloneer Aiclioineer Ancllonecr 1mm Drama Room 111mm ouems HOTEL VISII

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