uhllnilu III la mm mum Ir mum llhII Avlnvllllofl nu II Ill DI Audll Innu Llnuullou 1mm no mm Mhufllnr mu llnu Mini Mmlruh Mullva Aulh mm mu mu re nummm on um mm In mun undln lmulm Ilnudm IINNIYI Ml IIIAN ILAWIIT all II ll fl ll MHIIIION mum nuns mu IllIon vulqu Mlllllll DUNNILLI Clnl lltl In Mum an muy my nu Du mm mu rm 1r n1 mu In anum mo mu mum mcnlh 0mm m1 Mun yummu II no low In nu Cdmmittee Acts Wisely On University Question Thu government clnnu that the dancer pamnxcr an an American Mrllnu nomlnp lllghl from Lox Angelo Io CM ngo Ho wu uld lo hue brought hl awn bogglolo xxhlnlfgynloprdv Hnmllton Spectator Thll mnfl mom that were blt behlnd the times ut it thI only estcrdny when we law that story about US overn mcnt looking $1000 penalty rom professional dnncer chnrllnf that hll drunkennm Aboard In rplane hart Ihronlened the utety nt 57 other pu Iscngm and canned In emergency lund nu Council with Mayor Donald MacLaren presidin decided to ask Duncan Mc Cuaig MP for Simcoe North to con tact iorel and British consulates in Ottawa wth view to having industries locate here in pestwar period Hon George Drew took office as Prime Minister of Ontario No wholesale dis missal ol civil servants was noted Mr Drew took position of Minister of Edu cation Hons Leslie Frost of Lindsay was made Treasurer and Minister of Mines Minister of iiealih and Public Welfare was Hon Dr Percy Vivian iormerly oi Barrie Joseph Ratiec from Montreal became branch mom or Bank oi Nova Scotia here succeed ng ll Norman who retired on pension alter more than 40 years service New Jersey man purchased number of famed Simcoe County Yorkshire swine breeding stock from Charles Newton Barrie and Eugene Smith Utopia It Flynn reported Red Cross blood donor clinic was largest and most suc ceasiul with 136 donors during day llnrce Watson made 12th donation Dr llaslett at Copaco his ninth Spr Douglas Stephens oi Royal Canadian Ln lneera arrived overseas Cadet Ted othwell graduated lrom COTC It Brockville was commissioned 2nd lieu tenant Men reaching age at 18 this car and married men up to 30 now aulr fleet to call or compulsory military ser vice Lions Club Street Frolic at Post it is interesting to note he said that the United States oi America which has quite recently reached the position oi having the most productive economy in the world has now sudden iy come to the conclusion that there is something moral in free trade on which she turned her back during the whole of her yem oi development In the course of ihe periiemenlnry de bale on international trade Mr Cam eron the member ior NaneimoCowich nnihe islands raised very valid point this is all too often overlooked in Can Mink ho mini lhummmphlnl nld Universities do not deveiog overnight fact that is recognized by he commit tee Come uentiy the study here will continue wit view to ate ped up ac tivity within two yemi he commit tee in of the opinion that Iii wrioun lhlsleaves the wa en lo clues llke Barrie to develop un or colleges and eventualli to broaden such lnsltullons lnt tull lownrunlvmllles Afterwards there will be need for expanslon of laclllllex Thla wlll have to come largely lhroufh new univer Illlea as there In llmt buyond whlch ergtlng lnslllgllom cm gm it is evident from investigniions oi the committee that more univerritier will be needed by 1970 to meet the ï¬rowing demand for higher education xisting universities and those being deveinpe now are expected to meet re uirementa uniiLtho end 9i the present ecade The City Develo mem pommlttea da lerves confratula am on no report on herruqrverglty Igtuaugn eventueil to broaden such institutions into tull iown univorsitles Universities do not develog overnight fact that is recognized by he commit tee Consequlentiy the study here will continue wit view to ste ped up ac tivity within two years he commit tee is of the opinion that Iii serious The year 1972 as not seem an un reasonable dete sithough there could be disfosition on the put msny citizens move st iester plce But university is not business or In in dustry It must be dovelo ed on the basis of need and on sound nsncisl llld educstionsl grounds The Effect or Freer Trade Barrie Examiner Aug 19 1943 Town The Barrie Examiner AIRBORNE DRUNK DEER 5519 mama Will We DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlmd byCuudlm Ndwsplpm Limited 16 Blyfleld smut Elms 0mm OTHER EDITORS VIEW Brim 5mm dumb mum mun wow 1m hmu 11m palm lhll one hellowlng and holllnerunl drunksn pauen er un mike Illa mincrnbln Ind cvcn IHIHOUI for acorn olhur pamngon Ihoml In Mr llncr lln unl be lhrown oul Into It meal the police unl duh lnlo In Ilr burnt plum and hlmle hlm of In 11 and II In we know Ilrllnu dont curry bmmcm 50 ha lhm In the Ilr nhaullnn nnd curling Ind mdy lo th At long len time more dlnucroun than he were on Ilreelmmer blr or In lulu or IND ii II an lniomllnj rluuiion whnihnr or nol yinnca nhouii Iiiowcd in in nirhornn him Some medical nulhorillu claim lhnl liquor In quick in lilo nlr Um mum cm gel ininxluicri iIr MIN high Aillluria Iiun he an on ihu ground Tholl 1h Ind rig on ll How ollon In nomawhll llmllnr Rlflyl of drunkennm occur on Airliners 01 very Ireqncnlly from who wo run golhor but oflon onouuh lo ancourngc nvlnllon nulhorlllu to him mother arching look ll mm governing the mvlng and comumpllon of liquor In commercial nlrllnm the dbfondant lhmlencd lo llflkl Mewnrdosx um proflne language And kept Ihautlng that the pllnn wu olnx to crush He became unruly the complaint continued that Iha II llln ellhit ho had crenlcd nor am Inger lo ll nnlel of hose aboard Ind oblllned per min on to mnkoan emergency ï¬nding mm Oiiice Square was decided succeae in raising money for welfare work Edwin lnesen general chairman reported Unfavorable weather has been do olaylng harvesting Siewart Page re ported Pressure ior ierm labor has eased of No lines were imposed in court on landlord or excessive ren tals RCAF mobile recruiting unit not up in Barrie in charge of FltLt Thomna Pryde The Air Force requir es many more men The air war in not hliting iis stride he aaid Loca em or changln ration book not up at irin ity Pariah all Barrie Collegiate and King Edward School in Allan ale in winter oi 194041 No lnianlry Training Centre Camp Borden had iine hockey team which played games at Bar rie Arena Now the entire iirat iorward line is gone with report ihia week centre Pie Plnkey Core 48th Highlanders had been ki led in action in Sicily Leit wing Lt Clarke Bell formerly oi Barrie was killed in Dieppo raid iaat ear and Pie Tommy Gorman right wn waa killed In training accident in Eng and lliembera oi BCla crack ieoiball team oi 1030 now In uniiorm Vic Reï¬nelda Gord Roach Bill lleath Jack Couc Rou Nixon Vern Spearn Morley Richardson Fred iilcConke and lies Saundcra in RCAF lloy Klr pairick Army parairooo er Fin McGibhon in ihe Navy Bill Bird and Fred Dollery In the Army Dur ing Civic liollday weekend CNR report ed carrying 48000 paaaengcra on ihe Al landaie division one can but wonder whether those who preach the gospel of res trade with such fervor in this country hm ever atopped to realize that great many at Canadas primary and secondary manu facturing industries are not yet suffi ciently deveio ed to withstand the on slaught of gio al competition that lree rnde 1would bring let alone to benefit rom No economy was ever developed ho hlnd such high walls um of the Un ltcd States The development his now taken place and suddenly we find new apogtle for rec tradq headded From longterm standpoint the com mittee is acting wisely It is obtelnln information irom the Department Educntion existing universities Ind from special studies Eventullly it will institute its own lssessment the sit uation ln rolstlon to the demands of the prgylnce as whole Nina years long mod but than no Infill need for we The con alone wll be great It wouid nm to capllllizauon of 3140000 to mve 200 students and opennuns expenses of $20000 plunnln must be completed by 1061 IAmil doors on university be opanad In r1 In nulnl Mn Mil ml nllemllaly wllh Ill mnl nrllon qulml nll Inummrnl hurl Mulml 011an ll an dulqu luy Nu lull MINI ullnr Ncl mm lnr III pmomvl nu If bu had had MI um Ihfl Any In mm Illumy 110 lulu no Ind on up cul my dlnner cm roamon mplnmlinnu m1 nuumrnll hm bun Ilmly ml nllrn 1mm llul hm rm mn Iny remnu In ll xlulm mall prnrllrnl lull IMII Ilumumd Mulnmlunl lnr ul hu 1M wu the MI whirl had cm at outer um mndl wry wlde lhrn Ihnrprnrd In lHairy lhe loll Thu Illly unm hn mnde In lcllm to llrllllh new per Iboul dlflmnl method holding ha wk on lhe AM Mlmllc Tm Iltllnn normally MM MA Inrk In hll MI hind Ind hll knuu In MI HIM throughoul ht nuln mum Norm Amnlcln puny lhl Idlnl USA Ill morn ullen than not hohl MI kulln In hll HIM lunan In tul up MI mul lhrn lay an lho IMO MI mm an lrnmlor 1h lork In hln vllhl hand mill in Ihlu mlumn mud utllulvnly PM ml llnd In mm Sllnloy meicl Wlnnlpel mm of hi New Democra llc Puly tell me lhnl noun lo rtpmenlllhu of hi ynny will be vlsllinx Well Grr mnny next month They will nl lend lhn IDMh Innlvemry cue brnllonl no German 50ml Democulk my who leader II he mlorul Ind murnxcmu mnyor wm Btrlln Wllllo nrlndt They wlll mnk lha lrlp null no Gmnnnl on In nHupenmpnld bu In tludlnl lrnnuparlnnun ram Clnldl to lhmburg Gennlny Mr melu In In II no pullr 10mm pnrlhmrnlnry udrr Caldwell lhI nunl ludtr Tommy boul and flu Pan Arlnur MI Doulln Fllher wLucu VIIANDT NDP PARTY T0 GERMANY room curry zunl no Hm VomemDnmcs In lha Sen ml however the nov nlm Appear comay class dls llncflon wrll rntlnl prelu dlca hero lhey bur only the one word Ladlcs Anyono am of course ob llln mm of Guam ram most the Illlinl mllom In cnplm he overm mentl Imp lulu 1hch Incwring About 31 Inch Iquln the meal collly meet my 91 Ill Illa In ghe wotldl urn concern lhe notlcu on certain room provided In the Parlia ment bulldlnxl or lhu use uncomlambla remain In the House 01 Common am lhl Parliament nylg thus The MIp of mm Ind En vlrom and Gaflnuu Plrk published by he Nulonal Clpl ll Commission In Agency NM government This ï¬rst ap geared In use at arm cents copy By 1962 In prlca hid rhen In so cum TM year the map of exacth the lame III Hi IP56 map hu Muted in prlco lo 75 rank By PATRICK NICHOLSON WAWA Tourlsll vlslling Othwn In Nmplllnlnx that they an being cllpped by Marl government Inlha worst xnmplo pm Mullen me OTTAWA REPORT Price Inflation Hits The Tourists ILL GET IT STARTED YET rhm runHm lha Arm II on nlnoynr rululon Iyuem wMIq Ihu ml II on III yogi07 pl mum um on mu nl lb In liven up lnv um um luumn or mm 19 unmet AIo ll mum tonv much mm Inclturn Hum LY Muhlnl ulnre ll mainly lm lull um um Arrunmlnla an Ilium Alon Iunmwllnlh II nod lor Iml umlml llnmnl mwplnl Ian mu amanl am IIIWH Summulnllnw lllll mu lhl um harm Io yaw Ihl lnnd mum ll Ahm and pawl down he won clover And All or arm lclumu Anrl 7qu In mnlmnin lh mm ll mum yo an flu Inle lion unlmt uhnl an ho mm II lummnlalluw ml or unrlhlrd lh Inn youll Hnd 1h All 1mm Mm hull the land my when or Imrlry wlll mm or do hmhrb In Am whllo ll nu year can bumb ll loan and awry yenr or um um Inn pflovlnclul nvmig It to Iho Al ml Moll mmr md nhoul hull heir llnd urh yur whil llm other hull llu dormant MAXI9 MORE MONEY Ankul why hl Mum mum mcrhllow Mr llnldm Inyl mu make mom mumy mm my land wllhoul txpaslnl It to lho wulhcr er Hum Slnra ms the only nm of the Micro Holden arm no producinn lyan crop no he hrmynr Ihe drninnnn dllchu Ind lhrccquuxlzrl In um MM hick or mpbrr rlu IMI lull Ha Also ls pmvldlnl Immu nlllnn lor the txptrfl In lhelr mnllnued llth Ixuinnl the nu oId rlhul lummcrlnllowlnl luvlnx Held dormnnl or mm or mom Icnsonl nfler lnklnl cropl mm them DELOHMNII Man CF Gordon Holden uu mada MI nlmm mmplm break with he rndlllnns ï¬rming and In lhe procm ll mnldn good Ilvlnz the ohetlnacy the volm ol Quebec Cilyl Muurioe Lamon loxne unlvmlly pantnor Incl lormer unlor clvll Iervont had long been close Idvlser to lecrll lander Penrsun but he could not let elected to Ihe House of Commons even ln that lrldltlonal leerol stronghold Quebec East Ones ho was bulen by lory then by Socredo So eennmrahlp wos olfered to the Izod lecral Ml lor lulu leeral seat In Munb ml lhls column nported an that he could run therel Mr Lamontgnu ran and war elected In Montreal outre mont ln Aprll Lanl monlh the lormer MP 7Jyenr nld llomu nld Bourque wn appointed to lho Sento lhus lullllllnz the old prtdlctlon tl column The new eenotor probably the 1er memher ol our upper house to hold unlon curdIn he lntcrnnllonnl Wpozraphlcnl Unlon Rebel Says Crop Variety Ends Need For Summerfallow Vlnro Wylvunluk Ilnmlllnn my Inln Ihe hmn lnl lnm ul nllll nhlch he won an Ipec Iunlor lama Crawford Jenkins prnvlncial sail spcrlnllsl 3171 Mr Hul den inking only one New lnlcd risk In his rnlure nn nl mosl tumultc drpendcnco an lummur mm But he hm an ncc In lhu hale dhcrnlly Vhilo mos lnrmm turn on ernllnï¬ ï¬ne or mnst twotwp plunln Mr Holden mu III vnrlcly He also ndhcrcs rixid hrlillzing puller whether Vwrike or Ilan we Ihould llve wzrlhcr wllh mm Ne or In change In human Illnlrs nor the very grave il can nllcr the an Ihu mu moutï¬ By THE CANADIAN PRESS um Mariam Icadnr Hrigham Young died The Quebec Bridge on the SL Lawrence River slx mlles above Quebec City collapsed 56 years age to dnyln 1907 enrrylng 75 workmen to their death The bridge was started in 1900 the worlds largest enntllever brldge After the tragedy construction Ilarted agaln and both eunu lever apnna were completed when the centre span It was belnz hoisted lnta post tinn Sept 11 I916 611 Into the rim taking the llvu of la Wnrkmen It was ï¬nally completed In m7 29 alrahl Gm Zeppelin circumnav 11151 he wnrld Chrhlb died In 29 196 TODAY IN HISTORY or ux that TAKES CONTEST AND CAKE muted nl HM Canadian Nl4 Ilnmll Exhlhmnn Tnvnnla 1h olher mum um 1571207110 The Irwle pmonl MIMIC prusura Isl lnwcrnnd hence youd mlnk would bu Besides he pumnlnz pm Mm ls no lhn nnly Important Humour The ruling mssuru llmlurcn has In zry impnr lnnl luo so our blood momma Ix rcpmunlrd say 12MB Iho first number luring lhu pumping lnr nynlnlicï¬ pressure nml 1he lunnd being he rub In hr llnslqllclt prcsxun Lcln snyrlhat mm pt€onl reall 50 35 and mother In conscquunce it that much harder to am lhe pru per blond supply lhrnugh Ihem Hence the blood pressure rlscs This puts addnd xlrnin nn lhc Irrart nu well as nlhcr impur lunl organs lhmuxh which lha blond Inn The llver kidneys lungs ears eyes brain and olhcrs may be damuged ram Ina much pressure loo long sus luintd 0r lhe blood vessels lhcmsclvu may ruplurt Thu ormula 90 pm your one was nulhlnu but guesswork and the gum was too hlxh The huallhicsl purple nre Ihosn whore Mood pressure doq MI rise lhul as In lhcy grow older would be ldcol ll we all could keep the mme blood pres sure we had nl lhe age or 15 or 20 but we canL we grow older uur nrlcrles Ion their llcxihllily and lo varying de grees they lend lo become snmcwhnl lmnd with any mn lcriuls The wnlusage rule has been handled about for long time but It my my 509d one Dear Dr Mulner In the mnhod at determining normal hlnod pressure still matter of adding so In your age or much lower ï¬gure considered satislnclary LINDSAY OnL The Con servatives not lo rather disappninllng mm In their campaign hers By JOSEPH MOLNER MD The nightul Ihe recepllon was chilly nnd overcast The ccrcmony was held In run the Krnndslnnd at the alr xround and ll was less than hall filled The major reason fur lhls prubably was becnuse there would he assurance of good musing cnthusinsllc audience In lhla aren which Mr Fmsl has nursed sn WEI Into sturdy Can scrvnllsm POOR SHOW Bu lhe plan ll this was backï¬red Th1 would have been In line with the policywhichjaa hpen promoted by Mr Frost hlmsel lo deemphashe he folmgr prcmler and play up Mr R04 barks But II was ï¬nally decided kick all here reception or Mr Frost was scheduled some lime In and Premier Roberts wu cam mfllcd togucnd It He could have merely gum and pgld his lrlbule to Mr Frost however and made his keynple spppcp later Partyhead had been unde cided whether the openinl shquld be In lhl hometown pl Dimer prqplar pull Frasl TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH QUEENS PARK Start Disapppiniing For C¢nérvétive Gout Requires More Can Eating ny noiV DHEARN Amber of Vlnr II xhnwn Hum With photon En MADE CATSUI AVELLINO Italy AP lmilcr lruck cultrm tunnel Mur lhls Ioullwrn lullnn my lippcd am npllllux 3000 pomqu Imh lnmnluca Trnl llc slnurd uhllc flmncn wnxhrd nwny Um Inncuinary looklnz mus No bronthicclusis dun ML cun use And yrs know 01 pcnplc uho died at alnmunh lhc dcalh certificate usually couched 11 In allmr ltrms pnrumunia plrurixy cnrdlna nslllmn rmpimmry failure or llml old ilandby cnmpllu Ions Dear Dr Malnrr Can brow chicclasis no lnkcn cart at not warse me you cm knnwn anyone who died ll Can It be cured or due it cum ilscllTMRS Dcar Dr Molnrr In column cunslipannn ynu mcnliuncd new drug which contains dinclyl sodium sullo succinalc wnm shnuld nsk hr whtn purchase MRS Thm are at Itnsl 51x lrada names or pmdurls tnnlnlninle DSS They are all Rand The general lcrm is winning ngcnl Ask ynur druggisl DI Inna he producu conlalninz beller However the testing pressure Is 50 high Ina such reading would make doclorm begin to wonder at auce what was wrong whereas the Mnhcr measure the ï¬rst pnlientu would cause no nlarm anoiher Inclar normal bland pressure varies qule bit with lndlvlduaLs Blood prcs sure good guide but you have In consider it In relation In any number of Mher laclnrs There Isnt any period number or lormula um wlll it every aody One cou say mm It that lht party organization pmbahly still need considerable tightening An Inc cn Ihc nbservcrnn Iced was ghul even the raullne of the mating was poorly or gagged This was not lmparlnnl In self But it was continuation of mnditlon which was nppnr cm In the byeleclions In which he reï¬ne and pndly was also evident Una1 did need this shnkcdown and perhaps mare at the same bea are it upcrallng smoothly and citriclhgnllyi And Mr Rnbarls upcrnlinz directly in the shadow farmer leader was also far from Ms best He gave hur rind and splrilluss spcnch POOR ORGANIZATION There was no tragedy In this The opening was no more than preseason game or lunlball team And there had to be shnkcdown pmm fur Ihe PCfL team better spot than lhls could hqrdly he found It wallldfliwe Elms lmpassihlefl for the party to lose the Vi main Mas Not onelhird of the pwpla exï¬clggqrnéd up Mi Eras was no at old time best Vilh lhe anlInrm some dlslance from the ErnndA stand he wasnt able to Mt that lnllmale not which was his hallmark In hlsv campnlznlng days