$335 dnnl think 16651113 Wl rnllrvl MI rnnlntmo 1n mruu 1m plan null we wlll in nhlaL ML llrlllrll uh dant link flmukl nlluv prnvlnrlni olexllnnl In Inkulna wllh um Hml mrrllnlun In Me pvmlnru lhrmwhu ml My hm we th mm wunlt nllnr we mnr tnlvlnrl merllmz WIllnrA llny lvlmu Mlnllhr lraulm lerIMNI lhe lrdrrnl Knvrm Ilwnln Inlrnllun In mnva an plnllnrll wllh Inlrmlurllnn In Immln lcmlunn llnn IIHUIM pmdiu mnlnclnl rlrcllnu mn lrlhu mu nmmrnl lmullflnunuu of mm mnan In rnmwralr Mn lrnnrm lnhl mm can lnmrr lhnl lrllrml yumm rlnl vummre Irllnr mlnA hlru MIINIIIYNI In mum hm HIM wlll IN lllhl In IUle nlrvl II Ilrnllh lllnllrr luIy Lulhuh III MM pluvlnclnl tlrlrtnlu nn llw lrlnlll lhfl pm vnlvlhululr mm mr lwnilnnl OTTAWA TIJ 1an nhrmL th mm wunlt nllnr we hemmui MI io rnlled Thu While Illvrr Slnry ho your old LIIMrnl dulrl mmlo lhrsn Alanmm The luilir lnlmncycr nddcd rrlcdcd Hm clrmymtnl Aunxmliunyl nn nyrsligullol Ilunchrd by Is home in While lllm Mr mul drrllncd wmmcnt on Mr Vlnhnncyrrn lllflt Mr Hmcrl purcllnml 1500 ltnnlngu on the Trum mule mm the CHI or $6114 on 5Cyl 10 1959 IN The Liberal loader speaking rnlly nllcndcd by 225 In his campaign or lhe Sept 25 pm vinclnl election sald he Angli can minislcr and RomanCalho lic priest Vhiln Ichr sent join loner lo we government In June asking Lhnl parl mcnl of municipal nllnlra look 1mg Input ncllvlllcs Ho said Ihcy rccclvcd reply 1mm Munlclnnl MInlrs Mlnlslcr Spooncr mum that Icpnrlmlnl nlliclalx are nnt nwarn or any Juslnnw whcru the prawn chnlrmnn he board of Inu ltcs Um Improvement Dip lrlrl Wth lllnr In using hll 0mm lo unhcr hll own lnunA clnl lmlllonfl HEJIZLTHD CHECK Mr Vinlcrmcyer said ando Braccl is well on his way to owning mosl of While River railway communin of 892 res denla Xocalcd on the new Trans Cnnada Highway mule 200 mich north pf 5mm Ste Marlo lie ldcniiiicd Mn Bruce he pmvinclnllynppolnlcd chair man oi me Impmvcmcnl Dls irlci ni Vhiie River since 1959 and prosidcni or he Progres sive CommAlive Association lhcro 11y BEN WARD SUDRURY 1C Liberal Leadcr John Winicrmcyer said Wednesday night he Ontario novemment has refused local rcqucsls or an Investigation Into how Progressive Conserv nlive nolillclnn runs Iha attain White River To Institute Federal Pension Despite Provincial Schemes nus VIEW from helicop med the Lincoln Memorial or shan the crowd that im arca at he height 01 yester Tory Owns Runs Town Wintermeyer Charges 999hYur No 202 For Examiner Want Ad Tele phom PA NM The telephone number to call for he amines arvEdlwrlal Dept Ll PA 65337 Qur Telephbnes ML lclnnn prnhlrm would be clunlcd ll Onlnllu and Qurhrclhrlwn muxl myulnm ymvlncel Inlmlurnl Her mm uhmnu and dhl ml cur nymle wllh Im lrdcrnl unv munrnl In an vlan Imp Ihnl will no Mp4 wnv Icmnrr mkrd ll um lul rrnl mrmmrnl wmllll Inlur km no Intmm In lmlr ulxl up penInn lnlllul mm I0 I75 mmlh lur nvnynne Al In 7D or lhnn ll 1th mm he lemlrr III wvonlllun lJohn erlmlulrrl 1m ulvl we made thch rmmm In Inmnu Hun It In vrnnlnn by no mmcu nl lhe tonUHMury ubmu Th lnr cunknnco Thun IIM Innn na lllflrluflfl ol lhnl HIM have lmrd ATFJI moan No Mr lemoll MM ll wIII da lune nu mm pm ulhlu In rnnnrrllvm wllh our tlmlvllmlyryA ulvww ll pnllllcnl pollrlc nrc lelthcd ovtrnlzm with every new wind lhul Mum how can Hm clcrlnn hm nny conll tlcncu ml pnnyn pomy mqm nuylhlmfl llu Inld Demncrauv governmrnt In Onlnrlo would lm prrpnml lo Inko Onlnrln am Wulnn Held In Mar 01 um lodrrnl leflnll Cnnndn Im KITCHENER CI Donnld MacDonald Onlnrln Iradcr the New Dcmncrnllc Pnrly ncuund Onlnrlo Lllurall Wed nudny comlnnl clmnpzu pullcy and laid lhu mncnl Lib crnl and on ptmlonn nnc lhnmqs blnlnnl txnmplu Mimi come prclly clom to lrruponslblmy Mr hlnchnnXd lold press mnIrh The Whlle ver Iruslccs hold public meeting once maan lo announce HEW bylaws ll laxpnyers hnvn nny vlews lo express they are old the by law has been passed and tho mnllnr closed There no provlslon lor making rcprcscnl nlions before bylaw an Spthal meetings closed Io he public are held to discuss nnd Ens new pylnwg Contracts have been Issued by he Iruslccs wflhout cnlllng or lcndm nnd tantracl bylaws havu been passed with no men The land plus another mullet place purchased lam now leased far motel and Ihm combined stations and rqslnurnnu well as pmvldinc ill or Mr Branch own as slallon and reslaunlnL months before the highways dc pmmenu purchasa of I11 route pnst While River was rezst lured pf the land lulu office NDP Leader Aims Fire At Liberals 112 flame Examiner Well my dim mam her Mulmml llanlIin have you dont pm gs In have ht mun at you wuvlcllona llrnry whlqwml Ill wllr Im nvlmI lhmn burr Inr nluwnzlnm Dflnlhlnl pendant An mn Jor IIMII nl Ihln um tmnpnlun Mr Mnrlhmnhl mill wilch lhnl no man Hum lhrco mnnllu 1111 Hhmln Iummrlrd Hu Invnrumonl nunlnll an NIYI IIM In have llw rrnhnl nnrnry whim wuuld hull Nmpulmry Iavlnul mllcr nlmlul urnmml wmlun plan whllrly rmllrullcd Umlrr II mwrrnmrnl plan lhr mumy Vmultl Iu ham hy wlvnle lnxur Mm rmnpnnlou Mr MacDonalds allark camu nn lho hnme round bum Landm John VlMcrmrycr Um riding ol anorlno Nnrlh And In lonk muplo nwlmu at he oppoaillon lundur whlln ho was hm Ho unld II almost one flu ccrlnlnnrs Onlnrlo poll llrl lhnl Mr Wlnlcrmcyrr will he lhpOINl mm MI my land rrslllp nflcr he Sen eltc llnu Um Llltcmh lnll In lam KovrnlmrnL And he descrle Hm LJhrrnl lender us one lhu mml urnnlnrly xmnHc ton mvnllm In 0m cuunlry Alhll whrlhrr lhu NDI would lnrm malluon Mlh lhn Llhtr Ill nmlcr nny cundmnns In lho awn llml Hm circlan nm lhlLLl m1 mnjnflly unvunmrnl he yuml nn Illl plpo And Ihwl hln lwntl llu prrdlrlrd lhnl lho NDI Hull um ng lululmum mlln In Hm lmllcnl Onll vln lrglImurc Thu Nm llnll Ive muln In Hm 1M1 lrnlIlm dun Plan which he said the puny supmrls In Imslc princl plc but dlsflgrccs wllh In name details lun subdlvislon hI CPR planned to develop wilh lnl priced between $800 and $1000 all hrounh when the CPR 501d Hm macro sin to Nardev Aw dates lirm mnslsllng of Mr lime and group of Lnknhcad men or $25000 Nardcv plans In build 110 houses and M11 mm or alwul 500 each Grading and paving coir hncln have been awarded will out tcnder to construction company which buys stone mm quarry owned by Mr 713mch was given lo curling rink in which Mr Bracd has Hum clnl Inkrest Thu rink re stricted to members Ascdlon lhe munlclpal nudllurx port say he ynnt wns ill lion ol culling lenders Although lhlsl Illegal under lhe Onlnrlo Municipal Acl lho bylaws In quesllon have bcen approved by the munlcipal allalrs depart mom days March on Washington domnnslraunn HERES ONE MInuIr lulu the hml at an lmnmllnle My Ill mmwd mrlm unmounted um um lullnl dawn mllm mvr hulk min and the hudl nt lhe flu null hrnthuhmll an nnumd IMy um cumulul lhelr llflh pluu llnrlnl Mun dorkhe Ilrlkn hull lm HJJI Mn today and Illlr our Imuu nl Mum me Name nl Hwnnnlullw pm Walneulay ummml mm Ilnn mm lry Rmale TutIA lny nlnhl rallinl Inr Mmllnl ar hlunllnn nu hm mmr pm In Illpulp 11 mm vol In Chnrmbury mid lho earliest lhln upcnllnn could be com piclhcd would be mldnizhl l04 nu um uan be Mp ha been with oul loo Ilnce lhc conl mlna uved In 16 day no ll Dccchcr Chnrmhury lalu lccrclnry olvmlnu Ink plum calltd or rcamlnl Ihe Int rd of the lunch hula In so Inchcs 51ml MINE will be ln mud lo the Juno level Then ma cmnlndcr halo will be nannzcd 21 lnchu Whnl Icm mlllnl mu mike blocklnu lulnlullml qulrlly mun4 hy Conun Wnflneuln and 11an lnlo llw ly lrul nnl Kennedy wmn mum In mu nl rnullnn ll Iho vlcw In mm numlrru lhnl he luhlnunn nnly urvrl Io drlly lhl Ilrlh Ihwnl No other drnnnipmbu am usInch shaft the olher hm inchesconllnued There II panlbllily that mnn wlll ho Inn dawn the nlnch hole march or Down Inld Chnrmbury mm 51 as tho mlbllily grew that man wnul be lent under ground to search for him Warken made prelimlnnry rnpurallun for enlargan Iz nch escape hole driven 305 an chncsdny Inlo chamber II cytd Bova may WASHINGTON MP The lrnlnn warn rolllnx mou HI Unilul 5mm lodny hul lhem up gnytlnn llnhu ahead HAZLETON PI AHKw cum movcd nn leveral mull today In nlcnsflicd mum to much lrnppod miner Louls 51 tho Willbllily 1qu Kunnudy maintained lha marknble pmmjm been mad um lummer hymnslm lug dvll right lnln pracflm but he conpcded In Abatement that we have very long way yet to uaveL He promised io pres harder than ever for passage or civil right iezisinlinn now bogged down in Canines that would make it easier or Name in at hotel room service re taurants and chance for bel ltr hnuslnxand uimoiing No one could be sure Just how this massive and oNerly dem onstration by some 200000 marchers including about no 000 American while and tiny sprinkling of Canadians could help smash iha barrier against the Negro But the Negroes and their whlle supporter who minted wllh chanting slnzlnl exhum nnce were elated And President Kennedy after talking with the Negro leader In White House lesslan Inler said the cause 01 20000000Ne groan had been advancmt Trains Roll Legislation Delays Strike By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CF De scribed by Negro leader as MM mlracle mm humanity took part In the big gest clvlllan march In US his lnry Wednesday the Amer ican Negro took another mp along the long weary road to full lreedom Intensify Search For Buried Bova March Attracts 20000 Barrio Ontarlo Thursdny August 29 I963 Rescue Suspended Make Air Packet Meal Fr umllv Amu um nlr Dnrd hu boon pm vlnmlluvwlnled chnlnnln ol lrprmnmml mind 01 alas gm DIINWAH 1fll lmnlrr Ilnlmrln mld lodny nllonnllom nl lam rnlrMnl mu mlmm Mku linlnnl andu mm dclcrllml mm leader lh Imul mmmunlly MIN NIHr ylll In lnvgnlplefl ll mi llnmnn Cnlhnllc rlonl Im Mm by IAbml er John WInIermvyer at an dedhm umpnlnn rally In Buxlbury Wrdl nqday nllhh Mr nolmrll npcnltd lo nowd nboul 250 Um Conl wnll Clvlu Crnlro what In old prm mnfcrencu In llrnhrw nxmlny lhnt Ml umrnunml nnxluu lo cn npcrnlo mm lho lecrnl ndmlnlxlmlon In 01 nwn In wnvhlux out drlnlln ulMu run mnulhulnry pcnslun 34 The Onlnrlu znvcmmenl ll prurmln leulalntlun In nlcml pvmllun mlrm run by prlvnlw lnnnrnnco vmpnnlu mul ln mnko lhnm runnth lmlwrnn M5 The premier called on Um Lllwrnl lender to npoluglxc ml to me but to tho penph of OninrloIor mnklng flulcmcnll whlch pm know lo be false Ho dcmnicu mfwmcnncy orl CIMKII nlcmpcrnlo linllnmmnlory nnd provoca lvo The wrmler oulllncd llrml ha tumed Almld In dbcuncd Ho said It wauld be Irrespon Ilen or he Onlnrio xovcrn men In tndarae the Moral planJn plqunpokc be lore it had born txnmlncd cm ltu He qunlcd Mr Vinlermeyff laying Mundny In Ollnwn Ihn he Conscrvulivu Onlnrln government nullly nl disrup Han nml anbolnnc of lhc Ind rrnl plan and lhm nflcrcd dc ImIcd rcbullyl 911 charge Mr Rubin ï¬rst formal rnlly slnco launch in his campaign lust Fridny In Llndsay ccunlcr aunckcd hl ubernl npponcn for wasting Ihnl tho Hobart roxlmewns 1n tent on Mulllln federal plans Yr nallannl contributory mm on CORNWALL CF Prcmlcr John nobum turned to the Inck Vcdncsdnymlghl In prnvinclul election enmpnlgn and accused Onlnrlo Liberal Lender John Winkcrmeycr ul terlng lalnhooda on the porta bllpcnogu Issue Premier Denies Charge DONALD BLAKE HANNA mm of mlnerl trapped for 27 mlneu trapped or 21 hours after an explosion in mine Noah Utah resls In hospital In Moah today alter qus LAiberqls For FalsehoodS By CARL MOLLINB mrctlng ol the chml tx tcullvc lhu pnrly In be hold lhll nulumn Mr Dldm hnknr lnld prm mnlmncu prlnr In hln dcpndurc lhl wack rnd nr lhrcewtck vlsll lo lho Mlddlo mm OTTAWA CF poalllon Leader chlnnhnkur nï¬i loduy he Ice no mun or rcllrinm nnd cxpccls volts at mnl dencc an annual mcclinx ol the Progressive Comorvnllvu party cnrly nugl your Mr lobnrlq lluns about lho federal plnn lhal need blowing up Include KL ï¬led on prlvnte penalon plans In hr lnl tosl and he Impact on In plies of caplul or Invulmcnl Judd dairy um Ilnl ll Plly II ll mlm I996 11 low um Involved In mum on mm on hm mu It Mr Wlnlcrmeyer Appamnlly 1ch5 that Is an unpnrdonnble sln Io even ask question of ha gnvnrnmcnla lcgls Inllon Indeed he asked the poo plc hismmvinm lo amp It bolusbolus before we hnvu even had In chance to uxnmlno refuse to beslnmpcdcd lnlï¬ buying pixp evpok lcdml mvlnclal confer ence on pens on Sepl And added Dieienhaker Not To Retire hh rescue Hanna and Paul McKinney two at seven known survlvlnz minus ware brought lh surface In bucket 11 1mm he 27lzfnot dlep mine AP Wircpholo nwrmcr ms mu JuWkiN 11w mmlnlslmflon can only nmvlda onelhlrd ol lho call pmyccllho nmnlndvr would be ID Itspnmlblllty cl lhu provlnce he mld nbulon 05mm 1mm They mm mm dun mm 49mm Barber Ilstcd mi dent of Noah and Iormcrly Elliot Lake KINGSTON om CP Clrh ndnn anlonal Ccnlennlal Ad mlnlslrnllon hnl $19000000 and wants urns ml Ideas on how to spend ll John Fisher nd mlnlslrnllon commlsslouer laid the Omnrlo Municipal Assoc llon Wednesday This counlry needs good dose of cnlhuslnlm In prepar nx nr he cnlchrnllon In 1907 CEIILIIIIILIII centennial year he Ill Durham 11mm I1 Clmlyn Ilium Count Jud nu mm 17 Elmll um Byl mmpdltlon lhl mle air at HID Elnry 5nd They said iva of Iheir carn pnnlans were allve bnnIcadcd behlnd debris about 2100 feet Intu one two tunnels extend Ing laterwy and downward Imm Ihq main shall The llrst body was removed from the min shalt early day shielded mm the crowd of nnlaokm by blankets held by rescue workers LISTS NAMES THE linen Mod as having dal Inita ruminations Tllo blast lapped 15 mm in Texas Gulf Sulphur Companys $35000000 potash mlne No bath Americans were rescued Wignudax Agood opngmlnn Stale Mine Commissioner Casper Nelson said work on the air base may take 24 hours and during lhn lime rescuer would not in Into the tunnels At least 11 the men have been Identiï¬ed as ellhar Cana dians or as Americans who or merly Worked in Canada Nelsons announcement fol lowed lhe Hndlnz at eight ho dlcs Wednesday night dimming the hope or tired grimy rescue waxken who had pushed their search since the explosion Tues dny ntlemoon Parker the to remaining min ui wag unknow MOAE Utah AP Rescua allemms In the cum to reach five seven reported survlvarn mine expluslon were tem pornflly suspended today to ear lahllsh fresh air packet at Ihe base 27mm mine shun Centennial Committee Asks How To Spend $19 Million Tchmau 35 at Toronto mu LeBIanc Elliot Luke Hopes Dim For Utah Miners Eight Bodies ï¬re Recovered Not Mon Tiln PIP CopyIthaca shower lodny cwlar tonight Cloudy Friday with sunny Inm Lavilulllghl 59 mm moriaw 60 mm to page wk Local Weather WASHINGTON AP Smnle lorelun nlnllon mmv mum voltd la lo udny la approve lhn llmflrd nurlunr lul hnn lrenly wlxhoul my mom Honl ll now 00 lo lhc Scum lot whnl proponcnll pmllrl wlll ho pvnwhclmlnu Inlmcnllon Ho lnld pmposcd projecls muxl be lasting value Includ lnx new buildings park devel munl Icwm or rcxlornllon historlc bulldinu Enrllcr In lhe duy delozalu mmd by Wubirds vnlu one Iho most cunlrnvcrainl ma lulluns Ike meetingthe cm ponmcnl welfare tcdplcnll Ideas should come mm ho pravlnm municlpnllllcs busl neu nnd Industry Asked haw lhe xlluallnn Iflppla rcplled Weilfwï¬un Ind eight bodies It doesnt look good Slate Mine Commissiuncr Cu Eur Nelson laid the men wm led by carbon monoxide gonna us product combus Ontario cm rccclvu grants up In About MONO Inr ecnlm nlnl projeclx Mr Fisher mid Funk Tippie head at thu po tash division of Texas Gull Sui phur Company which operate lhe mine said rescue team were Ible to travel nnly 1500 feet lnlo one innnll heiore be We dont km MM the sIluann beth mevbnrrlar npple laid But he said the res cue crawl doubled pl were pushing compressed at to he men behind lhe bard ca William Huzll of Yorkkan Susk father of tour SPOT NAMES All but one of the 25 minor wnrked or Harrison Intern anal Inc Toronto ï¬rm erHInzlh Qunlgels Thaeléht dead mcn were not impedjntsy Idepmigdt US Senators Pass TestBan Treaty Keith Shear ol Dav Creek Calm Iofmerl Tgroqlui Rena Roy 40 Nnrlh Bay Dr ather Ix mm mimi mm mpg Pm mumu The