CHARGEIT NO MONEY DOWN By GARRY MYERS PILD Thu youngster nl two three or our may be creating while dnwinz or scribbling on tin wailpa or scratching picture on wished furniture or setting iira to some paper with match orAiighteri IIX ilahl or 12 he maylhe creating he cut picture Certain Limitations Are Needed In Creative Childs Handiwork FREE WIN BICYCLE Bow Bays or Glrln Model waflh $369 Noihlng 00 buy ilmply complm tho Enhy Form avallabh Ohroyghouf lelorsl Dr wan will Ink plan It Zillnrl on SaturdaysipI ombor 7th 12 noon Enm oh Comm tomorrow hi or apron 01331011 from the curtain or umuvu choice plctun mm the wall mm in out It frame and puts In It another plclura he has found drawn or painted Bu In such instance he also do slmylng and his deslructlon may be costly from In benulllul book or Iï¬aku BUY YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS ON ZELLERS CREDIT PLANI uwunu winpun was unsy caro longsloovo TexLon cardigan with novcly knit cmw neck rlbbod cuffs and waistband Block While Brown Blue Jay Ruby Sims to 20x Snvo Ihusa low low prices Fuvorilo fushlonso around campus In class 388 288 ohvloufly certain limitation must by placed on the childrlur hi own My Ind for the Hahn Ind polmahm olhen The win parentsthqu cache hlln desirable lknltallon with out hampeflnu hh mauvlty Knowing without doubt what thu few bluru he must not do he must feel me to do the many other thlnn which gm hlm plenum Ha needs to be provldcd with proper material with which he can I31er create He needs to get mu lamination mm 111 COEDS FAVORITE SWEATER CLASSICS CARDIGAN PULLC TOPS IN HER BOOKS FOR STYLE VALUE OEDS FAVOURITE CLASSICS mm 83 Dlnlon urdlunn in Inver mlxnr mulch tnlmml Clnule lannluvu Ilyla ï¬lm to It ï¬IvInKIprlccdl ImoL PLAID 5mm rcvtmblu or was he Marl Whlrly box nr knm pltlfll Smnrl lChnoI Inllhlolnl Amrted Dllldl mu to Speclll ue SEPARATES FOR THE SCHOOL MISS THE INDISPENMELE whlla Ihlrl for Falls sparllvn Mnnlnllnrcd with culled long AIMVCI In mlnicara ï¬nish combed callan Sim 12 la 20 REG $3 Thu haslc skirt easy In lenm with Inpll Knileplmcd ln easyurn Amol Black or my 111 mu 20 Budgetpriced Star the School Your iho Smart ï¬rmly by Shépping Zolletsl SAVE PLENTY 0N BOYS LAMINKIEBiKékiiEi 4° DUNLOP IT IAST mum uuu mm rimly ï¬led with MR wish cuffed tapered legs Blue alive black size to In Rem $299 comm KNIT lungsleeve sport shirts calm sewnnn cresl twmbutlon placket lrnnL Solid shades in Iim lo Rex $199 WAS WEAR coll Mqu 04 mm SCHOOLSMART TEAMMATES MUST BE CURIOUS Thu chlld beneï¬t not on from his ex luring and exper mentlng wl things but Ilsa 1mm question ha ugh ynu and crullon flzlx ullahcllan my be tnhanced by your exprér lion pleasure aver will ha ha created In order to mm with word or 1mm he must have curl nafly and be enger explore ta Iain new uperlencu to lluk now lnlormatlon whether he ll In or 20 PULLOVER ZEllERS llMITED us 00 buy ilmply complm It chlnrl on VSalurdaySipI IPECIALX JEANS Halfboxer uyla cotton dalnn or Sanforlzed wllll Barlacked riv eted Ind relnlorccd at polnll main Lo den brown charcoal sizes In 12 Normnlly hllhu pricch easy PLAYTIME BUY Haw freely and rlbhly he grpwn In creaflvfly depend largely on how mmfomble and companionnhle ha lee toward ya and okhcr persona dealing wllh hlm Foremost In his rela tionship to you how mnrahm ml ho explom experi ments éxpresafu NI emotlom Ind Idea or uh quutlonl 1n Er PWE° En In the nursery schuof nr marten lb chlld rarer others Indlnlailfrom hll upk Inz nnswersklu his question 351 he 1251mm nnvn WINIIIDRRAKKRH Far HMO mrlm Ilumy nylm lumlnM Iur ulhum warmth Zlnhnnl Ilyl In wllh Iml mhlem lrlml Aldo mm nlul Men helm alu In It IMAM MM yum MI Mndllntumblc ny lulul with hillWI MM buumlml Inllflml Indium m1 chumI Elm l1 97 91 97 47 VALUERIGHT BUYS 67 67 um Fllfl LITTLE IABHIIRV Tinn rnynl pInld Aklrl unnhnhla Human and ncean llnnml Allmum Imllo pkall bullnn un Ahmnldcr mum Slm In Hal blur Rnon llrl am PLAID PRETTY Although hampered byihe necesxiiy lo caninrm in what other children are doing at schooiand with his readinesl than io imitate what utter doing In occasioni child It uhpnl ll Ilimuiaied in think talk write and act erelively idiiiereni irnm ithe other cilii dren thanks to great teacher mm unll to create an ha hamln an eal homeuAnd he ad vance tuhlxhe grades he may eel less and less oppor lurxl urge tn cgeq 47 44 1HM STOCK UP on NYlONSl yzmmm mllnllmumlnlu pylomln 1mm mmu Hamlet mlm mun Nwrlornll shad In Nu In Spur Duhlll murmur In an wheelmin HELLER curer Cnrlrldgl lnlnnln pen lhnl Ila like ball pen Mm nix nulls Sh does mcouraxa some can iormily In in learning oi basic Ikiiin in reading apeiling Ind number work But she 6150 Had mnny way as when wriunl or making lhlnls with the hands encuurale diver Iiiy For instance Ihe does not try to huva hu children all draw lino lama picture or make the lam inchlantern 1COMIARTMHNT nmmusmj 16 or 11 Ilze Mlh roomy drop pallum SmVim panels ren lnrccd mmcrl pnslllnn loch Tan nnluml Savlnuwrlccdl mi HARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 23 034 When Mr chlldrcn have homework Isslxnment which re KINGBINDERS Yor Junior Ind Senlon Sturdy Iealhm Vinyl conled lo extra pmlcclion Em hosmi or plain ï¬nishes In school amm colours Special SCHOOL SUPPLIES SPECIAL M20 L00 EASY CREDII HANS GRAND ASSORTMENT GENUINE lEATHERS £1 when lnlelleElual achieve men actually reculvcx due ognmun by parvnls and Ichqu aulhnrmes and by the preu radio and TV quires searching fur materials organizing and presenting them in report she encourage Each child inginvem hi1 own ways within cerinln Ilmilaliom In pursuinl such proieci Hero the parent also can help th child in creailve lrnwihr REFILL PAPERS 110 In lhln mu nlz Huy hmu ml Alwrlu nmmw ml ulm mnruln Bporlllfy prlrcdl 250 MIN 77 66 L33