DRIVER llUllT WINDSOR Onl CHA IL umld mun wnl mlnuny Yum nmdny when full hydr lm uplodod 100 mllel an Hour In lho DMmII luwr Mur vln Hrmlrh Wu prncllllnl of Govemova 0m run Mndlmn 1nd ml wrckmd Tho hydrnplnnu hll van and upbdod ulnpulllnl lhl Du tall man 50 on hula mu Airv Qunrmlmrk Tum Mnudlin lormuly In Anselm llnml flu anloml Anne Ind Tar onm Arfnnnuu Ind and Cam Illeu no hm julmd Edmon lon nnru mm Cnlnry thlchmn nuxhrldrrl am like llnlvmllx In Tuna Elanad hAmmk 2y loul produd MW lhlrbnck Bobby andtn lhmunon Edmonlnn player lndrd la llnmlllon TlCnu Ind cut by Ina Hmlem Conlmnco um hu murnod to In El llmoa EDMONTON ICI mm 117th have chumd lnln mm In Iflfllhtf hnl barn rcltnud on wnlvm Edmomnn Eklmm cl lh Wulcrn lebnll Conlcr An error by Km Boyer helpcd Olnnll lo no end in Ihu nnd inning againl Cur Sim mam iI7 helm Mnyl wu ncclrd icadinl nil ihu third 0r hnda Cuch ioliuwcd with hi llli humor and Felipe Alou nude it Hum In row with hi lath Thu was more uum Whlla WllHI wu collecllng MI 32nd humcr Hank Aaron look over Ihe lenlua land from Giants Wllllo McCovey Aaron lull hls SSlh and Warren Spnhn posted hll 17m vlclory In Mll wnukco Brnvu decldnn over liquï¬an Com Huwhere 01b edged Philadelphia Phflllal Ind leburuh Plrnlu donated qu YorkAMcu 21 0n Juy Willie wu hlulnl wllh 21 homer and 55 runs batted In Slncn than ha In lo hamura driven in 31 runs and brought his nvcrlzu up In Joband Ginnu hava lalleh mm IV to 61 hchlnd MON LEAD him has been lrylnn to keep Giantl within Itrikinl dillahce but the delendinl champion have been going upandduwh with lush regularity that they have Iciuully lost ground while Willi hll hit Iaicly in 27 3th Giants Ind Clrdln lame buck pacen unl L0 Anuch Dodxcrl In lnp Ina wllhout lnlermptlon nlnce July who edged Cincin nnll Red 32 Frank Howrd Ilggncdln lgLy Wyngun hogner Eskimos Add Three Players May becama Ihe lmh mIJnr lmuer lo reach the dwhamer level when he connected In the Ihlrd lnnlnz Tuesday nlxhl LrlK Kerlnl homer ulvo that paw ered Glanlu lo 71 vlelary over St Loni Cardlnnh Ind Ma leeondplaca In with Car dlnlle Wllllo Mays has the world on min but that hasnt kept San Francisco Giants Irom rldlnl yoyo ln lhat Nullonal Lulu pcpplnt rnce MIKE RATIIEI Anselled Pm Sport Wrflu Wlllln Mlyu Gan Fruncllco monomer who hit hll 4001b homer In ha third innln the am San Frlnuco In mm with 52 bank In congratulated In 10deng Willie Mays Wallops 400th Maior Loop HR lm lllm Ilwpplnl Inr lhI dul ymn lmkhu lnr Jun Ilnp In It DANGIREIILD MOTOR SPEND mr lhnl hon ulna II flu buck Mm Mu not lawnMIMI noun him who Iuppoud Hn uh huh In nlhpr drpmmmll Cllll llooklo nlck Black from Mnunl Allllnn Unvm1ly II Inc and In punllnl wllh loul les an 60 Hm 4L0 ynrdIA Hr Dan Thle MI lho ur ondbul nulllnl lvfllh wflh murdl any or yardl on cnrrlu Whll Tucker ha vcrilnd 11 Mn 301 ï¬nd an cclvarlopl In Itllue mcxrcw mcx Qunmrhnci Run Jlrklon l1 lho EFCI ludlnl yum Ml yard lnlncd wllh Ina but nvtrnua nln yardl hal tompltlc pnuu or lh hsILlI twinkling IVNIKI The lnnm hld mulm Inuaonand Ill only hnpc uh Ihu Ipeculnhm will that had load conch In Frank Clair Nu Um Clair can urry lhu bl mlnd you hul he hu knack or nnl llnhhlnx Int mil lho mun um you and than mm of Olllwll Ichlgvemenll 11hty In Iccond plate wllh on Llclory Ind wn Vlullu The havc lhn bell den IIVI rmrdonly pain lnyedjn hm mu TORONTO CP OHle Ruuxh nldm In up In lhnlr lavarflo trick In he Emlcrn Foolhnu CunIurenceprovlng ev lrggngoha yrgn Studded wllh roolglel the Rnugh Rldm wm upcclcd lo 1an flaw Ind Improvement ll my mu In ntnr flu and lb uunn Spnhn 175 nnd handed or his lath zovlclury uuon xhnak on Ihaky nan Ind recorded his mm consccullva compleu game vlclory behind Mranl hmlnm Anmn ch lha learn with Iworun homer oll Don Noklebul 56 In lhl lam1h be fore ICOIIIII lho Ilebmklnl run In the ninth when ha Iln nled Ilnle ucand Ind came own homer lha iiral ior Lu Annie in nine lama mm Dodnn 11 lead in the second inning Then musierinl lwo oi lhuir iiva hits tha weak hiitinl Dodgcn put apron ihe decisiva run in hird on uln ulu by pitcher Pm Richer nnd Maury Will wiid nllch by Bob Purkey 69 nnd Wally Moons munder Johnny Ed erdl homered or Redl in the iourih but Richm 21 Ind Ron Perrnnaxki pitched neare im bill the mi Hi way enough or chk Snnlord who scaltered elm mu or 1341 record Jullnn Javiers lworun homer accounted or the Cordl nll rum Riders Surprise League Prophets Al lAMlR PLAZA room by tummnlu Oxlando Candi lelt and Felipe Alou right Both phyan alto In human In In uml innlnn Mm hmmu lho lath nlnyer In mnjorlenluc history to noun nom PIN BOWLERS Mens Malor Pin league Begins Early September MINIMUM AVERAGE I90 An Tum 01 lldhldu MIXED LEAGUESwa ronMIï¬ii Tim Inï¬lm hpnmhr MI mmmorspms MING IN THII AID FOR YOUR Ammlon and ol Mu Ihl lhrto low scorer will nulvn 500 with on mndlllon they mi lo milled week on lhl wlnlor lour In mum vrMmlrnlmenl our of lho Don Vllley mun nnly sundy Rnhmwn of hi CAP Ill mnlon mama lo hmk pl cut lwo llroku all Mlu lady plly nu um um b0 all lo low to and In or flu Inn so holu whch be played Thuudly WRONTO OP record 135 molmlnnnl uollm and Iillunu Ice lady in he Int round at Nhola munumem hm to decide the hm upon mnd Ipoll on lho Unllzd sum wnler our Tho ovmt and lhl Mm nnuxhlonAnrookl Dumry all annulment Ind hnl Illrmrd Keller lrom Brilllh Columbll lofluqbec Exelby of Town Argonaull ll lop ln pun mums wï¬lh lan 91 yards In mnbnch on 11 Illempll wufla Bathe at Hamilton zerCnll II the up ruxher In lo lal yard with 10 In clrrlu Dick Shall Tornnlo laldlnl mm wllh polnll on our touchdown In llvg innml II Illa Icadinl pull rccclvar Ha 1m cauth 20 or Iain ml 250 ynrdl Includlnl lhm touch dnvln Thu lendlnl rulhlnx Average lellow nlmcd Jncluan from OlanI who hn Ivarued 17 yard curry or ylrdl um Icorcd lhclr rum ln the ninth on walk elnzle by Manuel Man And comedy error an Molal hlt Duke Car mel lel lhe ball gel lhrounh hlm one run neared Ind Mall eventually came man when Joe Chrlalapher plckcd up the loose ball Ind throw wild to lhu plale Unlll the nlnlh Meta rnukle Grover Powell mdï¬un Clmo had held Plllsburuh to hm hllx Powell lell the um um helyu hlt by Donn Glen denonl llna drlve ln lhu lllth The tylnl run um Acton when rellaver mk Baldschun Dan Ilndrum with pitch vlth the ham loaded lel hmka the II In the eighth on walk Ran Sanlou Ilnglo and Incrlflco fly by Billy WI lams Lindy McDaniel an Ihe vlnlory wllh Badlchun 10 he lam shutout on one or llx 1n nlnn by Dennis Bennett Cub broke lam unlmt Fhllllu or lhm run In ula levemh Hound on Ilnlle by Malhuwl mi Joe Torre Record Entry For Tourney ercphflo nck up 400 nunIlop trip around thy haul San Fran cllcu downed SI Loull to mm for wound placa thg tlonll Luzuo AP PA um Franklin mum mmmurwoun I5 um lnnlllnl lll Innl nu Tlmllll In lulu In hm nulda Syracuse lochefler Toronto Banla Richmond IAIRII IUI TIRMINAL Philadelphll Chlcngu Nuw York Plulburgh Mllwnukea Human Clnclnnall Lou Anzclu St Lou San Frlnclsco Probahlc Pluhm Todly Clnclnnnll Maloney IM It Lon Angela Podrel IN New York Jackson 815 at Plllaburzh Cnrdwell 1212 Phllndelphla Short MD at Chlcgko Tolh 1M EXPRESS VII Hlahmy 400 Lo Angela St Louis San Francine Philadelphia Milwauke Cincinnati Chicago Piiiahuruh iiouxton New York Milwaukee Galvinr Houston chH 1010 0mm Thundny New York at Pllhburnh Philadelphia It Chlcno lnlernllonI Lem Nnrumn Dlvhlon EXCURSION FARE $385 Relulll nludu Lox Angels Detroit Chlcago Cleveland Kama Clly Baltimore Boston New York Probabla Pllchm Today Kanana Cllychkersham lo at Balllmora Pappax 1w anslon Wllmn 014 at New Ygrk Foul laj no es Chanel Inn Detroit Lory 38 Omen nmndny Lo Angel at Detroit Chlcaxo at Cleveland Boston New York New York Minneull Chlcm Bllumoro Ddroit Cleveland Boston Lon Angelo Kansal City Wanhlnzton Bridal Columbll and VQuebaa bowlurl worn out Ind to flop lhu Ontr10 Iweep ll lllll plny hula In tho fluzlu Ind 0an competition Tho Hull dlvhlon wu min the men talk II On tlrlol 00rd MchHlln at cm awn ymplred to mm Vincen verl Sandy Houllon lkhll Ind Mumll Al By TIM FAUQUIEB HAMILTON GP Qntlrlo clinched the min Clue nmdny It tho Cmudlln llwn tennll bowllnl chum Ionthlpa und Ind their 11ml Ixud an clam my Into in Hull day 1w Raldel Ind Jno DDIICh Waterloo look lhe pain crown with lounhround mo victory madly over Ernie Cummlnl and sun Home of Sinkloan who rrpruemed sanklemma By THE CANADIAN PRES Amman Watexldo LaWn BoWlers Clinch Canadian Paiis Championship Aug Wm 90 Sopt 1nd Chlldrcn mu mnl Both undehmd mar our Luv Bmlo l50 mm Lam Exhlhmon 1030 pm um Innaland Show Dlylllhl llml REGULAR SERVICI Tu Toronlo ll Tvln Kath my Enry Day Round Trlp Includel Admlulon DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS Mn is llmnu AL Mm BASEBALL scoTEs wso1m mmmmmm Lannum wnnnmm NLOHL 72 58 5511 WI 72 59 $50 WI 71 81 533 71 62 530 70 85 510 10 81 63 Hl ll 66 63 312 mi 49 83 311 30 41 89 315 S7 Pd GB 85 MD 12 58 11V 72 55 1M 72 I1 541 62 66 III 21 69 62 69 I7 11 60 451 28 BE 71 26V 48 83 360 37 AB ll PM Ymrmald En 471 so 15 Knllne Del 110 15 311 Punon LA 469 71 311 Rollins Min an 131 301 Win LA 470 as NI RaniTrash New York Ii Runs lulled lnslunn 130 ton lllbYnlmmskl DonbluYulrzemxkl 34 TYIDIII Hlnlon Wnlhlnr Ian 12 Home RumSlum slam DunApnriclo Balu mm PlkhlntBoulon New York 750 Palm Chicago Pitching VP¢nnnoakl Angekx 1127 867 sirlï¬innuKoufnx Lox lulu Graal SLL Davis LA Clemenle th Pinon Cln Almn MI RunIAlron 100 Eunl fluted rtAaron no lmIPlnxan Ind Grout 17L DavinaGrout hlpIuPlnsan Home RunsAaron 35 slalzn nnm Plnmn and Wills IA Angela 24 Ruulll Tueldny Indnapolh IN Jnckconvllln Bunnie 14 Allan Toronto Rochester Richmond 74 Syracuu 20 Column Little mask Onurlol nun mm A1 WhIII Ed Lane Only Lyneuu 1nd Iklp Jlm Grllnlu lrom Richmond H111 Monday de felled Iklp 11m Cranneyv upd 111 Summon tum m7 Amle Columbul Jukmnvlllo lune MI Richmond It Rochester Indllnupalll at Jnckwnvllla Calumhu at Arkansas Buan It Atlanta hranlo at Syracuse By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Nullonl ii lhl om oflma armh Columhll and Quebuo werotlud with II polntl tocpyl mlgcbel pm loin lnlo Ontario led in Illa overIll tum cam union with palm and EC awlm wen In Iw ong pllpq with ll round 01 pluy and Honllnn who played In the 1062 world churn lumth at Seattle wan the Ivorlte Raininl world chumplan Jnhn KendalIan wulmount Que ll lklpplnl tho Quebuvfourl team In lhll competition and ml the mun gho elimimted Holmon at Santa mung Au mu Electricity is Safe Clean Flamalou BlrlkeanlIPnlerl 158 l5 IAYFIELD STRIET ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS BALI LEADERS Matchless Electric Water Heating Amerlcln IIIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES CflMMISSIIIII milieu Dlvhlon is proven to be over AH Pct 528 60 In All 439 315 470 86 151 All 78 Ill 421 II 100 33 Oflm mnhodl may only he almudu cu 65 IHIcIoM The dalrndlnz chum on EC mlouraome Illa had home 311 caum ndvunuzu at Royal Cab Elllwood Golf Club and used hell 301 Iacnlknnwlcdu lo wln lhclr 300 lacond luccuglve Illa by 28 Ilmku wllh 601 lurclnlt TIES MARITIMER It was good enough or cm medallhl honor nlonz with Gordon tulle sum John NIL who wan the Ilnlwurl the cumblncd New Brumwlck Prlncn Edwurd mm mm Gary Smllh l7ycnwld Vlc tori youth who Icavu next week or gall helmship at lha Unlvmlly Ncw Mexlcn led 30 with ivacrpnr hula ml 115 The team Ind Individual lum Neadny mm the exclusive property oi coalini provincel Briliih Columbia dciznded It inlerprovinclnl juninr team championship which was held in conjunclian with the 55hqu guniiiying round of lhe Canu inn junior golf championship 86 and Nova Scoiin sped away from lhe olhm early in he tum compeiilion By TOM WATT VICTORIA CPI he unalllylnz mund of she cans in junlur gall chlmpIanshIp Il IndIcalIve there could ha market or soma mlerprlsln businessman In buman sea nlr and Min lo 911m from Inland provlncess Dow no hmar uolnz to man lnnlnn and flnlnhed with twobl shut out runnqu his record to 104 It WI Boulanl um Nexduy HI hldrl uuhl¢er for club in nlnlx Ind llnhhed wk lwm hll mutout running his ctrdflto 1M best on the Yankea Rllph Tarry It 27 oldmnly by mmparlnn Inlmed of tho thnlzhl duuhleheader awn Boxlnnfled Sax wllh ï¬vehit job It was his 1w victory and matched Ylnkeeu bulging my m9 13 law Ihm ol lacond plus with Idle Mlnnuou Twlnlhy defeat ln Cleveland Indian 61 Kan Ill City Athletics edud Baltl more Oriole 11 In 10 Innings and Detroit Tigers lappnd bun Anxelel Angel 44 In lhe name Icheduled PIECng STRING The twin Ihnlnul by Benin and Terry were tho lhlrd and MIth in Yanks Ian Hve nmu The Ynnkce ml hu Two ybunz msone left one HIMm the In on tho Yak 419w Thsy helonz to New Yor pitcher A1 Downing 22 la Ind Jlm Boulnn right hlndlr Batman them lhay can aln the promise n1 Ymkee domination of tha Amerlcnn L93an loryug Iq cpme By BOB GREEN Angelted Preu Eporll Wfller Cdast Golfers Top Junibr Meet Bdut°¢7TéWRacliUzi Shutouts For Yankeés m1 Flamalon And More Efficient qul ran FULL DETAILS CALL THE Tho name volume heated by nnolhcr nmhml could coat over 300 per monlh Independent lurvoyl prove that more water can be heade lower cost with flat rate elcclric water heating than my am my YOU CAN USE OVER 01 YOU CAN USE OVER 200 mm or PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT com ONLY MONTH TO HEAT The dcmnndinl c502ynrd llynul wn In my condition smunx today it wlll be tougher Um will be moved hick unlll the came 6552 ylrdl The iieid oi Bu goiien wax lrlmmed In following the qualifying round and goes into match play today ior the junior lillc Two rounds will be played and day unlll Fridayl whole na Smllh and Leslie are favored but Vallmer delinlla chnl longer Th most minus far elzn mallenga wnuld Ippur in come Irom Sealllel arrln Vin cent who put together and 71 Dr esmmla cl Calgary belnl toulzd as an underdog challenger wlm could 10 Ill he way In hlx your Calgnry Am alcur ha delenlnd Doug Silver harx Ind Kellh Alexander both rczulnn on Alhortnl Wllllng dun Cup turn on the lame day In lha quarter and mul llnals He lost In he final He qualllled Tï¬udiy with 7379157 Smlthl us went with lgllow Victorian Rlcky Kenlx 152 and Vancouverflu Wayne Vollmcr and Douglas nnbb who that mg 157 Icsqecglvqu Nuvn Scan hurl 631 and San lutchewan was lhlrd at 539 Fol lowing wcre Manllnbu M0 Ncw Brunswichrlnce Edward Innd Quebec 651 Ontario 661 AanddArlbma 663 Bunion let down bl alter Ihal and Gary Geller allowed with anolher link but he get out without trouble Yanks Ive Mm Ill the hackan he needed with two ï¬rst Innan run an Ilnzlu by Hubby Rich ardson Ind Elston Hawerd Ind double by Tam Trash Ind Hec tor Lopeze Benton In nno the bl sur mu Ha hud only 17 rgcard lesson Itamd Ihls yen in the bullpen and hi bins nomad Into Yanka up right hander The hard throwing young ster had allowed anly two hm mum and had rellred 22 men ln ordur heIora Bostnn pinch hmu Ruu leah Inglld past hlgmur leldlnl 0th hln we unpld pitch he laid utter ha game The Illu ntlon called for breaking pllch llld threw him last ball GEIGER SINGLES Rlchnrdson singled In on run Ind You Bern doubled In two allowed only two run In 11w Inn 51 Innlnn both In 11 12 Inning loan to Chicago In tho lemnd lama of Sunday dou blehender Whitey Ford the lefty armed um ALrInl with II hlt Ihnlout In the open Sun day It wu his 1th vlclory Ind lhlrd Ihulaul Terry his three Baum live Ind Down our tom of 15 1mm man 61 View larlu man the III our nurt en 90 EFFICIENT Tlie tilde player in mi Bob McCoy 20 Expannlfl Ont tormer Candin ma Lloydmlnsler Sank Ralph Baldwin 47 my drlvlng In addson avarila Speedy Sun NIAGARA FALLZ GP From lodlyuntii the ilnai In uuquad game Friday night goalies 13 ddencemcn Ind 71 forward will work out lilo Boston Bruins junior hockey camp here under coach Mil Schmidt Ind usianBg Guidoiin 59 Amnng lhe player Ire End Is Ecrnle Parenl of Mn real and Dennis Gibson la Port Arthur mum um um mu Helicopter owned by lhu Armstrong Bros Subnt Brgmplag OnL dlgl lg 1m Detroitl Phil Rum allowed only our hm and not III aliens help he needed Iron Wind homer and runprn¢ duclnz ninfla In men Mumph our Aux Canadlan driven and one Clï¬‚ï¬ dimowned hom war In Held at loday uaklnl the win men than or 35 In the clay dc Hamblelnnlnn ha been won only ance by Canadllq own horse line 1828 Choir Boy owned by Genrfl Villeux Drummond Slab Dr vllle Que an drlvcn by Kellh Waplel Ca water Ont wax haplnz today tq become the lecund Cnnndlnn winner more In the elzhth Innhx lb secondnma breaking cox 1m Ilnlulo between Terry he Rcd Sox Dave Morehe and Arnold Barley Marche had allowed only Icratch llm gle when he had to hem wDE an In ured In lnlh wnn Snx grew flamm White ox Dav Nichfllmt Ilruck out our tlmu lcfllnpu major leazuu nelson rmrd but Tom McCrnw and Ward nch dmve In two runr with homer and single In Ch cagol xlctgryyverjndlgn waik Io Jose Taxlulu bulk and Wayne Clusayl In lcld lnxle broke 11 Ila 113 the 10m and won for Ed Ra kow and flat Athletic Inlnu Balllmqrz 114 On Hand For Workouts Hambletonian On Top Today guqu Ill rpmum 41qu Samplu Fm Eulmalu FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PM PA 1713 BARRIE Upholnerlnl In Our Bun nm lull Eldo lno BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN WORK Immian PA 64825