Stopping Bidding At Sale Auctioneers Big Problem The nurulnrily In nutllmn Inn lncrcnm murll Mr yran lhnl Inlle MIII luwnl hum Um Hi In humlmll mllu My In wmh nullqurl ll Ihr nmnll cnunlry uurllnnn Thu hnulcsl lhlng to learn nhnul helm 1m nuuluncrr Is In lcnrn hm ynu mould up he mnlnmm 1mm bidding mul Rd on In snmnlhlnl elm nay Jrrry Ynu mu kco pClYNl hlxhlinK nu nnn cm or hour and Inan llule mum Hum alum II unrlh while nomclhlux elm lllnl nhnuhl will In Illll ntlllnl HIHI Jerry slnrlcd will junk lnr hls unrlu lien ho was only and had hrrn nruuml nuc llon nnlu qan lrw ycnu be crn lhnL Junk Is he smnlhr thlnx Iurh an nml man Ill Mr Couglllin learned the inn of nucllnnmrinfl 1mm his u1cle lhn lnle Caughlln uha was In Ihe huslnm or mnrn Hum 50 years Vhrn Jury Coupth bought hl its nucllnncrra llccncc In 193 hp new suspuclcd that he would hu asked to sell uvery lhlux rum house and properly In klldmn ulnk MINI nml tumult mun ulna ONE buyer out lo $29000 SHARE THE WEALTH WELL SELL ANYTHING Ind warnnlee nothing My audience Jerry Coushlln 500 pm SPECIALS JACKPOI BINGO EVERY MONDAY Ahoy NuStrvko Clonmu fly CHUCK TULIJ Admlnlon 50c 14 HIGH ST RCAF Assoc OF lha prospective lnkcs In low mlnum relax during lho heal The mulcsl dzmnnd In mm nnlmnl today or lhn unvy draught hum mse hlu lcllnwn nl anu Ilmu commanded prlu Plicn have changed lrcmcn daust In Jcrryl cnrcrr good cnw xnId or $50 win he slur lcd out In nnlcs huslntss and nu lhcy coal over 1200 Anllqur can hrlmz prlce up lnln lhe hundreds of dnllnra be cause 01 me many tollnclara In lho carly any or Mr Cough lInl curm lhnrc urn nn nul nuns and evcrybody buughl Ming use lhcir hnme haunt l0 counlry sales to vlow rnrul Onlnrln In the at tho buying in the rocker lhnl ha has purchased mung ml Illllnmlll Mmu noun¢5uin 15 yaunn MEWS he Iucllans family commode properly of Archllï¬ld Jamie durinz recent salt on the son near Dalston The sale MONDAY IUESDAY MATINEE DAILY AT pm CONTINUOUS SUNDAY FROM LJO Young Rum at MS 430 715 1M5 NlnM Thin 305 550 850 SUNDAY rm IODAY ONLVx DUAL OF THE TITANS AND TARZAN THE MAONIFICENI Lu Comple Show 040 nwm vcwnluuLJu IllIll in 100 fur lhc loam hut nnw an as high as 3500 These humus are now bought mnlnly 1m shnw purposrs but somn sml work on ho hum The lurnst side he can mull doing Is the tale farm that mm more than six mura Mnny of hue lnrnu Ialca uwo nmnunlcd $25000 ur more Mr Cnughlln Aumn nucllnn Mr Couxhlin cnrrlu out most of hls snlcs In Slmcm Cuunty hul hug lrnvcllrd inlo he wr mundan cnunllcs to nucllnn lmnsc farm or Just sumo household ellccls TAKINI HOME the booty lhcso weary aucllon an cur Cnuxhlln Aumn auction The gloves 0H nnd pn Ilcc tum will no longer hn Inllsllcd wilh Issuing wnmlnzs In drlvcrs whn 0ch spend limlu by our ur five miles my Deputy Chic John Mu my wilh lulu xnlu ulnlnn From now on lummunscd TORONTO CF Melro rm llce are turning the heat on EDITan molarlsb and Jay walking pcdulrlnm in allorla In cut back the rising ctldcnl and dnnlh Inlls Toronto Police To Crack Down ry he warns back lo lake up xcsldcnca in new home saw more than 600 pmspccllva ment antiqutihand modern LADY BUYERS look over buyer vying for an assert furnllure 16 355th 5tu VB prlor to tha nle Crowds all will be The SIU Wu lnvrsllgnlnd hy nncmnn roynl mmmlsslon In Canada and lhe Cnnndlun ROV cmmcnl hnx mld ll wlll Icl when Inrllamcnt mumcs uil llnns ncxl mm to put lnlo mm commission rccommcm dullon Hm all lhe xcnmcnl un lnm he pm under anernmtn lrmlruhln unlvll lho Ilumllon ll currcclmL The publlcnllon referred to he Greak Lakes dlspule lnvolv nu he Independent SIU In Can ndn where he SIU and 111 mm ldcnl Harold nnnks have been nltnckul n3 vklou nnd cor rum nm SIU nnd lhu Cnnndinn Mnrlllme Union CLC hava been hnllllnu aver whlch II In rrprmm Cunndinn unmcn on he Grenl Lakes persist the union newspaper says lhal um mccllngs are on In Washington with the us Irylng to Icll the whitewash in Canada In lhe ln crests slnmming antlhmcr lean senllmcnl there government officials are mm In work out dual wllh Cam dhm nulhorlllc ta whlkewash Iho Sculnrcrs lnlcrnallannl Un an Canada NEW YORK CWThe NMU Pilot oillclnl publlcnuon of Ihe National Maritime Union America AFLCIO my lhcra are nunorl circulating In CanA ada Ihnt AFLCIO and 11s KN OLD TIME viewer bald lmly Interest in IN young 1116 NMU in rival or he SIU US Trying Ihnl Canadian Govts Reported To Whitewash SIU CINIMAICOP 0N nun ANT mm SUNDAY Ill publlcnllnn says he n1 mon lay the deal being worked out would be la Hal Hunks mm the rap bu to have SIU prcsldenl Paul all to tho US union take over In the US Illhnugh boll AFLCIO allllinlu lélfdhiï¬ilï¬l lady fly SHflNTY BAY Ho OPENS mm ï¬gural954m Tucnmcnmn mm mm GLEASON PAPAS DELICATE CONDITION ILUfl LAST TRAIN FRO GUN HILL TECIINICDLOn Ill ownm Huhny ll AI Gnthrln Ihe looks nld lum llldes TONIGHT ONLY mu 2ND BIO MITI STARTS 1mm TUE III The embassy Inld Archbishop Blank Cape Town md lpoken In Toronto about low wages and terrible houalng among the nallvu TM wal dusplla pm that more ll be PAB339l Tho Orlglnll Drlvnln BARRIE Soth Wlih Thu Chnlu of Th0 Plduru Lmlo Road In 111 cm Buwun Hwyl 400 and Admlnlon 75c Chlldun 13 or under FREIV viiuillAMfl mwmmurrm mmmmummwd Ezmtassm LLTrsi UITAWA CP The South AIrIcan embassy Issued stale mcnt Friday Inklng DMCCUDH to attacks on Iho government aI Soth AIrIcn mnda 1mm the pulle and In press Inlcrvlem mime AnglIcnn Congress In Tor on South Africa Police State began lo znthur It pm or the auction that llarlcd 30 pm Buyers journeyed 39M HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE COMING WEDNESDAY THAT TOUCH OF MINK PMKED mm conic cm lawman MONDAY AND TUESDAY iiiiaaxééti 15 Tgvmiammmmmo ogmuupcmomp Hï¬ï¬‚fllflï¬m SECOND BIG FEATURE Mr mm mi Quirk VERY FIJI EMEMAIIIENT WI Allyn WIDIY wwwmm ll Iald many stallmcm were deliberately slanted axnlnsl lho poslllve work 01 um lovem men The Soth African govern men It not apposed to Chr Manny Iha Itntomum Id Churches were true to work among white and non while Scpnrulo churches or flu cn racial or linguistic group or mmmunlllcl could hardly b0 condemch as unchrisllnn STARTS TODAY in done ule or flu Bantu popu allon In he way houalnl mlnl walla medlcnl mvim cducntlan Ind wnm than In probably my other In dependent African Ila LAW AT 700 Ind 1000 Mm CHASE II 450 pm mm away In Toronto and Hunlllan In march 04 nnllquel