Mr and Mr Don Duchamp 9nd daughter Dianna span the Weekend with Mr Deschampl parents at Field Ontario Mlsx Dork McFarland of To onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Amara Mn Mllh and son Tor onto are visiting with Mrs Mlllx 90th Mn Sullay Mh Laurel Cole is vacation In with Marilyn and Carolyn McArthur Band Head Mlsa ions Eamon oi Saska ioon Sash hnl returned nim visiiing with her liner and hm iherininw Mr and Mn Holmes Mr and Mn William Reagan and Herbie at Uxbridge lplnl Iha weekend with the 1mm pnrenu Mr and Mrs anhei inmiiy Recent visitors Coin wen Mr and Mn Hoikma hnd Bud Toiedo Ohio Mn Wilioughby Banla Mrs wm lam McArlhur Doug Carolyn IlinddMuiiiyn McAriiuu oi Band ea Orville Smith 01 Victoria EC called on Miss Ida Smith And Mgilant Alvin Smllh Mlss McKlniey in Toronto spent week with Mr and ML William Brooks Mr and Mn Ken RM and daughter Bannlo of Windsor called on Mr and Mrs William Surlberlund Mr and Mrs Wllllurn Hlp well of Windsor spent ths week end wlth Mr and Mrs Bruoks Stephen Douglas Want son at Mr and Mrs Douglas Reynolds was hnpllzed by Rev TL Jackson at Iha Sunday morning service in Ihe Unllcd Church The babys grandparents Mr and Mrs Palmsr and Mr and Mrs William Reynolds also the babys great grandparents ML and Mrs Mabre and Mr and Mrs Hounsnmï¬ were present Mr and Mn McEllrny and Mr and Mrs Vernon were guesla hu RuhrldgeMclvor weddlng at he Anglican Church InuEtoblmka on Saturday BOND HEAD WONDER VALLEY ME uni Mm fluid and grandson Gary Slranaghun lpgn Monday In qulllpn Susanne Raymund of New Hmnswlck ha been holldaylnl wim her cnusln Carolyn PropheL She left or Taranlo on Sunday In vIsI Manda mere hetero re Iuyï¬nx jallcr hum Min Many 01 Halleybury vlsiled with Mr and Mrs Coop erlor 5mm dgy The mcellnx will be held the home Mn Frank Per lan llnwkeslune on Ncsday chlember he Crow 14m meet on Sepl lhc home of Mrs Handy There will be qullllnz Rev Brown Dublln was was spcuknr at St Pam1 Church Sundny morning Rev Skelly Collier SL Unllud Church nnrrle was wllh hlm Bnlh Illended TrInlly Colltga In IOmsylflfl ago SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Mn Harvey Camphell and bar Ianlnlnw Allan Jam and hll dnuxhhr nevnrlcy Toranlo Ivllh upd Mn 0mm Highzhl Vllllnrs i1 Lnnxman Law wn nl Sudbury wllh hut Ill legg and hmlhor Mlu Helen Johnxlon ha been Ipcnding her holiday with her mnln Mr and Mn lrvln nhnnon Villlnrl wllh Mr and Mr inule wm Mr and Mr Dlnmnnl PM Huron Mlch mm Mr Gmr Mmulleld and Mn Wrmnlgllillon Mr and Mn Jnlmuon mu Mr man vlnuhnm wm wcrkcud vlsllor wlth Mr nnd My lluddkl Mr Ema Mn llmtkwoll ml Inn Nell Tornnlo uprnl lhu mqygml wlm ll nmkwrll Mn nuhlm Ipenl law dnyn wllh lrlrmll In Mmm hrg nml Vlllawdnlo VII lï¬rmry penl day WI wk Illh hll unrln Ind lunl Mr mm Mu lluullllor TI Wu Om Minn nmln ll on AM am Mr um Him 01 am lelIorI wllh Mu mlmlh flnulry Hundny warn Mr Ind Mn Funkr Ilnrrir mm and Mln Llln Tlnrlxe Evrnll Tuvnlmll wan luv dun ul wrek with noxrlnInw aml dnuuhlur Mr And Merr Duthnm Min Carolyn mm Nrw 31mm lillli Hui wmmlénh 12M Md Mnymhmmiile Mi Im mum with Mr Ihlvr Mn HEM mule Vllmvu nn Mumy with Mu ll llanmy and um um Mr AM MII NIH and Andrew mm Mu mun nr Mu MI umunuqu PENN um 11 mum Hum fflfm lluMlQ Blymulu fly MM MAY DENNEV By nuts FflALlCK By MRS HANDY uniIn Mlli hlulrï¬ Wnlkn nouillrrl1rnlvn fwn GRENFEL MINESING BAXTER Silurday evening with Hnuzh Orillln Mrl Racha Il home mm hasrltnl where all had been pal tn or leverl waeks Min Glenna walkom Baxm gpent aw dayJ In home are Mr Ind Mu Menuy nnd daughters EIlen and Debbie have returned mm monthl vacation In the weltarn prnvlncu They vlalted with Mn Menarya sleer Flt L1 and Mn Miskey Glmil Manlloba They also vlslled Mr and Mn Ellani Elli in Lock wood Sank and other friend In Saskatoon Ind Penllctun n0 Min Sharon McFarland Dr lla walked on Sunday with M13 Marlena and Lynne DAngln Mr and Mm Lou Davis Vancouver Mr and Mrs Fred Davls of Baltimore were recent visllm at Mr and Mn Alex Alexanderl Mr and Mr Robinson and mm Wlllnwdala are visit in Mr and Mrs Graham By MR5 SCOIIl Church urvlca 130 pm usual Mr um Mrs Tom Norma have returned home after xpen Inc couple weeks Boston Heather Cameron of Mldhum ylslllng P9301 qugs Last hmsday afternoon was the scene an accident when the lrain hit truck loaded wllh heavy cnnslmcliun cqulp mm on ghecmsslnl hmiu Mr and Mrs Babe Adams Mr and Mn Doug Jane and Mr and Mrs Dnve June lended ula AdamsDavis wedding Mlneslng Samng Mrs Ann Miriam Ed and Dan spent Sunday with Irlends Klrkfleld TRAIN IHT TRUCK Bath vehlilea war travelllng at slow rate or much damage could have been done The sidé ufrlhe lruck cab and lender were damaged and tho driver was not hurt Thls the In acclden evar known on this track and consld ering the visiblllly being poor We consider ourselvgs Igcky Mr and Mn Got on yer the RCAF Moose Jaw spent couple weak at Mrs Boydl Mme Mrs Boyd returned home wllh them or holiday Vespra Horllcullural Soclely wll hold in annual flower show mm 23 at Mldhum Forestry Ihlpplng nhcdsu Weekend vixllnn wllh Mil Danxln were Mr and Mrs Mum Tornnln and Mn Cn burn Ecclnn Mlss Susan Peacock BarrIe spent law day wllh hnr grnnd pmnu Mr and Mrs Pu cock and Mn Jnhn Andman Tumnlu span weekl hnlldny VIIm Eda Sympnlh 26c lo John Hal pcnny whuso mother dlml In Aylmcr Inst lhuudny 31 Gun Mu Wlllinm McNeil llarrle Wm vlsllors with Mr and Mn Colllna Mr flild Mrs Brown En rl sycnlï¬uqdpy Thm WM nn unusunl nmoun nclivlly nl Ihe ham Mn and Mn Shawan on recent Monday morning whrn group tluhlccn YMCA member ug ed mm 10 lo 15 yum mm llnchulu arrhnd mm or hrcnklall on mulo lo Mann quln Park The mu In hm can wllh lrnllm an mnlnr honl ell llnchum 1130 pm Sundny nlxhl or mm lnur of Ontario nlm spendlna three ur our Any At lha Puk they wlll mum harm by way lcltrhornuxh Ind olhcr Palm lulu lncIudlu In mu Nlnlnrn Pnlll Inrtnru Slcwnrt and um Allnn wlm II momlwr cl lhn zmup lmd hem mendlnx cw dnyl wllh Hm lormcrl pnnnlu All Gludyl Ardlll Toronto II Iprndlnu few day with Mr nlrlrrl Mrs lhm Sheldon Ind My Ilarfxï¬tavfprl Mr ml Nolmnn Ollmnro Ilml Mr and Mn IInrl Illmnu uml lnmlly nllemlnl hlnhdy cclrlurallnn Al Mldhunl Park Mr Mn Gllmnmn mnlhcr wlln VII yran nhl rm Enndny Aul lï¬lh nlmul rolnllm anthem In femur lnr Mn ncrnnmn In wlnh Inppy yearn llrlnllvu um we mm MrnlunI Mu UI mnnn Imme nun llnwmnnvllln Ilfl Tamil and IHruy 11w lymunlhy he mmr munny am In Mu Hnwanl Mnnll Ilml mu lUrlIIml um All nlullm Cal Howard Mm ulm pnmd away In lh an Vlrlnrlu llmpllnl llnrrln umlny mm mml award rmlml In In llmpilnl In Flhluy IUHIIIHI ninth Mr Mn vm An ol Mlaml llurh Kuwkl wonl Tynan film Mn lo Mill Mn le Jln mm Mum rnn IN ck AI Randy nu II ï¬ll Illlllu Tulnlnl Cunp In Milln ML ml Mu lrla Am lnmlly and Mr And Mu Jlm Ellinu Illmdrd the lallch union In Moum Mbfll lnk About I75 ulnllm nml trlmdn njhcrnlllur lhg nl Mlu NMMI Willmu In Mm Inr In huh vacuum with lm mm ubul Ichafleld Ind um MIDHURST STN ANTEN MILLS PW By MRS MONTEITII fly MRS MAURICE REID LEFROY Mn Ind Mn Wield vIslléd wlh Mn Mamlei Raid on Thundly Min Loam Scott of Winnlpez In vacationlnz wlth Mn and Mn arm wmr 16 JFK VOLUNTOWN Conn AP Mumben of puma group mmhing from Qulbec city to Guantanamo Bay In Cuba will alleml perunal upped to Prgxl 9n Kent qex my ln order to xel olflclll ham In thall gowud Inn to enter Cuba mu an moat of them member of the Naw Enzllnd committee for nonvlolen Br glen 1m Quebec It the and ay Gruybeard urn Spahn suddenly lunIInK Into Blue heard guns Lox Angeles has taken another step toward his lath victory season while shaving the Dodzen Natlnnal League lend In name Allocqu Pr5n Spurn printer Given homn support by old flandbys Eddie Mathew Ind AKRON Ohio APlLanky Johnny Pull the only player to He together sub par rounds hnped hl red hot putter would ward of the blx name challeng era today In the third round of Hire $50000 American Go Clas The 21yearold who has been on tho loumamenl lrnll lur seven year huh has only three vlclorlcs lhrco stroke lead over Hobby Nlchull In Ihe ï¬rst two munda ol tho 7Zhole loumamenl Dropping birdie pulls oi 55 and 60 net Poi mustered th 71$5 yard Firestorm Country Club coum with 353368 Friday iniiawing an opening 61 to lvgungiehpar 135 M111 Barber who 61 um wllh Poll 01 he Intround RATIFIES COST MONTREAL CHTh Que bec Munlclpal Cummlsxlon has ï¬lled Montreal cily wunclll recon aulharlullon of an addi unnnl 6660000 for the cllya new uubwai The addlllonal muncfly WI 09 lbs cox comphrnd to immom for In mmIIo aymm orizlnally planned EflUITlUN ENDS MILO Hawall AHA Ipec aculnr hm brie eruption Kllnuen the worlds mm ac Ilvo volcano cndcd Friday In his of mm Thlnyallhl hour of bubhllnz In the crater on the mulhnrn and the Inland In cred mm Imoklnl crack 11 the Hour Johnny Pott Takes Over Top Spot In Classic Golf Meet FINE GROCERY FIRM WINNIPEO CF Cnnndn Sulewny lellcd has been fined total 50 nnd cost on three charm of vlolnllng lhe Food and Drul Act Tho company pltndcd zullly In Wlnnlpeu court Io chm ol unlnwlully ndvtr llllnl he Inlo Kmund but Spahn Pitches Braves To Win Over Dodgers By MIKE RAIflEl WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF You Eitill CanT Beat Natural GAS Hank Aaron the 41yearold Mllwuukco len hander pasted victory Na 15 Friday Illth scaflerlng nlna hm In 611 tr umph over the Dodgers um lightened tho NL nu Icramhle 5pahna latest triumph his fourth complete gums victory in raw trimmed full name from tho Dodger lead over secondplace st Louls The Car land had 3646 72 and dropped Into threeway He or third pln with Australian Bruce Crampmn and myearold Dave Hlll Julius Bum United State Open champlon Ilsa In no or the lead after the in round fell back with 553771 or 140 Jack Nicklaus th PGA and Masters champion could not do better than another our to tie Boron Dnva Marr and Gn Brewer Jr whlla Arnold Fal mer still need with uttlnl problems Iound hlmsel nix stroke all he pace with 1011 Ml Eleven olherslncludlnx Gary Player and Lionel and Jay Heb ert were lrnuped In manner that was lalse mlslendlng deceptive or llkely In create an crmnwus lmprcr Alon regarding ll rhumcler In his old use Imc told Em his Invented his win Ions Io so out And kl game And prepare It In llkcd so that he might give hlm MI bless berm he diedGen YOUNGSTEIL BROWN PETERBOROUGH CF No flveyenmld girls were dmwned FrldnyI Ippnrnnlly nl they chased balloon In luck Ihe Trent Canal Dodlcl Deboth Delong and Sharon Ann Capmn were recanted Vision Bethel OW Qullnl Hotel WI Dnnlop PL nmlo rnronln In my IL mu mm non tn um Mr nu lull Hal II nort Cruhll my Lllur WORLD wlnl null Ilnvxcl Toun Ily LII JOHNSON Co lel 66525 qlnglg cloud 01an will 51 er Houston behind Bob Gibmnn flvahll pildxinz Third place San chisco closed to within 1h to Chuck Hilier and Tom ler mnneaetlor human Ind Willie May iuhed doubio and triple In an 113 victory over Cincinnati and lflzamc winner Jim Maloney Fourth place Philadelphia only 1V backr deflated Pitu burgh Ind 1h Chicago Cubs mnpped threuame losing streak by edging ha New York Men 65 SCORE IN FIR Spnhn nuw 165 wal loathed for the Dodzefl only run in the first on xlngla by Maury Wills Infield out and Tommy Dnvls gully The Giants hammered Maw may Ind Jim Com or in The Cardinal Ioored their runs In tha Ilrst inning agnlmt Dick Fanell 1040 taking ud vmtaxu ol wlld throw by Colt catcher John Batemm on dau blo tell by on Flood Ind Blll Whlto to Mun tho nlly Flood noted from second on the play Gaoln Altman doubled In two more runs and who um 91 Alum e313 2714 HI wile ne beknh who prdemd Esaul twin mob told Jacob to bring her Iwn call from hla lock She cqqked that dlsmIIsearjleobl lmoolh Ikln Wu Cavlnmonl twn run homer In the lhlrd inning of Don Schwal 69 put the Phil llu Ahead to my Won they rushed arm the decldlnl run the 1ch on walk hit Igaljer and an emr by Bob Billy William drnva In ï¬ve nun with MI 2001 and 2m Imm en and Mcdflce fly lhu Cum beat the Mall one lo menu new AVIS cu You on rely on Am or cry occulon ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON IN BARRIE PA 6I4Iz with tho anlmnl skimpGen 21547 The blind Isaac Al the food Jacob brought him felt Jacobi hand and wax deceived Into lhinklng Minnam 2913 COVERED WAGONS ARE OUT OF STYLE HO ANNE 51 Havent You Heard Do you remember the old days of lthe covered wagon the days when people travelled across perilous new frontiers ln crude wagons drawn by burly oxen or muscular horses Do you remember those days You do Well my friend youve been see ing too many western movies or dearle youremuch older than You say what has that got to do with the moving bus inessi Well what were triing to any is in that era tolka could get away with moving their belongings in such device because their low eiiccta were packed away in his chest and roped to the wagon The simple things that made home in those days dld not require the careful handling that la now necessary for the highly polished furniture and intricate applianch ot todayi The expert movmyet Cooke Cayuga Ire prepared to meet ovary challenge tho moving buslnou today Our modern equlp men and method assure you of the nalcsk safest most econom Icel move pmlble So when youre ready to move forgot about your Covered Wagon youll hnve tough time roundlng up the oxen Inywny Ind movu wlth Cookes big orange Allied Van because of course that was many years before our time Jacah wu Exam Sohé lave his blessing tn Jacob Instead of ElmGenes 1l1329 when Esau arrived wilhhls name Isaac discovered he had BARRII By Mixed Buescher bgen tricked Esau wept bit terly and plotted In Jacob afleer mher dual Geneuh 213041 GOLDEN TEXT Genesis 7315 PA 64063