Amonl lha new all and win ter style from Brillnn ll he lhreeplece costuma of Scal llsh wool tweed In subtle lwo tone we his blouse top and In lsrnal wnmnn shape or elgn pollcy Ceylon has woman prime minister Nallonuilsl China and South Vlcl Nam women powers ha hlnd the throne as prominent reflect the 1m that women are emerxlnl lrom oh ily Inlhe Eplurn 1d un ca allll rel unle woman lo the background Mu Golda Meir first as 13 Hell labor mlnlslcr and now la main mlnlslcr has been major guru in Middle Eastern pollllgs EMERGE FROM OBSCURILY nllke many her 51 lcr politician ln he Far East who entered polillu through marriage Mn Meir rose on hcr Ibllillcs un orator and or gnnlm By THE CANADIAN mass ll Slrimnvo Bnndnrnnalko Ceylon lhe wurldl only wqgnan pfimi mlnglnr 44 nndnrannik was brought up In upper clns clnlsimd surroundings and took no active part In politics he lore lhu day In 1951 when an nssnsxln that And killed her hus band Prlme Mirflxm Solomon Bundlrnnaikc on lho porch 01 Mr homel ndnrannlke although Ihc my ah nevcr wnnlcd lhc poll ucccplcd ihu lwdvuhlp her huxbandl pnrly hccnmo pflmo mlnlslcr In 1950 and since lhcn hnl become controver Iinlllzuro hnlh in Ceylon and lhrqugbuul lhe Fur She hu llrumcd wllh monu mcnlll prohlcm nl hunt0p uxlllon from mlnorlly anu nbor Ixnml tcunumlc Imuth and an nlllmplld coup drlnl Lml ycnr aha lnok lhu land In Eastern Women Push Forward To Gain Loity Political Posts BRITISH WOOLLENS FOR FALL Jacket laclnza ol Gossamer with melanin exactly the henvler welsh al the ML Navy accessorlu lo well wllh lhu amen new color curry ihnde drnfllng nmallgncd peaca plan to solve the Indinchlna harder clash Her nu slalemuntl an lame compared wllh those Mrs Ngo Dlnh Nhu lhe dark eyed tiny and strong wlllcd lint My ï¬oplhlvm Nam Mm Nun slslcr an and longllmo ndvlscr to Bachelor Pmldrnl Nun Dlnh Diem has come to prominence In recent weeks wllh her crackling com munls on Buddhist demonstra lons or rcllgmus gquall um the nuddhisfl were prumotlnz commu nlsm and revolullon she rb eenlly descrmcd the burnlnr suicide at monks and mm as barbecua showse llrne Iha mld she wnuld clap her hand ll lhe Buddhist prlcsla were beaten In time more Ind killed themselves Just as ercely nullCommu nlsl Mme Chlanï¬ Kulshck who or years has harm guidan lnrcn behind her hus band anlonnllsl Chlnno Gen eralllmmn ghlnnxlql¢hnk Now 65 her role largely hnhind the scenes speak my mlnd but no rubllcly she mid III II rnccnl mervlew MONTREAL CPIThe Bell Telephone Comrnny of Canada vlnns In crnso dcrislun from lhe wnmnn driver mm by ultcrlnz drlvlnx counu In lemnle tmploym In In Manl ml artn 11m Vnmrnl CnnWlxe Pro mm Inning 1n Scplembcr Telephone Girls WilliBe CarWise righl from he Braemer Knitwur collection the Glyndtboume jackel of Geelang auper lambswool with attached Heart and um twirl Mums AND WINTER wlll Include 51x lwohour vc nlnu union muran discus nlons Ind ï¬lm on Inch luhjccll lhe role lhu pedestrian the legal nsgcqh ol drivlng nnd lha pihte passenger The Inn nnmcd designed provn lhnl women can become mow than buckIan drlvcrl and can nclunlly nld lhu driver by allowing maps kuplnz chll than under cnnlrul Unlike molt other moda led wllh the Slmlord Shake spearean Fcnlvnl Inge Sch midts work done when ploy opens wnrdrobn co ordinator In complflnd her tecond mason when Timon of Athens opened Ine In July Photo IOB IS DONE the woman In NAPIER NJ CPIA teak apple seedlingm9 sprang up In garden here to yum brlnzinl Ilnlnclll lumen aï¬ew 29199 cough Mr and Mn hm glrendy ma pm of the mm In the apple to Stuk Brother nl Mlmurl reputed be the worldl lug as orchardlau or 39000 and my mud to receive much morn from sale the mm thrmllh Surkl mm In may counlrlu C1 Thu apple late zrowcr bright red dium relistlnl and dellcluus his been halled by orchardlm varllly 01 world wlda Impor llnce and they medic ll wlll belclome In lnlemnllonnl has er Applé Seedling Brings Fartune Tho teak smiling grew am lirer by chum the bottom of Mr Ind Mu Roberu up den In bore gal 11 1357 The up les were Inch inn quail It they clme £0 ho Illunl on hortlwlturlu who amazed or lruit research tullon to conduct olllclll am over Ievml union Now Stark Brothers on us ln dormant bud flown mm Napler lo pmpalalfl the seedl lnz In thousand orchard In Oklahoma and Missouri By PEG MASSIN PARIS RaulenlTh spurts woman in the rmA donnn the new Pam uhlwngi my new She represents cam and relaxed Approach to fashion evnlvad In tha mood but no necessnrfly the look mm She relecu eccentricity and hlzhstyled Illhouelm 1n Ivor at blueblooded country wom nna Inherent belle in comlorl and mlclassic canyIowur clothes She relies upon undersmed elmm achieved wlth the most luxuriant Ibrlcs lurl Ind laymen It37Underlstated Elegance With Mink Blouse Kerchief Her mlddy blow and ker chIel henddreu Ire mad mlnk And will ride ha clly Ixeel in boots made 01 leopard ur or cramdllu Ikln YOUNG LQOK nYves 5t Laurtnls lum an and Jerklns hll polo nhru Another good day Sim Ienmwork all our endeav Dll Ind you hon have no dlf llcully In puulng over worth while projects complet pending one ond allrtlnl omen Just one admonlllon In maklnz nummenll whdher wrlllen or verbal be an the Alert for loopholes Dont act huslily ron 1m nunmy FOR Tomonnpw birthday your hormcope ndlcatu hat you may look lorwnrd lo your murkrd by hllhly lntercltlnx expcrlcnm unexpaclcd oppor unlllu or ndvnncemonl In oc cupation and linunclol mallar Ind nxcollcnl now conlrncls all or which can help you to lurther worthwhile alms Yu nlly in period whlch wlLl Ive you your llmr bl ham Ilonl lhese Hum hll one Innln unlll mldScp umber but your nu one wnnl roll around unlll lho Jam vary and will hm Ill throush thy truly pngl we canmvuuvn II however nvnld spcclulntlon torn mIdOc labor until SepL Ilm durln he Inner hull cl December In In Aprll In lhll way you can wlnd up lh nut 12 month on hlshlylnlnbln bulll WHAT THESTARS SAY By 55mg Lm PEEK FREAN la pull Clln new la Bl Oelion Dy The Peak Froan package gain the blggeat hello wherever you go Everybody has hlo lavourlio Peek Frean cooklo Pack an assortment or buy Ihom wherever you go Peek Frean blaoulta aro smock Ind chemha lmlmenu make Amyearnld mlnneqnln swear the youngest III in lawn Sho wean hll nnsy un nred II In autumn lenl lwud with thick woollen nocklnu and pliehay halt ler under Rabin Hood hm Mr and Mn Normm Mar mw cut the weddlnl cake Inl luwlnu halr marriage HMIK Unhed Church Aug 11 wll Rev Wm olfldallng at the Illemoon ceremony The bride Valerie Elliott the dmzhter 01 Ml Ind er Marc Bohnn Chrluuan Dlar lee he outdoor glrl in man nhh ullorad clothes with broad pndded Ihuulden Chanel repeal her Inmnul cardigan mm In My pastel weeds and mm brightcolored fur Nah yuflow fax or red Manuallm lamb on In em mted reqlngyts cant Crnhayl lax colllcllon or Nlnn Elch evokes Runlnn mm with muxmtmz conu shown hm or nut lnchel 3mm than he Iccompanyln ress perennial questlon hem length lake back seat ex ccpï¬ fur Riccil noel meek Thls new year In your llla Ihould nlm hrlnl real hnfpl nus In your punoull relaun nhlpx Flue aspects govern your lnmlly Ill and Ioclnl and to mull lnlcresu could prove hlzhly ulmulnllng Emphnxll on the aoclal well as travel will be avldent between now and mldSeptem her In Deumbcr January 1nd mid196 on romance between now and mMSeplembernn allnraund good perlod or Leo Hesand In January June and or July 19M chlld born on thls day will bo dynamic ol pcnomllly could menu In Almoll any Held his chalce lhl EMBASSYCLUB Bllko SD WEDNESDAY SEPT 40h SHOWINGS pm pm pm REFRESHMENTS FREE ROSES T0 LADIES TICKETS NOW on SALE AT SUSSMANS JOQNMGA DUNLOP ET WEST WED AT HOLLY UNITED ladlioné aold ovarywhoro MI mum mum and lame Helml wlmad allhouene wh lull aklrll drnpped to midcall Otherwise hemllne remaln Jul below lha kneas SILIIOUEITES SLIM Willmn Elliott Thom Ion The hrldelmm ma mm Mr and Mn Chlrlel Murrpw Thorn ton On return from he wedd Ing Mp the coup wlll rulda II 129 Sunnldale Road Photo By Eric Cnmera Cum Dress Illhnuettu are Ilhn mpple and xenenlly devon ol wnlstlIne Dlur qu token Interest to hells which lowly circa the hlpbonesr Mm mu turim ignore the natural wllnt lina In lavnr of thhridlng t1 flcu or the longtom blouxon silhouette museum two plece look Pierre Cardin you Ivam arda again and ahowl drama with batwln aim cut out rum the hlpl no and worn with kneehinh lenlher hoau which as anuxly aa glove The country nlrl need an freeza prnrecllcn In her com as well as her car Furl ara lavish everywharo Fur aleevea on lweed coat era the new Irend al Rlccl and Larocha Cloth coal have convertible lunnalahaped collara rnulfled up near nockllnea or wldar Ihoudar atlacll emphaamd wllh cvnumm and broad rev at Dlor 30 3161 MAN YTRENCH COATS The trench can And threw quarterImam car com dulfle cast or pen Jacket an new every hour ma day For eve ulna lhty are seen In nllk uuhnrdlna or hrocades willy Ilncd wllh fur One lbs mos talkedabout model In Purl St Llurentl lulllenllh whlln ulln cvenlnl can with while alcevu In cablevsmchad knit Raincoat no spcclal II1 mum of the Paris xenon Thu woman Will city Ilcker In Ihlny black clra or Capuccil qullled poncho mnda errepul JOAN GAnmcx HAIR STYle ll MAPLE AVE BARBIE IXAMINEI IIWMDAY AUGUST 12 Dm Ann Lundml but an IIIday nllh bid dun with Chuck Iva known him or lonl um but It In only hello and nodbya When ht mud In Ihll dmce wu quite Imprint Im not the mum dunner in In world but than nelthu In Chuck When an bind cum out with 1h Bola Nov VIII uumpod home Im no on um null uumbled ml and Chuck nld Holy now will you Mean to allow me tried but couldnt let flu hum It It wu pnlly urummn AN LANDERS Than we pulled mirror Inc av Chuck Illullllnl In lhe In llnn lo Ink me his hundl Chuck held up two llnzm In law mlnntu Patey time our and cut 1n Tha next tiny lound out 1mm Pelayl Ilmr that Chuck hnd uld PIIW two buck to lava II lilo Im In mud cant Imlm whit Ihould do WENDY Dur Wendy Send Chuck one dulln ln In mvelope and ell him on dont think ltl air that thould mm the total can at flu cullnbccam yml ware lull happy to no PONY bi wu FAMILY summ Deu Ann Landau My wlfel ulster tolephancd our months no In the mlddlu or my nightI ulunl Eh was hya mmlcnl evening wn pro vided by pupil of Mr Ind Mn Innad Saucy ol Anna held In the Anxux 0mm Hill Friday Anhllnz the concert wm nu whim Mim Juna Pa trlcln Ind Shnron Glbhl Anna mm mm with cordlan wu Ted anncyik of Slayner Pup pmlclpnunu In lhe concert included lacordlmflsu Bruca Pirle Pnlmwlck Dnrll Ruule Cam Borden Jlnlce Mormon AllIon Hmhur no bernon Anzul Tom Pllyter Stayner Plnylnl mm were Babb Robertson And stln Pur kln DUI cl Angul Music Pupils Give Recital lent ollskln with match Inuwesler hit Om ihs proiliesi rlinconh ls Diorl while nbardina lined with beiu necked weed and worn over mil in mulching lwzed Passing The Buck For costly CutInf llll II Allllhl Plum PA um c2 HAuiéufs 3100 PERMANENIS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 550 Wmh For Our Grand Opening In Nox Wad Examiner lerlcal Her hulhlnd hid com home Iollllll drunk and wu bruian the lurnltun and lunuhlnl lghu1 Sn my wug drle WE hi get her mm and the our ch11 ten Thnyvo been with Ilnu in our liveroom bun Alow We hlve Iva children our own no you can Imulno what lho place lookl llkI Then kid on Ihe floor in ulcer In hm 0n tho back porch hammock And on army cot hi the living room The lrocery II in out Ihllwurld and the milk bill In up than Wlm IL The father oi ihm kid his not rent over one dime io heip out and am lick oi it Lm night learned my sitteri ha been having Iocini wiihhrr husband When and her about It she said they wm conniderinl going back Ionihur want her out oi our homo im medilieiy My wile lay it would no he charilnhio What do you thinkiBorli CHEERS Delr Cheeka think you de Ierva to be cnnonized Your brother in inw in ohiilaled by law thwart hll amiiy and ha lhnllid be mud to do it And our Amiiy lhould not hive to in iiku rd hecnuu youvn lot kooky raiaiivu PERMANENTS Special 20 OFF ALI arm mu Auk ma non cannaunc Inn you he mchnmmm¢ wlm nut coll NOW ONLY BuckTMth IIMCOE PM PA HM Special TEENAGE PERMS 1095 Complelc