Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1963, p. 2

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Puhllo Ulllmu cmmlullm 7mm runway nmnnd Inn mm mm mlu Around uy Ila nuy dnl pom Ind luullod Mayor Cownn nnld that IM larn of regret had been recalved rum Sir Jul Whitney on Jnx Du Warden Slmpxan Mum Alex Furnuxnn nonncfl lmhm Ardnuh and lemcr Mayor Gllpin Callinzwond Ind chmnyor Crcswlcku Bunk Frum he lunar leller Mny nr Cawnn mad xprenlflnl of rnnumlulallnm that BanIL an lhln htr Jubilee year In nualn In the man advnnllxwul pas man hccnmlnl an the lam In hyer lnwnx Pallce Mauls adm hunl pronoun he null to Our Ihrllnmcnll lhu bnuu mmlnn Mr 11mmpson mt pald lllllnl lrlhnle lo am At min prgk land the my wqu Mr Jnry drhcd In lhn pullre mnlflrm hrr lho pmlllnn In whlth he now Mum hlmxrll ln belnn culled lo nmwtr lo MI Ionl and uld Many mloynbl Inch Inna llons havn been held in Barrie but ll doubtful ll lherc hu ever been hnmuet nerved Whllh has been In unulncly em jayed by thou pmnl um lven In honor of on Adam flqck In Trlnlly Parinh Hall on Monday cvcninm whlth he in nemmpllshlnu ha penple wllhaul Inlnry Ind rcrflclrd lhnl when lha Milo wrllu Ihu record In uneulluu lhc mum of Adam nrck wlll Inom IIrKI mm It paw mnl hennllclm who only mum II lht up pmlnlinn hIIrlnw cillunl Till he lenlh Inllll mrnl ol story on Hydra Ind Puhllc Utlllllu Com mmlnn In mule When l1 drn bun tn Iupply the Bur Public Ullllllu Commlr nlnn wllh Ilectrlclty II In hulled mu event In Burris ollowlnu In ex cerpt mm lho Icmnl bulun celthrulnl lhl event It napeml In the Nnrlhrrn Advance Mull 11 ll Th nary hudlhnd on flu lmnl pm llldl Curiosily daesnl halanz nnly In chlldren at drum Who nld animals couldnt be lull curioull Left Tommy Adam Beck Honored fAt Banquet In 1913 By HARVEY nLACKslOCK NOW HAVE BETTER VIEW 01 CI ANIMALS ARE NOTCAMERA VSHY IN BARR And lhlll all Alex Cowan had la do wllh hydro here modest lyremarkcd the MIyor had he beat and man kindly ruling or our lelnr munch nllllel Ind we need look nn ranger wllh lrnlnux eyu Orllllln chap pawg Mnynr mu Suymr when lhey upecl lo hm hydro pawtr In mllon In law manlhl In lhll Incrennl mlclency Mr lnul power plnnll wuuld be on lhn mm at Halon In helplnl lhc town Sim County In mlh pru lm omrlhlnl whlch only om nut mm Shawn Ibo II pull MINI Ianud la the ummd nrlrr maul The lt UM allowv1 rrcnmmmdn llnnl Ivy lly nunrll mm toclm when lha ureemenl wu made out and prescnud he Councll win 10le lo ha prnp aamon and wllhln mnnlh Alter Ihe nuallnlium commenccd lhl contract was nlznad Thm wu mmln YMCA however whlch null cred II In hem Ind until Bum pm vldu lame Inch hulldinl WI wnuld Illll hm mson In look wllh Jealnu eyc toward 011 llnl YMCA AI mud hl nun wnlu In nnrrla he could not Ipuk with any cnrlnlnly or Illhnugh mny Orllllanl cnmu dawn hm In Iampln ll may nomrumu urns homo Mung Iluh un dch In weather Armll rendmd In In llyll nnly In Old nn null Ind lhe whole mem hlm Jolnrd In lhu rtlrlln He marred heater lo hln mamnrlbla 1pm balm election when he promised hyA dwelnlrlc bnlh houses and pzrmlncnt midway Io Allnndall and lrmkly contesud um when he promised In endenvor to hydro ha hid no ldu Ihlt would be able to ll prica we are payinl Mnyor Gomn brnnlhl can xrnlulallonl oi Orlllll inyor Cownn prnpoud HI Slsler Corporatlom and In happy Ipeech modestly lnld hll Imall Ihlraln maklnl hy dra In Hum mllly till mluht be mler In Iervt doughy lhgn In speak PROMISES BATHS North African onehumped camel peeu luqulsillvaly It gm pl0lglrphch RimRAW hi elophant lrlcelul In Beck nId lhnt ho hu hid ln mind nnl onl publlu nwnmhip am an pnwer hul llln umpnrlnllon and honed lhu dly wu no Ir III In whtn mm lnwnl wuld be linked cloaer 01mm by munlclpnlly nwnm nllwnyl Wu hm plld lrlbulu lo Ihl mmoltr heynnd Ill munn Ind fulflre but lha policy 01 1h cilmmlulon ml to Iva power C0 and poua vlew nl Mulmler Mm whllp Fl Mldml anley Ind Dr Well ma mm munlclpll rahip In Battle nld Mr Dangll Ind aw know 1h Ilrenuoul halllcl lhty Wind nr 110 peuple We mly nccmlun to honor them It In lulura llme bu lnnlxhl wo Ira hm In do honm ln lho amt alhtr publicly ton Irnllrd power or lhu people nus ymvlnce Mr Deck nlrl that ll lhtro wu any cnmnenullnn lnr Ihn um loss 01 um enlnrcod lhA mm nubllc llla lhnl tnmo lumllon wu expremd In lhe Irpfltllllnn an wnrk In 21an clllunl Inrlll luch occulnnl lhll lhll mud hlm renllzo that many was no evtrylhlnl In lhln world lnr lho renllnllnn Hut ble Io Itrvo hlx fellow mm whlrh wnl more lhln mom ey fpuldr buy Imnui Hl wondered what our und lntherl wauld my may could In louchlnl button and mum the mighw wheel commerce mvolvinl by hydro power lha greuesl Ichluvemem of iha times and he cxpmned lhe hop Ihll very real many more munch nmlcl would be put In touch wlh Ihe while coal whlch will Inst long Ihl wulm run Hydro pawux he rudlcled gain repopu Ale Ontario Byrnu Presldanl he Colllnuwnnd Bnnrd Trade Iald that we have Iaflh 1n hydro And we nerd hope Ind 11 llllle charity 11 cm Inymlnl gm wmnl HONORS FATHER two 111 them hIVI dnnl In the pangeudg couplc mm could bu glnmly flew down lrom her lolly perch Chuck Hlyel minim tuner guides her Thu US ovum lily lnund In Imldlnl Nlu cm prlorlly Ihl nuwly urlvlnl Ds dor la Sullon thry ml Ladle will bu lo unvm Ihfl nlhrr thalcu mny 0M alm nul Wuhnlnl lhu ampInn Illlnll lhI Edl The ron tr urn lo do Icmelhlfll baul 1M hn hm lnlo ho uic roblcm lhn US ml mm be an deep cnmmllmnnl llllnfl In Cnm munlll Inmh an the urn hum and on In nlhnr local Inll Communlll rrxlmo llcklnl wldl lUppofl Imon lha lllflpll 91 N0 IAIJEIINAIIVH Thu arelent lnmm In leI on to lha Tuvel Ind PuhlltlLv me than cenlru an Highway 00 wllh 1m month hu been Amorlun ourlm Peter Held supervisor uld that UsA vhltou represented 45 nor cm nlll mun bar of VMIOII In wcek Thll ween llum mlnht In higher Mr Head nld Wero Iboul 11000 Ith at our number Int year he wenlhu keeps ilp Itll be hard In animal the numher mm 1737 mu hitséarfIMBODW vlsll or wu mluered In lilo Sept ember Ry LEWIS GULICK WASHINGTON AP Pml donl Kennedy moving Mb linuxly on South Vch Nlm he caun ha nlnku Nah and ha um lillll Nam Ior mI naeum Through lho Wuhlnmnn look lnx mu Ihl Dlrm maull on tha Buddhlnll lonks In hid nldcxhaw lhrulenlnl In mall the main act The maln Ina nlrunle with he nodsho lonxut ho 1th or the cold wlr wllh qulmlla link the con trol union Soulheul Ash The mnnn on llxum vlclnry wlll come in the mun lucrrlll wnr lo whlrh lhl Unilcd SI hu mmmllltd men Ind mull mllllnry Ild nut II lncrenlnlly wonled Hut hid uvcrnment In Enllon will mm IM lldn In liver lho Cnmmunhls Total numhar of lellun to the can line opnninu on Apr 15 51752 Tull lines lhu lnlllll opening 6325 United States South Viet Nam Policy Cautious Theyu lhl Selllmd Gray Clrcul lnBnrrlo lodly tar wo perfarmnncu Exnmlner Photo Tourist Total Is Well Ahead Last Year AIIMM Alumlnlum mm um Albcu Ann Ann Aunm mu um fibril NI Slmcoo Cenln LibelAh pupilIn for In tonhmmlnl mvlnclll elecllon and mm nntlon meeIlnl hu been let tanullvcly for ma pm ml un 29 In In nudlImlum North Cullallm mhen mentioned or poulhlc nominlllun IN Gene Lumevln Wm Belch Ind Ernln Pu rimoulx Jcrry Couzhlin uld think we me flood chum 1115 Nut Dunnerll Pm In no Announced undidlln yet nor duh or nomination meellnz Anhur Emu Conmvllivu MPI lnr Slmcoel Cenln hu an mounted um ha will Ilmd or nelecllon NHONTO CPI Delullu In lhe Anxlmn Contrast Wm ukcd Vedneadly ml to ell lhll Frldly or flu kin of lhl hun No dollllll Ihnuld an uny lhlu amp perhlpl or III mllk Ind 10ml bmd mhbllhop Cllrk uld tonne dulenu uld In In lnlervltw lhll ho wuu load In prnxpemul enunlrlu ll criminal ln lhu In of truth hunger Ind hunger pm In my or wur ThomI Blmmn IIIXI Enlllud who lnvelcd Icmu Cnnndl Man lho mnx uld lht amount at ledlan nd Id Imam vnled IM Mouth rvlnl mllllam mm dllumlnx mmblnlllon ll enacted ha mmmllm will pnuuc lurlher Ihll yen ll Idea Ryemn type dual or alrrle Th lunuuon wu put 9th II on hat meelinxs In nuan by Rory ODonll Ind mulved ppm 01 1h commlllep The prnlnm hid camldonhh Iumn In mum when reopls wen placed In 1011 Jab Fchmry Illrll lucnm ovur ma Threl peoph hum been named mudln or nomlnlllnn The In Funk Md Chuan are farmer and Jerry Caugh lin Ind Del Cola balh Birth Most luv mm pd male 01 ledl unwed lho Frldy And nld lhI money dtlllllll would olhtr wln and Ihnuld In contri buted the World Council Church or undtrdovulopnd countriu Plan In under my or In BaxHa wlnlu work pronAm WIllIIm Mealrdy Nullanll Em plnymcnt Sexvino bunch cup vlm lid low Mr McCurdy all to helln wllh hm commmu wlll mum at the nmo member who yuan on nth Ugh no Min caEruthm NEE Juno Kelly NEE Dun rlck Manson United Emmethood Cnrpenlm and JaInm V16 tar Thlw Burl aboutCoun Clement or NEE um Cellini NDEA Clmp Borden Rory Dml publicity chllrmln Mlu Gm Finlcy Sompllmhl Club 1rd Alfred Plcklu Public Sch Mr Mccurdy uld dm for me flu media 1M mm or the Bnnlo Ind mum Win er Employmm unwln mm mmn let mluni lor Sept 14 10 mm Meelinu Ira held In ha Nlllnnll Employ ment Servm omen THE IAN EXAMINER THURSDAY AUG Ask Cleries Fast This Friday Liberals Pxepare For Election Prépare Now To Give Jobs During Winter TODAYS STOCK pmcns Cumplled by ll FLyu II nllllll It Imk Ii Con in nu II 7le unn AmVl nmu mm IAN nunun mM Tllnl nu Hun mm loll nun In an Iv llllllllu mu umml Irnu um om In My mum 71 HIV nu Dull lnfll gm gum um Mud In Iludlm Imp IIvhlrti ml 011 In lmhull Al Al An mmuul man Mummy Nnmullc who iml flu ungu nmnv Club gum anlflllu MINI Tho Dnly Vaullon Bihlc School Ihe Flu BI HI Church hu ulncled to lid ren In pron1m Blhla Sludy cum recreluun periods re treatment and wonhlr perlod Clnm In 01 mm nl from mo in 11x30 um um hmd on lha lhomu lhl Church In lhn lens no church lhl penph God The elmIn 111 clollnl units will bu lent to hip ml Ilonulu In Indll Ind lhn Church hope In luv Mln Sam jlnl Benjamln Indln In much EL Teachan In the kindergarten dopmmem are Mr Run 051 lupe Mn Ron Paltanden Mlu Kmn Buyd and Mlss Bunnie Boyd Mrs Hmld Wlllher Mn Fred Thompson and Mimi Judy Thompson Janlca Gallup Ind Nancy maker lnko are ol lhl primal3 department whlla lha junlnr apnrlmnnl tlughl by Elrle Thomson Mn Emla Wnlu Ind Min Louln Plum non Gallupe SumInlan dml lhe Firsl Baptist Sundly School and Mlu Flt Armstronx nl McMulor Divlnlly Cullen urn Illa helpinu no achool which mrled New wlll end lomormw with an 011 Minn of Ike thlldrenl work It which went and friend will be able la meet the mchm ang nmehh lhe chlldren TM choc dlvlded lulu three age groups klndzmrltn prlmlry Ind Junior lnr 13 Ind IN yelrl respec Uvely den HI Eric Bowl Inn Mr and Mn Gm Bow hi Euxenlu Slml Bum II new mllnned In Leo ld villa ht Conn In mm IHnn cllrl Bible School Draws Sixty Children ll ng IN CONGO Nun III Al an Illvr III 1mm II Incl mu Wnlmy wmm him In him hm Tulro IInIM min HAW Wmnl luun Yip WENDY MARKS AND DONNA BELL éfiifié Synopsis Wuk dlslurhlnm muvlnl enalwnd wlll can sclllcd can weather In millII Ind nnnhcrn union luday and Friday but lhl very wnrm wealhu wllh lsulaled Evening lhundtrshuwcrl will continua In Imulhcm mllons prov IIN Lake llurnn mulhrrn Gum Illn Buy enlem Lulu 0n Ilrlo Hnllbunun Sunny with cloudy Inlmll and vary warm lodny mum of an evanan lhundenhowen an Ihle cloudlnm and very urm Ndny wilh sulleer lhundcr Ihower develnpinz duran he lfltrnoon Wlnd 11th except weal hnlh Illernunnu Compellnz unlnu number Clflldll Equulrlln Team hold no can or wo homwomen who have relan mm Horst Show at ha Clnudlln NI llonll Exhihmon wllh mm pn quion prllel Donna Bell 1a 01 Rude 1an her muxln Wendy Mexk1 or HHkhurah nelr Clledan In Jnnlor an However they look um prlu In the unlur pllr Iumplnz compellllon Salurdey enemoon riding lulu some Claude lnp rideru Dunnn wu rlanl Dehalahlc and Wendy pul Win lhc Momlnx hmth her pace or the judm The aim lho entered the Ian lor class or m1le Jum Ind cnmo duh out lie of am no emth Wendy led Glnmelll on In line in the brccdlnl elm She wu standlnz In In uu com pullllon when hum went lime mid £1131 lnbe plgccq Rh Miss Bell hu been xhowlnl at the Ex Iar lwu yem Sh en Teenagers Tops In Horse ShOw Kuhn innrlhern Genrxlln plan 400 Conaolaflon Prize WEATHER FORECAST Grand Prize $1000 Bonus Prize $500 FanEIflTtmprrllunl Lu lnnllhh hlgh Frldly Vindsnr 65 St Thom Lonan Kllchcntr 61 Mount For Vlnuhnm lllmlllnn 65 Tomnlu 63 Pelerharnugh 55 Trenton 60 Killnlnc 55 Mmknh 55 Mix1n Farcem Georglan nay nnrlhcm Lake Superior Well snulhwut wind lo 15 knoll becomlnx mulherly Innlum Fully cloudy wllh patches and scallmd Ihnwfir or filundnnhnwzrs hind her slay Immensely she in mnming Allhmgh Ihen VII lack room ha Gully cum avallahle lo Ihosa ahowlna lhelr harm she commuted In the II lor three days Mlu Mnrkx stayed wllh Mend In hmnludgflnxllgm gumpcuqons In he mennllmc tho noted an the uh mu deal of pleuuu mm the harm Ind ponlu on in km She uld lhat lha ponunllles Iho hu la wmk wlh children whn Il Iend lhe rldlnz xchnol Induln her love harm and pmvidc mud nmundlnz or her lulurl leachlng meet Min Bell laid the hu been showing ham or slx years nuendlnl Illa mm Wan Fnlr In Tumult fur the Inn on haws The grade II student Norm Collegian run mu erhull SI ablu on St Vlnccnl St West too hlnhway during lhe tummu Sh sald lhal training and sham lnl horse huhhy Sha ho el In become teacher llko mother

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