mm Charge Monks UseP¢godds For Subversion They had even plotted to halage In nai security by bringing weapons inlo pagoda and setting up rzcmiiing niiiccl to nrgnniza coup delal Nhu charged The manoeuvres against nu linnni ucurity had readied mg which demanded ener getic action irom ihn president Ind lhe Eyvemment to flop the All lcal obzcnml have re garded the xllunllon here as un mble There ha been wlde spread bend coup could come quicle ma mun mu 9m yd No fly NlCHDMH TURNER SAIGON South VM Nun BarnumNun Dlnh Nhu pow erful younger brother of Presl dent Nzo lnh Diem lodny It used Soul Vic NMIII Budd hists 01 having pinned coup deul against Ihe Roman Cauw lieled government lie issued communique In hls capacity Iuprema leader oi the Republican Youth Mavemenl as troop continuad marching ausplcious laces following Wednesdays mpasi flan oi martial law by the RW ernment The new Amerlcnn ambassa dor Henry Cabal Lodge WEI due hera by air 1mm Tokyu la lake hla post allowing bloody clashes helween troops and Buddhist in Snlgon and line 400 miles north 01 here Nhu snld his brother the pres ldenl and the government had lhawn extreme goodwill lo ward the Buddhlsta Nhu also blamed the present crlllcal Iltuation her on number mnnka and mm But despite thls ha charged the Buddhists had translonncd pagoda aspcclalty Salponl main Xa Lo Pagoda Into headquarters to oppress the Inn reunions and daily attack and slander the governmant Dolccnvc he andu Fly ing Squad nrrulcd the woman on Londnn Ilml and kept hrr nll nlzhl or qucsxlonlnl Mar mm was not disclosed Pollen murcu unld morn armll were ImmlnnnL HITS AT PLOTS LONDONOne blunde woman and 170 nglnz en gave Scol land Yard new clue today In Us hunt ur lhe zanx Illa pulled Brllnlna mnl mall lrnln rab bury were parlol lhe bl food are found In the unnxl uhnmlnncd hradqunnm lun tly Oxiordshlm farmhouse 20 mllcl ram lhu 1an Mine Inn rain mm Scounnd wnl lnolcd of mm than 112600000 87800000 Vhlefflvl carried brand mnrk and code number 65 NM may wm pntkcd In IMly pimer Ilyur MlulLln dlnplny DAMIII Mlclyl Annllll Flaw Show nld Llndl WIIJU Bum dd Burl mleurd Iul nllhl Examinu rholol Clues Tb Theft Arrests Imminent mmyl Nhu lold military chm 1m F0 Examlno Wm Ad Mel phnnu PA MAN Thu ulwhono number In cull or the Bulntn or Martial Dept ll PA 537 Our Telephones HOLY MHCKEREL IVE BEEN FRAMED meetln wlth lenernll and other milury chiefs he unld that II cuup attem took place they jlhould wlhdraw mm Sauna nunmind it and Indutbo pnpltnl the sources as It VII the second time In ré cent weeks that Mm had talked with umAla about the possi bility of coup nilempL Nhn wife is described ihe mos paweriui woman in he country She wieldl lurprlling power has man voice ln liiicnl decilions and recently as been cfliicimd or her at inch on Buddhists complllnlnl oi religious discrimination by the govemmenl Friday thnl the gunman In the country appeared to Indicate that my dem wax Inevit Iblo courth tn hllhly rel Iblo some here MONK DHEMBOWELLEP Hundreds of monk and mm were arrested and taken nway Inflowlnz the bloody chsheI wllh maps and 110 police In whleh reliable sources lald monk dimmbawclled hlmaefl Hm malor overhaul In lha U5 urlfl umclnre In 33 year has been wmplmd Ind ulc re vlsed aimplllled package pm duct Ive your redulgn Inl gnu Into operallon Aug 31 With ll may come some tern pornry problems or Canadlnn and Wm exporlm US authorities any that lhauxh ram on thousands llama are changed or rede ï¬ned In tome mlnar way there are no liunlflcnnl mm in crease and maxclots they hope or ImooIh lumlllan mm the old Ichedulul the MM Aberdeen Scollund early lhll month The packing llrm mld lhl wm lent or relalllnz In nath Illd east London around Aug Police appealed or any Kro cer whn cauld remembur Idling on In Ihh ml quantity to com forward Enrly oday dancllvu Iwoaped on he Cunard llncr CngInlhla on he lhzary lhnt same of lhe unng may leek la uupa Icrou he Mlnnll Crew mum on lflld he much wn he most lnlcmlvo they could rtmcmhcr Delac tlvu Icnrnhcd curl and can or rlvlnu nl Illa Liverpool qunyllda and thcchd the III of 600 pm unxm lull helm the Cnrlnlllln unllcd or Montreal RAID LINER US To Institute Revised Tax Plan WASHINGTON c9 QUEBEC CF Only two dead men could fly whether Ihe Trilonlcas radar was work lnn praperly when the Bermud ore tamer collidnd with Another Ihlp and rank druwn nu 31mm In Ike Lawrence River This answer la cnnllnuinl quuliuna about the 1rllanlcal radar was nlvcn Wednesday by Capt Jahn Gr Swanson in six hour 01 Icsllmnny at federal gummy lnlo In Jqu 10 cam on Jean Brhsci Montreal lawyer represcniinz the Roonngh iicnd which rammed and Iank Iha Trilanicn lumrcstcd that he Bumudnn ore carrier hurniy avoided coilidinl with another ship Juli behin im inlnl meet ing Wilh tho iioonugh Head in dialing poor mdar Ma 5110 asked Capt Swnnmn he mud nxplnln why Illa cle grnph order lllm In lhe True nlcnl pilot ham rcuhlmd lull ahead In the Insl order xlvm belore ha shlv Innk Div lmd aund lhl whtn lhey lnvcauznlcd lho mack Cnpl Swnmon luld Mr Drla let ho muldn explain why the order lhuuld not have rend Ilopnn order ha hlmtcl Only Dead Men Knew Condition MOST UNFMB 0f Sunken Tritonicas Radar THE CPR DOUBLE SPAN Ihown In the top left corner wan damaged in bombing BomdmagesBridge SeawayHalts3Hours Examiner lava second helm he call nlon It Capt Swanson md only pllo Anmnd Lachanca and um Chl nclu Iccund nmcur Emow ll Ihn noonnuh Headhad bczn llghted hLEdu Both were an duiy in ihe pilot honsa liming iii hour More collision and ham died in ihe accident DIDNI BEE SIIIP Capt nnmn Hearold resident of Aluminum Scoflnnd who mu Ipent no your ll um lflld he dldnk know lb 11 nngh end was coming stralxht or his 5th mm he heard pllol anhnnce gm Iha order slop TORONTO CWA dumber lnu dllpule about whclher or flnnucd nlme ncllva In On lnrla mum to life axnln Wed nesday when Alwmeyï¬enernl Frcdcrick Call announced new lnvutlgnuan and was lm mndlnloly st upon by lander ol bnfh oppollllanynrlm Birrlo Onlquéélhméh Thunqay Augun 22 1963 Mr nu wld mm mm crevice lhul the Ontario Pallu Commluian will Investigate Ilulcmcnl by flCMI Commu nlantr Hnrvlmn lhnl Mm Hnlike orznnlzann mm In Tiny Hirth lhll cnntlmlnn nllcr he drlll lull hnd we pull Um lcvrl whnrn Dnvld Frllln and llrnry 111mm it In llrnppcd willwul the men MI 111m mu nn lndlmlian hr Ibo drill ud mluul prewmnhly II had ml nnly IN IN Whrl mrnnl new mum In dilllnl WM nol Ir Db II II Ulnnnl mrrlmy mlnlnl tn wrmld lry lnpp drlll hm Fellln rnulrl hm Hm mun wanl ll wllh no Hum annonlny lnrll IxHM hull Cnnudu héié drnung mlmd he undernmund pocth comnlnlnn Iwo lho lhr lrnpped mlnm mcun workm IIng lmlny mm wu mm an Chlrmlv lnl IMA tould In lluIr mnh Campsan nu mrlnl um um om mlnhl ml uni llw mcl Ilnnu ml roll lllerl Ionlnn lmil mulnry In nlmm my 1mm nu enrly Thundly blamed by police nnfollnwm the erv mm honldl Liberation Quo Police To Rebpen Mafia Crime Probe Rescue Miners IIAZLHTON Pa 1MV By imwAm MIcLEOD CALGARY CPDTM pm graph disturb mo Ian Ken neh ItMuurlu Caner chair man the royal communion on axIan And when he lay lhll the witness II well advlud Io mar shal hls acts to back up tho paragraph Because tharel one than that disturbs Mr Caner its vague alalcmenl that doesnt hava any apparent aubnancea Then Alntcmenu wmellmes llkfl th cm of Iwccplna crit lcllm lnxnllon amen 1n Dflnwnmnn Iunplcioul than helplul Inld one briefbu to far um commission hunl bun nble la gel pmlclpunt lo hulld can ngnlml any lax man Ttnchm With Ilnzla llrnh ol lhn brush nu ma pllnlcr Joshua fluynolda could change Imlla Into lrowu Pu ll Aw HI nvlhln In kn my old man uu an llllla pmhlrm Ind Il look like wavu guns lo lhu bottom nick II 100 la mu llkn bottom rock lnvmusly Muck Inlhrndla hm been tnmlnz up llvinl mcuc um have lhey mu the rlxhl lmk mud wllhln IN HI WM ha mm an 01 mil lnl upl Attempt Fails Still Entombed While flu In comm up Inc flinch hole ï¬mllh told lhem bomb The Merclu highway bridge shown In the lore mund Both bridle mu Carter Irked Atthlgueness HERES lhc Thll thin ll most Imp grchflgmm hg Eld Mr Cart 57yearold Tar nnlo chartered acmunlnnl who mmny regarded one Cunndnr lurcmost lax uperh ha been leudlni hlr nixmem ber cammiulon around Canada line In April delving into ovepfthlnl ram the hump In roblema oi Vénnicnmlflté ihi any views of national llnlnca orgnnlmllum Ynn dont have In attend hurlnl long lamlm that ha tnmmluian chllrmln luvu his work Worklng with quick ul cnlnllng elllclcncy he mu on com lax lax problem 11 me In Anything through Junlla Nauru lo hm lhn que He lllkl Inn over an flipper an0 Ind nlkl axu wnlklnl blck Ind 10th lo lho heurlnll In comprouod Alr down around lho drill hopinx tom ll would now through curl In lho mk Ind out It And help lcllln Ind Thrano loam llu up halo awnlnl NEW now LIKELY When he um heard Imflon tommlulon wu being up polnled he hoped In would bl Mde But never haulht Id be nlmed hnlr mnn he anurnlly He wru Ilm dlllflllld with lhn mm named nmund hlm Hnrvty Perry I150 01 TomMo ll nppun Ilhly uld Clmrmlmry lIu II 111mm Ind mm not AMI In 10qu um mum MIL IMIMI DIN VIII have la drIlch TM outm ucondlooi lllllo man dun Mm IMII llhaulh ll um um down Ill hourl wmmy mKhnnlul mil llul om rm Idny nllhl ll lho tr 11mm luv In It mm than Lawmm Senwa lack and the ï¬ver batween Monlrul Inland Ind 0th man mu In no mm in bomb explonlnn url today damned CPR 1m brl over the SL anrence Suwny near Momml Ind police no match In of mpan bomb1 blur pemn ldanlllylnz hlm sell member 19 Front dc mellon Quebmll tele vhoned provincial palm my two bomb had bun on tho double 1pm went on when the Iaulhern muonol the double III bridle wn mind to poxmil the pauue ol the John Mac KaIIer lhrouthho mwy Tho machnnllm wu damned and he Iran wu from In the up palllon ELQ Inlliall had been Elkfltd on both union ha ridge in threeaotvhlzh hum The northern nation of lhn span Ipparenuy wu no dam ned And wu used to operate MOENCHEN GLADBACH Gennlny AP Police llld Thun dny Ihey hm rammed Wearold copy at Drum Dlle Comedy Ind other book llolen rum medlevnl cutie mmeum In Bmcln Italy lull wackend Thu bookl opprandy only part at the loot were found in null cm ll flu Caloxno rnllway nulun police uld Man Drowns Swimming Ill Big Head OTTAWA CPi Tho lodeui lavemmeni uld Vtdncsdly will hand ller than 000000 back to lnlemnilomi airline bo came oi doubt that it collected money imm them imliy The nwnny piled up irom charm oi impalrd by he zovcrnmeni mum Jan 1960 on evtry limit that flow over Canada but ni nn MEAFORD Onl CPI Albcrl Wllbcfl Mndlcy 22 WI drawn edWednuday whllo uwlmmina 1n the In How River 16 mllu em Owen Sound Diem Replaces Hmbéssédor SINGAPORE Reutcnl Tran Van among South Vtet Namn nmbmndor tn Vnhlnlton and lather ol powertut Madame Nzo Dtnh Nhu bu bean removed trom ht you ulllbto mart 1mm Sallon utd today Ottawa To Return $1000000 NEW DELHI rule Prlmc Mlnhler Nehru today won over whelmlnl wpporl or hll palm In PMHImml delenflnl to nwconfldenco motion Advanced by tho nonCommunm op pol on German Police Recover Treasures Nehm Wins Conï¬dence Motion namqu Inlde Monmm cm terror MILL OPIIAIOM loot dumnolmly Mm Min uh mm III mm mm 03 PM lLQ BlamedFor Blast Police Seek Second 130mb NEWS BRIEFS N99 Morn Than Par pf34 Pm Thundershawm lodly and Fr div Cooler MW Ionian 59 Hllh dmnrm In For lull sum mary glean turn page two Local Weather train both wuyn cm re ported mm mavzd nonnally Int and out Manual Tho mway wan cloied lol three hour In precnuumury mglure wal iha iini niirib uied io the arterial legalAli organization line in person were arrested and char ed in connection with com bombing that mmd March 0i out an mil The Insider dellyed IQ well hound mum of the nut mln currlar Hamiltonian 015mm loch WIIlIIm CInvenl ONeIIl 05 In watchmln It In nrmy ref crultlnz centre wu kIIIed by bomb And an Army SgtMaj Waller LeII wnl manly In Iured May 17 when one II IImn bomb plmd In mIII boxes In uburbnn Wmmaunl In Wll Irylnl Id mm tum mu 4W1 m1 mm qt um mm mmmnd ml man Im mlmd In mm mu III III lum