14 223 SM E59 PM In Bush CAPSULE NEWS Mn leamn Mmn1 Illa 4mm mum at 114er and rrnnlllrd III nwrnmml will an rpmlnl mu vimI In hp at ulnwwnl nl unndal mull qmmunlll KILLMINIIY Onl ll um IL lvmun Turuluy 1w 1M lmnmr Hm llnl Cnnmllnn rrlmn mm In Mr bum mm In at Mm mm mm nu lnzrmml lnulllrn Hs how hum 1mplrnu III In rlmlloml Narmnnn Alnzlnnflnn nlvrrull leen Ml lunarr lenmolnr lnum um rrllhlnn liflflnmul uhmm my Mr Thompsom who returned lo lho capilnl Monday utter lvmwrck lmlldny hrcnk hll ltd Deer Mm home Inld Ml awn mnslilunnu hardly mcn llancd 0m mnuor and olllco hm hm received nnly com plnlnlng lellm nlmnst all at them mm old nxo penslonm d1 cr Robert Thompson Inld new In has recclvcd lillle rencllun mm mm lho caunlry to he holly pny In mnm lhnl mnmbm Pnrlin man volcd lhcmwlvel hm wggks yo He mld hls press confcrcnu 15 Issue clvll rights con cerned all the people In lha Unltnd Slate and will not stand or all on lhla dcmanslrallon Idcnl Kennedy snld husday the Aug 28 civil rlghls march on Washington Is deslgned la ox nress Congress and Ameri cans the strung cellngs thou nnds pmpll ngninsl racial discrimination No Reaction Bay Chart May Mean Waterway Right now tho survey does not lnvalve the French River are but Mr Kllgour snld thl survcymay develop Into flu French River THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST II 1068 Kilgour prcsl den of he Norlh Bay and mum Chamber Commerce said Tuesday Ihe chamber had long Ilme vlslnn at Iha French ï¬lm ns navigable link between Luke Niplsslnx any Georglnn Fay Shows Feeling NORTH BAY CWA lur vuy currcnlly charllnï¬ IW mlies narlhorn coves point and lnlnts nn Goorglan Bay could he bcglnnlng In long cherished dream or French Rlycr nyny 913mm cm Social Cm WASHINGTON mg PRESIDENT KENNEDY HJMIIIII nounm THOMPSON mum 1le 011an Ind Wlll lmvn Edmonlnn Ind WIM nor Ont IIII held In IM luul Bum Arum MIL Noun4m lomm world mid mum and wallorwrllhl hum Inn lumml lund In jury and Illlay whllr lulilnl ml with mnlnl wanna NF DA INT MONTREAL CIlrwnollf qu lnwuu uld luudny lln mngiflxm MIMI FMULT MARIE 00L CW8c Irnu pmlu Hm an volunlm umhm Tutad mnllnucd In hunl ll rlnon cm on lhm lmm mnmry Ill lwo on In Arum Icnn who hmh oul nl lhc 0m nlln llrlurmnlary ll mum Lair 100 mllu unl hm 11w poll Mt bqnn cloaln on an Dunny 11 CH Iclm who hmh lam llrlurmnlary ll mum Inks 100 mllu unl hm 11w poll Mt bqnn cloaln In on an Dunny 11 CH lnnl my ll Ind nulnId Duholp mm and mllml dlnumul Ill mhlmu hpmp mllu Illl hm Inv lhl Ma hullnl In llu bum MULT STE MAME Ont CPIJamar Iron 70 Tu cnlnml anmMp kllltd when Ilruck by Inch on llluhwny ll Tuethy In In Iho If Ind nduced vlulbmly lo mo SUDBURY CF WM mvlcu wlll be mm loday or Jnmu IL Mcfllnn 77 End bury pmlpector Iumbermln and civic empluyn HI and hmpluLMml kidney gljmtnt ww uumtm McGlnn MI Id hll lum beran um lhu mm the century and Inm turnod pmtpcdlnl Seek Escapees Clly palm conlab Kun nnlh Haaldna and Derry Flunlzul so land and on call dapaflmtnt ranur Inn aboard cahln crulur which exploded aharuy altar It had been raluelled Four olhm nl board mm mun la abort NORTH BAY CDAll In queu has been edited for Au 17 mo lhu dell km North Bay men who died In bolt ncciltienl on Llh Nlplnlnl In wee NORTH BAY Onl CF Wlllrcd Kenneth Seth no ï¬xed addreu was reminded unlll An on 3500 lull when charged In caml hm May with maulllnz poll olllcu 1nd nus Court wu told Canal Roma Messier handcumd Seth Inc lcumu on city arm 8th wu placed In poll mum while flu conmbll and col Ieazuu unchad lo mom Hit By Truck Sci ucnped but wu nup lurzd our hnuu laler 1115 ond mu wan not found Lumberman Dies specialist in iniemai med icine he was assistant prom mr mediclna at he Univeb lily oi Toronto mm 1945 until his retirement irom practice in 1956 and chiei oi mu the dr partment oi medicine in SL Michaell Hospital here TORONTO CP Dr Jnhn Harris McPhcdran who had been honored by mljar madl cal societies for M1 contrth llons to tho pmlesslan died In 51 wow Inquest Called Council llnally passad much revised bylaw Monday nlzht hrlng Into cllecl the new ml denca qualification whlch wlll apply to all employees wllh more than yam1 nrvlce Man Remanded DIIAWA CMPeople em ï¬loycd by ihe city oi ouawn ave been given months in which to establish midenn within hacity 11qu or dismissal cocklall lounge wallet nld lln bean prelly dead They Lake drink Ill rllht but usullly only ope TORONTO cmOne deer was shot or awry nur hunt uj last year In Ontario de partment of land Ind 1mm announced Tnasdny About 30 000 dcer were kllled by 112000 hunters wlth the but hunth In Sloux bnnkuul Kenan Ind Fort Frances dim1m The In me blxllml spenders wan the way am 99°F Wrylyv H13 bell captain said 12 been so ltan Around hm that every mnmlnz mnslder uk inn up qqllepllonl Hot Tip TORONTO CmJulian Congress delegules dont up llcavlly as Royal York Hole stall members would like cupiensuy xhowl Specialist Dies Must Live In Four To One EVERY THURSDAY cnorv CHANNEL TORONTO Complon Details on Enlry Blank Avoilablc at loblawl Blackouts PLAY LOBLAWS Wt an mm ma