Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1963, p. 5

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373 Quebec Housé Meets Today QUEBEC CP Quebenl lealslalure meal today lo open slum and lmpananl Ipeclnl lesslon that many consldcr l1 vlhe basis of 11 new provincial ledcral callabornllnn 111a session was called to deal wlm the municipal loan lund let up by Ihe federal guvem men but blllerly objected to by Quebec as an lnlringcmcnl on prflvlnclnl righlg SEATS NOW AVAILAHLF AT TillI ROXY THEATRE ANI IIAIHNH THAVEI SERVICE DUNIDI SIX WEST fiésuscitator SaveS Arch Dutloh VAnmunlechCMn 50 mo Toronlo WM puntd unmlurcd Item the much by olhcr work nu lwn men cmplnytd hy Toronto rmslrucllun Inn was mrklnu on newer pmjtd In um Lnko Humn lawn Mr Lesnxo also cxpcclcd lu announce the regular nlnn ramming ln Ihu nulumn Qllwcwun portable pemioru plan KINCARDINE Onl CF Joseph Cnpoul or Toronlu was killed Tuesday when an or ZllooMun trench lel In onAhlgn nnd allow worker The provincial government proposes In he ltxlslauon Indny Io accept In arm of $120 000000 loan mm the Moral xovcmmml In cIlccl Quebecs munchpnll Ilcs will at lhelr lonm lhmush Quebec whlch wlll us money bonnwcd 1mm mlnwn No ane cxpccl the suslon to last long Thu Unlon Nallunala opwsllion has already Indlcnud It will xupporl the course liken by Premier Jean Louies gov emman As our commaan came mm other lawns and dislrlcu we had been unable to hold ellmlnallan conlcsu untll the mornlng of he contest Our lawn cl 700 people made ll necessary to go beyond the borders or contestants We weru able to obtain Canadlan enslgn through an local member pullament but would be glad Ia hear 1mm correspondent ln Slroud Canada in we could 5110111 AUSTRALIA Bowen secretary writ of their brick throwing day down unden We had won derful day it had rained con tinuaily for weeks but cleared for Ihe Saturday The Hold was quagmire but lhu committee not ion of sawdust placed on the grounds making il much more pleasant Our processiho commenced at ll am hrough ha iuwni Sir William Oliver he Brilkh High Commissioner did us ihe honor oi 0172an the function and throwing the iirst brick Lady Oliver umw the iirglAroiiing pin Arch Hm 1ngs Avenue was found aufler lnx from heart mack Krandson about 14 years of no bad one lo neighbors for help When the cruiser arrived Mrs Ellis and Mn Rowan from Snvonnah Lodz were on hand Ind wlth helr old the resuscita Ior was put Into mvlco by Corporal Chalmem call brought Dr Sellery Barrla who had Ih patient placed in His cruiser with the rewscb tater Mrs Eflls wen llong lo keep the mnchinavorklng Thorpitlrentrh siald In liemak lnl sutlsfaclory prams In hospital 11525 When cull came to lunlslil police Monday evening lelllng them than man had annexed selzm at Cedar Harbour Emma Al Chalmers loaded the Iemscllatar into fine crulm nnq rglgheg to lhe um INNISPIL NOTES KQPATRA MAN BURIED DUNDAVAT AND 730 HM vuumon MATINEEO 8PM 2PM SHOWS DAILY NQSYZEESHEW WHEN IN TORONTO ml IL um PLEA ORDER EARLY l1III ADULT Immumumr will ruMSéImwfiln awna mu MAIMLMM Imqu SEE CINEMASCOPE 0N mm 1mm 54 acumen ln nnllclpallnn ol rlhe 1964 field day cornmlgee was ap pointed to hrlnz In enmlva program port In order that early arrnnzemenla rnlzhl be made and the best talent obtain ed The cammlllee conslslr Robert Thompson Lalle Smur thwalle Mrs Campbell Mrs Mel Cook and lllchard Groh my will be expected human to 1964 cnmmluee early ln the new year This wlll enable the ndvarllrlng and prlnl log to be ready to reach the puhllc well In advance at ha ullrd Saturday In July which has been reserved lor he field day In 1964 Thls wlll also mean 01m advance mm sale can be made nsurlng better alleud ante than this year These arrangements of course depend on the cwperaflon of lbs 1964 council and hoped they will appreciate the value 01 the mundlheworld publiclly whflch has been bum up over the yean Open pm sum pm The lnnlrlll Fleld Day com mluce held mcellng ln Slroud Tuesday evening to complete the allalrn of tha event Thu com mittee used up surplus ram last year and hnvn had to ask or In Idvance lrom the publl lrensury about $250 The weather was largely lo bllme ll Iha rnln tamed way many pmspecllva vlsilnrl and there had been no largn preanle nl uckeLv dun lo the act that de lnyed decision on pmgrlm pm oedura held up prlntlnz Kellavlmw more nbout your district nmsn IN RED JEREIM vi SHHNTY BAY LAST TIMES TONIGHT mum 11 Al Gulhrll munm mum IAlcnuf oncurnnA luau muo MLon um uncurlmA 1m mun use nitunlnwfln mun GIANT FEATURES um um um Starts THURSDAY WITH umuaumnImuuu vmmmoutssmm umfiéiaim 1mo KIW JEW HIM If WWI MIMI Fill The son Mr and Mn wu llam Rama St Cnlhnrnes he lapsed nto uncomclausnes during 111 weekend HI father said one point the boys hem stopped benllng TORONN CF Elgh yeawid John RoHlmz burned when can brake fluid ex ploded in St Catharine July 15 was still in crlllcal condllinn in hospital here May which killed LIIxylufilffifi PA 53391 mu Orlglml Drlvoln EA Wloh Tho Chain of Thu Plflum LIMII Rold In 0h Clty Bnlwun Hwyl 400 and II Arguing that there are better way In delundthe American Mien1h league urged um commmee to reject Pmldent Kennedy temporary ax pro pose on foreign investment sold to US gexldenu It deplored the measure is llrlkInz vllal blow against upuullan of tho American dol lnr Ind xlvlnu comfort lo the Communist foreign investmen program Mmlulon 75c Darrruying the Canadian economy or no reason at all is playing with dynamite added the league in testimony may before the House colRepresen tative way and mean com miileer Tire organization da acribes iueif as nonpron body representing Ihunranda oi grgividuai investors across tha um um WASHINGNN CPI The 115 Inventor League my Ihe propoxed US tax on Ionian flocks nnd bonds hunlnl Canndg econamlcnlly The mule warned that ll an olhzr depreulon occurred In Canada It could cause to much dissallulacllon and radi callsvn that Inca Castro will 50 Brake Fluid Bums Boy Severely John sullereé him lo 70 per of his bad In the blnsl hum Tax Hurts Cahada Say Investors wuu rur OVER algalan Meritminded g45 PrbfeiOl nmfiari DAILYA1 EVENING snows II 100 Ind yym HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATITE COMING THURSDAY DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT lAST TIMES TONIGHT 75c Chlldun l3 yrl or under FREE CARTOON 0N EVERY PROGRAM 2ND BIG COLOR HITI MMOU PLAYERS IMEATRE One olher man badly burned gnd lcnlded when sprayed with caustic chemical known Mack liquor remained in poor condition In hospital VANCOUVER CF Threa pulp worker died In hospital Nesday bringing lonvtn the death toll In Sundays explnslan thatwrecked mill at Wood Iibre 30 20 mllel northwest of here The Inuit vIcllms warn Wil llam Bud James Tony Zer0 31 and Jan Earner Fain ulhér men dlcd In this blast which occurred In men 15 WM Bum known as the reinc lnnt peer and the persistent commoner In leadlnz you member of the apposition Ln bor party Benn had 1547Noto major ll In the Bristol Southeast can 61 no over his nearest HVIl rlahtw nzcr Edward Martel Thu Conservallva and leml parties did no conleyt the by election and It wu In cflect onehorse rac Benn polled 2031 voleslo 48541 Martell and 237 or Mm Marguerite Mrd Geollrey gear sq 9mm Liberal who announced nnrmL England maiden Anlhony Wedlowwd Bann lint man In English history to Ihed garage nday was headed be to his old lent In Ihe House of Common after trounclnz three Independent In pull anenury byelecwm hers Nes ny Now Dead In 30 Blast nggexirdod Benn Returns To Seats CHILDREN UNDER ll FREE In rolor llh SANDRA DEE PETER FONDA Modern Concmlnn Ruluuunl TODAY ONLY ADMISSION 75c TAMMY AND THE D0610 GIDGET oars T0 ROME BARBIE TOMORROW SHOWS and pm ehrller ihlswcck hIIWIl lhrow Ing MA support to Benn re ceived valu THu new law or which Benn camplllned or yam allowed him to Ihed his title Ind hand back In Purllnmenl Instead al lacing bleakvluture In the po litically toothless Hon of lands Standing In the 630 us Home Commons Conservulm Ind allle Pabor 750 bank vacant Benn was Iorced out of Far rllament In me by the death at his lather Viscount Stunnzale the llme he inheritedbut did not assume lhe mlly They Were young hot Rebelsliving 10 AIRCONDITIONED ARENA anounns UNDER EANVA AlDO RAY 11 conrmvoua snow suunnu mo Enthu Blum whn lecture at St Michaels College Taronln the only Canadian and the youngest mamber of Ihe Vau can secretariat tor Chmuan un have been much Impress by Ike openness and courage with which the problems the church are heing discussed hare Esther Baum said TORONTO CP Rev Gre gory Baum an official Roman Catholic observer at the Angli can Congress has exprused hnpe that Praleltanlu and Nb man Calhollcx will man urea common version of the bible In an Interview nmday Father Baum making presidan the Unlted Bible So cieueHommended the cam pnlxn in brlnl the Icrlplum In all people In Ieh own Ian uagen Priest Wants One Bible SOME PEOPLE EHOWN AT 700 Ind 1000 JOHNNY NOBODY SHOWN AT 550 Mn ONLY TOMORROW RAIN 0R SHINE TODAY ONLY HARDWAEE an humor MIARRE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST lmI METAL WAGON 719 ai lndlvldunl Com Sorvu Com Sal Flpplr 50 pr Corn Dunn mm 20 Pc So CHINA Royl Ar Pantry lellod Smk Pin Dllhu 39 plan By Seville Llrga Mod SPNIII Flu Dlnlm l6 plom SWIM FINS Ban Cushlon lIGHT BULBS 25 40 60 Wm Rug PIIVIHC Molartyclo Flu Trmor oxm Ipoclll Dell Sirollm Mml Doll Chllr Dell Clrrhgo Dell Crib Torrm 01hr Mgmgn grammars Doll Rocking Crlb woodn Rocklng Hem Papaya Dooxlu largo leo Twln Doll Siren Dell Curlg corn Ipoku wha ALUMINUM FOIL Johnson KLEAR FLOOR WAX Rag Thlsll ScoMor chrome wlu whnl an Wooden Doll Chllr Vlrnllhld 298 Doll Carrigo whln body chrome hundlo and undnr curl 21 Curling gumn Thlulo Klddy Clr Rogklng Hem Flu Chil Cur wflh Bull and ledor Sorvlcu Smlon Truck with Snow Plow ERIE ROBINSON unnwm 25 sPScm 1095 1295 WAS 2495 NOW 1095 98 WAS NOW 3195 895 WAS NOW 2395 97 1995 499 WAS NOW 695 319 1595 I535 895 WAS now 355 29a 125 WAS NOW L25 115 2595 1795 193 795 LII 39 349 419 495 99° I50 1595 735 275 715 112 l50 2030 NOW 1997 2236 59 29 876 03 01 255 239 293 159 875

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