Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1963, p. 3

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Mr Krmnrr Illd lhll lhll Am do not mm mm ml rnnl uarhm lnr lhn lrmpar lry John provldtd by Ihl lobncco nrvm hmun men do Ml hqulhnl Imlyglry xll MilIon Imul 1an um and Nut km AllhuuyJu lhq nnlm ol Ky mar Delhl Ind Tllllonhuu In nonmml Ontnln unully hll alum hudllnu 00 lobrm mm Imunl or and man um 01 prim hr min In nu ma ho Thy are confined In In nm mnnlnl nmlh mm hm mllu lfllllh Mlth um no Flu lnnTmlonh mud up lhwulh Illnnlfl Email Tnlnrm II Im ry fur man of our Innn mlu very ululbll or nur mmomy whvn you re um tnr mlny UN 1mm ll wlfnnj or pnly my Tilehnflhi ll lull culnl umlrrwny but we hnvo Icquull on nnr book Iur nlmnll 100 War Moon murmur cl lhl lum nfiar hunch NES In Al llulnn Inld Hml ha hnl bun an la dlrrcl awry Ippllum la lab Tho mm hlVl mm mm II In way South ml Hm In nolcd mm In thorn Ind mun mm Quebec Ivrr yur lpllcl gum Iom lxlnlon ho 1an my wry well hrhmd Tnklnl lnln cnn uldnmlon Io hnurl Hwy walk um llI nnl lurwllnl hl nnlnl It In avldnnl In the tanned lln ed lace and lha culluuud hand ho local tobacco Arman In rna mldal or lhclr annual hnn vul ll ll evldrnl In lha Jell pummd currluu Ind the run nd ouldooramnn nppurnnco ol ho Illnnranl laborer who éome Iuckorl prlmm lup crI Ilnckcr and nrlnperl ho ytllowxrecn lobnccu ln cl The lrnrvul II In lull lwlnl From now unlll llu llm ml Ur men wlll work 10 hourl day Icvtn day week walklnu hundred cl mllll belvmn thv raw or llvc loot Ilgh pllnu pltklnl lho rlpu luvu ll 01 ha he Ilroou Krnemer murmur ol the 11qu Branch ol the NI lannl Employment Scrvlce tlmnlcd today hit her Ir Igbnrm mm In Slmcoo Coun ty Allhouuh Ihlr may mm like mall number cam nrod In lha M00 farm In tho llmn burn nm nlcnt urn Irmur needs tum nl mm II warlm lo help nlm brlnl In hl ha Inld uaouom Victor do Planke owner of an um um um IoulhWul at Al By CHRIS ENULXSH ALLISTON sum Th lancerlnz spirit lndlvldual 5m And Independents lhll push éd buck tho Ironllm 01 Central Onlorlo 150 yearl Ila II per Innlncd In In men who UH lhl lush farmland MI aru Harvest In Full Swing On The Tobacco Farms Top Gerrard Shelton l1 Alllslon hold nick bncco which hnl 1m huen lukcn Io IM to up Ind ml to ho DOIM bar And no dun In nld Now no my know mm mm whll lohuru II laid on wn mvrll Ind rmln llu Inky mid In hard but the truck ol Ihu mr lum helm yrllmuljrym flu om ol mmaned lhl Mm Ind Inn In floral box In ml by MI whlch bum mule uv In mu The unvcrnmcnl provldu no lndemnlllu In thn cm ul lll Iural dImIer la Iuch vulnlr lhll Indullry But In Iyplcnl oI Ihc men Ind tho wny the run lhelr llrrm lhll Ith II or no Invernmenl uIIIIIncc Ijhuy have bgqn nlled In ll lly Ind Ioclll anvlmnmun In whlch Icllrcllnncc In mumtd 1th Ink no Invourl mop lo It Ilnnl lo punuo lhelr llvallhood Inn In warm Nu pennnll llllbnlhlp ho lwten lhcmulvtl and melt llnd Mr do Pllnh ell nm In an mumIon hl lnvemmcnl muld provldl would by to an hi luxury In on tobacco Whlll hl In amounu lo UDll lho hrmcr only rocelvu four or llvo nu an Inn llnnl mun yrlu nulod nn IHUIIIOII II murh Inner llun WII le yam no In holed Al Hut llmu In cnllu cm wn being urchmd by mlrfl commch ll mnnulltlur mllor comma lf withqu Any MIN hld you Mum cl dltllled would lum un mlne your crop Even lully on would Invl lo up In all hl mud lla pulnled out lhl rllk ol wenllm dollroylnl lhl mm hnp encd on Iavcral lnrml In the llllonhurn Am week Ira Mr do leh nolzd lhnl HhOIlKlI he hu only been hnll ed oul uncu In yam hlI llmlli hld lo lull bid on prl vm muuncn plymlnll mo In am to In unlll lhl nexl hnrvm Vlclar do Pllnke 0th at am firm on 1h BentonTol tcnhnm rand wn hum Ind railed unl tobacco um Ind MI hem lnrmlnl in lhh ml luLflyun HI one lhu Imnller been Inrml In tho are nllhnurh It In In lintelm repIr wh ll mm homo whlla lance Ind levcn men think kllm Ilrel chin on bahind lho mm burn armed backdrop for hm new bicycle and plan flown on lhu rang llwn llIIan pile tmhly prlmud Ieavel on conveyor belt prl ar lo hair helnn um cur lng and norm Working wilh Iulomnumly lad or Itorlnl Ind curlnz In tho kllnl ol Via dc Plum 11 youth hi Im tun Immhlrdvd Thu tohlcco harm In Oeoriln Hnluhed law with uld Tho hm boy wll re turn loulh or olhu hrm wark 1n Octobtr Vy BARRIE PLAZA 1th Are plld the mind was til hr with mom Ind holrd ior prim nu enaulh plant in iill one oi Mr do Plnnkal kllnl Thu kiln in Ilarngo hauls where the leave are dried and cund prior in heinz bnicd and Ilomi or lho lnil Auction Mr Gauze Inld that may on joy coming up here to work or law monuu Thll ll Ml men yuru the an Flunku mm lene Bradley And Joe Rowen Maximum Georfln and Jen cmo Bradlny All Ilon emer Id mm the lallm with her nrml ovullowlnx wlh luvu They put them In lho haul and Ilonlly padded nwny on their bare eel been worklnl in thI toblcco fleldl or iv Iummm hlm II Luclennu Barnu of Al Union In 1h bucklmund ll Mud Shelton of Alllunn Ex Imlnar Photon PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY Clly lollu PA um anlnclll Pollen PA um Flu Dcpulmant llel mm Vltlom llolpllnl FRI 5e VOUCHH any PLAZA STORE Olin Furll Wlml file MfrryOo Ruund yummy PIM Plum Ajlhlfll Aulo Kid Fly KllllllE CARNIVAL BIG RIDES av WELLINGTON ANNE STREETS Tuln PER RIDE wlth your llmII Nan thu um 1m 1mm Dr John llarrll McPhedun ll nrmcr II nnl prorcuor ol mediclnn lhl Unlverllly ol annnlo Ind chlel ll denlrlmenl mcd clnl ll SI Mlchlu HmpllIL The lecond Mam which might be considered thorn In indullryl do tum We dont lhlnk they are nxharbllanl nld Mr Hluck but they Ire my Manllvldeo Umny Faul llno HIrrlIon 65 tumor chlcl klnvernmenl hem Il Mlnlnl lollmlc dnvlm wlll bl um by In exvtdlIlon mk lnl lhe lamb of Anlluhul 100 BC In nukey nouxhrfiolfiiunully amoolh You cant llvs in he qded MIME EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGVSI I1 1004 Bah Hum Hwy 1an and general manager pr Lundn Rule Company Lick vm lntarvlewed yukordaynn his to mm In rupee Bmleum duurlll cllmnlc Inmmy ha nli he find Ill thingwrung Evryl31 nu wu llno build llqu has no m1pr lam uld Mr Hauck But lmed word caullon about Barr Ho nld lhn while Bunla wan to eraunn In almost avery fluid indunrlnl clvlc rela tlom In lonlnl llwu are no Idpyuto Theyre not adequate In den unallni he type lnduxu In vnlom Help Illullmlnl thl paint ho add ad no one he drawn line to men out what constitute Indus lrlul clanlflcallon This Area zoned Ior light In heavy Industry but no am known what llaht or heavy lndnmy Iccordinl Io legal del lnllinn Mr Hauck uid beneiiu celqu by the city mun be paid by lumeone Hll Illlludu was that Barrie rapldly acquiring many mail it couldnt have pol Iligiy had lay What Induslry look or Puwar good wnler Iupply good labor lupply And new to me Southern Ontario mIrket heal thy ramlom between clvlc Hclall and buslneumln good Ilnndard ol living education Ind recrqun Ind workqu In dulmul IHI wlth leivim relzhl communlcnllonl 1n lop common thon Dom Anlunla Btnlo Mnrunl Junior Human Clmnllc Archbllhnp nun north Porlull Flinn Alhlrl Salk Dr Mlbel Connell member of ma Bond Broldcul lovemorl Ilnu ll wu ulnblllhud llvn ym no tollnwlnl make By TED BMUDOIN Barrlal Indqulll hoomhu Ilowcd to Iqulel pm But thll doe noMndlcllo luck at nay Industry Bunlo more than ever In pre plrlnz to leap IndunIry on moralnlormed lava Ind II In threantlnuoul process at edu calhm nu lowrd thhyuoll WEE Von io Jekcrlhcbiielly Barrlel load polnu NEEDS urkln male In happy 1n Bur ris hl lddld MontrulErlc Pullnn Iuperinlendem the Bunk cl Mamrcnll lnlunnllonll dlvlc Ilun since 1050 Montreal Illbe Jun Schwnm 71 promlncnt Zlon ill lndzr LufkinfCo IS HGPPY In Barrie NOTHING WRONG ma CANADIAN mum IEBK ANCIENT TOM DEATHS couldnl It Ill HIDEVA 2075 mo 1710 lANlTMlY HHWEHI 1M1 HIM ml lllldwln Lam 2m Cumllu Rd Cunth Hayfield El Form limo Hill at nllh Kl ma Pmh Lam 17 John Improvemem mldc ln pm In and mublnu are wonderful nu cIly doesnt look Ilka It did llva yam use when we had mm ch dnrndm bunch ol Ilreou lvu Iver ma 0qu Jmpamnt Helm Walla an probltm Landscarlnz Thu City plan of fill In the dump which was POI our omplny was no one Indnow we hm new field Indeed moa qu melted le Saw uwm dllposa ylnn cammmdlbll reject The development cl 1h nymoro line In Lion term deal but lomeonu had oreslxht enough do Iomethlnl Ibout Mini uszuhald Ban1e hlvo few year an am It lost andfwhat la repllclnl lost Barrlaa formerly low per can In tax 1an my more In low dabenture deb llruclum arent Ike To compensate and compir men existing iaciililu Mr iiauck pointed out Hui Barrie Iron boasts oi at least nine 01 courses within 1miie radius Tourist Accommodations have been an HI upsurue within he last six manlhs Ind cillunl am becoming convention con Iciaul Restaurants In continu niiy Increasing their quailiy Ind quanllly ui load and service Outdoor sport are euliy nvnil able and accessible PAVING OHM IEWZRI mo Lumwny Dunlap Policing Thu polleomuzl be doinu their Job We hm wonderful lately rmrd which was developed In dlmcull ult uallon He added that BanIs needed new lull and 01109 Milan me the look lhul hulldlnl ha mid Highway 400 um than mouxh through Blnlal null 11le am or the but nltrlhutu pollen Easy access to the city and airport tremendous user nlelr clvlc Illummhlp Just couldnt be but And from the Inch Ihinga the present com mlgslon He laid the point III nnlcd la in Icrou lo BunIo wu um hid all phynlul require ments and no organization punllblllly to men them In ml proper then lnduxlry wgulg camo Inm by Iccldcnl WATKIIMAINI fllyold And he last but not lent use the Barrie Industrial Cammlnlun Thu ll wido nwake and healthy group Mr Hluck laid Lufldn Rule he Added had been ready to an to mother town and VIIIOnly throth ha lnsHmeh emuu ol Bud Fisher Grant Mnynr and Charles Grmln yam no llut the company did coma Ia Dlrrle STREET OPENING 2m mldwlh Link 1605 Adam 5L lulkln ha bccnhzh f4 yem And appear Lhu company will my Em Byrhw le Imm TAKE NOTICE THAT flu Council or flu CITY OF BARRIE lm constructed an Lou lmpmvemmu the lollawlnl worlu In lhu not In lurUI below fumilal Forlll Llnl Mllll BL John IL In Milan at lhldwln Mr Hwy so Cundlu ml nmmd 1m Illml humid 31W lulcrly lellil III Wululi Alln gmglngnlnl rm Perry 150 Boulhcrly wnmm nnyvlcw Dr nnylkld lm Euler Hayfield Wuhrly Hwy 400 Cumllu nu lynch no Enltrl Imlleld 150 Wm Johnon Mu Ioo Enl nl nayllcld uoo Enmly Elllllfll Conllnungal Inn 1mm bmc Dim Av III at IIIth nnnkw Dr snubn Mclml flunn Newlul Dlvldwn Duckworlh Duclwmm llodnay nlyllnld Innllfll anmvlow Dr nyrmd Elyllcld Membership in the society in down to 5601mm 995 111 S4 cier in preparlnl or drive he also mummified Manx field Rubber who my with flown to all who was on High way 400 And xpeclal mention has been Elven to Bell Telephone or the beautiful Job of 11nd uaping done at their new bulld in on Bnyfleld 81ml Barrio Harllcultunl Society Announced that lha annua mn venllun mum 10 will bl held In Powqmn Oct The Sodeli hu congratulated Davllblu mind or Dulu ulu zmundx The SOCIElyl Innunl bu uet will be held In Cenlrll Un led Church Nov Simcoe Centre PM To Meet Thursday The meeting will Include Cen tre Slmcoc cxccullvcl Ind pm Menu lbs owmhip execu um Chairman will be Emla Brown Elmvnle president Cum Slmcoa Prorreulvn Comm llvo Anaclnl on Also receiving lhu mlelyl commendation wn One of Harrlol new lnduairlu Ken nlnn Mlnullcknrlni Complny an Vlctorll Street They had hm dly moved In when they land lcaped and hid Iowan on their lrnundl Executives of Simon Centre szmllve Conservallva Ano cinllnn will met It pm Thursday to make InI ar nnumenls lor their nnmlnlt lon convention on Sept TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA um Tumbling on of the many lummenlma punqu engaged in by tho HI chlldm hetwun Membership Is Almost Halved Mel ruu Slcel 10x Nnrlhuly Peal Nuwlon Rodney fimlpry MIpII noun Wlllllm Johnson LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS Mlph anln CHILDREN ENJOY ALLISTON CAMP COURT OF REVISION SEPT 1963 H000 1mm Repartlna on lhll mmmerl remntlon proznm ML Mos uop uld Irllclgltlan by young llm mac ed thl Mules level since orzanlzed lummer Icllvlllu were lnsllluled by Ina committee Park mluruuan Indlcnled 1600 childmn had par llclpued up from 1200 In 1962 In Iwimmlng there wm 720 re glslercd n1 Izllnsl 600 In 1962 Of Ms Hum 201 had p8 Ied minnow mu ll ha sh an 105 had rmlved wnler Inf in meeting It Ciiy Hill in night Barrio Remnlion Committee received report on tha mmmerl pllh and Iwim min promm imm lummer director Ronald Momp And had gisig from Mayor Whne expressing council ap preciation for the flue Job the cammlltee ll doing In the 1m recreation field the mlyar lux zeued um the time my lnve come Institute thoraqu undye recreation Ind mm munlty nrvlces In the city In this my he 11 It coukl be determined It the eervlcu helnl pmvlded Icluelly It the ever dllnzlnx need cl db pwninllon Ha mauled um commiiiu be formed lo conduct luch study and lhni it be mad up oi re reseniaiivu mm In Ru crentan Committee Ind other community and mum luck the Parks Eonrd Ind Arena Commission with poniny an outlide chairman 1116mm could then iorwlrd commen dniinm to council or it consid frfiiion and pauibiu Minimal in on Recmllon Commllleu ol lered It upper or thll Indy and will meet with Mayor Cooke early In September lo lurther dlxcuss 9w manor WM 3111 mm WM Tolll Colt thn am of even and who mend lha Alllalnn Day Clmp Yenerday thl lmup wn In Urges Study Of Recreation 14116 105101 mm Ml MM mm MIN HOS 29 MT MINI 113111 $0011 MILD 103m MI 100 nomi WM IMIJI 91190 Ownerl CH Shun Ehm 34113 mm 111750 77311 11510 Mil W11 min 17m mu ly beginner ludm 50 passed Junior Red Iron tub 31 Inm medlm union Ind calm their bronu nwud Ind flvo their lerd of merit Fur ther mu to be conducted balm the end th rumma log lhgflhuer award rv Murphy returned lo Can adn ln ma Ind until 1949 held vulva Army lnslmctlonn ap palntmants In Onlnrlo He Wu lubsequcnlly mmcd Resident Sm Olllcer It the Unlvnrllly Toronto In appointmenl 11 held unlll 1952 ration com millu provided iiiezunrdl It Ill city bums durinl lire mm mer Thu Infill will continu an duty until Ile the labor Day weekend Coniinnod by the mill wu the Ippninuneul oi Jinn Wlnler mintn recreation director or 1m Major Murphy Wlnd nor will be wslcd In the Boya Canadian Corp School Camp Borden Ont Stpt mduua of me Unlvmfly of Windsor with misterl de me he laugh at Auumpliun College mm was unulvmz when he enllsted In the nub ll Camdlln Army He want 0Vl ms the fallawlng year and lcndcd lhu nmcer lralnlni school at Sandhunl England Won proceedan to Northwest Europe An officer of the Royl Can ndInn DraKoonl MIL Munzhy In been on headqumen In Western Commlnd Edmonton zinc 1959 used ln huudlnl pyramid Exminer Photo Will Be Posted To Borden School 21 MIG Nil Foohlc on lT7I 319 I11 H2 rule Fool anlllo HI 17

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