Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1963, p. 2

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$5 told to Palltown Mum7 By PETER OVA WW Pa AmMy brother II £01 to die know llAnd Iha my Sun hcuyt new okay flay mall phall to him mex duy mm and he lled that 116 okay Bu la then and ho doesnt want her to my rum Hon been miner too long not to realm tho III hol In The other two men at out but allerlhayvtpull them uul the 11 have to drlvn thI un armnth plat Iccllan 91 ml uumel at ovar to my brother Thulll aka ll dm at lean And theyll only have Much opening to Into In flu tunnel You nt work menu Ihall mo flu olhur lemon In theyll try from he lop whatever the do it will too Ille ban mm to dulh byqnen Hot on bormwad um now Iknow spent men day unwed in Jun Inch mino nvan day and seven mm In ma whom In 010 mlnu Every mlnulo named llke In hour uvcry hour mmod Him day mm rm ll docmt mm your mind There II no an at tho dnrk or bolnz cloud In mlner ll umd to that In life II Ilwnyl bdnl cloud In on In lllu II in ht mlnu Ia Ihc mlnu hold no term nu ma knowde um nnro trapped um you yin hit lhl mm You lure of plpu or Jul nlml hum woodwork In mine Bound curry In mine nu wllhaut lnwlnx figured Lou had In When at harm Memben of the ammu Uon at St Gllu Anzllcan church chit with Dr Elin belh Lluy medical mm mm who mud in tho Brother Is Going To Dief PottstoWn Miner Convinced Lu lhlnk Ind pray and up pmylnl want ha whan In hard about Accldcnt ll urod hl wn dud men by brolhmI hm hm ol hum bald Lou and cyu all mlnm lnld lherl wunt Iny uppan mlner will annyI Mqh Illl bc onl nll Pact non holdlulllllu bow or Ms broth hull one hm men tripped In coll min nur llulr Ion Peter unmold 119qu Punlow holyllllul mlnu him ull Ind oncrwu mum In uvolnlol um dlyl In um um Puunnn It why In lhlnh hll brolher um no main Mudl lo the dlmh local MISSIONARY MEETS STICILES MEMBERS STILL GROWING PROPUSELY The women Sun lob They dont cry out loud uh you hen It tunmh They jun lob and lob Even ll the miner lmt their nllllvt they lob becnuu any know lb Inwa nut Umo wlll ALWAYI mm mm Th 1qu next limo Ench mornlnl when he WHI we MW WWW Hm tho um on on day alter dly and ym IIM you Finally one dny ho dngnt game poms my brothell and myull walked down to hc mine crowd ukhuod them People who work around mine alwnyn meet neu Lho oakInca when lhenl cave1n You nave know whather In your other or not or huahnnd who II rapped The mlne always get you youn not kllled In caveIn Rev Alexandar Earl Baker minister ll Centnl Unued Church ram m7 to mo ratumlnl to Harris um 01 lha now conmlnllon Willow dnlo Avanuc United Church He wl asqu Mlldulfl SlpL ordnlnad In mo len van chum In Toronto Norm Irn Ontario Surlln and Smoolh Rock For num er year he wu In chum Davenpan 1on ghmfch Jmnlu For mu Int llva your he MI worked nut 01 Toronto lupply mlnllm Ind hp chnghln underlha om Ill Ilon Councll and Board 01 Home Mlnlon ho Uplled Chuych Mr Wlllllm Bull 01 the lawdlh conxremlon whch II meellnl In SN School Mn lundl Avfllnblo at church Inld today lhll Mr ker would Ilw provldu mvlcu In tho can manna of Zion Un fit Churc Shanty my Mrl Ruhr In Hidth of hi non Conmvnlary Mullc ma hu dlmltd chain which hnvn wnn nud In many in cmnlianul mullc uvenll held In Tumntn Sh mended nunIo Ccnlnl Cone ale and thc Eml flujlnel pol up Her num Lha 1m llnv lrwln hefd pullerl charm An Hawkulune and Dil $1M rthodllt and Unlled thu ll Con Ind II worklng wIth eIIII ren In Brawn USAZ Dr fly world traveller wu born In Faking Chum Ind rc cercd her educaflan In Indll and Jimmy She II In Can Returns 19 Cit To New Church mod on HIV Mom In mu In woluuly nu mu mod null mum or explosion or lire the mlnm authml gets you kllll too but In Ilow denim mu you around 60 or 60 and than for couple yam you Huh hr avery breath 01 Air but II nnll get you When wu trapped than wen two olhar gm wlul We wm 700 eel undarimund when It hancned Ten and tons godij betwun HI qnd 919 we weré 316 Tricky he pour tuhel¢ We wen Altar while we heard In In IV to our Inpfilng In all were okay ere wnl Iw naw cuans They pipe down to and lent as animal and mllk and In nlr hm no WI cogld keep breathing hi Iliéfiy hldnt at out mnyho would ha In my mm rl place Both chlldrcn of Rev Ind Mn Enter ware ham In 11m Ind hlva Income medlctl doclofl Dr Baker LI psych um on ihe 01 lb Toronto Vulem Hospllll dnushm II lpeclnlm In cancer murdl In Vnncnuver Sh ll mnrded to Dr Thom mu member of ha Vancouver len Inl Hnlpllll Kim Werwm trapped Sui luv Baker 70 MI born In Warkwanh Dnlarlo of United Empire Dayan Ilock Ila in rccl Kent at Iho honor ml 12 mm Iho Toronto myth ho United Emplra Mylllll Amalnllon Ho Iervud in tho Canndlnn form during the Hm World War mm In Hm rank of Ill man the don ho wn ho enlurcd tho Khlkl Thun Imicll Colluo Rlpon York In lhu curly lml urved Minimum hm 1n Nnrc lharn Onlnrlu Ila In mid la hlll wnlud Hy ml III CNB Um belwnn Norm l1 Ind Jul llm Ila provided Yrmnry ed ucnllon lo many ch dren 1n ucllon huum camp And llamrnll It llorncpnym Elm Tlonnla 0mm Ind Jtlllcav work provided all or uluro lrnvelllnz Ithooll of Nor lhtm 0mm ada allandlnz the Anglican Conlgrenca in Tomato Len to mm are Dr Delaney Mu Runny Dr Law and Rev Ronny Ex aminer Photo mm Micah II In nth Mr Ia min In Illullod mm mldd mum CHATHAM OP chm Allan Smulnlden l1 Ind Clll flaxHold Evnnl 15 both of London Ontypwen commltud or mu mum on Ichlm capital murder Mulmau Only who ruled 1m wuk hut Em Ihould tritd Adult or Agriddlboth angry £0 bglréod an an uric Supnm com All hm In October May In cuedol killing Rabat Marhull 18 or landon who mumNd body wn Band In park nan hen June mm mm Ind mm munch Ho uld thm wn flying mlnch wound In tho nee In both wrim wen cut Rope burnl won found on cho neck Ind Dim wm uupu Ind brulul on the mu Ind buck Dr Fllhlr nld ho wu cl lhc won dud occumd tomo on the mm of Jun 18 James Mahon 17 London Mind commllon In 1nd with Swarm dun Ioma time bo on wu dlmvmd 10d him to helluva the accused youth might lnvolvod H1315 pen VICTIM BANGLE quholollgtr Joly Fillm Palhol In Dr John Mar London 7d Munhlll died 1mm uphyxll dun to mlnul maul glluon Ihqck Igd 19 at hlogd Munmu Cull refund In Ip ul from Evnnn hwa to flu lhl chum um lhg yumld pol Ho uld ha when In hand hmdcm Jun as duelMn In unldanluled bodrbulna found In mlpnk hVoAlold hi found In an nk he told hll gnu1mg hr tplclpu Ignd Intode loincu hero Md Nuday lho UN mission IIu turned over the mhlemIn 1m doneslan denum or morn oh KUOHING Ennwuk mum on Indonuln hu lhmb ened to daily UnlM Nndonl Involunuon lnla whollur flu rap of Oh man Bomoo enlloriu hunk Ind mumin North Borneo lympnlhetln lo Joinlnl Lhu pmleclod Fodlh lilo 01 Numb on lulu umfllu helluved la hm Ill pcd Imu th boniu mm In nuIn Borneo smallmow In Inll my Gurkhu wu uourlna Awnkl hardn wllh lndoner lln Burma Working In thick junzls cumin 11mm Impu llbll ucopl by rlvon And Itruml tho Gurkhu wen mklnl remnmu ol the band Indonulan bum lulnlllu whlch kllled on um mm Bgldlloqlcrg 1m tho mlnlliirTehphand poll urvm newme at toUN minim to Boerlary Gemnl mm or decilion Munwhlll another 04 Inth Guxkhn troop wm flown Into mlzhbom North Borneo by up By nny memwa In Kulll Lumpur Mlluynn Delenu Mlnmer nm Abdul Rusk lald hln Pullmom um Lb Mmyln lovemment want cmnmnc law In deal Wllh lh cum Any conlronmlun Ihould that prov nmmry Ho nvolded monllonlnl Indomlln hy numl Paging Murder Trial BEGAN nnmAPv Undn Evnm who will play In nut unonl min rho Eleventh Hour ntudltd dum ln high whoa la ovlrcoml ml thynm II No AMATEUR Prllcllll mm mm xldd by Mugre flulhmord In um mom Tho Mom on ch Moon unlod 81 Llwrtnco Olvlur In nry Bush Troops To Bomeo Inlom Imrl MIMI mnlx tummmwnnnmuM undue TODAYS STOCK PRICES Complhd In Fly ll Dnnlo ham DUIIONII 71 mum in Mala VI II Abflvl mm DI II All 71 113 cm mi lunlnm ll nln Mm Siflfloniohfififlfiq unuu NDUHIMLI MININII You can mad pemnl in terest In the post card he buy because he will buy the card an Vincean 7mm Judxlnn by the post card low In BunIo vlslum In the city an mm Inlcremd In th town ImlI unn In lhc Auxrounding countrysldo or ha 11h TM two blunt Inllerl In pox and In one with Icluru oI Dun lap Strut ol Memorill Squm One shop thch had plctum oI Delmar would comn demand nmonl tom1m Ior pIc turn or the mall meet Peoplu wan Iomelhlnl to lend harm that will show whm thwvu been 91w Ihwmm Curd with pictures of Kem penlelt my 01 other Luke Sim mun them 11 nm In ucond plan to man flu dly Hull are vvpnlnr The prefab em or vlawl of town over vlewl mo 11h howuvu nu ma lhll tourlm cumin Enrrlu morn mum to think of 1M ally In 1mm The unemployman pmhhm II no upnclcd be rcllaved to any lp reelbl we nut month younmen drop out or the labor am and mum nth Kmmer mum Im the Dam hunch NI lznnl Employmunl 5mm uld Mn Kmmar uld lu dlnfl we placed In the Iummer about 150 no lulcuy lummar Jagldlnpndag II uch Their mum to haul will no luv lu he Illd In um um or six weeks bulnnlnz In July number Iludcnll wcro hfred to trim Chrlxlmnu Iran ImpIn summer nlumd Onlnrlu Tuudly with tho lampmluro It Imlltnn Ind vlndlur rlllnl to so 11 warm dry Ipcll Ihould lnl Ivvml day high mum if becomu 11 ed Jrnm at Clnlr Lah 2m th Huron Nln Lulu 0n Camp Borden hired Ilrlcfly ll summer hnlp Jim Rupert ll Pnlt Road BunIi look MI truck It wu truck by lulu It Antm Milli ymordw an noon OPP Comtlblh 1m Hummonyl uld today am Mr Visitors Who Buy Postcards Ase Interested In The City Return Of Students To School Will Not Leave Any Vacancies WEATHER FORECAST mi and mm mm STRUCK BY TRAIN law Thll trlglowndlnn an Ifmrt ml poll card In just In ex cu to lend shun not with out belnz lnwlflnl ma caper who mum um cards could be told wlm ever picture they bore than no choice avnllable pawl will buy Inymlnz um ha Apnea Alldl mm pol card nhowK In local Icenea then us also two kinds of have curds OhHe cum luvs tollnwlnx In thin ml torn soldier And 1me ylwrwbma The other kind novelty cud uu mulled humonu pm urd In How am out In outdinzlo clun atom oper ular And when there do mind for luck um in molt exclnxlvely mm the yam Ir Hm Iwn post card may be uld reflect lumen and nufludu and the Mn WWII Klan mm zefiefflipuhllc pm aint dld not deprle oldu worken inglgdgnl lglgumy of MI low the older mm um Itudenll wen pinned In eonalmcllnn Subs mulan ho cniuslo wu run out Mar ml Some wwt to work on lnrmn but no man then allow to lum lo Ichool 1n Soplembu hm job will bu lormlnllud Mr Knang n7ld Tlmmml Cochrlm Nanh um Sunny with luv cloudy erodl Indy Ind Thurldny pill lipd Ihplejl In hrqu hmpmlum lonlnl llln Hymn Windmr Thom Landau Kllrhomr Mounl rm Winlnnm lmlllan El Cllhlli Tnmnln Puttrharmxlh Tnnhm KIUIIDI Munch Nonh flmlhur tlvllon Mull fill MI Rumt on can Sign de ¢lg van nu Injurlu Ind mu damn to flu mm mm lender mum in under Inmuuuon Exnmlnu Photo law were placed In uunnu but MI also Inn or lha lourln Irnde Ho nld ho omen hn About 50 up llcnllun mm Ichnol chll dren ul most them In loo younu Ind 1nd hlvo Io call about 15 to not one who ll um Inlo floouln Buy llnllbuflon Windsor llamlllon Tmnlo Sunny Ind warm my and human Wind lanth wm lo lo 35 immoonfnoirinicl ch In amplmuu Wlndl Iou welt 10 lo 10 am Sudhury Haul SID Mm Bunny and warm todny mumy Wlndl luulhwul Mulnn FuchIII Luke Huron Ind uouulln my Soulhwul wind 10 lo 13 knoll Fair AND DELIVERY Mm PA MW MINE vialmm In ml mum II MY CITY UPHOLSTIRING ANTIQUE AND MODIRN WORK nuullluv lamp 43315 mm It ll ITIIEIIAHRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGVSI ma Top produclnl herd enrolled In the Dairy Bird lmpmunml Alsodauon in Ontario or ha mun ym In Shun 35 Thu herd owmd by 64 awnmmwm In 31 on bread clan mun huh thll hard Ivanod mllk put In no at sum Fun Woman Juneau or No Simon an pronm wu Inland yam undn un dim uou Liv SIMJ Bunch Ontario De mmufl of cul ture Ind mm can promu In Iha lmprovnmunl at gun diglry land In tho pm do Six Nation Knuth Coun dl will he hula at un 81mm County amp Pllnnwlck Ib musr21 es umndod the mm for tho 1m Mo wukl thaw 5mm Iomn 1anan Ikllll Ind mm lumd amp Tho ump In undo flu lum vluon an 51mm Cnunly Community aeration Smile 1n co owluon with ma Pun wictk Du camp Pmm 00m mllu Alrlbll Colnnll Nnm him will he hdd ll thu Cull lnzwond my Camp Thundu uvenlnl 1mm The Camp aponled by Sim coe CounLv In wopmllon wnh lhu Collin Romnuon Bow The calllnnmd Bullnm Ind Prolmlunnl Womenn Au uaclntlon Hmncltlly mm Inl flu promm Mn Budsluw will weak on no hunt devolonmum In flow 11 Indan1¢m Illh Ipoclal relmm to um Contde major to bu pomon In dumy tho xixInth re Gilles Servlcl CIMInnlll Ulr den in Oakvlna loryhlch npeclnl consultant Unlqua In North America till Arden will In on countryl mm mm IltrlcllonL One oi Cmadll bestknown luden Imam1U John End Ihnw wm bu um lpuku IQ the Fonlvnl Floon In an Midlund Arm am lab urdny Shdnt Edy Farm Is Top Producer ChildrenWill Periorm At Simcoe County Camps Wlddy known throughout 0n larlo for his weekly rudlo bmdA cnsu Mr Bradshaw Ilu WEYBURN Balk lCPl Mor nun so on compnch working In Lhu mw chhnm oil Hal an cowerltlu In lhc Iormlllon the ham flood mlumc pmjncl In North Am ca find Wlllllmx field IuperlnA lendenl Central Dd nlo Oll vll com Irdu wllh CJI In lho ul vmduclnl Ir About 60 mil leheul Re It Dtl Illa II inllllllnI M0 mlch plpallm Ind 11 dil lnccmenl umpa lo om wlu nlo oll when complaltd lhl 0pm llon wlll hundlo 215000 bind 1qu filly60000 hum of Puk pmducllon upficM la ruchud was or only 19 No trulmanl DIIMI un dur cannuurllnnano lo hlndlo 66000 bum ol oll In And In olhlr punh lhrmh 104000 flunk ml lulu 40000 hum of all Ind 10000 lo 115000 bu INCREAHZ RECOVERY HATE PM nu Inlacllon up lam lo lnmnlu lhl all rovan nu Mr Wllnmu nld ho mova uln an be In uuml 1mm 11 per ml to If um um un Ma 20 Di lllu Ihn mm lamd lulu mo wall lnu he mum In lho huln or Iocnvny lly JlnunrflDvl Illo plum lo hm HI ol lhl Muclu In tho Im Mac rel ol wnlu Wu in Injullvn mum whun II II mmphudwlll In Iboul mmm Mr Wlllllml Garden Authority To Speak At Midland Flower PestiVal Oil Companies To Cooperate fol In rnnlull Ix pm In in and In Mm mm All III OVEN FRIDAY llll on All DI MI mm 01 IOOI Coll II MI BARRII DILICATISSIN tlum ln Onlnrlo In on with MI 11 emu an nice film In Slmm Oounkv with 70 had Ind nvu 1m cow on mt bml luwvlmn or um AI mutton William Rebut Ion ElmIo mm 00 5qu and Wlllm bul Coohtown ling 01 32000 own on Whoa Mr Bell niovnd 1mm Khlnbun York Oomly to 8th ly BI and mglluglly ohltlneq ntllnl hurd mu mlmd II rapidly In mlblo by then um um moat hard not datum3 In tho bud that wu purcha od In my my pronam wlll Ineludc vulcu mu Ind llllllll put on by ha clmpm Ind coun ulon and will cud wllh ln Ilnl lnl 91 up llld flu lowulnl he llu Palmu relnllvu Mum Ind vllllm lnvlud 7mm jwlmmlu Inlkructlon coma mum on chumn him on Mondly for tho lndllxu who 11v on Illlnd undur tho lupah Man Simon County Community Rumuon 8mm Sum so ehlldm an upland to take lnllmcllon fin tldpola minnow 1h Red Cm hom ner junlor intumidlm Ind nnlor nwlmmlnl 1min No In on hand In tench Examfnuflm or Junior Xu lzmedllll and Senior Red Cross live will he hold Ihu mud on SIlurdIy from 10 mm to mum 11er And Iaeluri on mdcn 109ch He hu COM nlumed from out bo lmlcll Ind Ihow Edens In tho UK Ind Bumps Every ynr $0 vmu tho bulb Held 01 Holland tho numrle 0n Unmd sum Camdl Enp Ind And Inhnd Includad In his lrmLs In lhn flower Held 01 Calfarnlg the many AllArm um Trill round Ind In lor maellnu Inch Important orunlmlom In tho Ameflnn Quoqulag ol Nunegympn In om Horticultunl Auocln Ham cauldkn Ind Onurlo Numrymanu Auocllllon Kh Amerlcln Horllcuflunl Comm mu Amcrkln Seed Trada Am cmlun Ind flu Gudan erlan Ameflcn nld Loueholdlnx oompanhi wlll mlva promod mm ail tho on produccd through 1m Tmnln hum run Into an mull EXCURSION FARE EXPRESS VII nghwny 409 IARRII IUI TIRMINAL mm lnhmnllu II Aug mh Io 50m 2nd Round Trip Include Admlulon Chlldrtn mu new Luv Eml l50 mm Luv Exhlblflon IMO pm mm ImamI lhu nulllhl Tlmo DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS REGULAR llRVlCI MI slum an Mm To Timnnr II mu llrh W17 Km Du

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