nun Auuun 10 um smuu um Vlullon mu umun Tunax mm mu mm Wunn ml cu rm Mum mum sum Country Juncllan cncTv Nm wmnu mm Nm Hukhlm The fun 01 succeulnl tele vhlon urlel ll but the let be mmu ï¬ll world or your own he olmrved By MRS GEORGE CAMPBELL Suck llmlly turned in In re volver nfler hu ell Ml eyelith wu hazinnlnl lo Ade Ind hemonhlu vocll cord 1m Mm umbll to Inlk or Iwo month Iold my Interest In the rlu uld dont nut to 1m bookl on Iomelhlnl Hu llhed Mi Bob reulnl lnllnl ol wurm up racinflon for hII roll Eliot 25 the qlmellha ll It hes knoym by to Eu Slick after ouryen grind during which ha Iï¬pnnd ll iedeni nun Eiloi en In no eplmdu oi The Untouch ables nay he wouldnt want anolhcr television series now for ail the prestige or money in the world lm pretty lnlr Athlete slid the mar who mud an Inch Ibnve le he and 44 ll atlll lrlm boxer bu lhm In physical limitlion la haw lnnz you can to an Frlnkly couldnt hm nonu another yeqy neverending delerlo nun kind work You llnhh lhOW madly lhen um nayAyn Ion Wldnflqu You develop eep deep lune You hnve no realdunl strength to do an Ilmpleu Udall TURNED IN GUN Mr and Mn Pal Jlmlcson oi Eganvllla lll upmdlnl cw day with Mr Jnmlesnnl NEW YORK AP Peopll Mid Robcrt Suck Pretty any wnrk Isnt It All um money for Just maklnl am It the clmera 130 THE LIGHT TOUCH more unlu Stack Exhausted Holsters Revolver Can wm man In THERI IS NO CMAIOI 70R THII IIIVICI TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVINOURSILP CARI AND TRUCK GUTHBIE CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE By HAL IOYL PA 82433 nun llllllVIAV ma no 15 mo no Nu wumn hum no luv nulm Nllh Mavll clv Nu ILII mm mm flun 0m flour wlanInAv Almvn ll mo Klddu Clmmu luv 1m HIl oandny all It Ilamw mm em our mun no charm nqu Inhnny hurl no Indnay Tumnnu no man uauu cm Ila Wlll Role wn my lllherl but Mend he rec112d Ind Mick Sznmlt bounced on Ml knee kid Growlnl up lhmunh my eel Ihoollnl to know nry Cooper and Clark Glbla wellfl Im very to prnlwlanll he nld Ink min II In mollonll lhlnz not Just bunlneu very Ipeclnl klnd 01 work But Everybody In hll hem mu In In In Acm lnd ll Any Iclor who ply In In 011 lleld mmly Io at th money and than run lull nl prunu hal enauxh In actor to ba Iucmlul hIll never luvu he buzlnen unLll llII buslneu Iuvu him plrlnu Mr and Mn Ber Jlmluan wu Mr Ind Mn Dan Murmur Ind Iamlly Bun1e larmerly Guthrie handyin It On Beach madam nun In mouan ple huu You dont hm to check with bunk to Ice II cartIn mar 11 Icepuhla or pm You dumplck templater un knan mm lends Ind In them chum to thaw Whll thay nn dal Stack rzcently completed Ml 29h Him The Clrellkm which coum Pally Bergen and Jain anlord This wlnler his will mike In Europe CM Iran band on Germln wu naval 1an boy who mldo nod Bob hu known Hollywood nou blu on lintMme hull llnco MI youtho whln In tin won renown nnllonll chlmpIon that flat Lller In urvzd II tummy hummor or ho IIVIVY durinl ho Sewn World or to know ï¬ry Cooper and Clark Glbla welll lhlx early Icqullnlnnn wllh enuminmenl gum enun dered in him lifelong love or monon picture wnrlq Mlujurjarle Mom Toronto In Null II In II In Thuan IM II I0 anln Mn4 In Tn Inn my mum Jul nu rv Nun Mm nul lnllm llddn Mumlnl lulu Nvendn hml ManIn munu mum flur Ilnm mumm hlmul Mm mun Mu You WM we run11m em le um um nnmmuh Wndnudly MIN Illvil uu mumn 1v mu Mun mul rum My nu From Cm TORONTO rm um Noun mm Openlu lead live or hum Lell my youre declmr II hm nolmmp Ind Wm kids hurt Th problm II plly he hlfld la In In youml lhe be chm la main mnlrm ThII In by mum In my proveIlla even you look II he ElflWlfl cudl bul WI mlurllly much hurdzr you don hlm declmr ynun not com pletely In UM dirk IIMI lhm mm lhlnz you Ilrcady know bout Wull hunt Thu chlncu In he hlï¬h uni flu In mininl llnu agentd lha hiddlnl HI II II ely lo luv VItle or lonlm hem null Ind ap pmnlly dau not hlVl Ihl IN ohnvln1 lulled lo Iud lhl lurk Mln Elunar Clrruc hn Ir riveq home from motor lrl to lhl walern province wlt her aunt Mrl Laurence From She ended 1hr Clluaryrsurm pede lnnJoyed the Sulphur Sprlnn Barr and visited ll Edmonton And than in smu rhewnn North mnlelord Mndow Like summon and her molhera childhood homo Condo John Muon II week Ednwnod El Palm wilh Mr and Mn Wllktr Rendinl 12 By MRI EPONAGLE Mr Ind Mn WIHH McLun and daughter Elinhuh Toron tn my mm any wlth Mr And Mn Kan McLun All en oyed Pénmnlulshenh cmln In In Thirty 1110mm Ixhndm Vhilon with Mr and nm Wmer Forbu wen their dlulh or Mn Bun1c Muir Ind 19qu lioy Oltl M11 Perrymln And llmily lpflfl two week with relative saull Ste erlc On their to lurn they wen Iccompanled by Mr Ind Mn Cllnl Moore Ind hmlly Mln Dllnnu Mom In iked uvml dIyI wllh her can In SyndrIPerrymI other vhllon III um homa Include Mn Md Mn Elv wood and dluzhtar Port man Conlrllulnuom to Mr and Mn Rick Frcemm an the birth ughler ll Ruynl Vlclorll Mr Ind Mu willllm Mil Toronto wm weekend vhllan Mn Don Hm Mn willllm and daughter Mumat North my hm been vMLlnx ML Ind Mn Gordon Jory mum in mgm until the am Th Folbu hmlly plcnlc ms in lildhuyltfnrk DAILY CROSSWORD ll mending camp wink wily Mn Farm Cnmpbell Mr Ind Mu bum Handy Ind family lpenl hulldny weekend cnmplu Sluhlt Belch Ham liicidbv My tum thonun 1314m nilnun South duler Boll Ildel vulnrrlble huhnun In II Typo Innmm IMAM modlum lumol momy II Randal mud In ll Poul mllcanmaul lhuwer for MM MNIlIn Mum MM 40 yuan WI gram nu new DALSTON CONTRACT BRIDGE nonu A01 A1 om 41m 030 IN 96 In Film with mm II holuM uu on I15 arm By JAY BECKER uy Elli relurm dil mand You win it wlih iha quten and now play the queen oi clubs Wui can In lhe In oi club nnw or llier but ii duel mi Ilieci lh mull no but he an dn in wh line In oi club And king hum liter which you min rich to show iar your diam Noio lhll ii you nil in win ih opening iud with Ihe Ice hum you to dawn Nat Aim ihli Ii nu win me inn It lr ck tilm you lino la ddwn no play If Ihmlulely mild lo mike lha conlml Both pllyl be Jullllled la Iully beuuu hand or ucllul puma took ram 11 lhauxh hll cud ly uen Tomorrow lmyodut lrlnrlylt at Iclunl humn um null mum bod My lullmlllm mm Dm1nlhtd4 strum pun An to make the cunlrad Th llnl lhln to do In go up with In It hum Ivan haulh you know you could win lhe hick mm cheaply In your own hand lha nul Ihlng II In om out an Wull Icu may by plnylnx diamond to he klnl Wu llku In no Ind re uml low hem Em pluyinl he len Out at he oodneu your heart you Ill Em win the ten mum lhm ll method In th madneu becnule Hurdle whnl Eu re turns youvl hind nude Impqu ni bird ironA Au IrAiln ll banned Menus lilo dunner pslllncosil which an be lunsmmed by uniroll Ind limiinr him to mm in min tha dimu rescmbiu lever typhoid lever without ill Ibdnminli lymploml but with ruimonnry dlnurhlnm memhlnl pneumonia AUCKLAND N1 CF in Reward Io the lucceniui ggnqxzigr are high kind of parrot can he bough In Auslrlll or II And will fetch up to In New Zealmi Th knowledlo can he put go wogk mag unusilnl guy Mu John Harvey nu Muriel Forbes will be held the homl or Mr Ind Mn Walter Faxbu on lhc main of Aug Min Lucille fluxper Aurnn Wu 1qu or Mr Ind Mn sun Wmon their comm at Severn Fallx Sum 01 Mr and Mn Muk Spanll Included Mr And Mn Wilbur Hill and non Jellrey of Avon rl Nova Scull who wm holid ylnl In Onlnrlo Ilia Mn Hnwnrd Klnxmln Lakevme No vn SCOUI who mm min dnyl wllhher brother and III leMnlnw Mr Ind Mn Mnrk Sponnle Membm Llulen Hill yllnnlnl bu trlp Satur dly to Cnnndlnn Nluonnl Ex hlblllon In Tomnlo The trip has hcen mud by Mu Willis PA 68668 AUCKLAND NJ CPIIn ml at vigorous prevmllvo musum the unusual pinch Ind ulhu bird rum APmlh lnlo Nzw Zelllnd II Mu Pzrrymnn Ind hm Hy matured lo uzorzetown Wed neidly And vhlled with Mr Ind Mu Ferrymsn Conlrnlullllonl In Mr And Mn Jim Greer who were mar rlad on Saturday In Burton Ave nuo Unlled Church Bunla Parrot smugglers Make Large Proï¬t mungIL llly um Duwn HOLLY CF 1n luccenlul MOGTMVOUII Nllaulotz now ARI WILL umvsD HUT uss um Rouauusdk UMNDMA 10 mxammmz Wméw 1935 pm mm mg mw MOGTMVOUII autos now ARI WILL umvsD Bur uss um Rouauusdk UHANDMA wgguflann nu our Timum 17mm mu IKE BARRIEEXMIINER TUESDAY AUGUST 1m Jm mun1 mmcmur owl